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I haven’t been on any big shopping trips lately, but I’ve picked up some fun things here and there that I haven’t shared here on the blog, yet.  I thought today seemed like a good day to do that.

A few weeks ago, I bought this white toy truck from one of my “pickers”. I decided to keep it for now!  I happened to have just bought some old bottle-brush trees and one fit perfectly in the bed.

I’ll probably paint the hubcaps at some point.

Also while I was out antiquing, I picked up this German barley canister…

I have a similar, larger jar in this “blue onion” pattern by my stove.  I’m going to try to find the perfect spot for this, so I can keep it.

The month of December is usually a slower one when it comes to deadlines, obligations, etc., so I’m hoping to take some time to play with the accessories in my house.  I haven’t done that in a while and I’m feeling the pull.  Things are getting rearranged for the holidays, anyway, so it’s a perfect time to do that.

Anyway, I also picked up some clothespins…

…but they are numbered!  I haven’t seen any like this before, so I commented on that to the shop-owner when I purchased them.  She shared that they are numbers used to mark window screens when they are removed for the winter and she just added them to the end of old clothespins.  How clever!  Wouldn’t this be a great idea for an advent calendar?

I bought a couple of small pieces at the Vintage Whites Market last weekend – this Dutch enamel butter dish…

…and a French sampler…

I actually photographed parts of it to make a few products for Society6

(Speaking of, I uploaded some more designs today.)

While out and about a couple of weeks ago, I found these wool “mugs of hot chocolate” at Target.  Aren’t they so cute?  I am going to use them as embellishments on gifts.

And lastly, this isn’t something I found, but something that was sent to me.  Domino just released their newest book, Your Guide to a Stylish Home.

While the style typically showcased in Domino is on the modern side, I love stepping outside of my box a little to find fresh inspiration.  I can’t wait to pour through it over Thanksgiving.

I’m heading out shopping with my mom tomorrow and I hope to find lots of goodies to list in the online shop…


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    1. WhyCuzICan

      Went to an auction this weekend with a friend who has never been to one. She is going to start to raise chickens, in her small town, right in her backyard…how sweet. She found a "chicken box" (is that what they are called? It's for them to nest).

      Great finds for you, Marian. Loved the updates on your studio too. Your blog is always a bright spot in our day to read.

      Smiles and Blessings,
      Suzanne and Kevin in Illinois

    2. Queen of Chairs

      I found a Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic duvet and sham set for $5.00 at my local Goodwill.

    3. freckled laundry

      (…and about the only thing interesting I've found lately is some smashed up Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the couch cushions. hehe! Yard sale withdrawal has officially set in.)

    4. Helen

      I chuckled at the thought of someone years from now finding blog posts and emails as history.

    5. marda

      Especially like the old handwriting. A lot of schools are no longer going to teach cursive writing…how will the next generation "sign" their official signature. I wish my own handwriting was as beautiful as the examples you're showing. But at least I know HOW!!!!

    6. SueBee

      I saw these two vintage 1950's lamps at a garage sale, I asked how much? She said $50.00. I really only wanted the amazing shades in perfect condition and huge. I almost didn't ask because I thought it would be too much. But I'm trying to get better at asking for a lower price. So I did..after they talked about it in spanish for a bit she said $5.00 for both!! Sold! Thanks for asking….
      Your finds are great! I like the sugar bowl..

    7. Dentelline

      J'adore ces photos!
      Que du beau!
      Merci de nous les faire partager!
      Have a good day!

    8. Susie from Bienvenue

      Awesome finds! I love anything handwritten too. Always seems to make it extra special. I think those would be keepers in my book too! Enjoy your new finds~

    9. Wendy B.

      OhEmGee, miss mustard seed!!! we had that very same ironstone sugar jar when i was growing up. i wish i had paid better attention to it then. i spent many many breakfasts starting at that piece of crazed ironstone.
      really, miss marian, how can you stand to let all that swag from fleamarketing be put back into general population? no matter how many episodes of hoarders can you watch?

    10. Sarah

      I'm always impressed by the penmanship on old notes and documents. Perfect penmanship is really a dying art, I know mine sure isn't that nice!

    11. ~FARM CHIC~

      Love it all! I found an old huge silver trophy at my local Goodwill for 5.00! I am in love! Thanks for all your beautiful and inspirational posts!

