how my business began | part 1

by | Aug 1, 2015 | my business story, Running a Business | 112 comments

This post may contain affiliate links.

I’ve shared about my business before and how it all began, but I haven’t shared the entire story.

…and it’s time that I do.

So, let’s go back to 2008.  I was a youth pastor’s wife/stay-at-home mom of a 2-month-old and 17-month-old.  The story of my life was diapers and bottles.  And for someone who isn’t a “baby person”, it was really hard at times.  On top of the strain that comes with little sleep and being “needed” all day long, our finances were tighter than they had ever been before.

It wasn’t just that we didn’t have “fun money” or couldn’t go out to eat or take a vacation.  We didn’t have cable TV or internet.  I used to spend all day in the dark, lights turned out and everything unplugged that wasn’t in use.  I would angst at the grocery store, calculator in hand, figuring out what we could do without. The thought of an unexpected expense, like a speeding ticket or medical bill made me crumple on the floor.

This was all true, but the thing that was so sweet about this time was that all of our needs were always met.  Always.  We could pay every bill.  We never went hungry.  People were so generous to give us clothes, gift cards, diapers, groceries, toys for the boys, furniture, etc.  I got to experience God’s provision, which often defied explanation, first hand.  I had to walk in faith in a more literal way than ever before.  It felt precarious and scary, but we were always blessed beyond measure.

As we tip-toed the tightrope of living on little, we finally started to lose our balance.  We had a student loan that had been looming for years and the monthly payments finally came due.  It was $256/month that wasn’t in the already bare-bones budget.  I don’t think I’ve ever wished more that money would just fall from the sky.  How were we going to make it?

I kicked around the idea of working in retail at the outlet mall, but we didn’t think it would be worth the time away from home.  I had fleeting thoughts of starting a business, but the idea of insurance and taxes and all of the business side of things crushed that idea before it even got up off the ground.  I’m not an entrepreneur.

Then, provision came from an unexpected place.  Our church was looking for someone to clean for the preschool that meets there.  It paid just enough to cover our student loan payment.  I had some flexibility, but I would have to work the job with my boys in tow.  This wasn’t a time to be choosy, though, and turn my nose up at a way to earn much-needed income.  I accepted.

I started off strong.  I am someone who actually enjoys cleaning, so I figured this would be easy for me.  The reality was a bit different, though.  Trying to keep my eye on the 20 month old as he played with toys in the preschool and wearing my youngest in a baby carrier as I worked eventually started to wear on me.  Cleaning toilets and mopping floors with a baby strapped to my chest showed me a lot about who I was.  I knew I was looking a blessing in the face and complaining about it; having a little pity party for myself.  I saw a lot of pride in a corner of my heart that I didn’t know was there.  It was eye opening and humbling in a variety of ways.

These were the events that led to “the breakdown” I have shared about, just not in such detail.  I was talking to my mom on the phone one morning and it just all spilled out.  I was drained.  I was struggling as a mom.  I felt like I was a failure in so many areas.  Life was swallowing me whole.  I sobbed and felt sorry for myself.

I thought my mom would coddle me, but instead, she spoke firmly to me and told me to stop crying and do something about it.  She confronted me on the fact that I had been talking about starting a business, but kept making excuses.  She believed in me and pushed me to action.  “Do it.  Do it and we’ll help.”

As I mentioned before, I had a dream of starting my own business.  I don’t know if it was even a dream, to be truthful.  I had mentioned it the way you mention something that sounds good to do someday, but you doubt you’ll ever really do it.  The idea started with a mural that I worked on with one of my friends.  We painted a “Guess How Much I Love You” mural together in my son’s nursery (that eventually became my office.)

I never considered myself an artist, but someone who dabbled in decorative painting.  The mural gave me confidence…I felt like I could do this for other people.

So, when my mom prompted me, the notion of starting a decorative painting and mural business went from a seemingly unrealistic idea to something I couldn’t afford to not do.  I needed to do it.  And my mom took away all of the excuses I had.  My parents would provide what I needed to get started…a computer, a ladder, some paint, an accountant, accounting software, a first quarter of liability insurance and business cards.

As soon as I hung up the phone, I felt a new energy surge through me.  Could I really do this?

I spoke to Jeff about it and we prayed about it and we decided to go for it.  Now, when I say “go for it”, the plan was that I would offer decorative painting and mural services for clients and create some hand painted items to sell at craft fairs.  It was a small “go for it”, but it was something.

Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I had to think about goals and a plan of action.  I had a list of tasks to accomplish and I was able to cross them off and celebrate productivity.  I had no clue what I was doing, but that didn’t seem to matter.  I felt hopeful and, in that hope, I felt more capable in the everyday tasks that only days before were so overwhelming to me.

I still don’t think I can fully articulate the change that happened within me, but starting my business was just the step of faith I needed at that time in my life.  Hence the name of my business.

