furniture feature friday | favorites & link party

by | Jul 23, 2015 | Furniture Feature Friday | 57 comments

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Furniture Feature Friday
 Good evening, all!  Sorry I’m a bit behind schedule today, but I was having some technical difficulties.  Anyway, you may have seen that I posed a question to my readers earlier this week – What do you want from my blog?  The answers have been so helpful to me and confirmed a lot of my suspicions about what is working and what could be better.  One of the themes that was brought up repeatedly was Furniture Feature Friday.  The majority of the comments about it were telling me it was time to let it go.
This is one of the reasons why I’m glad I asked!  I have been wanting to retire this link party for a long time, maybe even a couple of years, but I felt like it was a great way to feature furniture artists and send some traffic along to other bloggers and I thought my readers wanted it.  It turns out that many of you skip this post entirely or just check out the features.  But, there are other ways I can feature fellow bloggers and amazing pieces of furniture.
So, after 6 years of hosting this party, I have decided to retire FFF as it is now.  It may pop up again, reinvented, but I’m still thinking through that.
Thanks to everyone who has participated over the years.  When I first started out, we would have 20-30 links and I would visit each one, leaving comments.  That was even before thumbnails available, so you had to click on each link to see the picture!  Good times.  We’ve come a long way and I’ve always found the links you’ve shared to be inspiring, so thank you.
And here we go, my final three favorites…
Isn’t this dresser shared by DD of DD’s Cottage & Design so striking?!  I love the way the honey color of the mirror and drawer-fronts plays with the vivid green.  This is a great way to give a dresser a new look, while still showing off some of the original wood detail.
This antique pine dresser by Lisa of Gracie Blue totally stole my heart!  I adore the faded color of the pine paired with the aqua knobs and the playful gallery wall.
Lastly, I think this rocker that Jennifer of Ardent Hands painted for her 11 year old turned out so well.  The before looked dated and stuffy, but now it has a fresh look, fitting for a soon-to-be teenager.
Here are the rules for our furniture get-together…
1.) Your post has to be about furniture. Please, please, please…just furniture. If you find your link has been deleted, it’s not because I’m mean, it’s because your post was not about furniture. You can share makeovers, awesome finds, favorite pieces, furniture arrangements, or even pieces on your wish list! Built-in furniture like kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities qualify as furniture.
2.) Post a permalink (the link to the post), not the link to your blog.
3.) This party will close Friday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite(s) and feature their piece(s) on next week’s FFF. Enjoy the party!

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    1. Betsy @ Happily Ever After, Etc.

      I am so sorry to see this linky go… it has been a personal goal of mine to be in your featured section just once in my life and now I’ll never make it. Silly I know but it makes me sad. I suppose I should have refinished more furniture so I would have had a better shot but I haven’t had the time lately. Oh well… can’t wait to see what you do next.

      • Lillian

        i love furniture friday links love all the ideas

    2. Cynthia - Clockwork Interiors

      Thanks for hanging on to the party as long as you did. FFF was always my favorite party because furniture is my thing. While I’ll be sad to see it go, I completely respect the fact that you want to change things up. Good luck to you on your future endeavors!

    3. Jen @ Girl in the Garage

      Beautiful features, as usual! I will really miss linking up to this party and finding new friends who have the same passion for furniture as I do. But I understand where you’re coming from and I know whatever you decide to do, it will be a success. Thank you for continuing to host the party for so long.

    4. Joy@aVintageGreen

      I will so miss FFF Marian. It was a party that encouraged me to work on furniture and I always looked forward to joining in when I had something I could share. Thank you for the very many parties you hosted, loved every one. I linked up one of my favorite tables today, a 1950’s original. You encourage your readers and I am looking forward to seeing how your blog changes.

      • Jill

        I’ll second this reply! I understand when its time to let things go, and hanging on can be detrimental, but I’ll miss it.

    5. Dorene @ Seasonal Chapters

      I love the pieces you featured this week, especially the rocker from Ardent Hands. I will be sad to see FFF end, but can’t wait to see what new ideas you have in store. As always, your talent and grace are inspirational.

    6. Missy Yanchuck

      Marion, so sorry to see this go! I understand if it took too much time, but always great ideas!!!

    7. Lisa

      I am deeply humbled and honored to be a part of the last FFF!! It will be missed for sure!! Thank you so much again for hosting!!

