Lucketts Recap 2017 | Part 1

by | May 23, 2017 | buying & selling antiques, Running a Business | 59 comments

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The story of Lucketts 2017 is a big one!  There’s all of the stuff, the great customers, the new venue for the market, our gracious hosts, and my amazing team who helped me pull it all together.

When I last posted, I shared pictures of our set up in the Show Barn at the fairgrounds Thursday, the day before the market. I was so tired and it was late and I was just trying to communicate some things that would be helpful for shoppers the next day, so I didn’t share the details of the set-up day.  So, let’s back up and I’ll start the story there.

We loaded two 20′ trucks with all of the things from the studio that we’ve been working on and collecting and drove them down to the Clarke County Fairgrounds early the next morning to unload the trucks and set up the large pieces.  (You can read all about that HERE.)

In the past, I would wait until the morning of the sale to get all of the accessories in place.  Last year, it was way too much to accomplish in a few short hours with a deadline looming.  Given the fact that I was set up in a tent and the weather was always questionable, it was my best option to do that.  But, this year, we were in a covered pavilion, so I took advantage of that and set up on Thursday.

Sooo…Wednesday evening, after all of the hunching over furniture, packing and moving boxes, loading and unloading the truck, I realized I had pushed my back too hard and I was having lower back spasms.  I had a hard time sleeping, because it would hurt every time I rolled over.

Sore back or not, I had a group of people set to meet me at my space in order to help set up, so I took some Advil, put on the seat heat in the car, and headed to the fairgrounds.

I cannot express what an amazing team I had there that day.  To say they were “helpers” would be an understatement.  They made it all happen.  Not only was I shuffling around with a sore back, but I had the live Washington Post chat from 11-12, so I was sitting at my computer, pecking away, while they were unpacking boxes.

When the chat was over, they had every box unpacked and ironstone and smalls spread out over the flat surfaces, waiting for further instruction.  I was overwhelmed for a couple of reasons.  First of all, it was such a gift that so much work was already done.  Second, there was now stuff everywhere.  The contents of enough stuff to furnish a small house were spread out over a barn and I had to get it organized in some fashion in just a few hours.

I started with grouping together like items, just so we could start getting things sorted.  So, someone grabbed all of the ironstone plates and filled one cabinet while someone else grabbed all of the pitchers and put them in another.  “Office-y” stuff over here, kid’s room stuff over there, kitchen stuff over here, and so forth.  It took several hours of nine of us working together to get the booth to a place where it was “good enough” until Friday morning.

I did bring my GoPro, so I could film the set up, but the space was so big and there was so much to set up, that I didn’t think it would show well on camera.  Plus, I was too hot and tired to mess with camera cards and tripods!

I’ll share more about the Bed & Breakfast where we stayed in another post, but that evening they treated us to a delightful dinner.  I put heat on my back, wrote my annual “guide to shopping Lucketts post”, and then slept like the dead.

Friday morning started at 5:30.  I was pleased to find that I could stand upright again and my back was only slightly sore.  We had a quick breakfast of homemade muffins and yogurt and headed over to the fairground to finish setting up.  Usually, this is when I become a complete tyrant, but we didn’t have much to do, so things were pretty relaxed.

We unpacked the fabric, linens, quilts, books, upholstery, etc. that we didn’t want to expose to the dust of the day before and the dew of the morning.  Even though we had a lot in place on Thursday, it was Friday morning when the booth really came to life…

Chicken feeders make the best book racks, as an FYI!

My mom said that I needed to turn the pitcher on the top shelf, so it faced the “right way”.  I told her I did that on purpose (and I really did).  I wanted one that was “going against the flow.”  It made me smile.  (And now I’m sort of wishing I kept all of those pitchers!)

(Did you notice my first painting on that dresser?  I decided to sell it.  I’m not sure who bought it, but it was fun for me that someone did!)

This is a chair I didn’t have a chance to reveal on the blog, because I finished it at the last moment!  The frame was painted in a mix of equal parts MMSMP Eulalie’s Sky and Layla’s Mint.  I made a slipcover out of a vintage check fabric I had in my stash.

We also partnered with Roots Flower Farm and were able to use their flowers and twig wreaths around the booth, which was a great addition.

Between the directing and fluffing, I had to get all of our registers set up and make sure everyone knew their jobs when the customers showed up.  I had a moment of panic when three out of four of the registers wouldn’t connect to the back office.  I knew we would be up a creek with only one register.  A quick phone call sorted it all out, though, and all four registers were working with about 15 minutes to spare.

I finished fluffing and grabbed my camera to snap the pictures above.  Jeff followed me around, letting me know we needed to have our group meeting while we still had time.  I hurried around the space, knowing this was my only chance to capture the finished space.  I put my camera away, we gathered for a quick team meeting, and then the customers arrived…

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    1. Laura stewart

      You did such an Amazing job. Whoever got those gingham chairs is one lucky person. I’ve been dying over those since your first posted them! So glad it all went well for you guys!!