The “Mustard Seed” in my name is a reference to a Bible verse, in case you didn’t know.

“I tell you the truth, if you have faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Nothing will be impossible.  That’s what I needed – possibility…

The story continues HERE.

You can read the fulls series of my business story here –

how my business began part 1 

how my business began part 2 | the name

how my business began part 3 | now I’m an entrepreneur

how my business began part 4 | finding my niche

how my business began part 5 | the blog

how my business began part 6 | when it takes off


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    1. kelly

      I am thankful for you leap of faith. I was drawn to your website because of the name. My mom taped a mustard seed in my bible to remind me of this verse She has since passed, but I hold strong to that verse. Your stepping out in faith inspires others, like me to begin something new, something impossible and something unknown It is a beautiful thing when we truly let go and let God. Congratulations on your success and thank you for sharing it with us!

      • Priscilla

        I have been following you because of you being Miss Mustard Seed. You write so beautifully, and I admire your taste and creativity. THANK YOU for sharing your personal life and thoughts. I feel like you’re an old friend. God Bless You Miss Mustard Seed! Please keep it all coming!

    2. --Sheri howard

      Good for you and good that you followed your faith. I am glad you made it a matter of prayer. God bless you in you endeavors!

    3. Marie Claire

      I do have to remind myself that many of you successful bloggers started out small and simple, and built your way up to where you are now. This post is a good reminder to just start, even if the attempt is amateur. Just giving it a go could be the spark needed to light the joy inside.

    4. Lynda Brandly

      Marian, thanks so much for sharing your story! You are proof of God’s faithfulness-that when we do our part, He will do His! Look how far you’ve come! You encourage others that they can do it too.
      love and blessings~
      Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

    5. Toni

      Writer Jeff Goins who wrote the Art of Work says that when we find our true calling, it is something that we cannot ignore – it would be a greater evil to ignore that calling than the risks needed to try it!
      He also says that hard times can be necessary to force the thinking that allows us to take that risk.
      Sounds like that’s how it was for you. Good job!

      • Melissa

        Thank you for sharing your private story. It gives me & others like me the hope that maybe one day our dreams can come true. I’ve had the dream of one day opening a vintage shop but year after year I keeping pushing it back into the corner. Maybe one day soon I’ll let it out of the corner….?

    6. Mandy

      This was very inspiring and lovely to read. Thank you for sharing your story.

    7. Jonni @ Jasper's Cottage

      As someone who is struggling so much lately, because despite prayer and thankfulness and a heart of gratitude, our needs are not being met, bills are not being paid, we are going hungry and we must not know any generous people. So just today I was feeling like I was drowning and then I read your blog. I don’t know what God is trying to tell me but my heart is open and I’m listening. Thank you for sharing your story. jonni

    8. Ali

      Hi Marion, Thankyou so much for sharing…had tears in my eyes. I love knowing the origin of the name of your business. I’m also struggling along, trying to make my business take off, and your story is very encouraging! xx

    9. Debra

      Thank you for sharing this story. I was originally drawn by the name of your business and blog.Watching the changes to your business, your success, and your faith have been inspiring. God Bless

    10. Marsha Sefcik

      Thank you so much for writing this post. I am in a similar place myself. Tired of struggling. I am on the fence about starting a certain venture. I guess it just takes a leap of faith.

    11. Cheryl

      Thank you Marian. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your whole story. I cannot stop crying after reading part one. 🙂 God is good and so faithful, and it’s so encouraging and inspiring and hopeful to hear other real stories. Thank you. Can’t wait to hear the rest of the story.

    12. Tammy

      Marian, you are a blessing. Helping others to become a success. Giving us encouragement by sharing your struggles. Thank you for being you!

    13. chris

      What an inspiring story! Faith does move mountains! Recently I saw a post “Faith is stronger than fears. ” So true -My Mom had a mustard seed framed for our youngest brother … because of the same verse! God bless you & yours always. Our lives definitely are our testimonies too oxox Happy weekend and as we used to say in my home-town Vaya Con Dios!

    14. Ashley

      Thank you for being brave and sharing your story. Funny enough, I can relate and I’m sure there are many out there that do as well.



    15. Billie

      I love you. Very much. I’m going to admit that I’ve only read twice now. But twice now I’ve needed to hear exactly what you’ve written! I’m terrified of what’s coming, but if God gave it to me…anything is possible through Christ!! Thank you. I knew there was a reason I rolled out of bed at midnight and checked my e-mail!!

    16. Nancy

      So very cool! Thanks so much for not only sharing your talents but your faith! Your story is relatable to so many of us and makes you all the more loveable!

