I’ve got nothin’

by | Jun 24, 2016 | Miscellaneus | 24 comments

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I usually post six days a week.  That’s just what I do as a part of my job.  And usually I have an abundance of things to talk about.

Well, tonight, I opened my computer and sat in front of a blank page for about 45 minutes.  Hoping to find a spark of inspiration, I scrolled through old pictures.  I browsed Pinterest.  I looked through my old post drafts and my e-mail reminders to myself about things to post when I don’t know what to post.

Jeff came into the room and asked if I was done with my post.

“Nope.  I haven’t even started, yet.  I’ve got nothin’ today.”

He laughed.  “Well, that’s what you should write.”

So, I’ve got nothin’.

Ever had a day like that?

blue linen dress | linen bee | miss mustard seed

Well, actually, I do have one thing.  The next round of items will go live in the online shop tomorrow (Friday) night at 8:00 pm EST.

Here is a preview of some of the many items that are listed.  They are a mix of Lucketts leftovers and things that have been hanging out in the storage closet at the studio for way too long and it’s time for them to go to a new home.

And I got in a new order of the braided jute trim for those who were asking for it!

And I picked up some more cast iron animals, including this awesome pig bank…

…and a few more flying pigs…

I could only find green, but I thought they were still cute.

So, I guess I had a bit more than nothing to share!

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    1. Deb Zaharchuk

      Hi, I’ve got something! I’m setting up for my first big market ever on Saturday, so I feel like faux Mustard, or fake mustard as my wiseacre family calls me…anyway I’ve been painting waxing pricing distressing all week and I’m bone-tired.
      As for my milk paint review, I love farmhouse white, it’s the perfect white! I’ve been having a bit of a fight with a piece I was using boxwood on, and that color is beautiful but a bit temperamental!! All was well in the end, I made the piece behave with some bonding agent…as a side note, the magic truly happens once wax is applied.
      Wish me luck with my “mini Lucketts ” booth and my first venture out of the bucket,;)

      • JoanMarie

        Wow Deb – I will wish you luck for sure! Getting ready for a show or starting a business….That is an endeavor to be admired. It sounds like you have been working very hard and I wish you the best!

      • Charlotte ~ Vintage Inspired Cottage

        Hi Deb – I just wanted to say ‘good for you’!! Getting ready for a market is a huge undertaking!! My husband and I just did a really large market called Christie Antique & Vintage Show in Ontario, Canada – and mercy sakes we worked our tails off for weeks! We had a fabulous show and it was a great success for us as first timers. I wish you well and hope you have much success.
        Marion – Miss Mustard Seed – you have been such an inspiration and I tune into you each day to see what wonderful things I can learn from you. Bravo!

      • marian

        Yes, that is something!! Good for you for stepping out. I hope it’s a huge success. 🙂

    2. Sue

      I got nothing! 🙂

    3. Deb Zaharchuk

      Thanks for the encouragement! Marion has been a huge inspiration! Most of my booth is blue and white! All painted with Miss Mustard Seed paint.
      I couldn’t help thinking today that it would have been much more fun with a Kriste to chat with and for moral support! My dear parents were trying, and they supplied food and coffee to keep me going, but they kept saying things like “oh no, it’s chipping” and “why’d you sand all the corners” lol.
      I need to get me a sidekick!
      Oh and my kids said “we never call you fake mustard ” I think that was just me!!!

    4. Helen

      You could talk about the sources you use to find items to decorate your home as well as for your sales…if it’s not a secret!!! Or how to encourage young adults to join the decorating craze as they move into their new apartment or home. Or any topic….I will read it everytime!!!!

    5. Goedele

      Actually a great post :-).

    6. Mandy

      Keeping it real……love it. X

    7. Olivia

      Lol…. But that wasn’t nothin!
      I don’t know if you are interested in requests, but I would love to see a “textile tour” of your house…. Or just one room, if that’s easier. Which textiles did you use for which purpose and why, how do you maintain them, etc.
      Also, have you ever done a post about your neighborhood/surrounding community? Interesting scenery, architecture, events, etc. I would love to read about that. Maybe even once per season, since you have seasons (we don’t, where I live).
      Your blog is just lovely, and so are you. You make the world a more beautiful place every day. Thank you for working so hard to share it with us.

