Living Room Rearranged

by | Jan 3, 2014 | Decorating, Living Room, My House | 49 comments

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When I start rearranging furniture, it’s like playing dominoes.  I move one thing and then everything else has to move.  As I mentioned yesterday, I’m approaching my house in an entirely new way.  I’m trying to be intentional about every piece.  Is it functional?  Is it beautiful?  Do I really love it?  Is it perfect for the space or am I trying to force things?  Or am I just keeping something out of a sense of obligation or even just laziness?

New Year’s Eve I started working on my living room and family room.  I’m not spending any money.  I’m actually finding things to sell, so I’ll be making money and I’m moving things around that I already have.  I may take some of the money from what I sell to buy something perfect for a space if there’s a hole that needs to be filled, but I have found that I really have too much furniture and I want to try to weed everything out that’s not very practical or my very favorite and we’ll see where that leads.  So far, it’s liberating and I feel like I’m just getting started!

Here’s what the living room looked like a couple of days ago…

…and, as a refresher, this is what it looked like before we moved in (that’s not our stuff)…


It’s a small room and it’s always felt really dark.  My choice to stain the floors dark and the addition of the drapes doesn’t help out that fact too much.  I’ve always liked this space, but it’s been a challenge in some ways.  Mainly, it can feel dark and gets busy when too much is going on, so I am trying to keep everything light and bright and I’m using furniture that’s smaller in scale, so it fits the size of the room better.  I put the French begere chairs back in the family room, since they are comfortable, and I moved the newly upholstered/slipcovered green velvet chairs back into the living room.  The open arms and legs make them work better in the smaller space.


Plus, you can see the pretty fabric (found here) on the back.

I moved the bead board door that’s been over the piano for a few years behind the sofa with the pretty oil painting I found at an antique store hanging from it.  I added the antlers just before the picture, but I’m not sure if they’re staying there.  I moved the new Craig’s List sofa ($100) I recently upholstered in antique hemp sheets on the wall with two windows, perpendicular to where it was.  It does seem to open the room and make it a bit more inviting.  I’m selling the round ottoman and replaced it with a gray, chippy bench I bought a couple of years ago.


I broke my rule with this bench.  I have a rule that I sell things that I don’t have the perfect space for, but I didn’t do that with this bench.  I kept it in the basement, not ready to let it go.  I had a gut feeling that I would find a spot for it in this house and I’m really glad I kept it.  I didn’t think it would work, but it looks really good.


For now, I’m leaving the bench/coffee table empty and the sofa, which needs to be fluffed a little, with just two bolsters and a small pillow.  I still need to make covers for the bolsters, but haven’t gotten to it, yet.  The frame of the sofa is painted in MMSMP Grain Sack.  The rug is from Joss & Main.


I moved the small antique dresser from the family room to the space under the window.  That is also painted in Grain Sack with Ironstone accents.  (As an aside, Ironstone is our #mmsmpcolorofthemonth and I shared tips on working with it on the MMSMP blog today.)  I topped the dresser with a flat basket from Hobby Lobby and a stack of ironstone.

Still more work to do, but it’s shaping up!

Moving things around always makes a mess and, after emptying the curio, I’ll have some more ironstone to add to my online shop soon.

Today was my husband’s first day as an official part-owner of Mustard Seed Interiors, which is very exciting.  Now that he’s working out of the home (part-time), he needs a dedicated place.  So, I’m cleaning out my office and moving most of my stuff to the basement.  Cleaning out my office, which has really just been a glorified closet, means cleaning out the home office as well… dominoes, right? The shelves in there are filled entirely with stuff that’s there just to look pretty and that’s a lot of shelving that’s not really being used.  So, I’m cleaning them off and putting my decorating book collection there.  I don’t want all of the busy colors of the spines competing with each other, so I’m going through the process of covering each book in paper.

It’s tedious, but I only have to do it once and I’ll work on 10-15/night and be through with them in about a week.  Then the shelves can be pretty AND functional, so I’ll be selling things from my home office as well.

Speaking of selling things, I already have a buyer for the rocking horse and some interest in the ottoman.

 I’ll be selling more stuff in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out…  I’ll either list them here on my blog or in the online store.

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    1. Tara

      Looking good! I need to go through and sell items I don’t use, especially since discovering Etsy!

    2. Katy

      My heart sank when I read you were redoing your living room, but now that I see it I get where you are going. Looks amazing….of course.

    3. Stephanie

      I have been admiring the ottoman for quite some time now and I have been looking for one at thrift shops and craigs list, but I haven’t spotted one just like yours (like you, I love casters on furniture). I would love to purchase it from you when you decide to sell it. Please keep me on your list. We would be able to pick it up since we live not too far. Really love the MMSMP and have used it on some of our pieces. Really enjoy reading your posts. Happy New Year!

