Lucketts Love Seat & Something’s Missing

by | Aug 21, 2010 | buying & selling antiques, Miscellaneus, My House, Running a Business, Sewing, Tutorials | 56 comments

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As most of you know, I’ve been working like a maniac to get as much done for Lucketts as I possibly can.  It’s next weekend and the anticipation (and pile of stuff) is building.  This is the latest addition.
This is how this love seat looks underneath the slipcover.  It reminds me of something that would furnish a dentist’s waiting room.  You know that textured pastel wallpaper that is in almost every doctor/dentist office?  Yeah…this looks like that. 
The curvy French Provincial shape was perfect, though. 
I made the slipcover out of bleached drop cloths and used some grosgrain ribbon to tie it onto the wood frame. 
I love how it turned out and how it looks with my feed sack pillows. 
I found this folding camping table in my grandparent’s attic and painted it in a soft, distressed gray. 
I purchased the balance scale at a yard sale this morning.  This is the second balance I have found at a yard sale!  What are people thinking?!  All of this is going in the van to Lucketts.
So, remember how my dining room was all finished?
Do you notice something is now missing? 
(Don’t mind all of the “junk.”  This is currently my holding room for Lucketts.)
A very sweet lady, Maryanne, came to my house today to purchase my French settee, which I listed on Craig’s List.  When I showed her my stash of Lucketts items, she decided to take a look and my dining room table and chairs caught her eye.  She asked if I would sell it.  My business sense spoke louder than my emotions and I sold the set to her.  I must admit, I shed a few tears when I saw the empty room (don’t feel bad at all, Maryanne!), but I know I will be able to find another set that I like just as much…maybe even more.  And it gives me a chance to hit some auctions and scan Craig’s List for more furniture.  Oh, the thrill of the hunt!  And Maryanne graciously invited me to visit “my” furniture any time. 
Selling that set proved to me that I am willing to sell almost anything…even things that I bought or painted custom for my home and had no intention to sell.  Such is the life of an antique dealer/furniture refinisher. 
 What would you have done?
Miss Mustard Seed

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    1. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions

      Oh my gosh, Marian! I don't think I would have been able to let it go! I loved your dining set! : ( {Well, : ) for Maryanne}. The cover for the loveseat turned out great. I can't believe you are cranking this stuff out so quickly. I'll bet you'll be glad when next weekend arrives for a few reasons!


      As I am reading your post I was so excited to email you and tell you that I would send money for the settee via paypal and pick it up this week. Imagine my disappointment learning that MaryAnne got that AND your beautiful dining room set!

      Your Friend,

    3. Erin

      Great job Marian!! I am so glad that business is really going well and that your Luckett's stash is growing! Can't wait to see what finds it's way to your home next!

    4. Mommy of Monkeyshines

      I don't know!! It would have been a tough call for me…and it would have depended on the price offered. So if the price was right… 🙂

      Love the slip cover! I need to get me some of those drop clothes at HD soon!

    5. Sixty-Fifth Avenue

      So funny! I think I would have sold it knowing I could find something else.
      You are making some fabulous things with those dropcloths, love the settee!

    6. yeoldesandwichshoppeva

      The couch looks awesome! Any chance you might post a tutorial? I have a similar shaped pink couch and I would love to cover it.

    7. Red Door Home

      You have such an eye! Everything you have purchased and prepared for your upcoming sale has been wonderful. I hope you will take pictures of your booth so we can see everything all together.

    8. Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup

      You sure do have a lot of courage! I get super attached to things and I don't thik I could part with something like that. But that's great that you are able to do that =)

    9. central bark designs

      I just wish I was still living in my lovely cottage in Virginia – and not the smaller (yet fab) apt. in NYC. I would be heading to Luckett's to buy buy buy!

      You have beautiful items and a great style. Good luck at Luckett's

      When I was moving to the city I had to sell off most of my home furnishing. It was hard to see them go – but just think of the hunt for the new treasures! -Wendy

    10. Connie

      I can't believe it, chickee!!! You've got an old USMC stool just like we've got and I've never ever seen them any place else. I painted one pink and put a cover over it many years ago. We have another one that just sits in our garage for me to park myself when chatting with hubs when he's out there, sugar.

      That slipcover is adorable, too. I can't wait to get my new ones from Ethan Allen next month.


    11. Sherry @ No Minimalist Here

      The settee is fantastic…Love the slipcover! Best of luck at the fair. Hugs, Sherry

    12. marty (A Stroll Thru Life)

      The loveseat is fabulous. Love the cover. I know it will find a fabulous home in no time. Your dining set was so pretty, it's hard to see it go. Can't wait to see what you find to replace it. Hugs, Marty

    13. Linden Townhouse

      OK, I officially give up! How DO you do all this Miss Mustard Seed? The slipcover for the settee is gorgeous. I know about letting go. This past year we downsized from a 2,800 sq. ft. home with tons of storage and moved across the country with everything we kept in one 8x6x16 POD. I waved good bye to lots of stuff and memories but not to worry! It can all be replaced.

