living with raw wood floors

by | Sep 15, 2015 | All Things Home, Decorating, Dining Room, Living Room, My House | 57 comments

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Back in November of last year, I had finally worked up the DIY gumption to sand down the oak hardwood floors in the front of our house.  Once the work was all done, I decided to live with raw wood floors for a while.

living with raw wood floors miss mustard seed

The polyurethane finish I had applied only a few years earlier was peeling off, taking the dark stain along with it.  I could literally peel it up in sheets with my fingers…like cheap nail polish, which might be fun when you’re 13 and bored in algebra, but it’s not fun when you’re an adult and it’s happening to your floor.

I knew it would be a miserable, dusty, messy, move-all-of-the-furniture, kind of job, but I talked Jeff into it and we got it done.

refinishing oak wood floors miss mustard seed

refinishing oak wood floors miss mustard seed

I had no idea what finish I was going to apply, so I decided to move the furniture back and wait until I was sure.  I honestly felt a little burned by the peeling polyurethane, so I wasn’t eager to put down another finish.

 After looking into a lot of different products, I decided the all-natural Hemp Oil from my own line was going to be the best.  It’s not stinky, it’s easy to apply and I loved the fact that it wouldn’t ever peel and could be reapplied if ever the floor started looking tired or dry.

Here’s the thing, I’ve never gotten around to applying the oil and I haven’t felt an urgency or even desire to do it.  I have learned that the longer I live with the raw wood floors, the more I love them.  I sometimes feel strange about it…a wood floor is supposed to be properly finished, right?  But then I think about old homes in Europe, with their raw wood floors that have lasted for generations.  Is a finish really necessary?

I don’t know.  Maybe I’m being a rebel in this, standing in defiance with my unfinished floors.  But I love them and it’s my house and there it is.

So, how is it living on raw wood floors, almost a year after we sanded them?

They felt a little rough at first, compared to the slippery poly finish we were used to, but they have become smoother and softer with use.  They were sanded smooth, so we’ve never had any issues with splinters.

As far as caring for them, I just vacuum them and that’s about it.

living with raw wood floors miss mustard seed

The foyer is the area that takes the biggest beating.  We gave it a good workout last winter with all of the snow we had.  At first, I fretted over the water dripping off snow boots, but I came to see it wasn’t a big deal.

If you really look, you can see some water marks, but they just sort of blend in.

I may try giving them an old fashioned scrub at some point, just to clean them up around the front door.

If you love this look, here are some things to keep in mind…

Raw wood floors are definitely not right for every home.  They work in my house because of the age of the home and my decorating style.  It works and makes sense.  The wood is old, too, so it has a lot of character and any new gouge or stain isn’t noticeable.

You have to be okay with imperfections and watermarks and all of the things that come with an unfinished floor.  If those things send you into a twist, you will not enjoy raw wood underfoot.

One nice thing is that you can hardly see dirt or dust on it!  It’s so forgiving and livable.  I’m not ever worrying about a finish being scratched, which is a nice change of pace for a chronic furniture-scooter like myself.

living with raw wood floors miss mustard seed

I’m sure, at some point, I’ll put some oil on them.  For now, though, I’m enjoying them as is.

A few related posts…

Tips on Sanding Floors

My Floor Refinishing Story (round 1)

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    1. Judith

      They’re gorgeous! Just a note about those old unfinished floors in Europe. In many cases, while they’re technically unfinished they’re actually saturated from years of scrubbing with an oil-based soap. We researched traditional Swedish floors (since we’re in Sweden, duh) when we built our new kitchen, and went with linseed oil soap. We scrubbed the floor maybe ten times before starting to use the kitchen, and that seemed to saturate the wood really well so that now if there’s a spill it’s super easy to clean up, instead of the floor soaking it up. Might be something to consider if you start noticing hard to clean spots.

      • carswell

        Funny – that was my first thought. I think soaped floors would probably be easier than oiling them and probably easier to clean in the long run.

        Leaving them completely unfinished is an invitation to stains and dark water spots eventually.

      • Rebecca

        You may have just saved my life… I have unsealed hardwood floors, and the best thing I had found for them was to clean them with mineral spirits and then oil them with linseed oil. It takes forever, and it stinks. Based on your comment I ordered some linseed oil soap and I can’t wait to try it out! 🙂

        • Judith

          Wow! Glad to contribute to more ease and less stink! Good luck!