    17. Joan Raines

      Marian, this is just what I needed. I now understand where you came from and that it was very hard work, faith and a bit of a push from your parents and you had two small children to take care of a husband and a home. Wow. I couldn’t relate to you until I read this. I now understand how you got to this point and don’t envy you anymore, I admire you totally. Need that sequel. I am 85 but it never to late to try a dream with no money. lol

    18. Melissa

      I was one of those that left a negative comment on your previous post asking our opinion. I can only say Welcome Back ! Keep writing from your heart and don’t forget where you came from. I, like your mom, do not coddle and with blogs and social media people seem to only say what a person wants to hear. Keep up the good work. I really do admire what you have done but just don’t want you to undo it which is usually the case.

    19. Jan

      Thank you for sharing.

    20. Heather @ Viral Upcycle

      I love that you shared such a personal story. Being poor has a way of holding you down. It does much more psychology to you that half of the world can’t relate to. It’s powerful when people rise above it. Thanks for sharing, I can’t wait to hear how you went from painting murals to where you are now!

    21. Vanessa D.

      Your story reminds me so much of a former co-worker who always claimed her ‘angels’ were looking out for her’ She was a single mom in the days when women were not always well looked after in the legal arena and she always said that whenever if felt as if the money wouldn’t stretch to cover the need, her angels were there to fill the gap.

    22. Karla Hogancamp

      Truly inspiring! Women need to share stories like yours. God is good!

    23. B Folk

      “I never considered myself an artist…” After looking at the truth in color on the wall behind you, how could you (or anyone else) ever think that? Marian, you are so talented. God has also gifted you with a loving, caring, big heart that is willing to learn. You have inspired and helped so many people. Don’t believe the lies that our enemy tells us. He prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking to kill and destroy. He can only do that if we forget Who we really belong to. I began reading your blog because I was looking up milk paint. I have continued reading your blog because it’s about more than milk paint. I can relate to the poverty and the pride, and the Providence of God.Thanks for this latest post.

      • SueSchneid22

        Amen and amen!

    24. Paula Aziz

      WOW, I have been following your blog for just a few months now and am always inspired when I read it. That was very brave to be so honest . I think being vulnerable and totally transparent is a very attractive quality in a person. I also totally believe God or the Universe or what ever you want to call it always provides, you just have to believe and trust . Well done girl xx

    25. Mary-In the boondocks

      Thank you Marian. for the inspiration. I am not a mom of young kids, I am at the other end of the spectrum.. Older kids, and now I need to get my feet wet again! So I have slowly started a blog on repurposing, and we will see where it goes! Thanks for sharing your thoughtful story.

    26. Katharine

      Inspiring post. I like this track you’re on. You go girl!

    27. Tammy Damore

      So encouraging! I had the sense you were a Christian from little things you would say on your YouTube account. I’m a huge fan of you there as well as on Instagram. Knowing you love and trust God makes it even more sweet! I myself have been an artist all my life, and decorating and painting are my passion. Last year my daughter who rights a Blog for Chritian woman and has a little shop, talked me into Blogging about what I already was doing for the last 30 years. I doubt anyone reads it, but I love writing it down! And I am really enjoying Instagram. I would love to take the next step, what ever that is. I guess God will reveal it, if it’s meant to be. Thank you for being so real! God Bless!

    28. Geri Sileo

      Love reading your story. God’s timing is perfect. Love your business name. Just as a seed grows into something bigger, faith should also grow! You can see that growth in your blog! Thanks for sharing!

    29. Michelle Holland

      We shall overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!
      Thanks for sharing your story! Blessings!

    30. Sarah Phillipps

      Your story is both beautiful and powerful. Thank you for telling it and being vulnerable. Your light shines brightly, Marian!

    31. anne

      omgoodness! I love that you shared this! Maybe put it in your next book? I believe it resonates with many more gals than you think. I started my own business at 40 with 5 kiddos, youngest 2 years old and blossomed. Not that I didn’t love my kids but grant, my hubby, would explain it to others as me just “needing it”. Rocky at times, cause I was so absorbed and enamored, but lots of growth came for all of us. I loved the leadership skills I learned and new deep friendships with like-minded women and my family learned hospitality, had more time with daddy and our kids have no college debt! (Added benefit: I never had a mid-life crisis ?) Blessed season of my life for 16 years … I wish you the same!

    32. Dorothy

      This is your writing voice that drew me to your site years ago. I realize your style has grown; however I missed hearing about your faith filled journey. I myself am crippling my efforts to start a small business. Mainly I’m afraid to fail, but you plowed ahead and look at you now! Thank you for sharing your story.

    33. kristine Puzel

      I have been following your blog for a few years now. I read your first series of how you started your business, and found it very interesting and inspiring. Now with this new series, I am looking forward to reading more about the details, background, specifics. Clearly you are a source of inspiration for many of us! I am very excited to read the upcoming posts.

    34. CathyJ

      Marian, thanks so much for this inspiring post. You are such a lovely and godly woman and a wonderful example to all of us. I encourage you to continue to just be you no matter what others may think or say. We love you out here in bogland!