    14. Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal

      Oh I loved those dining room chairs. Did they have the initials of your family? The settee was adorable. Lucky Maryanne!

    15. michelle

      The slip cover looks perfect on the love seat! I love the pillows! Oh, your dining set is/was so beautiful but I can understand how exciting it is to hunt for the next piece to renew!! Happy hunting!!!

    16. AntiqueChase

      Love the scale …a yard sale? You are so lucky! The couch is perfect.. I am going to buy (and wash) a drop cloth… I love that look… Even for a table cloth!!

      You are so brave to sell your dining set! I want to be more like that… able to give up the "stuff"…

      Have a great weekend!

    17. Holly @ Roller Coaster Life

      Look at you go!! Soon you will be too big for me!! =) I'm so giddy with excitement for you and for me for coming to meet you and buy you… er i mean your stuff soon!

    18. Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top

      The love seat is lovely. I'm not sure I would have been able to let that wonderful dining set go. But I know you'll find something just as pretty to replace it.

    19. Joy @ Thrifty Parsonage Living

      Your loveseat looks very pretty! What a great transformation! I love your pillows as well!

    20. Bridget

      bleached drop cloths?! how creative are you!!!

    21. Shaundra

      The couch is GORGEOUS!!! I soooo wish I knew how to sew. 🙁 Could you creat a blog post on making drop cloth slipcovers with hot glue? 😉

    22. Tales From My Empty Nest

      That couch is beautiful! And I can't believe that you sold your dining room set, but hopefuly you can find something you love even better to replace it. Looks like you have some awesome stuff for Luckett's. I wish I could come up. Hopefully I can get there one year. Best of luck getting set up at Luckett's. Safe travels too. Love & blessings from NC!

    23. Sarah

      I have to say, I think I would have done the same thing and sold the dining set. Because unless something is a family heirloom or I paid a lot for it initially so it's not worth selling, I'd probably be willing to part with it. Besides, as you said, there's always "the thrill of the hunt" for something new!! Good luck in your search, and I'm LOVING all your Lucketts prep posts!

    24. Funky Junk Interiors

      My jaw is still open. That dining room set was so you to the core!

      However, knowing you can do it again, if the price was right, I would have done the same thing.

      My own personal deal is, I want the house DONE so I can move on. But when you have no room for things and you wish to keep creating, perhaps you're guiding me towards a better plan after all.

      You have a special gift and you're using it wisely to help support your family. It's what you were meant to do, so I say, you did the right thing. 🙂


    25. Allison

      Maryanne is one lucky woman! The settee and your dining room set were both gorgeous! It'll be fun to see what you create for your new dining room set!

    26. Becky

      That is so awesome! I would sell the shirt off of my back if the price was right. 🙂

    27. Amy @MaisonDecor

      But you just finished your dining room!! ARgh…I doubt I would have sold it if I loved how the room looked. I'm sure what you get next will look great too..good luck at the fair Marian. YOu have been workin harder than anyone in blogland lately!

    28. SueAnn

      I am with you!! Everything has a price!! Ha!! Congrats on your sale!!
      Love the loveseat! The cover is awesome!! And the pillows fit there perfectly!
      And that scale…oh my!!!
      Hey! My fiber piece is now installed! Come see!!

    29. Becky K.

      I would have done the very same thing. I love shopping and when given the money to replace something, even something special, I would go for it too…unless it was a family heirloom.
      Besides, you made this woman very happy…that is a huge rush too.

      Becky K.

    30. Pondside

      Great attitude!….there's something else, equally fabulous, waiting for you to find. You must really be in Lucket's countdown mode now!

    31. Jen T

      The settee is beautiful & unique..the dining room set…I don't know how you did that. You are a better business woman than me, that's for sure. Way to go & congrats on all of your accomplishments.

    32. Christa @ Stories of a House

      The setee is fantastic. The new cushions are sewed on so perfectly!
      I can't believe your gorgeous table is gone. I don't know what I would have done…I suppose I would have sold it for the right price. I'm sure you'll find something you love just as much.

    33. Cassie

      You mean, that table was for sale…???!!


    34. Leslie @ Farm Fresh Fun

      You inspire yet again. Not just your tremendous artistic talent. Not just your sewing skills. Not just your ability to juggle ministering youth, field trips, Cheerios n dipes, painting, photo shoots n blogging kindnesses at the same time… Not just your eye for creating a cohesive "line…" Not just your business acumen… YOU are a unique mix and that inspires too! I'm so glad we've met and I can't wait to meet the rest of your wonderful family next month. I really want to get to Lucketts, but there's a local farm sale full of antique horse equipment etc calling me next weekend too! ;-P I'll be praying that you have FUN, sell MUCH and there's NO RAIN!

    35. Elizabeth

      I woulda sold it too! With a tear and hopeful heart on what will be the next set!!!!! I have "LizItous" according to my hubby, so this kinda stuff would remind him of me. Moving, changing, swapping, replacing! All of Life is About Change!

