All the details for Lucketts 2017

by | Mar 14, 2017 | All Things Home, Antiques, Shopping Tips | 31 comments

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Lucketts 2017 is just around the corner!!  I know May doesn’t seem that close, but when I have to fill a 5,000 square foot pavilion, it is right around the corner.

Lucketts will be entirely different this year.  Well, not entirely, because it will still have awesome antique dealers, makers, food vendors, beer crafters, and music.  It’s different because it’s moving to a new location.

If you’ve read my blog for a while, you know weather is always a factor at the Lucketts Spring Market, since it’s an outdoor event, and our parade was definitely rained on last year.   So much so, that the event had to be closed on Sunday due to ground saturation.  Cars were stuck, booths were literally sitting in inches of water, the mud…oh, the mud was terrible.  And, even if you’re amazing at putting on an event, as the Lucketts crew is, there is only so much you can do in those conditions.

Moving the event was really the only option if the market was going to happen again.

So, this year, the event will be at the 100 year old, charming Clark County Fairgrounds in Berryville, VA (890 W Main St.)  First of all, the venue is huge compared to our cozy fields at Lucketts!  Customers and vendors will be able to spread out and there will be so much more to see and do.  Here is a map showing how the venue is set up…

Do you see my Miss Mustard Seed booth on the map?  Well, to call it a booth is a little silly, because it’s actually a 5,000 square foot show barn.

At first, I felt overwhelmed.  It’s way too big for just me.  But then I remember last year and how my stuff was a crowded maze inside of a 20 x 40 tent.

 We even had to set things aside until large pieces sold and we could spread out a little more.  This larger space would allow us to spread out, give more room for shoppers, and to set up two checkout counters to minimize the line.  It was out of hand last year and I know long lines are always a bummer.  (We’re going to have more helpers this year, too.)

And not only do we have cover, but we have electricity and fans!  It’s practically a palace.

I toured the venue on a rainy day, which was actually nice, so I could see how dry the pavilions are and how well the grassy areas drained.  Because rain and Lucketts seem to be BFFs.

We’ve already started building a nice stash at the studio to fill that huge space and it’ll be our main focus when I get back from my trip.

(Sorry, but the vacuum won’t be for sale at Lucketts.  I know you were going to ask…)

And I’m going to start my weekly shopping trips as well.

 Can you believe I have this much already and I haven’t been out on any serious shopping trips?

Since I know you want to come, here are the details…

 As I said earlier, this year The Lucketts Spring Market has moved to the Clarke County Fairgrounds located just off Route 7 in Berryville, Virginia.  (It’s 10 miles East of Route 81, 25 miles West of Leesburg, and approximately one hour from Washington, DC.)

If you need a place to stay, you can find some ideas HERE.  (My crew and I will be staying at The Zion Springs Bed & Breakfast.  It’s owned by one of my readers and she graciously offered to host us!)

The event is May 19-21, 2017.  

Here are the hours…

May 19th   VIP Early Buyer  – 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

General admission 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

May 20th   General admission 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

May 21st   General admission 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Ticket Costs:

VIP Early Buyer Ticket $40 — good for ALL 3 DAYS
General Admission Ticket $10 — good for ONE DAY ONLY

Only VIP Early Buyers Tickets are sold in advance.

VIP Ticket Details

A VIP ticket gives you first dibs on the best stuff.  I will offer holds again this year, but only for VIP ticket holders, since they are paying the premium entrance fee.  It will be working a bit differently this year, in that the event will be open to general admission at noon.  As a vendor, I really like this, because the afternoon really slows down.

If you’re coming to do some serious shopping, it’s worth paying the entrance fee to get in.

You can purchase your VIP ticket here…

If you are coming to shop, but don’t feel desperate to have first pick, Friday and Saturday will be your speed.

If you just want to enjoy some music, food, fun, casual shopping, and bargains, Sunday is for you.

Are you interested in being a vendor at Lucketts?

Since there is so much extra room, Lucketts is opening the event up to more vendors!  I can speak from experience that this is a great event for your business, so if you are interested in applying, you can get all of the details HERE.

Obviously, you should continue to follow my blog to get all of the latest and greatest details on the things I’m bringing  (I’m going to be selling many pieces from my home and studio this year), but you can also stay up to date on the event in general by following the Lucketts Store blog.

If you’re feeling nostalgic and want to check out my booths of Lucketts past, you can find my recaps HERE.

I hope to see many of you there!!

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    1. Jacqueline Parker

      PA? You mean VA, right?

      • Marian Parsons

        Yes, VA!

    2. Barbara Smith

      My husband and I stayed at Zion Springs two years ago when we came to Lucketts!!! That place is so beautiful and the gardens out back were blooming with irises! You will love it!! The owners are truly wonderful people!!

    3. Teresa

      So happy that this event is moving to a different venue. As one who has experienced the Lucketts rain curse and watched attendees having to get towed out of flooded parking fields its a welcome change! It definitely had outgrown its present location.

    4. Naella

      Ugh now I am bumming I won’t be going this year! I just don’t think I could handle the drive again. Ever think about coming up to New England and doing the Brimfield Antoqie Market?