    8. jackie pankuck

      This is soooo weird. The thought actually crossed my mind last night that I marvel at how you always have something to write about….and then, “I’ve Got Nothin’.” Hilarious…

    9. Gina

      I love it! Even when you have nothing you have something…..I start my day with this blog and my cup of coffee….just seeing the lovely pictures and knowing that you left us a “note” helps to inspire! Now that you have posted that you have nothing….a thousand things will pop in to your head in the next week!!! Have an amazing relaxing weekend!

    10. Melanie

      I have to ask about the farmhouse living room redo. I know you’ve been busy with Lucketts, but have you done any work on it?

      • marian

        Believe it or not, I HAVE been working on it, but working on it has meant looking for the right sofa for MONTHS!! The sofa is going to be the one thing the home owner really spends money on and she wants something pretty specific in a tight price-range, so we’re both been looking for months and have come up dry so far.

        I possibly have an opportunity to partner with a sponsor to get a sofa for her room, so we’re seeing if that pans out. Once we get the sofa, it’s off to the races!!

    11. Terri

      Gooooooo, Deb! Wishing you well on your endeavor. And, Marian, you rocked “nothin'”!

    12. Iris

      I’ve always wondered how you manage the Herculian task of putting something out there every day. After all, you’ve got a lot going on. Yet, your posts are always so well done and have plenty of pretty pics.

    13. Suzanne Reiersen

      Crossing my fingers and toes that the crochet coverlet will be mine tonight. My grandmother made one like it and I inherited it. Someone stole it from the giant laundromat dryer 24 years ago and I’ve been trying to find one ever since. Came close once in Red Bank, NJ, but it smelled so bad that I’d have to go back to the scene of the crime to wash and dry it. Just couldn’t do it. Good luck to me!

    14. Gwen

      I don’t usually write but your post just cracked me up!!! In my day that means just caught me off guard and made me just laugh!!!! Staring. Browsing Pinterest. Scrolling files!!!!!! And the image of you doing all that…the hub’s response…I laughed more!!! And then I loved looking at the fun photos. Enjoy living!!! Til the next post?

    15. Penny

      Some days are like that. Even the most creative get a dry spell now and then. Maybe it’s just the brains way of saying ‘take a break already’ ! But as you can see, you did have something to share after all!

    16. Teresa

      I can’t seem to get the shop to refresh but can I please buy some jute trim? Thanks!

    17. Kathy

      I was ready to check out -went to paypal and wanted to delete one thing and it wiped out everything. So I lost it all in a second which made no sense. Of course I rushed to get it back and it was all gone. Checking out needs to show you shipping and also let you finish your shopping without deleting your stuff as I was no more then 5 minutes once I got to checkout.Anyway very upset and disappointed given the stress trying to purchase 5 items.

      • marian

        Oh, I’m so sorry about that! We will be moving to a new format for the online shop and hopefully that will fix any of these issues. It’s hard to find a shop that’s made for a rush of customers all at one time!

    18. Penny

      I absolutely love the piggy’s and the green would go perfect in my house! I would also kive aome jute. I dont suppose you deliver to SA. ;((

    19. Linda

      Even when you think “you got nothin’ ” you grace us with some beautifully taken product photos. That leads me to a question. Could you do a couple of posts on 1. how you do your product photography and 2. what is the process you go through to get so many beautiful photos online each day. I am writing a travel/missions trip blog and it doesn’t take me very long to get my text down but seems to take forever to edit the photos. I am grateful for the other how-to blog posts you have done about your business etc.
      I have been quietly following you for a long time and your blog is my go-to when I have time because I love your style, I love paint and I love photography so it is a no brainer for me to check in daily. Thanks for how you share your work and snippets of your real life too. Be blessed


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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