    35. Cassie

      I’m so glad to hear more of your story! I was in such a similar position a little more than a year ago when my husband encouraged me to start my business. Starting a business, even a tiny one, is such a leap of faith in yourself. It’s the scariest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done (aside from having babies). I’m so much more inspired and fulfilled, with confidence that I forgot I had, and I have so much more to give to my family as a result.

    36. Jaana Flaherty

      Marian, I can’t even tell you how much this spoke to me this morning. I’m full of emotion, ok actually bawling my eyes out. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am a 41 mother of three and I have been led by the Lord to do the same – start my own business (for very similar reasons that you wrote). So with much prayer I started redoing furniture and blogging. But I feel like pulling my hair out at times because I am so computer illiterate when it comes to the whole WordPress blogging system, and then lack of finances, and kiddo interruptions. And I question my own abilities and I was just about to have a GIANT pity party this morning….until I read your very honest heartfelt story. Thank you again. It has touched my heart in so many ways. You are amazing!

    37. Becca

      that is the best blog post I think I’ve ever read. Thank you for showing us the mustard seed.

    38. Anne

      I needed to read that.

      I am being encouraged to start a business after years of not working due to a health battle with Lyme Disease and I nervous to start. I have people who believe in me and are willing to fund me but I am scared!

      Thanks for sharing!

    39. Mimi

      Bless you, Marian! Like so many others, I really needed to hear this today. Thanks for sharing such an inspiring story. 🙂

    40. Ginger

      Thank you. We have so much more in common than I imagined… I started reading your blog because I loved your milk paint colors in a small town Georgia shop, but I have so enjoyed getting to know you and been inspired creatively and encouraged spiritually by your writing. You never could have known what fruit would come from that mustard seed. 🙂

    41. mary m young

      Marian, I firmly believe that you have to have hard times to appreciate the good times. I was just
      thinking before that 50 years ago I couldn’t boil water and now I can do anything in the kitchen because I was hungry and didn’t want to make the same thing over and over. Newly married
      and lived in Italy but I did have my first cookbook The Joy of Cooking and I took in every word
      and was motivated.

      I have a school house blackboard from Maine which is very old. On it in chalk I have written
      my favorite sayings. One of my favorites is: Motivation separates the doers from the dreamers.
      I love it when the grandchildren read the board.

      No matter what you are talking about or doing every day I look forward to your email and
      appreciate every word. Best, Mary

    42. Janet in Kansas City

      Thank you for your honesty in the struggles.
      I have been there in the trenches of “how on earth are we going to make it?” Though the circumstances were completely different, I too saw God come through time and again to make ends meet.

      I’ve never thought of starting a business. Recently a friend said something that jarred me, a “have you ever considered being a __________.” Yes, I had thought about it actually, but I had never told a single soul, not even admitting it to him. But there it was, smacking me in the face. It was just this week, and I’m still a little blown away, and wondering, could I ever do that, really? Me?

      Hearing your story gives us all hope that maybe we too could take a chance and go for it! Thank you for sharing your journey with us, and thank you for sharing the beauty you create.

    43. Mari

      I have not been in a good place for a while. This is the second time in a week that faith and a mustard seed has been presented to me. Thank you for sharing your story. It means a lot.

    44. Donna Soule

      I have enjoyed your blog and bought my first bag of your milk paint today. I want to start a blog and was wondering if you have a blog format (WordPress?) that you would recommend. Thank you! Love your style.

    45. mary roberts


    46. Dionne Woods

      That’s beautiful Marian. Thank you for sharing!!

    47. Celi Glow

      Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! This is the motivation I needed. I am in a similar situation as you were and I needed this inspiration. Can’t wait to read more!

    48. Gretta

      My husband of only one year left me for a generation younger woman when he graduated from medical school (not so uncommon). I was >40, knew no one in the large city to which we’d moved, dared not contact my father for help (he would not have been at all sympathetic as he did not approve of divorce under any circumstance) and was at the end of my rope — in total despair. I knew only ONE thing: I wanted to own my own home & create a decent retirement for myself. I had a good job (scientific editor for a major medical school), but it wasn’t enough. I got a second job on weekends (typing) & multiple small evening typing jobs (I used to joke that I had keys to half the medical offices in town). 17 years later I retired with my 30-year mortgage paid off (at 9 7/8%, remember those years?), a new car, no debt & a feeling of enormous self-worth and self-esteem. There’s an old saying: when the going gets tough, the tough get going. However, MY preferred aphorism is: If you keep a bough green in your heart, the singing bird will come.