    4. Susan

      Your style in the living room is morphing into a Swedish look. I like it.

    5. Deann

      I just got a rug which looks pretty much just like the one you have. I love it (it’s like a foot massage walking on it) but am having a really hard time with vacuuming it – it pulls up pieces and I have to go back and tuck them in. Could you tell me if you’re having the same issue and if so, how you’re addressing it?
      (the room is looking great!!!)

    6. Heather

      And this is what you do when you’re recovering from a back strain? Wow! I’d hate to follow you around for a day when you’re at %100! Your living room looks lovely – it is hard to work in a small space with lots of windows and doors to place furniture around, but you’ve managed to make it look clean, bright, and cozy at the same time! Now, can I recommend that you don’t try any sewing (the bolsters) for at least a few more days? It’s hard on the back and may cause a relapse … if moving a heavy bead board door hasn’t already!

    7. Cindy

      Holy Moly! The room looks soooo different! and I love it! Wow! I mean, i loved it before, and now I totally love it in a different way. That’s so cool! I’m in a crazy purging mood too. I wish i could take a week off of work and just organize and get rid of stuff. Something about January makes me want to get down to bare bones, maybe it’s after all the clutter of Christmas, but then i enjoy that too. I guess everything has it’s time…


    8. louise

      You seem to be moving away slightly from a frilly and pretty look and leaning towards a slightly less cluttered, more utilitarian ( but still feminine) farmhouse look and I love it.

    9. Mary Kate Buscaglia

      Did you get the sofa for your family room on sale? If you are getting the lighter color, it is reduced by 200 on PB website.

    10. Jan

      I’ve followed for a long time and really enjoy your posts and activities. But why on earth are you covering those books?!! How would you feel if someone had your book on their shelf and then covered it and no one could see the pretty cover and title. Makes NO sense to me at all.

      • Miss mustard seed

        I’d be honored that they own it and happy that they are making it work in their space. If shows they love it enough to keep it and take the time to cover it. 🙂

      • Tara

        Jan, Jan… calm down a bit. Grab a glass of wine or take a very happy pill. 😉

    11. Kate

      Wrapping books in paper always reminds me of grade school. I went to a parochial school and at the beginning of the school year, one of the first things we had to do was cover all our hardcovered books in brown paper to protect them for next year’s students. They looked so nice and clean for a few weeks.

    12. Anna

      Hi Marian,
      Would you let me know wall paint color in your living room?
      I am trying to go white direction and I found your wall color looks beautiful.
      Thank you.

      • Miss mustard seed

        It’s Aria Ivory by Sherwin Williams

    13. Loribeth

      I’ve noticed a lot of bloggers, including myself, are rearranging things now that the New Year is here. I’ll be rearranging the living room (If I can find an arrangement I like) and the office. Jim has finally given me the go-ahead to make some changes in there, so it will soon become my dedicated space for my business and our household management. It will be nice not to have to use my coffee table as a desk in our living room.

      Your new arrangement looks great. Are you going to show pictures of your office when you finish?

    14. Shawn Angulo

      Hello Marian,
      Can I set up a time with you to come and take a look at some of your Ironstone that you will have for sale? I am interested in just about anything since I am just starting my collection and I did not get to get anything from your last sale because of being very sick with my multiple sclerosis. I live up the street from you. So just let me know what you think and I can leave you with my number then. Not sure what else you might have that might interest me also after you do the office. Well let me know soon and we can set something up. Also I love your home and have been listening to both you and your husband song that you sang back a Christmas over and over again. Its so beautiful both the songs words and the way you and your husband sang it. Thanks for everything, Shawn

    15. Anne Boykin

      Dear MMS, I can hardly believe that room could look better – and then it does! It’s all lovely because you have such a good eye for beauty. However, I’m going to miss that rocking horse, lol. Can’t wait to see your shelves with the books covered – sweet! Hugs, Anne Boykin

    16. Birgit De Geere

      Good morning Marian. Love your new living room set up. I am trying to go lighter and brighter in our home, also. Your home is a great example for what I am striving for.
      If you are still interested in selling the curio I would be interested. It is exactly what I need for a small wall in my dining room. Please let me know. Thanks and a Happy New Year to you and your family.

    17. Mary Wells

      Your room is looking great. Can you tell me what your curtain fabric is? I need some new curtains for my bedroom and I love that fabric!