    8. Deb

      I just finished my empire dresser and photographed it for your FFF, posted it on my blog that I don’t use anymore just to share. I was so proud of it. so if you would like to see it just google junkinjane blogspot or maybe the above link will work, or I will try to remember to add it to Milk Paint Masterpiece Monday on the other blog. Also, maybe on design Ramblings or where ever you could remind readers about The Mustard Seed Pages. Thanks!

      • Sharon Hankins

        Hi Deb, I just checked out your empire dresser – you should be so proud, it’s beautiful! I will miss FFF too. One of my only link party’s I regularly link up to, scroll through and look forward to. Great job.

    9. Kathy

      Nooooooooo!!!! This was the BEST linky party-I looked forward to it every Friday and was inspired by all the great talent out there. I’m a bit sad…but change is good.

    10. Karen Owens

      I am truly sorry to see it go. I am one who looked forward to it every week. I got a ton of inspiration and ideas from it. I liked going to one place instead of googling. And going to different blogs. O well. Every good thing must come to an end at some time. Thank you for the time you featured it.I much your blog. Its the only one I follow daily. I do agree with other readers about design ramblings. I never looked at those. I would rather read than listen☺. Thank you again. You are such an inspiration to me!!!

    11. paula lewis

      When I can get to my computer on Friday this linky party is the first thing I would look at.

      And while I was here I would look at your posts for the week.

      Oh well, one less thing on my Friday list now.

      Good bye

    12. Jinny

      I’ll join the others by saying I too am sorry to see FFF ending! One of my favorites, always so many beautiful pieces for inspiration. There’s a ton of clever people out there and you provided many with a window into their designs for readers.

      I skipped many blogs but never missed FFF.

      Thanks for staying with it as long as you did!

    13. cassie @ primitive & proper

      i retired mine a couple years ago and it was the best decision ever…. i lost many pageviews and followers but really those people weren’t interested in my blog anyhow and just in the traffic i could get them. it was a huge weight lifted- i am happy for you!!!!!!!

    14. Chloe P

      Thanks for listening to our feedback! So excited to see what’s in store. Love your blog!

    15. Christina

      Last Friday was the first time I participated. At least I got to do it once!

    16. Marti

      I check in here everyday. I am so sad to see this retired. It was the best link party I visited.

    17. taria

      I always checked in on Fridays. I will miss it. How about First FFF of the month so we get to wean off of it slowly or continue to get a bit of a fix? Best wishes to you in all of your changes. I enjoy the work you do. I like hearing about how your family is doing too.

    18. Rachel

      Oh, how sad 🙁 My Friday morning ritual,as soon as my family left for school and work, cup of coffee and sit down to MMS Furniture Feature Friday. I will so miss this.

      I love your blog. Your photography is amazing.

    19. Patti

      I’m sorry to see it go.It was part of my Friday ritual and a souce for inpiration too.

    20. Marlene

      I’m sorry to see it go. I can’t understand why anyone would want you to drop it. Its not like anyone was making them look at it. Seems like most everyone leaving a comment are big fans of it like myself. It will be missed. Thanks for the memories.

    21. Becky

      i enjoyed the inspiration I got from FFF but I understand that sometimes you need to change things up a bit. I’m looking forward to seeing what new and fresh ideas you bring to your blog.

    22. angie

      I’m sad too. One of my greatest hopes was to be featured in your party. It would have been an honor.

    23. Maureen

      Glad you made the decision to retire FFF! I liked it for a long time, then it seemed to become a stale Friday filler page. Looking forward to seeing what new and fresh idea you’ll implement. Thanks for being open to your readers insights.

    24. Amy Jo

      I really have enjoyed FFF, I particpated in it as well. I always was inspired by many of the posts! I was exposed many more blogs or projects i would have ever took the time for. I used it as a one stop shop. I can understand your blogs need for change, but I would encourage to revisit fresh possiblities to have FFF reinvented.

    25. Ann@farmhouseblues

      Marian, I can understand why you want to let this go but I’m sad to see it happen! I’ve been following you for years and while I don’t catch all of your posts, I always made sure to check out FFF. It’s a great way to discover new bloggers. I finally started a blog last fall and when I eventually learned to link up, yours was the first party I joined. So glad I was featured before the party was retired! Have a great weekend!

