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I found this rocking horse at an antique store a couple of years ago.  I had seen it there for a long time…maybe even a couple of years and it always caught my eye, but I never took the plunge and bought it.  One day, though, I decided I couldn’t resist it anymore and I bought it with the intention to sell it at the Lucketts holiday open house.  As soon as I got it home, though, you can guess what happened.  I wanted to keep it.  So, I did.

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I liked the quirky charm of it, but the red details always felt a little off to me.  I was willing to overlook that, because I loved the horse so much.

Now that I’m purging things that aren’t just right, I decided it was time to let the horse go to a home where it is just right.  (I actually thought of repainting it, but that would really be a shame, so I thought it was better to sell it.)  I have a buyer with just that perfect spot who is coming on Friday.

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I knew even when I bought it that it wasn’t the right horse, but I loved the idea of it.  I’ve been fawning over antique toy and rocking horses like these for years…

toy horse

via Pinterest

collection of Horses on zinc top table

via Atelier De Campagne


They all have similar lines and are in neutral colors, so I decided I would keep an eye out for something like that.  I wasn’t on the hunt or anything, but I spotted this rocking horse in Jennifer’s beautiful living room

Hmmm…I wonder where she got that?  I figured it was an antique, but I looked at the resource list anyway.  It’s from Restoration Hardware and it’s still available.  I put that thought on the back burner, though.

Then, I get an e-mail from Restoration Hardware announcing a three day 20% off sale.

Yeah, I’m sure you can guess the rest.  I thought about it for the first two days of the sale and finally pulled the trigger on the third day.  (They did extend the sale through January 7, so you can still use discount code “savings” to get 20% off full price items.)  It worked out nicely, because I sold my ottoman and rocking horse and bought a different horse and still made a profit.

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I think it’s going to be perfect in my newly arranged living room.

And it may get painted white.  We’ll see.

PS – This is not a sponsored post.

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    1. Alison Ogden

      My best friend and I just bought the same one! She bought it for her son’s first Christmas, I bought it for my son’s birthday (but really it’s for me).

    2. Tara

      So happy you found a new home for him! The new one is nice too! You sound like me as far as waiting and then finally “pulling the trigger” when buying something! Very smart of you to sell stuff and use that money for something you really want! This is a good way to not use the family budget! But, I just bet that as hard as you work every once in a while to splurge and to not have to feel you need to justify it. Be good to yourself every now and then. You work hard. Enjoy your new purchase!

    3. Barb Hudson (Yankoski)

      As a former dressage/show jumper horse person, I had tons of wooden, wrought iron and odds and sods of made out of some wood or other stuff horses in my collection. When I sold my last horse (not the last I will have in my life as over the years I met women who were still riding at 80 and I just turned 69) but my last live horse, I decided to part with most of my horse statuary collection too. I put the word out and horsey people (most of them girls and women) came in droves and like me, fell head over heels in love with the lot of them. Do I miss them, not very much. Am I happy they found loving homes – you bet your life. I love the rocking horse but that cute guy I married said absolutely not until after he has passed. So for sure when I have to go to a care home when I am old, rather than a rocker, I will take a rocking horse or two. Cheers. ….love this blog – always makes me smile. …barby

    4. Letha

      I’ve been looking for the perfect toy horse for years! One day I will find it.

    5. Paola Norman

      It’s perfect! I love Jens blog as well she has great style.

    6. Julie @ follow your heart woodworking

      I would have loved to have been able to measure and trace your rocking horse so that I could make my own, as it really looks doable to me!

    7. antiquechase

      I love that you have the will to sell and get another.. me on the other hand might have kept both.. my garage is the best decorated garage in the neighborhood! lol

    8. Marlene

      Love it!! I don’t think you have anything I don’t love….

    9. Irene

      Just curious as to when you put the ottoman and horse in your shop. I’ve been checking your blog and your shop several times daily, but never saw these two “for sale” even though I knew you said you were going to sell them. I just want to be ready for next time. : ) Thanks!

      • Miss Mustard Seed

        People e-mailed me before I even listed them. They are large items and I prefer to sell those locally, if possible. I will be listed a bunch of smalls in my shop in a day or two.

    10. Teresa

      I follow Jennifer’s (Dear Lillie) blog as well and I too have always admired that rocking horse. She has done an amazing job since she has moved into her new home. Cant wait to see your new “horsey”.

    11. Lee

      I love horses, I have a beautiful Victorian full size rocking horse that I bought about 25 years ago for my son. You have reminded me to take some photos of it as I actually tried to sell it this Christmas but had no joy. It is not a cheap horse by any means. I also renovated one for a friend years ago, I must get a photo of it, I could do a tutorial as hers was made out of paper mache but rideable. It was amazing, her grandad made it for her. When she got it to me it had not colour, just white, (he never finished it). No mane, or tail, I gessoed it, painted it, got a new mane and tail and also made a saddle for it… There is actually a long story and I am now inspired to write about both the horses.

      Thank you for sharing.

    12. Robyn Anglebrandt

      So thinking about what color to paint your mirror…what about a cream’ish color or even a light light blue/white?? We love the color heirloom white (in a can) and then we antique over that with a dark grey…LOVE the turn out and thinking maybe that would work for your mirror too!? Love what you do~

    13. Melanie

      Oh how I wish I could have bought your horse! I love antique rocking horses and have fawned over yours for awhile. A little envious of its new home . . .

    14. Myra

      I am just wondering if you’d mind to tell me what you sold your horse for? I have one very similar, a family heirloom, and have always wished I could take it to Antiques Roadshow and learn something about it! We live in Missouri and I’m sure the price would be lower if it sold here.
      I’ve been praying for you and your family. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when I was 19 and used insulin for a while. I hated it, thought my life was over! That was nearly 50 years ago, and I’m still here and fairly healthy, too!

    15. Ramona

      Love your home, blog, everything you post! I have a dark desk that I’m going to paint. The only thing I dread is working around all the little cubbies and shelves on the inside part. It’s a governor winthrop so it has a drop lid and the inside won’t show unless it’s open. Can I leave the inside as is? I plan on using a creamy white color with some glazing around the feet and edges. Thanks in advance for your expert advice!
      My granddaughter is a horse lover and would swoon over your latest one!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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