    12. Marianne@Songbird

      Wow, great finds. And I love that you are finally keeping something for yourself too. You deserve it! (remember the cobbler's kids shoes). That sign is really wonderful. Care to send it my way? Oh, no, I just said you should keep everyting. Ah well, it was worth a try.

    13. Chloe's Couture

      Love you blog posts as usual! Living here in Germany is so awesome! I keep wondering what military place you grew up at, we are at Ramstein. Anyways, we are just 25 mins from France and on Friday I found a 3 piece French parlor set, with 2 chairs with arms and a couch with 4 beautiful legs in the front! It is covered in pink velvet, but I have already taken the chair covers off! I pd 160 euro for all 3 pieces. I researched them and they are Louis XV and sell for $$$! I have gone back to your French chair remakes for inspiration! By the way, if you ever want to take a trip back to where you grew up in Germany, I would be more than thrilled to be your host and to take you bargain hunting all around here and France!

    14. {hooked on hickory}

      wow you found some amazing things! i wouldn't hand them over either. i found some great items last week, but this past weekend was a bummer. you inspired me to keep going 😉

      ashley over @

    15. Neverland

      How funny that you found the Palmer Method primer and then the notes that were written in "Palmer Method Perfect" as my Mom would say [my mom writes using Palmer Method herself – her handwriting looks like calligraphy; it is a true art and she was taught by nuns in a convent, so believe you me she has not a single flaw in her writing]. I'm sad they don't encourage us to handwrite to that standard anymore – I would LOVE to have that beautiful writing myself.

    16. mary beth

      Good for you for keeping some of the treasures! If I had a shop I would struggle with what to keep and what to get rid of! I am obsessed with beautiful handwriting of the old days, and have considered trying to learn how , but am afraid I'm too old to get it pretty! What a lost art and you are right, soon it will be gone forever!

    17. Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs

      Marian ~ Those are wonderful finds!
      You are cracking me up because you sound like me wanting to keep stuff ~
      The joy of what we do though is we can keep it until we are tired of it and then sell it! You gotta love it!

    18. Sue@Uniquely Chic

      They are all great finds but I love that last one dated 1902…crazy. When I was ripping apart an old bench, under the cushion was an old newspaper w/ The Sunday Novel by Emilie Loring dated 1934. These things just intrigue me, make me wonder.

    19. maxandemerson

      Awesome finds! I love the sign. I'm not sure I know what iron stone is (please don't despise me!) – but I've always loved old simple white china, so it looks like it's something I'd end up loving.
      I found some really neat wooden sewing machine drawers. Not sure what to do with them yet, but they have very cool pulls and some great carving in them. I'm thinking desk organizer?

    20. Debby

      I love childrens' chairs. Isn't the old handwriting beautiful. They are talking of eliminating cursive writing now. So your handwritten notes may go up in value, if anyone will be able to read it.

    21. TechnoBabe

      I would turn the cloches upside down and plant something in them, maybe herbs.

      My best find this year is the vintage waffle iron for $2, found at the local thrift shop. Makes the very best waffles.

    22. Elizabeth

      The stars were in alignment apparently. I found a MINT Singer 401A Slant-O-Matic, with manual and all attachments, for less than the cost of a haircut! It was manufactured the year I was born. Currently mulling over names.

    23. Karen

      I'm a former teacher so a sucker for beautiful handwriting. How neat to find the old journal and what gorgeous handwriting someone had. It makes you imagine who they were and what their life was like. I bought an old collection of letters once that I have on display but they were so much fun to read and peak into someone's life.

    24. Anonymous

      I really love that you add what you paid for your treasure finds! Sometimes I'm such a cheapskate that I say oh I'm not paying THAT much — but it helps to see what is the going price or what YOU would buy something for! I tend to love trash picking and finding treasures on the side of the road. When my house burned down 6 years ago, I had to bank on yard sales and trash picking to furnish some of my new house. Amazingly things seemed to be "placed" there for me that first year after the fire…..treasures I have never seen out for the trash since. It's all fun and all these things are so loved — and that is the key to a comfortable home — having those much loved items. Thanks for all you share — Jean from South Jersey.

    25. Cindi @ Rustique Art

      Now I want to go write a letter with a pen and paper. Been thinking this was something I should do and you've just sealed the deal. Another thought is journaling, do you journal? I've tried a few times and the truth is; I lack discipline. But here's my new thought, writing journals for my children. My thoughts, dreams, prayers for them. Something to consider and it might end up in somebody's hands 100 years from now.

