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I’m getting this guide in at the last minute!  It’s just been that kind of day!

Since it’s late and I’m pooped, here are the details…


Just a reminder that the Lucketts Spring Market isn’t at Lucketts any longer!  It’s at the Clark County Fairgrounds in Berryville, VA.  That is where we’ll be and that is where you’ll want to be!

More specifically, I’ll be in the “Show Barn”.


Obviously, there isn’t really a dress code, but I’ll tell you that there is a lot of dust that gets kicked up on the grounds, so wear some digs that you don’t mind getting dirty!  You will be wearing the Clark Country Fairgrounds home.


You can pay for your purchases with cash, checks, or credit/debit cards.

We will have FOUR checkouts running during the busy times, so we hopefully will get you out and on your way quickly.  


We have a big crew this year – My mom, dad, and Jeff, our boys (Marshall & Calvin) and a crew of “new Lucketts helpers”, since some of my regular workers were unavailable.  You may have read about some of them recently – Emily, Debbie, Jenn & her husband, Diane, Susan, and maybe a couple more.

We’ll also have two wrapping stations.  And, yes, the “rapping station” joke gets pulled out every year.  They will rap for you, if you ask, but they are really there to wrap for you.

My dad, the king of shrink wrap, will be there to wrap the heck out of your packages, and Mark, Jenn’s husband will be offering his wrapping/rapping talents as well.

We do have shopping bags and boxes, but it’s a good idea to bring a tote/wagon/cart/etc. for your purchases.  I somehow thought I had larger bags than I had, so we will run out of the large bags pretty quickly.


If you want to buy a piece of furniture or a bulky item, just pull off the tag and carry that around with you until you’re ready to check out.  If you pull a tag and change your mind about buying the piece, please let us know, so the item doesn’t go unsold.

Once an item is paid for, we’ll put a sold tag on it with your name and number and you can claim it when you’re ready to leave.  We will also hold bulky purchases for you, so you can pick them up on your way out.

There are “pink shirt guys” who are there to help carry furniture to your car and load it in.  They do work on tips, so reserve some cash for that purpose.  Guys from our booth can also help you with carrying things to your car/van/truck.  They work on flattery, so just tell them they are awesome.


I have always offered to hold pieces for people who are coming on the first day, especially when Lucketts extended the sale to include the VIP day.  I don’t want people to feel stressed about getting the piece they have their heart set on.  This year, I have pieces on hold again.

So if a piece has a HOLD tag on it, that means it’s spoken for.  It hasn’t been purchased, though, so there’s a possibility the sale won’t go through.  If a piece you wish to buy has a hold tag on it, just let one of us know and we’ll write down your name and cell number and contact you if it doesn’t sell.

At noon on Friday, any pieces on hold that aren’t claimed will be available for anyone to purchase, so it might be worth circling back to our booth in the afternoon.

If it has a SOLD tag, it’s bought and paid for.

If you have a piece on hold, you can pull the HOLD tag and price tag and take it to the register.


I shared before that we’re having Roots Flower Farm join us in our space this year!  You will pay them directly for their arrangements.  I can’t wait to see them tomorrow morning!


Because I am closing the studio and moving within a few weeks, I really need to sell everything.  I mean EVERYTHING!  Well, pretty much everything.  We are selling the counter we’re using, the shoe cart holding the milk paint, all of the tables, all of the baskets and buckets.  If you want something that looks like a “display piece”, it’s for sale!

So, Sunday is deal day!  If something is too expensive on Friday or Saturday, just come back on Sunday for crazy low prices.

That’s all I can think of now, so here are pictures of the space as it was Thursday evening.  We have a few more things left to finish, but it’s about 95% done…

See you at the market!

PS – I’ve been having issues with my back the past couple of days, so if I’m sitting in a chair looking like a diva, I’m really just sitting down because I can’t stand up straight!

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    1. Naella McLaughlin

      Best of luck tomorrow! Wishing I was going to be there to shop your space! I won’t make the same mistake next year. It all looks amazing!

    2. Heather

      It all looks amazing!!! I wish Lucketts was closer to PA!! I’ve wanted a Miss Mustard Seed piece for a while!! So, I got one of your prints on Society 6!! Love it!! Keep up the awesome work!!

    3. Sari

      Beautiful work, Marian! I have a feeling this will be your best Lucketts yet! Can’t wait to hear about all of the fabulous details.

    4. Marsha Kern

      Wow it all looks wonderful!