    49. Ann

      I am so proud of you. I have always said that my kids were my greatest accomplishments. No doubt your mom feels the same. <3

    50. Kelli

      It is one of the bravest acts to share your personal struggles with people you don’t know…Every human being just wants to be able to relate to someone in the same situation, it makes them feel normal and gives them courage and hope to keep going. What a wonderful gift you are giving!!!
      #courageandhope #justoneofyourbiggestfans

    51. Katie

      God is amazing isn’t He? I can totally relate to that feeling—I was a single mom and one unexpected bill away from total poverty. It is terrifying. But God provided, He always did. He brought me my husband and He worked through you to inspire people like me to start a blog. Which has blessed my family. Thank you for sharing your story. 🙂


    52. Suzi

      Thanks for sharing your story. I think you have inspired more people today than you will ever know. Your parents and family must be so proud of you and your accomplishments.

    53. Monica

      This post made me cry. I feel exactly as you described , I feel stuck. I have always thrown the idea of starting a baking business back and forth, but it all seems so overwhelming that I always chicken out. And I love where you got the name for your blog, I am going to have to bookmark that in my bible. ?

    54. MaryLisa Noyes

      I had no idea how you got started. I can’t wait to hear more…I needed this inspiration today thank you

    55. Heidi

      could you say more about it? It sounds so inspirational to me!

    56. Moriah C

      Wow! Thanks for sharing your faith and your story. I love hearing others’ stories on how God did the extraordinary when they gave Him their ordinary. Very inspiring story already and you’ve only just begun. ?

    57. Lynn

      Thank you for sharing the details of your life. Today’s post is so inspirational. It’s so lovely to know that you are guided by the Holy Spirit. God-given talents are there to bless the lives of others, and your blog/tutorials/photos/ inspire me to make my home a little more inviting, and to continue to develop my own homemaking arts in the process. Thank you, thank you, thank you; and thank thee, too, God, for guiding me to this website a few years ago.

    58. Janet

      Thank you for sharing your story. I have only been following your blog for 2 years. I knew about the Mustard Seed scripture so I’m glad to know how you chose your name.

    59. Linda

      Thanks for sharing your story: and it was very inspirational for anyone, at any age. We cannot say enough about the encouragement from our parents … my late mom’s, “Let’s try it”, motto still keeps me striving even at 65.

    60. Anita in SC

      Marian, I have followed your blog for so long and have used your paint on so many pieces in my home, I actually feel like I know you without ever meeting you. I had some ladies at my home one evening last week as we call “Girls Night In” and several noticed my pieces that I had painted and asked about them. I told them all about you, Miss Mustard Seed, how I stumbled upon you, about your blog,, etc., and needless to say they loved it! After reading your blog today, I just wanted to tell you what an impact you had on this 68 year old lady in SC and tell you how much I appreciate you sharing this part of your life today! I, as one of God’s children also, needed to read your words today. Our God is good ALL the time and He never ceases to amaze me at the most unexpected times!!!!
      May God continue to bless you and your family!

    61. Anita in SC

      Ohm,I almost forgot, would you ever do a small painting like your mural with the rabbit that you would sell in your shop? That’s what I’ve always said to my grandson since I read him the book and he will soon be 19 and leaving for the Marines!!!! I would love to have this for myself (Nena) and his Pepa. He has been living with us again for the past 2 years!!!!! We have actually raised him and love him so much!! Just a thought, but it sure would mean a lot to me!

    62. Donna Bobby

      Marion, when materials things seem overwhelming we sometimes forget to turn to our Lord and Savior because he is waiting for us to just ask him to help and guide us, “through Him all things are possible”. I know for myself as my business grew I had to keep remembering not to let greed get in the way of the mission as you did today, you witnessed that without our Lord you would never have found the faith and strength to grow your business and to sustain it. Thank you for sharing.

    63. Carrie

      ill be praying for you Jonni!! Going through so much too and God will see us through. Bless you

    64. Cami

      I seriously cannot wait for more! Already so inspired by where you have been to where you are now. Thank you for opening up to us!

    65. Janalin

      Beautiful, touching words. And knowing this- I love this blog even more. XO

    66. Lily Foltz

      I meant to comment on your “questions about your blog” posting. I read many of the comments but did not post and time passed.
      What I meant to tell you was to keep your own voice and continue in the things that are authenicly you. This post fits that definition perfectly. Its YOUR story told in your own style( voice). There is no subsitute for that: God made each of us so unique. And so this post has touched hearts in many people and situations. Thanks.

    67. Kaille

      Dearest Marian, this photo touches me perhaps more than anything I’ve seen on your blog in the many, many years I’ve been reading it. I don’t know why – it just does. Thanks for sharing such a poignant post.

    68. Rose

      Thank you so much for sharing that. This is exactly what I needed to hear right now. I have gone through the meltdown/pity party myself. I have recently taken steps to make my pipe dream a step closer to reality. Scary, but I think I am finally ready to believe in myself enough to make this happen. Hearing your story reinforces my belief. Thank you.