    2. Susan

      This looks beautiful … ! I had to work on Friday and by Saturday, so many of these pieces were gone 🙁 I didn’t see so many of these,but am glad your trucks were empty and the weekend was another success for you! I came back on sunday and was going to say hello… but you looked busy and tired all at the same time 🙂 Love your work so much … they’re lucky to have you at the Market

    3. Inge Torchia

      Oh, the finery! Excellent displays throughout your space. Everything looks so crisp and clean and inviting. The vignettes that were created are so inspirational and I’m sure that people were drawn immediately to all the beautifully displayed treasures. Love that you repurposed items and offered fresh blooms, too. So creative, so fun and fresh. Love it all. Too bad I’m in Canada, or I would have been there soaking it all in, wracking my brain over which items to buy. I wish you and your family blessings. Your cup runs over.

    4. Teresa

      Let me be the first to comment on how great the new Luckett’s venue was! We arrived right after noon on Friday and it was such a pleasure not having to sit in a traffic jam for miles and having ample parking. Even my hubby complimented the new venue and how much bigger and better the new location was.

      Your space looked amazing and I couldn’t believe how large it was so I can see why it was a challenge to fill it! Sorry I didn’t get a chance to speak with you and wish you well on your upcoming move but I enjoyed chatting with your Mother. I know your move is bittersweet for her but she is really excited for the opportunities that lay ahead for you and your family.

    5. L. Thompson

      I think your set up was great considering the temperatures through Friday. Back pain no fun with the enormous task of rearranging furniture. Weekend was really a pleasure browsing the grounds. There was plenty to ponder and purchase in all price ranges. Even though you are moving, perhaps you will
      consider Luckett’s in 2018. Thank you for sharing the pictures. Many pieces were gone by noon Friday.

    6. Beth from Iowa

      Thanks so much for sharing all of the great pictures – those of us who will probably never make it to Luckett’s really appreciate it! I always feel like I’ve actually been there!!

    7. Candice

      Beautiful! I loved the new location with the covered spaces. Next year, I’ll have to come on day one and not day three! ? Still had fun, bought some great things and loved meeting you. Congrats on such a successful weekend!

    8. Carol

      Since I live in Orlando, I couldn’t make it to Luckett’s no matter how much I wanted to! Next best thing was to send my son, who lives near there, and I appreciate you signing a copy of your book for me, Marian! Scott enjoyed chatting with you and said your area looked wonderful!

    9. Jessica | Petal + Ply

      The spaces turned out so pretty! How great that the green barn posts looked so perfect with your merchandise. I’m sad I missed this year again.

    10. Kathy

      It all looks so beautiful, Marion. My heart aches for some of those pieces! Congratulations to you and your awesome team!

    11. Marsha Kern

      It looks so good!!! You and the team did a great job!

    12. Barbara

      Thank you for sharing what your space looked like on Friday morning. I came on Sunday and chatted with you for a few minutes, when most of your items were already sold. I am a daily reader of your blog. I can even say you were my first and still my only consistent go-toblog inspiration. Marian, you are so genuine and such a gracious lady. I pray for God’s blessings on you as you follow His will wherever He moves you. Please come back to Lucketts next year. My husband asked if we were going to come to Lucketts next year if you weren’t there. I had to think for a minute, and I really don’t know. 🙂 You were the reason I have been coming for the last 5 years. God bless you, your family, and the Mustard Seed Team!!!

    13. Pam from Maryland

      This is truly wonderful,, I love all the colors this year and the vignettes,, and the flowers added that special touch… thank you for sharing your life with us,,,, as I read your blog daily,, and look to you for inspiration, not just for furniture, but for my soul,, May the Lord give you the best of the best in your future endeavors,,

    14. amy joanne mogish

      Marian, Your space looked amazing! It must have been fun to play ‘house’ with all those goodies! Thank you for taking a few moments to chat with me and my bestie on Saturday and Sunday….I was able to grab a few ‘smalls’ from your space, you were almost sold out and happy for you! It was nice of you to doodle in my doodle book too! The whole fair was wonderful ~ great shopping, good food, nice music and great weather! Sure hope to see you and your family next year….but I know where ever you may be you will always inspire and bloom where you are planted! I wish you and your family the best! 🙂

    15. Sue Pagels

      Everything looks so wonderful and it caught my eye how the show barn colors fit in perfectly with all your amazing items – or should I say your amazing items and their colors fit in perfectly with the show barn! So happy your show was successful – you and your team work so hard! These are always my very favorite posts of the whole year – I live vicariously thru the Luckett’s posts!

    16. Kim

      Absolutely gorgeous setup, a whole household “store” of Miss Mustard Seed décor! I love all the attention to the small details also that make the look complete. How I would love to be there!

    17. Sandy

      beautiful, inspiring, wow!

    18. Michelle James

      So much pretty under one tent!!!! I wanted everything! You have such talent and a fantastic eye. You’re my very favorite blogger and I just want to have you as my best friend. Lol You have so much to be proud of! This is all just the beginning for you. I hope you’re relaxing and feeling proud.