    5. Ssuan

      It looks absolutely beautiful. You’ve worked your tails off and it totally totally shows. I only wish I could be there! I hope you’re feeling very proud – you’ve done a fantastic job. Enjoy it!

    6. Katharine

      Every year a eagerly wait for the wrap up with pics. Have fun!

    7. Ramona

      What I would give to browse through all the treasures at Lucketts! I hope every beautiful item sells so you won’t have to load a thing but your luggage when you return home. Praying your back heals so you can enjoy the weekend. My favorite home blogger!

    8. Kelly

      I have been following your journey all these years and have never left a reply but I had to say simply STUNNING.
      Can’t wait to see what you do next! I am amazed how much reading your blog has influenced the way my home looks and feels. THANK YOU. Good Luck.

    9. Pam from Maryland

      Looks GREAT !!! Sell to the walls,,,

    10. Terri

      Can’t believe there are so many cool things there!

    11. Nancy w.

      In regards to your aching back..I must pass on something that has done wonders for me. Aleve (Bayer brand) has put out a “pulsating” device (not a medicine) that can be purchased at a drugstore or even many grocery stores. It comes in a kit with every thing needed even a small screwdriver to put in batteries. Batteries are included. You can wear it while going about your business. Please consider it. It saved me from some really serious pain from muscle spasms. Be wise though,READ ALL THE DIRECTIONS FIRST. It took several 1/2hour ” sessions ” but it did work and blocked the pain during each “session”. I am not in the habit of telling someone I have never met about a product but I feel so bad for you. I will chance your thinking I am a screwball. Best of luck. Your booth looks wonderful. Nancy

      • Jody


        I know this wasn’t meant for me :), but thank you for the info! I have back pain and haven’t been able to find much that works {while still being able to function}. I’m definitely going to try this!

        • Nancy w.

          I hope it works as well for you as it has for me.

    12. Sue Pagels

      Looking at all the pictures just makes my heart happy! Especially love the softer color palette this year. Good luck and thank you for all the wonderful pictures! Love everything 🙂

    13. Cindi

      Looks great! I really need to take a vacation to VA for the market next year! I hope your back gets better quick. Have fun and hope you sell everything! 🙂

    14. Becky

      Everything is so beautiful. The ironstone pitchers are so amazing. All the little details and accessories are just wonderful. Have a great weekend!

    15. Debbie W

      Moving soon… did i miss something?

    16. Sue Benner

      Marion…How did I miss that you are moving in a few weeks??? Where are you going?


    17. Linda Greiss

      Feel better. Everything looks fantastic! Your photos are awesome!

    18. Lauren

      Everything is so very beautiful and lovely. Praying for your back. 🙂

    19. Tina

      Love, love, love it all! Thanks for sharing all the great pics. 🙂

    20. Cherie

      You have so many lovely items and they’re all displayed so beautifully. I hope you sell everything so you don’t have to take it back home !!! Good luck……….

    21. Marva

      I love it all, but my favorite display is the white cabinet with all the ironstone pitchers in it. Very striking display!

    22. Elizabeth

      You are so nice to take pictures and give so many details about Luckett’s, especially for those of us who are too far away to attend.

      Wherever you move to, I hope you’ll find a big, beautiful furniture fair that suits you. If not, please say you’ll consider starting one of your own.

      I can’t believe it’s already the first day of the sale. I hope you’re having a great time.

    23. Julie Briones

      Praying right now for your back and for much success at your ‘shop’! I hope you have a blessed time there, Marian!

    24. Lisa at celebrate creativity

      Marian, so disappointed to have to miss this. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and all visitors that Mother Nature is kind this year.

      I sure hope you decide to sell the little bunnies with the leather strap and basket in your shop because I know those are going to sell out fast. More fingers crossed. They’re just too cute.

      The display is gorgeous, love the colorful banner and the extra elbow room is a plus.

      Happy shopping and browsing to all.

      Good luck.

    25. Donna

      Amazingly God always provides for our needs, Marion since you and all of your helpers have worked your little fingers to the bone He and all of his angels will be cheering you on. Your booth looks so professional and you merchandise is heavenly. I am sure you should call Brinks so they will help you get your proceeds home safely. I am so happy for you and your Hubby and kiddos on your next adventure. God’s Blessing to all.

    26. Heidi

      It looks great. I wish I could be there!
      Good luck!

    27. Mah

      OMGoodness, your space is amazing! If I could be there I would think I had died and gone to heaven! It looks like moving the event was a great idea!