      • Betty

        Hi Judith

        Do you have any tips for mixing the ratio of linseed oil soap & water? I’m in Canada and just sourced Swedish soap here – but can’t find info on appropriate ratios.

        Thanks so much!

      • Shefali

        I recently had hardwood floors installed and love the look of the raw wood. Am considering having it sanded to remove any water stains from the workers being clumsy when working in the house, then leaving it raw. My concern is the floors would have no protection and then I would get water stains or other stains over time. How are your floors holding up after 5+ years? Any tips on brand of linseed soap, ratio of soap to water, drying tips etc. This is my first time trying this so any tips would be appreciated. Hoping someone sees this since it is an older post. Ha!

    2. Fiona, Lilyfield Life

      hi Marian – i have raw wood floors in my furniture studio and it’s perfect because if i spill paint or anything or scratch it I can just sand it off. Your water marks will sand right out I reckon. The house looks great, Fiona x

    3. kim

      One of my happiest memories is my aunt’s unfinished wood floors – they showed the life of a true hard working farm with six boys and dishes being hand washed at every meal and the scuffs of kids chasing each other through the house. Life was being lived and the floors reflected it. When I think back of seeing the worn areas in front of the kitchen sink and the stove where so much good food was cooked from scratch – I think about my own floors that always seem to need cleaning – and I cut myself a break and go live life.

    4. anya

      They are beautiful. I think they provide a richness and play so well off of your decorating style. To me nothing is more beautiful than white, wood, and gray. Your dining room, in particular, looks so warm and welcoming.

    5. Alice R.

      Here’s my big fear: what happens when I don’t realize I dropped a raspberry and step on it?

    6. MaryE

      Love the floors, but I’m kind of picky so they might drive me nuts after a few stains 😉 Had to tell you that your door looks like a lot of the surfaces in our house! With two boys who love to draw and display their artwork, I’m always out of paper and tape! Also, we’re redoing a room in our house and debating if we should paint the old wood doors. The hallway that they’re in is very dark with no natural light, so I would like to paint them but the hubs says no. 🙂

    7. Iris

      What can we say about the floors? I think it should be what Mark Darcy said to Bridget Jones: “I like you just the way you are.”

    8. Missy S

      I, too, love the look of raw wood floors but not the inevitability of stains that would need to be sanded out. This summer, we installed wood floors ourselves from boards milled at a Menonite sawmill not too far from you. I loved the matte, light look and wanted to preserve that natural beauty, but also protect the floors so they would stay lovely. After a LOT of research and reading flooring and woodworking forums, I decided to use Rubio Monocoat. It’s from Belgium and penetrates completely instead of sitting on top, leaving a beautiful matte finish that looks raw. The floors are lovely *and* protected so they stay that way! Good luck. =)

      • Marguerite D.

        Hi – can you give me the details on exactly which Rubio Monocoat product and color you used and how it has worked over time?
        We didn’t have time to finish the floors before using our new summer home and I love the fresh look of the raw oak.
        But I am a bit of a perfectionist and stains appearing over time will not make me happy.

      • Melissa

        I’d love to see your floors with that Rubio monocoat applied! Do you have an Instagram acct? If so, please rely!!

    9. beverlee

      I am so glad that this is your decision. I have loved them from the minute I saw them. and, they are subtle, like the rest of your things. Seal it if you must, please leave the color/colorless. I love them!

    10. cheryl mehaffey

      Hi Marian, I too live with one room with an unfinished original hardwood floor. It’s been that way for 20 years. I have grown to love it with my style of decorating. We have collected antiques and a lot of large pieces of furniture over the years. So We just have not been driven to move everything. Mainly because it is the living room with the front door entrance. So it would be hard to go out back for a few days until the finish was dry. Furniture is really easy to move around too, but be careful it will definitely scratch. I would love to show you some pictures of it. You can see photos of my home on my Facebook page. I enjoy your blog. Even though I am bad about not leaving comments, so this is my first. Definitely a story that I can relate to. Your home is absolutely beautiful. Good luck with the floor 🙂

    11. Denise

      Love it! 🙂

    12. Susan

      Hi, Marian —

      I love your floors. I love the arched doorways and the furniture. I just love your house!

    13. Patricia

      Um . Well. I guess I’m the one that doesn’t get it. If your hemp oil would work I would do that, but would the oil not make the floor too slippery? I guess since the floors are raw the oil will absorb.
      I like a light floor and had them in our previous house . But raw? I wonder if you decide to sell again and things happen quickly ( as it did with us) you will probably find yourself needing to finish the floors in a hurry.
      I’m sure whatever you do will be just right .