    69. Alicia in California

      I’ve been following you now for about two years and I’ve never heard how you started your business. You’ve been an inspiration from the day I climbed aboard. I so admire your commitment to the Lord and how you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. I’m 67 and am believing that the dream to start my own business can be a reality. I love the picture of the mural you created all those years ago. I’m about ready to start painting the furniture in my home. It’s my parent’s furniture, solid maple and very orange. It’s about to turn “coastal’ and get a beautiful white coat! I’m working with what God provided for me. I’ll be sending you pictures. Too late for Friday Furniture but nonetheless I would love to share them with you. Your tutorial on slipcovers got me started last year. Then to prepare my parent’s home for open house I made slipcovers for the sofa and love seat – wing back and scrolled arms and all!!! Phew! You were my inspiration! So I thank you again. I would love to do this for others as well as refurbish old furniture. God will make a way. He is my Anchor. Thank you for being used of Him to encourage others.

    70. Laurie

      It’s nice to know that a person can be successful just by being “pretty good” at something and trying. I always tend to assume people that succeed are gifted beyond measure.

    71. Addie Rogers

      Thank you for sharing “Part !” of your story. It is a good honest story. When I first heard, “Miss Mustard Seed” I knew exactly where that came from. Your story is not just a girl with a lot of talent, giving it a whirl and she got lucky. Talent-YES!!! Hard work-YES!!! Luck???-No!!! Most importantly having the faith in the ability to really move mountains from a power above. Yes, the tiny little mustard seed, grows into one of the biggest trees of all. All anyone needs is tiny faith. Faith in a Heavenly Father to see you through.
      I read the comments from “the question blog” some people mentioned they didn’t want to read about your faith. Pay no attention to them. FAITH has gotten you where you are today. If they don’t like it~so be it. You are Blessed Miss Marion and I know you will never lose sight of that.
      Can’t wait for “Part 2”.
      God Bless,

    72. jackie

      Looking at the number of comments to your post, it’s clear that there are so many of “you” out here who question their abilities, haven’t found their gift yet and have the “oh, I couldn’t do that” voice inside their heads. Thank you for proving that even in the face of all that, women can come out the other side. I needed to hear it.
      Thank you,

    73. Debra Naifeh

      Thank you for sharing your story. Throughout our lives, I can honestly say that God’s faithfulness has been there for us, even when circumstances looked otherwise, I’ve enjoyed seeing the comments from others, especially from those of us who aren’t the “spring chickens” of your readers. I’m in a work situation that’s in flux right now, and I’ve been lamenting the fact that I’m not sure how it’s all going to work out, and feeling that in some ways I’m starting over at age 57. I want to look to the future with hope, not fear, but I’m struggling with feelings of being inadequate and fear of failure. I’m hoping to continue to see good things come out of a tough situation, and be able to thank the Lord for the circumstances that nudged me into a better place.

    74. Kiki

      Marion, I had you down for many things, but never I would have thought that you were a church woman, although your ‘nom de plume’ should have been a strong pointer. I know only very little about your person & came across your work very late(ly), I always thought of you as a tough, able, competent business woman, hardly ever mentionning your boys and family…. I’m über-pleased to read your humble beginnings, to see the fruits of your strong faith and hard work and I shall as of now go back and read so much more about you. Thank you so much for opening your heart with this ‘story of your life’ – this is so helpful, encouraging, and a true testimonial to our God’s presence & help. We too, suffered many experiences we thought that the Lord had nearly forgotten about us and then, years later, we learned why it was finally still His Way and why we had to go through certain ‘deserts’. These experiences render us very humble and even make us hopefully better persons.
      I’m now very much looking forward to Part II and shall read ‘backwards’ when my time allows about your ‘doings’ – found you for some of your furniture ‘distressing’ and also via your helpful and kind videos on upholstering (things I did too out of necessity and for the love of old stuff – having lived in rural England for some years). Much love and sincere thanks!

    75. Megan

      I absolutely loved the honesty and vulnerability of this post, Marian! Thank you for sharing it with us! 🙂

    76. Mary

      Thank you so much for telling your story. I can really understand exactly what you have gone through. You, even though you don’t remember me, have inspired me from the first time I met you in 2014 Lucketts.

      I REALLY needed to read this today and I thank you. And you are right. God DOES provide!!

      Looking forward to hearing more.

    77. Stacey

      Wonderful post! You’re down to earth nature and honesty always make visiting this blog a lovely experience. And you’ve really come a long way!

    78. Laura

      You are totally awe inspiring! I love how articulate you are and so approachable that I feel like you could be my friend. You deserve all the success you achieve!

    79. Krista

      Another great post! I truly admire your faith, courage, hard work ethic, honesty & down-to-earth spirit. Continued blessings & success to you!

