lino printed wrapping paper project | christmas crafts

by | Dec 1, 2021 | crafts, design, Holiday, Tutorials, Winter | 17 comments

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Over the Thanksgiving break, I worked on cutting out a lino block for printing wrapping paper and cards.  The project turned out even better than I expected and, as I shared peeks of the process on Instagram, many people asked if I would share a tutorial.  So, this post is it!  Here is a lino printed wrapping paper project for beginners.  We’ll walk through the materials you’ll need, the process of carving a “lino” (linoleum) block, and printing.

lino print wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed


The pattern that I carved over Thanksgiving took me several hours, so we’ll use a simpler pattern for this lino printed wrapping paper project.

Before we get to the details, I will share the process of how I made this one for those who are interested.  The process is very similar, but I used some different materials.  Instead of using an easy-cut “lino” block made of a rubbery material, I used .  I definitely liked it better for the smaller detail cuts and I didn’t find it harder to move the cutting tools through.  Since this pattern was more detialed, I drew it out with pencil first and then ink.  I used to transfer it over to the lino block and then made those lines darker with a white .  This is a pencil made to mark on glass and other sliock surfaces, so it’s perfect for marking on lino.

lino print wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

I carved the linoleum block using the same tools I share below.  There was just a lot of detail, so it took a while.  I’d work on carving while the bread was rising or when things were in the oven.  It was a nice little project to pop in and work on when I had the time.

lino print wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

I say this in the video tutorial as well, but I think the process of cutting linoleum to be very pretty.  I love seeing the pattern emerge, especially as light falls across it.  I also love how the cuts make their own pattern around the design.

lino print wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

I tried some test prints with the border and decided to cut it off and just print the tree.  I have the border if I want to use it for other things, but it was making the pattern a litte too “square” when putting it in a repeat.

lino print wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

I tried a few different paints and colors and decided to just keep to a simple white design on .

lino print wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

I am just in love with this lino printed wrapping paper!  For those who love the design, too, I have made a digital version and it’s available on .  I’ll share more at the bottom of the post about it.

lino print wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

Onto the lino printed wrapping paper project tutorial for beginners.  As I said, we’re going to work with a simpler design to get you warmed up.  The design I carved above was a challenge for me and I know it would be too tedious for a first project.  So, we’ll start with a Dala horse that has simple lines and just a few details…

lino print wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

lino printed wrapping paper project | template

Here is the dala horse pattern I drew from my stamp.  Feel free to print this up and use it for personal projects.  I thought this would be a cute pattern for cards, tags, wrapping paper, or ornaments.  If you print it as is, it will print up a bit smaller than I drew and carved it on my block, so you can enlarge it if you want it bigger or shrink it if you want it smaller in the settings box on the print job.

free Dala Swedish horse template for personal crafts | miss mustard seed

To transfer the design to the stamp either use or the old pencil tracing trick.  (Hold the drawing up to a window and trace it in a dark, soft pencil on the reverse side.  Position it on the lino black and rub over the drawing with the side of a pencil or a bone folder to transfer the traced design.

I do share how I drew the design directly on the lino block in the video, so you can get an idea of how to gather inspiration to create your own pattern.

dala horse lino printed wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

Spot the kitty toes.

lino printed wrapping paper project | supplies

(for applying ink or you can use a brush)

(for rolling over the block, but you can use a rolling pin, your hands, or a book)

(you can use acrylic paint for faster drying)

glass palette (you can use just a paper plate or piece of cardboard) 

solid wrapping paper

dala horse lino printed wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

lino printed wrapping paper project | video tutorial

This is another project that’s just easier to watch than read.  You can see how I create the design, handle the tools, do the carving, apply the ink, etc.  The video should answer most questions on the how of the lino cutting and printing process.

I note it in the video, but always make sure you keep your hands behind the carving tools and you carve away from your body.  The tools can slip and are sharp!  Turn the design as you’re working on it to make sure you’re carving in a safe direction and always be aware of your hands.  On another note, I realize the burn on my left hand looks like it could’ve been the result of a lino cutting accident, but I actually burned it on the heating element of a toaster oven!  That’s why I was wearing a bandaid in several of my videos last week, but it’s healing nicely.