    14. stephanie

      Hi Marian!

      I love your floors. Question for you about your hemp oil. We are finally renovating our upstairs in our 1950’s and after the nasty avocado green carpet was pulled, the subfloor is raw tongue-n-groove pine boards! Totally psyched how amazing they are just plain raw! However,I was originally going to “gray wash” them, but after the drywall dust covered the floor, I changed my mind and thought “Oh, heck no, not going to be doing that to 1000 sq. ft. of free flooring!”

      So, I decided to try your hemp oil and I picked few test boards (some are new and some are old boards & all are sanded down) in a closet and YIKES! They are pulling yellow and some orange tones!!! I only did 4 rows of boards. Love the hemp oil on how it goes down, but what is the best way to “tone” this down on the raw wood floors??? Do I cover it with a light color “wash” or re-sand these boards??? Thanks in advance for the assistance!!!

      • marian

        Hemp Oil is colorless once applied, but it will bring out the natural colors of what it’s being applied to. So, if your wood has yellow or orange undertones, it will look more yellow or orange when finish is applied. You can definitely put a wash or stain on it first to make it the color you want. Or you can just leave the floors raw as I have! 🙂

    15. Ellen

      I had raw floors in a circa 1950s bungalow I lived in many years ago. I ripped out the old, gross carpet to find hardwoods underneath. I sanded them smooth and clean with every intention of finishing them. But I never did. And I liked them as they were. I only lived there about two years, so I have no idea how they held up. But I had two dogs at the time, and they did fine for me!

    16. Brooke

      I just built a new home last year. New homes lack so much character, But my family offered us land on their farm and i love the location. after living in a restored historic home I knew I wanted to make the new house “old”. Most our door are old, from my dad’s stash in the barn, and our harware, lighting and fixtures are all vintage or relpicas. My biggest splurge was the reclaimed wood floor that I was adamant not receive a finish. Why get beautiful wood and cover it with a plastic like finish??? We did put an oil on top but it’s still raw. And it’s so so so amazing. I love it. There’s been no fading under rugs, it’s worn amazingly well, never looks dirty. I vacuum regularly but have only mopped once in 15 months. That’s how amazing it is. Highly reccomend. And if an area ever needs some attention you can spot sand and treat instead of having to commit to doing your whole floor. I love the look and get sooooooo many compliments..

    17. Charlene Crable

      I lived in Europe in the 60’s, the women on the farms fed the men first, then they ate and then they took the bucket with hot soapy water and scrubbed them down. Obviously no finish on those 200 year old floors either and yours look really natural and nice. Don’t worry about it.

    18. Andrea Mihalik

      Hi Marian,

      I did some upholstery and design work for Tea Leoni 2 years ago and when she moved into her new home she had the floors sanded and kept them raw. It was the first time I’d heard of this or seen anyone do it. She doesn’t like the look of yellow hardwood floors, said she thought it looked like nicotine stains. I absolutely love the look of both of your floors and I’m thinking of doing the same to our floors. We have two large dogs and they really do a number on the coated floors. Please let us know if you decide to protect them with anything but I love the look in your home!!!

    19. Diane

      When we lived in the UK we had a 350 year old blacksmiths shop with a 150 year old farm workers cottage attached to it, in the middle of a farming area (think thick mud most of the year from the vegetable fields and dogs) Over the years it had been added to with a stable block and a hay barn on top of the shop. We eventually turned this into a 4 bedroom house with 3 full bathrooms which is quite unusual in the UK. The living room joined onto the kitchen through an arch and it had a large oak plank floor which was unfinished when we moved in and water damage had occurred through an open velux window so the oak was grey and the edges were curling up. We sanded it down and varnished it with diamond hard boat varnish which lasted for a long time no peeling or anything like that but where the archway to the kitchen met the living room and around where we sat the wood started to go very dark and was stained from general wear and tear. We did think about oiling it but we just knew that it would get very dirty again. We tried the bare wood in the family room but that didn’t work very well because again dirt from the dogs and walking through to the bare wood is ok and it looks lovely but after a while it starts to get dirty and even scrubbing it wont get the ingrained dirt out!

      PS I love your home

    20. Lisa Mothersead

      I like the lighter color in your home. I don’t know about the unfinished part. Hope the floors are “happy” being bare.

    21. Terri

      Beautiful floor!