    80. Darlene

      I sit here crying reading this. This is me right now..except with 5 kiddos in tow. Im on here because I love you & your blog BUT im looking for inspiration too. I recently decided I NEED to do something to supplement income somehow. Outside our home would never work & like you Ive always talked of starting a business re-creating things. Ive always had a passion for making something beautiful from almost anything, Looking past what at first appearances would seem to be junk..I know I can make beautiful. Much like what God has done with my “junk” & conformed me into something beautiful. Thank you for the inspiration. I do believe God just spoke the encouragement I need through you. Thank you:-)

    81. Lynne

      Really enjoyed reading this. Thank you so much for sharing such a personal story. It is beautifully written and so inspiring.

    82. Marion

      Wow, you have a great mom, and your mom has a great daughter!! Thank you for the inspiration that you give. Love and thumbs up from a dutch girl in Italy 🙂

    83. Amber~FPH

      Oh Marion! Do I ever know the place you came from. He definitely provides us what He knows we need (and when). I left my Vintage business behind when we moved from CA to AL, which I also started because of the financial need. I didn’t want to continue on with the same business so I changed my blog name and started all over. The past two years have been a struggle trying to figure out WHAT my heart desired. Well, it found me. I had someone come to me asking to bake a very large multi-tiered cake for them and after that, word got out. I opened my Cottage Bakery (from home) and it has been a successful venture to say the least. Guess where I’ll be selling my pastries in October? The Market on Chapel Hill. 🙂 I had NO intentions, ever, to open a bakery. It has come naturally and so easily. I can truly say, the Lord has his hand in this.

    84. Krista Petersen

      Beautiful. I came across your blog about the time when your book first came out. At the time I was renting space in a home decor/gift shop doing some of the same things you were doing at the time. The owner of the shop (The Red Dresser in Traverse City, MI) was the one who told me about you. I felt a certain kinship with you as I read your posts about starting your business. I’m clearly older but I do remember (oh so well) those days of little children, being a stay-at-home mom and the penny pinching budget. But God is faithful!! We too paid our bills on time each month.
      I remember being sad when you announced you were no longer keeping a space in Luckett’s. Then I remember being jealous (being older doesn’t make me more mature) of your business just taking off – the paint line, the book, etc. It was almost painful for me to check in and see how you were doing because my time at The Red Dresser ended and it wasn’t because of success in other areas. But I’m happy to say that I’ve matured some and am joyfully reading your blog and am so happy for you. God is good!
      This post was truly beautiful.

    85. Amy Anderson

      I’m so excited that you’re sharing your story – and I never made the “mustard seed” correlation. . . but I love it!

    86. Ann

      Marion,Thank you for being so open and vulnerable. This is why I keep checking back on this blog even though I don’t have any time for refinishing furniture these days. You insprie me with more than just your beautiful furniture creations. You had me in tears by the end of your story. This was exactly what I needed to hear today as I’m just about to embark on my own business adventure. I look forward to hearing more about your story and following your success. Lots of Love to you and your family.

    87. Dixie Redmond

      I’ve been reading your blog a looooooong time! I love reading people’s stories, especially stories about how adversity set them on the road to their successes. Thank you for sharing that. Also, I bought two brushes recently, which I will blog about. Thanks for writing, Marian.

    88. Crystal

      Okay, I just cried. That was an amazing story. Humbling, honest and inspiring. You motivate me!

    89. Cindy

      I think that is one of the best things about you that a lot of us can relate to … you literally were counting pennies. You really do know what it is like ….and you were stressed and tired and that having babies isn’t all fun and fluff. It is tedious, and boring and so exhausting sometimes. It is so damn inspiring to read how you had that little spark and let it grow… Coolest thing ever… and so touching


    90. Debora Hoffmann

      God is so good, so faithful, and so loving. Thank you for your testimony. This is encouraging for all of us as we walk through life desiring to please Him by working as unto the Lord. Can’t wait to hear part 2. 🙂 Blessings!

    91. Lauren Baxter

      Thank you for sharing your story, it was so nice to read and look at how far your step has come! Keep up the amazing work and its always good to read where people start from, gives me confidence to keep going and I’ll go somewhere to.

      Lauren Baxter | LB Designs

    92. Jaimee

      Having followed your blog for some time now, I often share the progression of your story with my friends and family as a testimony of what God can do when we simply give him TODAY what we have to offer. I have rejoiced with you as you wrote your first book, started your own paint line, moved into your studio, and now have designed a paint brush with Shaunna. You are an inspiration to so very many people ~ even way up here in Alaska!

    93. Julie

      Love, love, love!! Such an encouraging post on many levels. Can’t wait to read the next in this series!

    94. Sally

      You are very fortunate your parents and mom were supportive, and that you have talents like you do, God has given you good things in your life;) and you used them. A lot of people have talent and don’t actually use it, either because they don’t have encouragement and support, or because they have no outlet for their particular skills. I hope this encourages many people, (what you posted.) and that they will find a way.