    26. Naomi S.

      Well, there you go! Now we all want you to keep FFF! You can’t please all the people all of the time, you know that old saying by some long-dead politician. Honestly, I think it’s exciting to see what you come up with next. Forging new paths, etc. I would also be fine with FFF staying. I tho’t it was a good way to learn about other blogs, but that can be done other ways, too. So, it’s okay! And if we all get too lonely and sad, sad, sad, you can always have an FFF again! OR, just once a month! How about that?

    27. Lisa

      Let’s all have a moment of silence for FFF… Hooray and great job to the final 3.

      • Lisa

        Hahaha!! Well said & Thank you!! 😉

    28. Susan

      So sad! Fridays were my favorite days. I’d browse through all the furniture listings and spend the weekend visiting and exploring furniture blogs I never knew about.

      Sad to see it go. Hoping you retire the ramblings videos. Those never inspire me and are a waste to me.

    29. MaryLisa Noyes

      Good choice for the final 3. My favorite, which I pinned is the pine dresser. I loved the aqua knobs.

    30. Sindy

      FFF was my favorite thing as well~ So sorry to see it go~ It was one of the quiet bright spots in my hectic, crazy, 6 kid life. I always stop, take a few minutes to go thru (sometimes a good hour maybe two) and look at the links. Since I was redoing a beach house it really was inspirational~ Will be sorely missed~ but I’m sure I’ll find something else~ Pinterest comes to mind~ LOL

    31. Karen

      I missed when you said this was the final three favorites and didn’t realize FFF is already over. That is a bummer. I always check your blog before I even read the morning paper. As others have said, it was my quiet time and I discovered new techniques or inspirations via other sites, as well as your own. Eg. not all milk paint all the time. Not all blue and white all the time. (I was excited when you introduced green into the family room!) I am so sad to see FFF gone. Poof. I do think people linked and linked to FFF over and over, hoping to capture the spotlight. I can understand reading and responding and selecting three items to feature can be time consuming. It would be nice to see FFF continue in some vein, perhaps without the selection of your favorites. And no need to comment on other people’s blog who linked. The viewers can comment if they so desire. Please don’t do away with FFF in it’s entirety. Pretty please, don’t do it. I’m going through withdrawal already.

    32. Marilyn C.

      FFF was the reason I ever found your blog.

      I have to reiterate a previous person’s comment – “Please don’t do away with FFF in its entirety”

      JUST DON’T DO IT, OKAY????

    33. Liz Thomas

      Hi Marian,

      I always loved FFF but I can imagine how much work it is for you> But now there will be more YOU and I’m happy about that!! I’m looking forward to your changes. As always you inspire, encourage and delight your readers!!


    34. Marilyn

      FFF is how I found your blog to begin with. GEEZ, PLEASE DONT TAKE IT AWAY!


      I think there are more people on here that want to see it stay.

      PLEASE KEEP FFF!!!!!

    35. Beth H.

      Thanks for hosting all these years. You really had a majority that wanted this to go??!! Just by seeing all the comments that praise it, I’m surprised. You had the best party because you only allowed furniture makeovers. People came here to see those because thats how we see other creative ideas. I wish you would rethink the decision.

    36. Trish

      I am so sorry to see the link party go. I always enjoyed linking up and checking out others post. I will truly miss it. I will continue to stop in.

    37. Marion in DC

      For what its worth, i really line FFF. I like finding other bloggers and see what pieces folks are creating from the heart. Please find a way to have this idea evolve with your blog. I would like it if you could introduce other bloggers, who work is admirable, design well thought out and executed, i would live that. A sort of widening the circle, if you will. The Knack store yesterday and her work great. More, please!

    38. Paige

      This is sad. I have proudly posted my work on FFF for six months in the hopes that I just might be a featured one day. You have no idea what courage that took for me. Now that’s never going to happen. I also really enjoyed the fact that it was just furniture. There are a TON of parties out there that have everything under the sun in them. I’m not interest in everything under the sun so it was so nice to narrow the field so to speak. I wonder Marian how many people chimed in in opposition of FFF ever actually posted anything to the party? Just curious. It seems to me those of us who did every week and then visited you and the other bloggers who were in it , our votes might count for something. That’s what first drew me to this site and next encouraged me to pick up a paint brush and begin my own blog at a VERY difficult time in my life. . If you are tired of the party I totally understand but I will miss the party and the camaraderie on Fridays
      Paige Davis

      • Carla

        Maybe you could take it over on your blog?!!