    22. SueSchneid22

      I say, whatever works! No rules!

    23. Pam

      I live in a 150 year old farmhouse, and the floors are raw simply from the finish being worn off from use. The boards are old wide plank heart pine and have many, many scratches and dings in them. The floors were laid with hand cut square head nails that sit above the surface, so sanding would be a delicate and detailed process. No big power sanders or the heads of the nails would be removed. Whatever old finish that was on them has flaked off, but a little remains in the corners.

      I once mentioned getting them refinished, and my friends were horrified that I would even think of it. It is a look that takes some getting used to, but the patina and history of the floors is just beautiful. I just hope that whenever I do move, that the new owners love the floors just the way they are and don’t change them.

      Love your home and your blog. So much inspiration!!

    24. Marlene Stephenson

      The only thing different i did was put a sealer on them,because i had read that even if you polyurethane them you still need to put a sealer on. But like you i didn’t know what i wanted to do next,so they have been this way for 10 yrs. Nothing stains them and i love them,i just mop and sweep them. Of course my grandkids can’t slide on them like they do on the ones in their room.

    25. Gwen

      I learn something new every day!! If after a year of no big deals I’d say you’re doing fine. Live and let live!! I like that part “doesn’t show dust nor dirt”. With busy life that is truly a plus. And who knows. You sanded but some of the original finish is seeped into the crevices offering some protection from warping etc!

    26. Lori

      I was excited to see this follow up to when you sanded the floors! We have original hard woods from 50’s skinny planks kinda orange with very little varnish left from years of wear and tear in many areas. We have been torn for 10 years with all flooring options. Now we have a greyhound who loves to stretch, slide and drink from his water without wiping his muzzle (imagine that!) so raw is not a good option. I lightly sanded the very worn areas and applied your hemp oil. Yes, it brought out some of the gold/orange tones in the wood but I decided for financial reasons to just decorate to compliment it and work with it. I love how distressed and matte they look. They are cozy and I feel they look timeless.

    27. Martha

      Hi Marian,
      I stopped by your blog and read this post which is very interesting. Two years ago when we moved, we had all of the floors sanded down to the raw oak and I really loved the color and feel. I asked the wood guy what type of finish he could apply that would best simulate the raw wood color. I didn’t like the oil based polys that yellow over time. Yuck.

      They used Bona Mega Waterbourne Hardwood Floor Finish in Satin. It’s designed for high traffic areas and has held up beautifully with no yellowing over the past two years. Just thought I would share!

    28. Rhonda

      I would be concerned about resale, some may not like the look of raw wood floors, and if anyone decides to stain the floor those watermarks will show more than ever once you put the stain on. It does not sand out.

    29. Mary

      I love your house but for some reason the raw wood floors and the lack of drapes just looks unfinished to me. I kind of favor the hemp oil or something on them just to make it look a little bit more finished and I still miss the drapes. For some reason I just loved the homey look with the drapes in your home. If a house was on the market and I walked in and saw the raw wood floors, I would think that somebody just didn’t get around to refinishing the floors. Just my two cents, lol.

      • marian

        Yes, I would most likely oil the floors when we put our house back on the market (in a couple of years, probably).

        As far as the curtains, I go back and forth about them. Sometimes I’ll look at pictures with the curtains and I miss them, but I love how light and airy it feels without them.

    30. Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse

      I had my old pine floor in my French cottage sanded and for now, I’m keeping it raw as well, except for the bathrom where I painted it… I’m just too tired to decide on a finish and I kind of like raw as well, though everybody around me tells me I’m nuts!

    31. Cathy

      I think the light colour of the floors really goes nicely with the white and blues in your house. They do look very Scandinavian. Water on oak will eventually turn grey or black which doesn’t show much now in your floors but will pop up with the hemp oil or any thing that penetrates the wood. I have the original oak floors in my 1965 house which had been covered with thick gold shag for 30 years. When I pulled up the carpet they were perfect but were golden coloured so they obviously had stain on them; the only not perfect area was in the front hallway where there would have been water and salt from snow. It had some grey areas. All I have ever done with my floors is put paste wax on them. It gives a soft glow and provides some protection as things will wipe up easily if spilled. Scratches buff out because they tend to be in the wax; you can’t do that with poly as you know. I reapply the wax in the high traffic areas about once a year. You know all about wood and know what you can live with so good on you for finding something that you enjoy

    32. Kathryn

      Any stains from spills from things like red fruit punch or grape juice or mustard? And in Europe don’t they wax their floors? I love raw wood and wonder how to live with it in our new build or if I should wax it…which darkens the floors (don’t want them darkened).

