last minute present-wrapping inspiration

by | Dec 23, 2016 | All Things Home, Decorating, Holiday, Winter | 21 comments

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Shopping for Christmas wrapping paper is usually an exercise in frustration for me.  Why doesn’t anyone make simple, blue and white paper for Christmas?  Is that too much to ask?!  Well in previous years, it has been.  This year, though, I was able to find the best collection of papers and ribbons that fit my style.

The blue and white plaid is from the .  I bought enough for this year and stocked up for next year (and perhaps the year after that, too!)

I found the green and white polkadot, blue and white snowman scene, and craft papers from TJ Maxx and HomeGoods.  The ribbon and twine are from Hobby Lobby.

(I found the wooden horse at TJ Maxx and decided to snap it up.  I’ll paint it to sell at Lucketts this May.)

I prefer to use ribbons from the non-holiday section.  I found some particularly great plaid ribbons this year that convinced me to add a touch of red to my wrapping scheme.

I also use tags from the scrapbook section, instead of the Christmas wrapping aisle.  I like that they are more neutral, but I did find some fun ones, like the little flag-tags with denim backing and even some cute gold tags.

Wrapping is usually a bit of a slog for me, but I genuinely enjoyed putting together each present this year…matching just the right paper with a ribbon and tag.  It probably helped that I didn’t wait until the last minute and I spread the wrapping out over a few days.

Before I sign off, did you notice that I finally finished the “deconstructed chair” that ended up not being deconstructed?  I love, love how it turned out and it was totally worth the wait.  I’ll share a full reveal and a tutorial on the double-welting in a future post.

And guess what that black streak is…

…or who it is, shall I say?  He just can’t help but be where the action is.

We filming our Christmas song for you this evening…

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    1. Angela

      Yay the Christmas song! Can hardly wait.

    2. Shannon // Style Emulator

      Every time I see that Sugar Paper from Target I start drooling. I had my husband pick me up some wrapping paper last year (I had just had a baby, so I cloistered away) and it is the most hideous wrapping paper I’ve ever seen. That’s probably a bit dramatic, but oh it’s ugly. I didn’t want to be wasteful, so I still used it. I’ve regretted that decision every day since, haha!

      Merry Christmas, Miss Mustard Seed! <3

    3. Becky Delson

      My son uses acrylic paints and a big drawing pad to make wrapping paper all year long. I try to use as much of it as I can, but it is difficult. His favorite painting method is covering the entire page with a single color and then writing “to” and “from” with another color. Once this saturated paper dries (usually a whole day later), it is so thick with paint that it cracks at the folds and is generally a challenge to manipulate. He loves to do it though, so we indulge him and it makes for some unique packages under our tree. Sometimes, he draws something that really fascinates or charms us. This year, he asked me to make wrapping paper with him, so I lugged out my carved wooden batik stamp collection and we used those to make some simple floral designs. We used brushes to add more color to the flowers. It was a really fun project to do with my son and I actually love the piece I made.

    4. Cathie

      The chair is stunning!
      Merry Christmas!

    5. Karen Harper

      Beautiful paper and wrapping. I’m terrible at wrapping lol. Oh but Marian, that chair!!! Oh my goodness it’s amazing. I’m looking for a chair. I wish I could find something as beautiful as this.

    6. Brenda Truels

      Some of the Hannukkah papers would work!

    7. Cheryl

      I can’t wait to hear your song!! Beautiful paper and ribbon, love that chair and I want to buy your wooden horse! Thanks for sharing, Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

    8. Linda Leyble

      Hi Marian…I did all my wrapping earlier too and I found that I enjoyed make big it pretty and special. I did a lot of pink and gold mostly. Non-traditional wrapping paper is actually a savings because you can use it throughout the year.

      I found a really similar horse (no red reins or painted saddle – just wound twine for the saddle) in my local HomeGoods. It was $39 and I really thought about buying it and then painting it. But – I bought a few more gifts for my granddaughter instead!

      Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    9. Joan

      hi Marian! I LOVE your Christmas singing with your ‘gang’ ! ! !
      really looking forward to it! Thankyou!
      Merry Christmas to you all, and thanks Marian for a wonderful year of inspiration, opening up daily whenever you offer up your writings, your messages and beautiful photos, all your sharing, is very much like opening Christmas Gift’ies throughout the year if you ask me. REALLY !
      p.s. I would like to send you a Giftie…sorry to spoil any surprise, but think this would suit you…'s something I made on a whim…lol…….( back in stock in Jan. though…. sold out for Christmas…heheh couldn't believe it !
      can you let me know where….

    10. Carole

      I love how you wrapped the packages. Did you reupholster the chair? Do you take clients? I have a chair that needs work.

    11. Kathy

      I use white paper I buy by the roll from the butcher. Shiny on one side, mat on the other. Even doubled ( so nothing shows through) it is affordable and the roll lasts forever and can be used for all occasions. I “customize” with ribbons and decorations. I also reuse ribbons when possible. This year I found small wooden tags in the mason jar section. I am leaving them plain, using permanent ink for family member names on the front and the year on the back.

    12. Ramona

      The chair is lovely as are the gifts! I’d love to hear your fixation with the color blue sometime. It’s my favorite, too. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

    13. Naella McLaughlin

      I can not wait to hear this years Christmas song!!

    14. Sojourner

      I was going to say the same as a previous poster — Chanukah gift wrap is often blue and white or blue and silver. But here’s my genius and sustainable idea: Buy some fabric you love, in your perfect color scheme. Then in your “spare time” sew a bunch of drawstring bags in all different sizes. You can get fancy and use satin ribbon for the strings, or burlap ribbon for another look. The process of wrapping is just putting a little tissue paper around the gift if you like, and putting it in the bag. Done! It will all look lovely under the tree and you won’t have to worry about wrapping paper every year. Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

    15. B. Folk

      Packages are beautiful. I really like the horse just as it is, but red is my favorite color. I like blue, too, but a good red (they are hard to find) wins out most of the time.
      I like re-using ribbon and gift bags, also tissue paper (it just gets crumpled and stuffed, anyway). I also re-use wrapping paper, as a filler in packages to be mailed, instead of newspaper. As we read the news online, we don’t have newspapers for wrapping, only a small bit of junk mail. Old, crumpled wrapping paper makes good filler, instead of buying packing peanuts. Although, saving everything year-to-year takes up more space than I would like…
      Now, onto the latest post and the “Mustard Family Singers”;) Happy Christmas to all!

    16. AnneMcD

      I really hope to wrap early next year- it’s more fun and less of a chore that way! The packages are lovely, and the chair turned out beautifully!!

    17. Donna

      Like last year, and previous, I used brown paper, and gorgeous ribbons (yes, I am that girl who goes around and saves that ribbon after they have been unwrapped). But have been using what’s left over from my Mom’s house for gifts I pass out. Finally got down to this crazy Frog paper, which strangely was a big hit. lol. I hope you had a very wonderful Christmas! If you ever sell that non deconstructed chair…I want it! It’s gorgeous! Happy New Year!!!

    18. Jo

      I’m catching up on your blog and this comment is re your tree. Your husband is a great guy. Mine us too but 2 trees one year he would not do! I did a tree out of a tomato cage a red one with small ornaments I placed it on top of a faux light filled wreath with a pretty ribbon I love it. Country living had a page this year with alternative trees I loved this idea and the one using tins. Fun and different with my sinus allergy issues I couldn’t risk a real tree though I do miss the smell.
      Also one of the blogs I follow mentioned that her faux pre lit tree had one bulb burn out which caused the others to not light up. She ended up having to add light to her pre lit tree. Just an FYI
      I hope you and your family have a wonderful new year filled with love, happiness and peace.

    19. Vickie H.

      Love the papers and ribbons. Wishing you would not paint the horse and leave as is…it is just wonderful….IMO….a great find, no matter what.

    20. MEAl5

      I have a chair that needs work.

    21. Yumvilla

      Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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