Anyway, here is the video tutorial…

The Caligo Safewash ink works really well at making a sharp print, but it is oil-based so it takes a few days to dry.  I’ll admit, this is an impractical thing when you’re trying to make a bunch of wrapping paper!  If the dry time is a concern or a deal-breaker for you, just use acrylic paint.  The details of the print might not be as sharp, but it’ll be dry in just a few minutes instead of days.

lino print wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

If you’re interested in learning more about lino cutting, THIS is an excellent book.

Since I can’t produce this in high quantities myself, I made the pattern available on in a couple of different colorways.  (And even in some other products like pillows.)  And I included a complementary pattern as well in a fabric design I made a few years ago.  I have ordered the papers, so I won’t be able to confirm their quality with you until I get them, but I have been pleased with all of the things I’ve purchased from Society6 so far.

original wrapping paper pattern designs and colorways | miss mustard seed

Clockwise from top left – Partridge in a Pear Tree Green, German Drapery Stripe Green, Patridge in a Pear Tree Blue, German Drapery Stripe Blue.

Next year, I’d like to work more on pattern design.  I really love that process and I keep dragging my feet on it, but I’m excited about getting some papers and fabrics made and available.

lino print wrapping paper tutorial | miss mustard seed

You can find more Christmas decorating, crafts, recipes, and projects HERE.

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    1. Terri

      As I see the variety of artistic projects you work on, I have been reminded time and again of my high school art teacher. She was very purposeful by continually exposing us to a large variety of mediums over the four years. Just having a basic understanding can open our eyes (and hearts) to diving deeper into those creative journeys. As always, thank you for sharing and inspiring us.

      • Vicki

        I was reminded of the same, Terri! We did enamel jewelry, photograph boxes, art history, and all types of drawing and painting mediums, painting styles, etc. I feel very fortunate to have had that foundation.

        Marian, you inspire me so much. I am always happy to see an email in my box from you!

    2. Marilee

      These are lovely. I love lino cut printing. It’s really simple and lots of fun. I would suggest one thing about using linoleum blocks, which I prefer over the rubber mats. Sometimes the blocks are old and the linoleum hard to cut, but warming the linoleum with a hair dryer for a few seconds in the area where a person wants to cut is helpful in getting the blade to slide easily through the linoleum.

      • Lisa P

        Heating the linoleum a bit before cutting id a great tip! Thank you!

    3. marge

      what a creative idea keep encouraging us

    4. karen stevens

      These do look like such fun don’t they.
      I’m guessing that you got that brass circular template from Ponder and Purchase . I’d love to know more about it , it looks intriguing xx

      • Carole Prisk

        Glad you explained the burn. I wondered while watching the YouTube video if it was from the lino cutting.

    5. Addie

      You!!! Are truly a wonder!!! I am lucky if I get all the presents wrapped….let alone “make” the wrapping paper!!! These are beautiful.
      How???? Do you do it all? And you even do all your own housekeeping, cooking, church and kids activities. Do you sleep 3 hours a night? I want some of your elixir!!!!

    6. Julie Ritter

      We used to do this in High School !! Found memories Thanks for sharing.

    7. Juliet | A Loverly Life

      The partridge in a pair tree is stunning! The white on blue is so loverly, it is my favorite of the group. You have inspired me to work on a bunny for spring!

      Thank you for sharing this tutorial.

      • Joyce

        JSH Home based out of Kansas City sells the identical bells.

    8. Lydia

      I Love it – just perfect.

    9. Angie Kraeske

      This is such a wonderful idea and the papers look beautiful. Thank you for sharing another amazing creative idea!

    10. Monique

      A last, a project I can relate to. It is very beautiful, particularly the partrige in a pear tree and the unusual back ground color of the paper. I am sick of the old red and green.
      Great work!

    11. Tammy Staunton

      The paper is just lovely! Your talents amaze me. By the way, where did you find the gold bells! They are so pretty!

    12. Taria

      Your creativity is amazing. I remember doing this kind of thing in art class in high school. As I looked at the does in the tree it hit me that you would make an absolutely awesome long arm machine quilter. If you ever
      get to a big quilt show try out their machines. I bet you we do gangbusters. Thank you for inspiring me.

    13. Mary S

      THIS is AMAZING!! YOU are so AMAZING!!!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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