    33. Steffanie

      This is a bit off topic but I’m considering doing plank subfloors and staining it with curio. I’m wondering how the stain will hold up with the foot traffic?

    34. Christine

      Came in via Pinterest. 🙂
      I have just laid reclaimed pine in my kitchen. 12″ planks, bug-kill packing crates and of course, a few pallet pieces.

      I am also loving the raw wood look and refuse to put anything with -thank or oil in the name. I’m not interested in “that golden glow.”

      That said, I might eventually seal them with paint base. If you pick up flat, exterior, latex DARK paint base, you can seal something with such a completely matte finish. Goes on frighteningly white, but dries so invisibly matte I have to mark where I left off. That’s to keep my raw floor, but protect it a little bit. (This works on chalk and mud paints beautifully. On chippy pieces, it glues them down INVISIBLY, so they don’t look gummy as with other sealants. you cannot pick the chips off!)

      You didn’t mention a cool benefit of a raw floor: dents. If you get a dent on your floor, like when you drop a can of tomatoes (don’t ask me) you can just squirt water on it and leave it alone. The wood fibers swell up and Gone is the dent!

      Just a couple thoughts. I always love your work and how you put things together.

    35. Rebecca

      Hi Marian
      We love your site. It is so unique and special.
      We built our house 3 years ago in a small Louisiana town ( giant oaks, b&b’s , and old bridges along the river ) . Our house was designed to look old from the beginning. Soft pine floors were installed new . No finish was ever applied . Sometimes we mop with mint oil soap because we have a big dog , dirty work boots, and kids over. This is my favorite flooring. It’s comfortable underfoot . The fruit and cooking oil stains can be buffed out with a sander
      my teenager likes the patina !
      Keep having fun . Your blog is entertaining .

    36. Ann

      Like the flooring. Good color.

    37. Dawn

      I just happened upon your website this morning because I was looking for inspiration and HELP in redecorating my bedroom. (Very “stuck” with this particular room and feeling that panicky just-want-it-done feeling.) Anyway, when I saw this bit about your raw wood floors I had to laugh. My husband and I stripped our living room hardwood going on 12 months ago. We just couldn’t get around to staining and finishing it and so it has remained bare. Like you, I just put the furniture back until I could get to it. I, too, worried about “protecting” it. We have four dogs and two children. So far, nothing terrible has happened to it and an occasional damp mop hasn’t ruined it as I’d feared. Our raw floor is the first thing anyone coming into our house mentions and compliments. They thought we did it on purpose! At first, I quickly offered the disclaimer that we just hadn’t gotten around to finishing it, but now I’ve stopped saying that. I added an area rug to cozy up the seating area and a runner behind the sofa where most of the foot traffic is. At this point, it’s doubtful that we will do anything with it. It is perfect for our little 1940s cottage.

    38. Mona

      We have unfinished, landfill diverted white oak throughout our home (5 1/2″ planks) & we live them!!! They suit our ‘french farmhouse’ perfectly! They have knots and beautiful characteristics and lovely grain detail; I just couldn’t bring myself to applying a finish to them. They are extremely low maintenance and are aging beautifully. I vacuum and damp mop them once a week & our Roomba is programmed to vacuum every day to keep up with the dog hair and dander (we have and English and a French bulldog). Our flooring supplier is quite mortified that we have left them raw and unfinished; but I don’t care. Everyone who see and experiences them absolutely loves them. I have several reasons for not finishing them: 1. Any finish, even clear, would darken and change the existing color – which I love as is. 2. Maintenance. Finished floors require periodic refinishing. No thanks! The day to day maintenance and cleaning of unfinished floors is ridiculously easy. 3. The age and patina of an unfinished floor is second to none! Our home feels like a very very old home despite its true age. Even pre-finished floors that are manufactured to look old, cannot hold a candle to our unfinished beauties.

      NB: unfinished wood floors are not a good choice if you require perfection and are squeamish about spills and scratches. To me, those things simply add beauty and patina.

    39. Brooklyn Carter

      Thank you very much for this post. It’s the beauty of hardwood floors untouched. You can apply your own finish or add color with a unique stain.

