do you have a decorating dilemma?

by | Jan 9, 2020 | All Things Home, Decorating, decorating dilemmas | 32 comments

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Do you remember my Decorating Dilemma series?  About once a month, I would share a reader’s decorating dilemma and some possible suggestions and solutions.  It was one of those things that I enjoyed, but I went through a busy season (probably getting ready for Lucketts or something), neglected it, and then forgot all about it!  Well, I think it’s time to revive it.

Many of my readers and followers have asked for more practical, budget-friendly decorating advice.  What better way to do that than by talking about real spaces that need some help?

The thing I loved most about this series was seeing the spaces evolve based on my advice and the ideas the homeowner got once they started moving things around.  My ideas were just a jumping-off point and then they ran with it!

So, do you have a space that has you stuck?  Would you like some suggestions to get you going?  (Why does this feel like I’m writing copy for an infomercial?)

If so, get two Decorating Dilemma consultations for the one-time low price of $9.99!!  Wait, make that three and a speedy onion slicer/dicer if you call right now!!

Okay, that went too far.

Seriously.  If you want me to take a look at your space, just send me an e-mail.  It’s free.

I just need…

  1. Some good, overall shots of the space.  Smartphones have great cameras these days, so just use your phone if photography isn’t your thing.  Take the pictures during the day, in natural light if possible.
  2. Tell me what you love about the space.  I don’t want to suggest changing things you really love!  And, it’s okay if your style is different from mine.
  3. Tell me what you want to change.  What’s not working for you?  Why do you feel stuck?
  4. Tell me what you love!  Send a link to a Pinterest board or some inspiration pictures, if you can.
  5. Are there any limitations?  Example: My husband might move out if I paint the brick, cabinets, and anything wood.  Or, I rent the space, so I can’t paint the walls.
  6. Roughly, what kind of budget do you have for the space?  If you just need to work with what you have, that’s okay!  I just don’t want to suggest buying things if it’s not in your budget.  If you have some money to spend on the space, I can make suggestions for how to get the most bang for the buck.  I don’t need specifics, just a general range.
  7. Permission to share your space on my blog and social media.  I will just share your first name and the pictures of the space that you submit.  (If you have a blog or social media and want me to link or tag you, share that information.)  If you’re not comfortable with me sharing your name and images, then please don’t submit them.  The point is to share these ideas with everyone and that doesn’t work if I can’t post your pictures.  I would suggest removing or obscuring pictures of your kids and anything that might disclose where they go to school, play sports, etc. or any other personal information you don’t want posted publicly online.

Gather up your information and send an e-mail titled “Decorating Dilemma” to

I’ll only be able to do one or two a month, so I won’t get to all of the rooms submitted, but I’ll do what I can!

I’m excited to see your spaces and offer some ideas…

Readers, what kind of spaces are you hoping to see transformed?

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    1. Leslie

      Eeek! I can’t wait to see what you do with people’s spaces!

    2. Teresa

      This should be fun….Glad you are reviving it! We all have at least one decorating dilemma in our homes that bugs us and sometimes a fresh set of eyes brings new ideas.

    3. Cheri

      Oooooh. I have a big dilemma!!!

    4. Cathy Weber

      This will be something I look forward to seeing!!! I’m excited to see it.

    5. Zane

      Oh so fun! Can’t wait for this series to start!

    6. Christy

      Yay that you are bringing these posts back. I always got so much inspiration from them! My biggest dilemma right now is a teen girl who wants to update her bedroom but can’t decide what she wants.

    7. Connie

      I’ve missed that series! In fact, I would love to know what happened in that very first photo that opens this post; I remember seeing some changes she implemented in the living room based on your suggestions, but either I missed the other follow-ups on further changes or maybe nothing further was done??

    8. Denice

      How fun!!! I am really looking forward to being inspired by your ideas!

    9. Graham

      I love before and after, but my one problem with it is sometimes the shots are taken from different angles and it’s hard to get a real feel for what was done. Just an observation. As I recall your work never did this..

    10. Arlene

      Love this idea!

    11. Julie N

      Love it! This is going to be fun! Thank you for bringing this back.


      So glad you are dong these again!

    13. Charlotte

      Oh this would be fun! I’ll have to take pictures after the tree comes down! We’ve been down since New Years Eve with a sinus infection so still have Christmas up! Any fresh ideas would be AMAZING if my pictures are chosen that is. Thank you for bringing it back! If nothing else, I’m bound to get some ideas anyway!!!!

    14. Carolyn

      How fun!
      I remember sending you a picture of our fireplace several years ago, you said paid it. You were right! I painted and LOVE it! I knew it needed to be lighter but was afraid of painting brick. Now as we are looking to move, when I see fireplaces in “new” homes, I’m like, oh my that needs paint.
      Thanks for the inspiration!

      • Carolyn

        oops, that should be “you said paint it” that will teach me to type without my glasses….lol

    15. Julie

      WOW! I can’t wait to see what you do. And, you are so on point with “My husband might move out if I paint the brick, cabinets, and anything wood.” ?

    16. Claire

      Oh I love these kind of things! By the way, that picture at the top of the black bed and green chair is in my Pinterest board as one of my favorite bedroom inspiration pictures.

    17. Rebecca Miller

      I absolutely love this idea! I can’t wait to people send to you and what you come up with!

    18. Margarita W.

      I am somewhat new to your blog but this sounds like a great idea and how wonderful of you to do this. You are so creative & talented, I love your home!

    19. Jenn

      So fun! I remember this and just love it!!

    20. Kristyn

      Yay! I loved this series when you did it before. So glad it’s back!

    21. Lisa

      Yay! Can’t wait to see how you transform the spaces. When I see before and after it always inspires to change something.

    22. Cynthia

      Ooooh, I just can’t wait!

    23. Kim P.

      Love this idea, I loved it before when you were doing it. Cant wait !

    24. Valerie

      Very exciting. I’ll have to get some photos together. My living room space needs help. None one solid wall to work with in the room!

    25. B Folk

      Yay, I really enjoyed this when you did it before! Looking forward to seeing what gets submitted and what you suggest for people’s dilemmas. Thanks for bringing this back.

    26. Mary Anne Saunders

      So happy you are reviving this series! Love ❤️!

    27. judith

      You have a beautiful blog and this series is a great idea. I really wish you would consider removing or at least lessening all of the ads. I have stopped subscribing to other blogs for this reason. It is really annoying to try and read and look at nice photos with all of the distractions along the edges and between paragraphs.

    28. Jule

      This is the most exciting post I have seen! I cannot wait .to see this!

    29. Mary in VA

      Awesome to start this again, we’ll enjoy seeing what suggestions you make!

    30. Frances

      I would like to see a post on selecting a rug and the proper pad to use when layering over carpet.

    31. Christine

      Have you been talking to my husband? He won’t agree to painting the brick fireplace wall or any of the wood trim or doors throughout the house. All the wood makes my eyes want to bleed! Our home was built in 1990 and hasn’t been updated since.
      My husband and I have very tastes. We married 2 1/2 years ago and most of the furniture we own was his before we married. Funds are very limited. It’s so frustrating!
      Just had to vent a little. Rant over!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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