    39. Marilyn

      I too loved FFF. I looked at the thumbnail photos then read in detail the ones that really caught my eye. It was a treat to see what others did with furniture. I do hope you’ll keep it in some form. Those who don’t enjoy it as much could just skip it, and those of us that do could continue getting inspired by it.
      I also love audio books. Sometimes, I don’t have the luxury of time to sit down with a book or Kindle in hand but can still cook dinner, do yard work, or drive and enjoy my favorite authors or discover new ones while listening to a book.
      I so enjoy your blog!

    40. Ashlea

      Thank you for sharing your picks! I have to say this feels like an end of an era 😉 I followed FFF for many years- and took the plunge to post here just this year. Thank you for featuring me- it was really fun to know that one of my favorite bloggers took a visit to my corner of the world! Your link party is the only one I link up to-and inspired me to start one a few months ago- and I had ZERO people post to the first 2 (humbling!) and 2 post this month. 🙂 Yay!!! They were lovely finds. It is a monthly {thrifted finds} party because I love thrifting and sharing what I found for cheap!! or free and I know I’m not alone 😉
      I can totally understand wanting to change things up after so many years. I’ll miss the party but obviously trust you to make the right choices for your blog- and you are obviously feeling this is one of them. I look forward to what the future holds! Happy Change- and Happy Last Party!!

    41. Denise


    42. Kim

      Marian, I have been following your blog since November 2011. I stumbled onto it while doing a search for a “Farmhouse Table” We were renovating my recently deceased mother’s house and I was looking for ideas. FFF has been my Friday night ritual ever since that time. It opened my eyes to the world of decorating blogs as well as giving me many furniture ideas. I love your blog and I’ve loved FFF!!!! Just sayin’……

    43. Nancy

      Good morning to you…la, la la
      I’m not as adamant as others when it comes to retiring Friday’s Furniture Link but I am adamant about what little Kristi has to add to your ramblings…sorry Kristi! I know I would have a difficult time keeping up with you but please have Kristi work not only on her eye contact but also her appearance because it makes her appear shy and not particularly prepared or knowledgeable for something as big as Ms. Mustardseed’s blog and your many followers. A hard worker or machine as you call her yet it appears Kristi is not yet ready for public speaking as to do so would be a disservice to all that you as Ms. Mustardseed has done! I cringe whenever Kristi appears and feel bad because she has so little to add that I find myself turning off the vide without further adieu. I hope upon hope that I’m alone in my feelings,,.

    44. Marlene

      I truly wish (and so do a lot of others that you would rethink your decision to discontinue FFF. It is so unique and inspirational. All the others out there have been taken over with recipes or some kind of advise. You had managed to keep yours focused on furniture. Discontinue the ramblings feature and I don’t believe you will get to many objections.

    45. teri

      I liked fff though I seldom clicked through to all the blogs. And I like Kriste and do not agree with Nancy. And I’m sure you will keep the blog sparkling xxx

    46. Debi Carser

      I also thought that FFF was the best of your blog. When you do a survey and ask questions, the people that respond tend to be the ones that want the change in an area. Ones that are happy with that area are not likely to respond and I think that’s what has happened in this case. It seems like alot of people, including me really like that feature……But if your heart isn’t in it any more, than perhaps its time to let it go and maybe someone else will take it up.

    47. Brenda

      Creative furniture rehab is my thing and I’ve always enjoyed the inspirations I found in these Friday posts. Thanks so much for having done this for as long as you did! 🙂

    48. Martha

      Hi Marian: I wanted to thank you for the times you featured my dressers. You were one of the first bloggers to help boost my presence on the internet and helped me connect with readers and other creative people! Every time I stopped by to take a look at FFF, I considered the amount of time you dedicated to make this special link up party available to us. So, a big thanks to you for the six years!!!

      • Leah Prevost

        Im glad you are going with your own decision Marion. I think there are other ways to feature certain blogs and the pieces they do. Kriste is amazing and is not awkward at all. She is not only beautiful but gives a different perspective to things that you two ramble about. And the two of you together make it even better. I catch myself smiling and laughing as I watch the videos. If everyone commenting loves FFF so much why doesn’t someone else start a link party on THEIR blog with only furniture makeovers??? It would not only bring traffic to their blog but then everyone can still have a place to link up. I look toward to more furniture makeovers and fresh new things to come!!!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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