    36. Vicki K.

      You will be glad when you come across the next set that makes your heart pitter-patter with possibilities! You gained some great skills and practice and it also gives you some selling mojo as you go into Luckett's.

      You did well!

    37. mimi

      This is Maryanne (I post as "mimi"). Imagine the thrill I had when in addition to purchasing the gorgeous settee, I also was able to buy the table and chairs as well!!! I am thrilled beyond words with it all.

      Marian is the sweetest girl and so talented. Everything in her home is so clever- I had to stop myself cold to keep from wanting it all! (I was bitten by the evil acquisition bug). Fortunately, I had my mom along with me and she offered the restraint I needed (albeit, somewhat weakly, on her part). But, yes, yes, I am one happy chickadee and I KNOW Marian will find an equally or even better dining set and if she is anything like me (and I highly suspect she is) she will revel in the thrill of the hunt!

    38. mimi

      Oh, I forgot to mention- Marian manages to create all this beauty, take care of 2 adorable little boys and a hubby, a home, and blog! This leaves me speechless!! Where does she get the energy? Wow!

    39. Iris

      I totally understand letting go of something even though you love it. There is other stuff out there calling your name. After all – the fun is in the chase, the hunt, and the kill! (figuratively speaking)

    40. Linda (Nina's Nest)

      Marian, I am so impressed that you let that gorgeous dining table set go. Why? Because you showed that things are just things and that they can be replaced. With the good luck that you have in flea marketing, etc., I have NO DOUBT that you will come across something you like even better, and then add your touch which will make it even better than better! Kuddos to you, girl! Linda

    41. Lisas Creative Designs

      Good Luck at The Lucketts show. My business sense would have told me to sell the dining room set but my heart may have stopped me. I have sold pieces in the past that I LOVED and was later hit with seller's remorse. Especially when we are dealing with one of a kind items. I am a little more careful when selling things I love. I am sure you will find something even better to fill the space and just think how much fun you will have hunting and refinishing it!

    42. Nutbird

      Miss Mustard Seed: When someone wants to buy something that you are not sure you want to sell, add $100 or $200 to the price you think you should get and see what happens. You will at least start a negotiation. You probably price your things too low, anyway. The dining room set is okay, because you can find that type again. If you have a one of a kind item, tell them you will think about it. This period of productivity and extra cash will make your husband feel really good. And that is the purpose of this endeavor. (partly). Your parents sound great, so supportive. Ann

    43. Kelly @ Much To Do With Nothing

      I love the slip and how you tied it to the frame! So cute.
      My husband always says "evrerything's for sale". Sometimes I can't think that way after all of my custom hard work, but when it really comes down to it…I think I would sell also.
      When it comes with dealing with so much furniture. It will always come and go.
      Although, he did get attached to the chairs I'm covering for our bedroom. I was shocked when he asked if I would "let him keep them".lol.
      I know with your eye you will find something even more amazing. Have fun looking!!!
      And good luck next weekend!!

    44. Joselyn @ The DIY Spot

      The settee turned out so cute! Yeah, I would have sold the DR table too! Like you,I have that refinishing bug and can't wait to score that next piece. Good luck at Lucketts!

    45. Ellen

      Oh gosh! I would definitely have sold it! I am all about the "hunt"! Let us know what you find next!…..smiles.

    46. Karen

      If I had your talent for turning a sow's ear into a silk purse I'd have sold it in a heartbeat! How exciting—I'll look forward to seeing your magic on the next dining room set.

      Karen @ Garden, Home and Party

    47. Gypsy Heart

      Hmmmm, I don't know if I could sell that beautiful set or not. And I LOVED the cushions! As talented as you are, I know you'll have something wonderful back in there. The love seat looks gorgeous! How do you even think up all these things? 🙂

      Best of luck to you next weekend!

    48. Tessa

      I want that loveseat! That slipcover with the ribbon ties- too adorable! Luuuvvvv it!

    49. Promotional Pens

      I love the skirts around the chairs in the dining room set. Very creative.

    50. Marvin

      I'm glad that I came across your blog coz' after I seeing your pictures, I'm so amazed at your home deco.

      I particularly like the sofa model (2nd picture). Now I have an idea of what type of sofa model, I should buy for my little apartment. Though you said that it's like a dentist's office, I think it would perfectly fit my lifestyle as a bachelor.

      Of course, I'm also dreaming to build my own house like my brother. Although, he encountered minor problems, DIY home building techniques, did helped him furnish his dream house.

    51. Jeralee

      Love the settee. The slipcovers are fabulous.

      You are right, there are tons of dining room tables and chairs just waiting to be rescued and refurbished.

      It gives you more excuses to collect more furniture and home your skills even more.

    52. kate

      How do the drop cloth covers handle everyday dirt – say kids sitting at that gorgeous dining room table set? Wondering if something used so often holds dirt, and how it is cleaned.

    53. Samatha

      I just love this! I am an avid DIY-er and have some old furniture my grandmother left us. Any chance of putting up a tutorial 😉 If not, I just have to know what that fabric is!

    54. KatBaker

      The love seat cover is brilliant and beautiful!!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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