    28. Diane

      Marian there are so many things that I would love to buy from you but of course that is impossible because I live here and you live in the states! I really hope you sell everything and that you have a wonderful weekend (lets hope you have good weather). I hope that when you move that you wont stop blogging…I have been reading your blog for two years…I know its probably not that long but you have given me inspiration when I needed, thank you for sharing all your wonderful talent! I hope your big move is all that you and your family wish for! Kind regards xxxx

    29. Jackie

      Your booth looks fabulous!! Wishing you great success for this sale. Moving and closing up shop, WOW!! Where is the Parson family headed?

    30. Julie

      Everything looks so pretty! I hope you have a successful weekend. Being in Augusta, GA makes it hard to get up that way, but was wondering how much the large, brown patterned pitcher was and can it be shipped?
      Thank you!

    31. Carole Prisk

      The antique business does take a toll on backs! Everything looks great; hope it’s a great sale.

    32. Vicki

      Beautiful!! Such a happy accident that the space is painted to coordinate so beautifully with your color palette. Imagine if it had been orange or something!!

    33. JeanFB

      Everything looks awesome! Good luck with your sales and the weather, and I hope your back settles down! I soooo wish I could be there!

    34. Chelsea

      If you still have the landscape dresser after lucketts please let me know! I wanted it very badly but am unable to make it due to work. I’ve been smitten ever since you made it!

    35. Chelsea

      Oops. Meant landscape wardrobe! Good luck at your event!

    36. Jay

      Watching your booth come together fills me with the excitement of Christmas morning when I was a kid. The Funny thing is I’m from New England and will never be able to attend. I just love all your photos of this event especially when the crowds start to roll in. I hope your back feels better and you and your crew have an absolutely great weekend!

    37. Laurel

      Everything looks so beautiful….peaceful and inspiring at the same time. Have an amazing event….wish I could be there but am on bed rest due to foot surgery. If you still have the grain sack chest with the marble top I will buy it and pick it up as soon as I am up and on my feet!

    38. Sharon Hoham

      It looks absolutely amazing! Best of luck, lucky ladies/gents that get to be there. Good job as always Marian.


      Beautiful Booth Marian!!..i hope you can order some more of the bunny rabbits with the knapsacks!!
      I would love to order one from you online!! Have a terrific show!!..By the way it was wonderful to meet you and your Mom up in New Hampshire last fall!!

    40. Cindy

      I am drooling over the white ironstone pitchers.

    41. Deb

      Enjoy your special day. You have a great crew assembled and you are ready to go. I pray it’s a banner year for your Luckets sale. Have fun!

    42. pamela

      I pray you do well and have a great time tomorrow. I love your ink well jars. I am interested in them if you should happen to have any left that you have to bring back with you. 🙂 I wish I was closer. maybe next year I could make a weekend of it.

    43. Carol

      You are amazing! Wherever you are I want to be on your unpaid help staff next year. You really go above and beyond to put on an event. So beautifully done Marian! Thank you for the inspiration you have given daily for over six years for me personally and many more for others! Thank you Lord for the inspiration you have gifted Marian and her entire family of helpers. God Bless, Carol

    44. Miep

      Sooo sad I am an ocean away ?I would love to see all your beautifull things and take some of them home with me. Happy sales ?

    45. April

      Anyone know if sandstone chalk is smooth and buttery like the chalk from way back? All the chalk I buy now has rough patches and doesn’t write as smooth as what I used as a kid. TIA!

      Gorgeous stall as always!

    46. Louise Adkins

      How exciting. I get antsy to shop and change things up just looking at your booth. Wish I lived close by!

    47. Ashlyn

      I LOVED your items!! Such a fabulous booth and stunning staging. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration!

    48. Diane Anderson-Edwards

      I’m with a couple of other posters – when did you say you were closing the studio, and why?

      • Marian Parsons

        I shared a few weeks ago in a post titled “Onward”. We will be moving, so I’m closing my existing studio and will have one in our next house. I’ll be sharing more as our adventure unfolds. 🙂

    49. Wendy

      Your pictures are always great, and for someone who lives on the west coast and can’t make it to this event it makes me feel like I got to take a little field trip there! I hope your back is better and that all went well. Get some rest! ?

    50. Pat Miller

      Wow!! Lottsa stuff..Lottsa BEAUTIFUL stuff!
      Good luck; I’ m certain you will do well.
      And…watch that back, girl, it’s the only one you will ever have!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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