    40. HL

      We recently bought our first house, and the previous owners had painted the oak floors dark brown. We had the floors refinished, but even though we used water-based polyurethane, I could not stand the smell of the cured urethane. We ended up having them re-sanded and everyone I’ve talked to has been scandalized by my idea of leaving them raw. I grew up on raw floors, and they held up well, even with three dogs and 3 kids running around. I am heartened by your choice. I’m still considering using your hemp oil if my husband can’t stand the raw floors, but I’d truthfully prefer just the raw. It looks so beautiful now, and that God-awful urethane smell is finally GONE.

    41. Diana Hearst-Ikeda

      We live in a 50 year old brick front and cedar shingle 4500 square foot Colonial home. Every inch of flooring is oak and we have lots of darker wood accents- kitchen moulding, cat beams, a family room completely panneled with mahagony. My son and I have asthma so it was a no brainer that we wouldn’t be varnishing the 27 year old floors when we moved in to our house.

      Like many of you we sanded the floors to remove all the polyurethane 17 years ago. We apply lemon oil several times a year and wash the floors with water and vinegar when they need it.

      EVERYONE was absolutely horrified that we weren’t sealing our floors with a varnish which is toxic to people and the environment. I knew the floors would age beautifully and they have.

      Wood, like leather, is alive. Let it breathe, live your life, and don’t worry about stains and watermarks because they add character to the wood. There are no downsides in my mind to living with unvarnished wood floors and only benefits financially and physically.

      How awful is it to have to move out of your house for a week or two while people sand your floors, create a lot of dust, and put down layers of a chemical That’s basically a clear nail polish and unhealthy for animals and people.

      Our unvarnished floors have survived 17 years of 4 lab retrievers who were always wet and sandy, 8 cats, my 2 son’s who were wild and crazy, furniture dragging, pool parties that ended up inside and much more. And, the boards are a beautiful mellow color with visible wood grain. Every board is uniquely beautiful.

      I’m going to try hemp oil on the floors instead of lemon oil. Long live natural floors!!


    42. Josh

      We bought an apartment in a new building a few years ago and they were supposed to finish the floors but never did, we needed to move in and didnt have time to wait, so we left them raw. Everyone was freeking out, including myself, because at first you see every stain, scratch or discoloration. Luckily I work with a few designers who are big on unfinished floors, they told me just to take a deep breath and let it get messy, vacume and use oil soaps, but dont obsess. Really nice now, down right meditative, everyone loves them and no one notices the imperfections, now that its all one big imperfection. Houses are machines for living, rather then dollhouses for display. and the white oak has a rich soft reddish blond color now, patchy in places, but I think that will even out with time. One thing I found exciting about the changing color is that you can see how your family uses the space and how that evolves with time, the White Oak is really light, so the darker the color the more use its had, the high contrast between the deep honey color and the stark white edges shows how the house becomes a home.

    43. Jaden Huber

      Thank you for sharing. It’s the beauty of hardwood floors – untouched. You can apply your own finish or add color with a unique stain. Simply put, unfinished hardwood allows you to take nature’s design and make it your own.

    44. Lilia Robberts

      I’m thinking getting timber flooring. Thank you for sharing that I should try out different finishes on the material than just jump into using anything. I’ll need to find a service that can offer me installations, and can also help me repair my floor when I need it.

    45. Aldwin Graham

      Very valuable info. Unfinished hardwood floors are becoming a popular choice because they can be installed, and then customised with a colour stain and either a lacquer or oil finish to provide a matt, semi-matt or natural appearance and offer protection to your wooden floor.

    46. cathy

      I pulled up a rug and have some stained oak floors. I don’t want to refinish them as I like the old home look. I will likely simply put a small area rug over the stain. The florrs however, do look “thirsty” I have a dog and don’t want anything with lots of odor… is there an oil anyone recommends just to give the floor a drink?

    47. Christel Shea

      Thank you for sharing this blog. Precisely clean your unfinished wood floor before moving furniture or appliances. In this way, you will prevent scratches and damages due to sand or grit. Use a clean piece of carpet, placing it under the given piece of furniture pile side down. Then, move it slowly across the floor whenever you want to put it.

    48. sandy

      What a great blog to come across and read. Thank you! I’ve finally sanded my floors after years and years of it being an eyesore ( I don’t know if its the “stay at home” orders that made my hands and eyes itch), but, I finally became productive and accomplished something that I’ve been wanting to do for so long. So, enough of my ranting… has anyone used the hemp oil that Miss Mustard seed recommends on their raw floors? I would like to keep the raw floor look and don’t want any change in color or glossiness to them.
      Thank you.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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