    95. Anne

      We are in a similar situation, I stayed home with my daughter as she was growing up. Three years ago I started my blog. But we have had some unexpected expenses and things happen along the way that’s hurt us financially. I am working even harder with my blog to help pay things off. And once I figure out this blogging and business journey out, I want to share how achieved each success so I can help others. Thanks for sharing your story Marian, your the reason I started blogging 🙂

    96. Marie@The Interior Frugalista

      Thank you so much for sharing this part of your story with us Marian! The more I learn about you the more you inspire and motivate me to keep going. I’ve found our lives are parallel in many ways and learning this part of your story brought that home even more.

      I too was NOT a baby person and struggled. I remember being in a park with the kids the Monday after leaving my full-time job to be home with the kids. As I sat watching all the other Mom’s with their bags loaded with all the right park paraphernalia as I sat on the park bench with nothing but feelings of being overwhelmed and tears streaming behind my sunglasses. It turned out to be the best decision for our family but a difficult one financially on an already tight budget. I remember buying groceries at the dollar store on many occasions.

      Those days ended up providing the biggest gift – it taught me how to stretch a dollar and make something out of nothing. I that making something out of nothing a whole new skill set was achieved which eventually lead to my blog and business.

      I didn’t intend to write a book here LOL but just wanted you to know that your story gives a lot of us hope, motivation, drive, and can do spirit and for that I thank you! It also motivated me to be more candid in my About Me page on the blog (which will be changed soon).

    97. Kim

      Wow that was truly inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing! Can’t wait to hear the rest….

    98. Sherri

      Thank you for sharing your story. And kudos to your mom for saying the hard thing! You shared your testimony and it’s such an inspiration to others. Continued blessings to you and your business.

    99. Betsy @ Happily Ever After, Etc.

      I love love love reading about the beginning of your business! I have followed you since 2011 when I graduated from college and learned about the world of blogging… It’s so much fun to see where it all began!

    100. Rachel McGregor

      I thought I had come across your business by chance….but it never ceases to amaze me how God works! Thank you for sharing your journey, it’s encouraging, inspirational & brave! I LOVE your name and what it stands for! You now have a friend in Brisbane Australia who is cheering you on from the other side of the world! X

    101. Rebecca

      This is SO inspiring! I’ve always been crafty, but now I would really like to be crafty for a living instead of a hobby. I’ve always been afraid to put myself out there, and your journey is giving me courage! Thank you for sharing!

    102. Tina Sheradin

      One moment at a time. Sometimes you do the things you need to in order to survive. But if you let God steer, every day, you will get to where He wants you to be. I’ve had a take a 10 year detour, but God keeps steering me in this direction. It’s time to stop letting fear keep me from what God put me here to do. Thank you Marian. It’s time.

    103. Karen

      My first time actually visiting your site…although I’ve come across you several times elsewhere ..maybe pinterest.. it always caught my eye Because I love that parable. Loved reading your story….I am at a crossroads myself…trying to turn something I love into a legitimate career (at. 46!) Thank you for the inspiration!

    104. Karen


    105. Larry LeGrande

      Talked to your mom today, you used to babysit our kids in Orlando. She told me about MustardSeed. Hope our three super creative/artsy daughters can connect with you and do something similar. So encouraging to see what God has done. Great to see your blog. Blessings, Larry LeGrande

    106. Lauren

      This post just brought me to tears. It’s almost like you could see inside our household. I have always loved upcyling and repurposing items because, like people, things should get a second chance! As my husband and I struggle to get ahead financially, I decided to take the leap and start selling my projects. I was then contact by a local crafter to sell my projects in her store! I totally understand that feeling of “I need to do this” That’s my drive to put the hours in. God doesn’t gift us with great blessings with out the burden, but he know we can do it. Thank you SO much for your story!

    107. DURAISIN Véronique

      Au delà de l’Atlantique, je consulte votre site chaque jour ici en France près de Granville et du Mont Saint Michel !! Un régal pour les yeux!! Emue, la larme à l’oeil à la lecture par votre récit sur les débuts de votre entreprise !! Bravo quelle réussite !!! Je vous félicite ! Merci Marian de nous faire partager votre vécu!
      Moi aussi je souhaite “me lancer ” dans une petite entreprise d’ici quelques semaines!! Un projet que j’ai depuis de nombreuses années. La peur au ventre ….mais si je ne le fais pas … ce sont les regrets qui me rongeront! Vous lire me donne du courage et de l’énergie!
      Affectueusement Véronique

    108. Sandra

      It’s so interesting to read your beginnings and how God has always provided for needs and, sometimes, wants. Bless your parents, especially your Mom, for being an encourager. I cleaned other people’s houses to put myself through uni; there’s no shame in honest work.
      May you always be a woman who chases God with her whole heart! (and…there are NO adverts on this page! go figure. sometimes I can’t read your copy because of adverts!)


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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