    26. Sharon

      Very interested in your Palmer's notebook. Would you part with it?

    27. Beth

      Your site is very cool! Enjoying all of it!

    28. Sommer

      Lovely! I found my very first pieces of ironstone ever at my local thrift shop this morning! I am so delighted. 6 bread and butter plates and one 10 in dinner plate.

    29. hokie30sgirl

      Love your finds! I bought one of the John Thompson piano books from your Lucketts store- The same exact book that my mom has from when she took piano lessons decades ago when she was little- that she has always played from my whole life when we ask her to play for us… It is now open to her favorite song on my piano- I told her the day she dies it's going to have to go, because it would make me cry every day- but for the time being- I'm in love.:)

    30. Joanne B.

      Loved reminiscing (sp?) about "The Palmer Method of Handwriting" which was DRILLED into me thru 8 years of Catholic school! (It's all gone out the window now! My writing is more like printing with a coupel of letters connected here and there… Sister Mary is probably rolling in her grave…) ANYWAY! Seeing the old handwritten documents reminded me of the Army back back you got awhile back and were trying to find it's owner! Did you ever make the connection? Would love an update on that story which I absolutely loved! ( If you did post on that update I apologize- we were on vacation and I was not able to get to a computer and then when we got back I was not able to catch up. Sorry if I missed it!)

    31. Kathryn Ferguson Griffin

      Love the white ironstone and the handwritten notebooks. Love anything with beautiful hand written script. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

    32. Anonymous

      Oh what beautiful penmanship! I'm saddened that my children will not be learning that in school, but I know it's just not as necessary these days.
      And oh how I love old letters and notebooks.
      I keep a prayer journal myself that I fill with prayers, praises, worries and thoughts. Hopefully no one peeks into that someday for they shall think at times that I'm a loon.

    33. Linda

      Love your finds I got 5 old pantry doors for $2 . They have the best original crackle finish on them not sure what to do with them. But I love them

    34. Rachel Anne

      It's been ages and ages since I've gone to "First Monday" in Canton, TX, but I'm going with a friend this weekend. I'm excited to finally get to experience Laurie Anna's Vintage Home shop…and all the other goodies in town. Your finds are GREAT – and I hope I come home with a few treasures of my own!

    35. Laura at Ms. Smartie Pants

      My son's 2nd grade teacher had amazing, beautiful handwriting like that and she wrote out almost all of their worksheets. I have kept them, they are beautiful! She is also a journaler and so was her mother, so there are books upon books of their handwriting! In Texas this year it was decided to no longer teach cursive, who would have ever imagined! Can you remember practicing it for hours as a child? Great finds!

    36. Barbara Bussey {The Treasured Home}

      (I think it's terrible to not teach cursive!). I'm going to a couple of estate sales this week, which should be interesting. I liked the question…how do you know real ironstone from white china? And what are the mesh things? Sifters?

    37. The Lavander Cottage

      AMEN to everything you said about your new finds! After reading most of your blogs, I have decided I could easily be your twin sister! That would be hard since I already have a twin brother, but you and I sure live the same way! I love old things and can't seem to throw anything old or usable away. I have to buy new arts/crafts supplies because I can't find the stuff I'm looking for in the mess I have in two rooms of our home! Thank you for helping me understand myself, try and fix myself, for having such a inspiring blog site and for being such a wonderful Christian woman. God Bless and keep your love of old things forever. Like you said, someday there won't be any handwritten notes, letter, etc. Maybe we should be saving our money to add on to our homes to store all our vintage stuff! 🙂

    38. Mitzi Curi

      Great finds, Marian! I've found tons of stuff lately, too. It's harvest time in the antiques world!

    39. A Cottage Muse

      These are wonderful finds…I agree with Mitzi, it is harvest time now!

    40. Gwen@theboldabode

      Everything is beautiful! I agree about the handwriting. It's one of the most important parts of our homeschooling days. It really is SO important because it refines fine motor skills and teaches children to focus early on. My 12 year old still studies handwriting and, next year, I plan to study Calligraphy with him! It truly is a dying art…

    41. Candylei

      1902 that is amazing that it's in such great shape!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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