    18. Regine

      Would love to see a long shot (like the first one in this post) of the finished new look.
      I too love to rearrange and this has inspired me to try some new ideas today. My living room is just your size, I do love your floor color!

    19. Jill

      I want to rescue that white dresser painted white. My grandmother had one just like it. My mother owns it now. It’s a gorgeous wood. So sad to see this one painted. I’m going to assume the wood was in such bad shape that painting it was the only option.

    20. Pam

      OK…I am really confused! How do you get to your store where you sold the horse (which I would have bought in a heart beat!) and ottoman??

      Your house is beautiful and my niece’s house in Arkansas looks just like it. She told not to give away her secret of following you!


    21. Miss Mustard Seed

      Sorry, Pam! My online store is found by clicking the “shop” text in the navigation bar at the top of the blog (under the header.) I didn’t actually list the ottoman or horse, since I’m just selling those to local buyers. People who were interested sent me an e-mail about buying them before I actually had a chance to list them.

      • Pam

        Thanks Mirian! Was confused when I did not see those things and thought I was looking in the wrong place. I will keep looking in your shop for another horse. Christen, of “Blue Egg Brown Nest”, had one and I missed that one, too!

    22. Marlene

      Love it! Can’t wait for my first purchase from you besides paint – A girl can dream!!

    23. Robin

      Might be interested in your china cabinet if you decide to sell. Please let me know. Tx

    24. Linda Leyble

      Very nice Marian! So the former curio area became the sofa area…with a narrow bench (cum coffee table), thereby saving space…and a lovely dresser is flanked on the left with your pretty chair, Great rearrangement.

      It’s an art form all its own (furniture arranging) and you did a great job! The toughest things I have ever come across in my work – are the very large rooms and the smaller ones. Each has its own distinct problems. When you overcome spatial shortcomings – and no one notices that there were inherent problems – that’s the art and magic of what we do.

      Beautiful job…


    25. julie

      Hi there! Could you maybe show a photo of the “after” living room from the same perspective as the “before” was taken? I’m not very good at imagining the whole thing just from the bits and pieces you’ve shown of the changes. (altho those images are beautiful in and of themselves!) Thanks!

    26. Linda Smith

      One way to bring more light into your room would be to extend your drapery rods out further so your drapes cover only the outside woodwork and none of the glass. A few more inches of daylight coming in each window can make a noticeable difference. It is a lot more fun to watch your room transformations than to do them myself! Rest up

    27. teri

      I’m enjoying your room change and am hoping some of your energy rubs off on me!. I was a bit dubious about covering the books, but just realised that if I covered some of mine in one colour for décor books, another for Art, and so on, it might make it easier for me to find what I was looking for ( being somewhat of a hoarder for reference books). Maybe it would make them look like matching sets, volumes I to XII
      Happy New Year

    28. Janice Hebert

      Yes, I’d love to see a revised long shot of the whole room too! Love what you’ve done, gives me inspiration to start rearranging my house. January is great for that!


      • Miss Mustard Seed

        Yep, I will. The curio and rocking horse are against the wall by the door right now until I move them to the basement and figure out what I want to do with that wall.

    29. Jelena

      Can’t wait to see what ironstone pieces make it to your online shop! 😉

    30. Jill S.

      Please take a picture of the whole room (like your first before shot). Would love to see the whole finished effect! I think moving the couch makes the room look less long and narrow. Enjoy the new arrangement!

    31. Linda

      I covered all of my cookbooks a couple of years ago in kraft paper since they’re in an open bookcase in the hall just off my kitchen. It’s a high traffic area and looks great in an antique case – clutter hidden in plain sight!

    32. Carie

      I’m a believer in keeping the (back) heights of upholstered furniture close to the same. So in your ‘before’ photo, the tall chairs look out of place. I can’t wait to see a full-room photo of the ‘after’.

    33. Ruth

      What do you do for lighting in this room? Do the hanging lamps provide enough lighting for the whole room?

      • Miss Mustard Seed

        This room has no overhead lighting and a plaster ceiling and no access from the top, so installing a ceiling fixture wasn’t a real option. So, i bought two small chandeliers on clearance from Lowes, gave them a makeover, wired them to plug into a wall, hung them from hooks, hid the wires with a linen sleeve and then a plastic cord cover painted the color of the wall and ceiling. It’s not bright in there at night, but it’s enough. We don’t use that room a lot, so it works.