    5. Kim

      See you there! Can’t wait. ~kim

    6. Alyson

      I’m moving to D.C. In June, so I’ll miss this spring’s show, but already planning on 2018!! Can’t wait!

    7. Kaille

      Marian, thinking of you today as you make your way to China. Safe travels!

    8. Gay Van Beek

      Marian, Every year I say I am going to do this! Next year for sure. We will be in San Diego picking up my daughter as she returns from a 7 month deployment so I will miss this. I wish you much success!

      • Lisa

        Please thank your daughter for her service. You have to be very proud of her, rightfully so.

        Travel safely Marian and have a wonderful trip!

      • SueSchneid22

        Please add me as thanking your daughter for her service. We are so fortunate to have so many good men and women protecting us. Godspeed to her and all of you!

    9. Dodie Leibecke

      My tickets are on order! Can’t wait!
      Last year was awesome! So excited for the show this year.
      And best of all… bestie will be with me!

    10. amy joanne mogish

      …I see you’re next to the ice cream stand….win-win!

    11. Donna

      I bought my VIP ticket the day they went on sale, I don’t miss this sale! I got some treasures from you last year, and there are some I am eyeing now….Yours is the booth I hit up first, then shop everything else! CAN’T WAIT!

    12. Michelle

      My tickets are ordered, this will be my first time at Luckett’s. So excited!!!

    13. Julie B.

      This will go on my bucket list, along with visiting The Silos… someday. Sigh. Not easy living in So Cal, where things like this just don’t happen. I need to be content. 🙂 “Being grateful makes everything become enough”.

      • Julie B.

        Okay… I just re-read my comment. It IS *easy* living in So Cal… relatively speaking. 🙂 However, I do miss events like Luckett’s and The Silos. 😉

    14. Kathy

      Hi Marian,

      Happy trails on your China adventure! Wanted to thank you for the answer to my question, “What’s Luckett’s?” I’ve followed you for almost a year now and actually rooted around your various posts early on to try to figure it out. Thought it was the retail location that you eventually closed. Ta-DAH! Now I have the answer & wish I wasn’t a US continent away from you – over here in little ol’ Snohomish WA! Would be SO fun to come to that event – but I will enjoy your recap.

    15. Jessica | Petal + Ply

      Here’s hoping I can make it this year! The new venue looks perfect.

    16. Kim

      So there is a Clark county fairground in washington and one in Virginia where will this be

      • Clare

        Per the fifth paragraph of this post: Clark County Fairgrounds in Berryville, VA (890 W Main St.)


    17. Maggie

      Hi……how exciting. Looks like another good year!! Have a great time on your trip too. I think it’s great to explore all avenues of life! Having survived 3 breast cancers, I really just want to live life! Hoping to get to Lucketts this year. I looked it up and it’s not a long ride at all from PA where I am located.

    18. suzanne

      Thank you so much for the kind post about our exciting move and the awesome new digs! LUCKETTS is very excited!!!!
      safe travels!

    19. Lori

      I have been looking for ironstone plates >9 inches for ages. Looking at what you’re selling at Lucketts, (plates, tons of plates) is almost making me want to miss me sons graduations for his Masters degree. Almost!!
      Hope you have a wonderful sale, and maybe nest yr

    20. Carla from Kansas

      Probably a good deal I am too far away. I would want to buy everything.

    21. Sandy

      I’m in Puyallup Washington just south of Seattle so won’t be going to Luckett’s to see all of Marian’s goodies. I noticed there are some other comments from folks on the West Coast so wanted to share about 2 fun events here: Great Junk Hunt Vintage Market in April and Farm and Frills in May. We might not have Marian, but these are both pretty neat shows where I have found some of my favorite items for my home.

    22. Charlotte

      Hope you to ki nausseau event…from Minnesota… flea market style magazine creator … think it is Junk Bonaza! Fabulous!!

    23. Rose

      Looks great as usual. Wish I could make it. Soooo many goodies. Can’t wait to see what else you find on your shopping trips.
      Have fun in China. Take lots of photos!

    24. Joan Brandon

      Two years ago my friend Edith and I drove eight hours to get to Lucketts, and as soon as we got to the hotel where we were staying, I got a garbled call from my husband that he was in the ER having a heart attack. Couldn’t get back home fast enough. Well, that was the beginning of a long journey for Don, culminating last April with him getting an LVAD (left ventricular assist device). When Lucketts rolled around, he was still in the hospital in Nashville. This year he is much better, but I’m not sure we can make such an ambitious trip yet. We might though. Maybe we’ll see you there.

    25. Debbie

      Will you soon be listing some of the items you plan to sell from your home, please? I would love to have your blue checked French Country chairs. If you do, please let me know.


    26. Tammy

      I am so looking forward to the new venue. It will be great that the vendors will have more space to spread out. I hope the weather is nice this year. Last year was a mess but thankfully, we came early and had good parking. I felt so bad for the vendors with the beautiful furniture sitting in water.

      Looking forward to seeing your display. It’s always beautiful. See you there!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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