    34. Kathryn

      I am always amused that anyone cares if you paint your furniture. LOL

    35. Bernice

      Hi certainly are a source of inspiration. Yes, please dooo watch your back! I remember recently a poster of a certain age reminding you, when you get older…you are going to hear from your back if you don’t take care of it now. And i certainly agree. Did housecleaning for 20 years and now the bum area doesn’t let me forget it! However i love what you do, constantly changing makes me look around too. Hoping to see a full shot of the room also. And i love that hubs is part of the business now too. You are certainly growing and prospering. I a lso am wondering about the lighting…Is that enough? And is it warm and cozy lighting? I find overhead lighting to not be attractive on people, nor easy for reading. I have task lighting all over my living room, where ever there is a chair/or seat and table. And an old lamp for “jewelry” in the room placed at the end of this long room. A friend has one lamp in her living room, with one of those new fangled bulbs in it, which is not strong enough or cozy for reading(if I could crane my neck far over enough to get under it.) Just wondering! But maybe we are getting ahead of ourselves here, when we see it all we will know. Loving it! oh , sigh, but not the antlers. I don’t see the relevance..sorry. Poor bambi! sniff!

    36. Kathy riddle

      Your moving/rearranging adventures remind me of the book “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.”

    37. Linda

      I rearranged my formal lv. rm. as much as I could after I took down the tree. We have a tiny house. Where your piano is, I have a large window, where your two windows and hutch is I have a fireplace, and where your large window is is our dining rm connected to the formal lv. rm. so it looks like an ” L” backwards when you enter from the front door. No foyer , so I put a bakers rack on the wall to the left of the entry door and next to the closet door. I keep all my antique dishes on it . And there is a small wall where your large window is ,then the opening to the dn.rm. Behind the small wall is my kitchen.

      So I put my sofa kitty-whompus from the window so it half faces the fireplace and the other half can enjoy looking at the dn. rm and the big window facing south in the dn. rm. You sit and look at all the birds and humming birds feeding. Then the small wall has a mirror that looks like a window in washed out white, below is a black marble table (35 yrs. old) bought from a friend . Then a cream color chair and matching ottoman beside the marble table. By the fireplace on the far wall of the sofa I have a large old round table ( country style hid with a skirt my friend gave me in cream colors and red floral pattern. Then I have a soft brown fabric rocker by the fireplace and the back of it faces the dn. rm. Sorry this was so long.

    38. JaneEllen

      You’ve really got changes going on in your life. That’s always good, signs of growth. You’re much better at letting things go than I am but can understand necessity of purging. The more you have sitting around the harder it is to truly see any of it. How exciting to have your hubs join you in your wonderful business adventure, you two seem to be a great pair.
      I’m hoping maybe you’ll be selling some of your ironstone. I’d so love to have one of the bigger ironstone pitchers (with details on it), in photo shown the 3rd. pitcher from front looks as tho it’s little bigger. Would you be selling that and if so for how much? You can reply to Don’t know if i can afford it but won’t know if I don’t ask. Hopefully it will be in my range of possibility. I’d so appreciate a reply. There’s something about those pitchers that appeals to me. I’d love to have a soup toureen but think one of those would be far above my range.
      Good luck to you and your hubs in your endeavors. Happy days

    39. JaneEllen

      Sorry Marian, I completely forgot to comment on the l/r. I think so many of us need to purge after the holidays when there was most likely more in a room, more colors, lights, decorations so that after holidays we’re ready to clean up our act.
      I love how you rearranged and deleted pieces to give the room more open feeling. We have a smaller l/r than you with 3 doorways out of it, when you come into our house you’re in the l/r and our front hall is immediately to the right. I recently rearranged the room and so far like it except now we can’t watch tv while we’re in kitchen. Our kitchen is off l/r and off that is our mudroom then our room and bathroom. Our home is single wide mfg. home, 16×80. I think our room is bigger than the l/r.
      Your l/r looks softer and more comfortable now with changes you made. Like the door behind the couch but why the antlers? They seem out of sinc with rest of furnishings and style of room? I’m just asking to understand why you have them in there. Enjoy your blog.
      Happy weekend

    40. Jessica @ Dear Emmeline

      lookin’ good! I just love that little dresser. so cute! looks great featured in front of the window.

    41. Barbara Moore

      Do you how tortured us ‘live far away from Marion’ folks feel??? I would be behind you whispering in your ear – sell that…..and that…..and definitely THAT….to me!! Love the new look.

    42. Jeannie

      For some reason I have (for about the last month or so) been unable to see all of your post. I get the beginning of it and then nothing…..then sometimes as in today I can get the bottom of the post where the comments are. Anybody else have this problem? I follow several blogs and this is the only one that this happens. I don’t like missing parts of your post!!! 🙁

    43. Elaine

      Looks lovely! Where did you get the curtains or fabric for them? They are exactly what I am thinking of putting in our family room?


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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