    19. Lorene Halfmann

      Beautiful! Thanks so much for the lovely virtual tour! I did notice that many of the furniture pieces did not look “chippy and peely” . Is that trend fading? Keep us in the loop 🙂

    20. Denise Hummel

      Beautifully done Marian. Your talent continues to WOW me! Congratulations on such a successful market sale!

    21. LeAnne Keeler

      Beautiful!! Glad to see what it looked like before I got there on Saturday morning. It was pretty sparse by then, which only shows how much people love your style and your stuff! 🙂

    22. Michelle

      Marian, your pavilion was absolutely beautiful! I feel so blessed that I was able to meet you in person! Not only are you an uber talented woman, but a wonderful one as well!
      As I write this, I have the pleasure and thrill of looking at your Painted Landscape Wardrobe. I will cherish it and the memory of meeting you for many years to come.

    23. Jacqueline~Cabin & Cottage

      I can never get enough of your styling shots! You are such a pro, and I love your style.

    24. Debbie

      Thank you for sharing all of your photos. I have so much fun every year following all the work you’re doing in preparation for Luckett’s and then the setup and final reveal. I love your blog. I will be following you and your family on your journey. God Bless You.

    25. Nancy Erickson

      Everything looked drool-worthy!! Congratulations!!! Did you have any of the antique hemp toweling left? If so, how can I buy some?

    26. MaryLisa Noyes

      It was so much fun meeting you in person! I traveled from Vashon Island, Wa. to meet my niece on Long Island and we made our road trip to Luckett’s. It was perfect in every way! We so enjoyed meeting your worker from Suite Piece’s a favorite shop of mine on Long Island. I’m looking forward to next year as this is truly a great market. All the vendors bring great treasures! Your booth was AWESOME!

    27. Jenn A

      The twig wreaths are so pretty and such a great touch for your space – which always looks wonderful. The wreaths are really unique shapes. Love them! Would love to buy one of your landscape paintings!

    28. Kathie Grignon

      You and your team did an amazing job making the space look inviting. Thank you for sharing the experience with us!1

    29. Elizabeth

      You were good to record and post the pre-sale images of your beautiful, welcoming space at Luckett’s. I LOVED looking at the Photos, admiring your styling in each one.

      From the posts above, it sounds like you did really well in terms of meeting your goal of selling everything. Did you wind up taking anything home? I’m also curious what types of things sold out first. What lessons will you take to heart from the 2017 Luckett’s?

      I admire that you continue to give credit and kudos to your team. I get the impression that they were key to avoiding a meltdown amidst all of the deadlines.

    30. Gretchen

      Wow! Love everything! So beautiful! Wish I could have gone!

    31. Cindy in Oklahoma

      Wouldn’t the world be a better place if there was a Miss Mustard Seed store nearby? Or at least of thick book of all these vignettes you’ve created over the years? Everything you do is eye candy and your sweet personality is heart candy…. So much beautiful you’ve created in this world….

    32. Sian

      I love this journey that you’ve been on and that I’ve been able to follow along! Looks like so much fun!

    33. Kathleen Harris

      Did the two blue pillows on the daybed/crib get sold? I emailed my interest if you considered selling them over a year ago. Of course, I didn’t expect you to remember, but if they are still available, please LMK. Thanks!

    34. Lisa

      I love everything. I wish I could just take everything you had available and re-do my whole house. If the barn had walls someone would be able to just move in. Everything down to the smallest detail is beautiful. You have a lot to be proud of. Wishing continued success wherever life takes you. Hopefully to central NC. 🙂 Congratulations!!!

    35. Tammy

      Your space was beautiful. I love everything purchased from you. I even snagged a couple bouquets of flowers too. My favorite it the blue step ladder. It looks beautiful in my kitchen.

    36. Carol

      Marian you did an amazing job, really your booth just gets better every year! Which is saying a lot because I wonder how it could get better and you never disappoint! Everything looks so beautiful, perfect touches everywhere. Thank you for being a continuous source of inspiration for me and so many others. May God Bless you in your upcoming move which I, for one, am looking forward to hearing all about. I hope you are feeling rested!

    37. Lisa at celebrate creativity

      Marian, what a stunning booth. Every vignette is as pretty as the next. I love the galvanized bucket flower stand addition too. That’s such a sweet addition to the setting.

      I sure hope you decide to put some of those adorable bunnies with the leather strap and basket in your online store. I’ll be watching for that with fingers crossed.

      Lovely tour and nice to know it all went well for you.

      Happy day and rest the back.

    38. Kim

      I couldn’t make it there until mid-day Sunday and was surprised to see that there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING left! I have been Luckett’s before, and you always had a decent selection left on Sunday. Wow! Of course I was disappointed, but congratulations!

    39. Jennifer Holton

      I had the pleasure of getting to meet you Friday afternoon,(my son is also named Marshall) . You are just as lovely in person as you come across through your blog. Like many others, I am a daily reader of your blog, and really one of the only blogs I go to. I appreciate you for the inspiration you have given me and obviously so many others. I love the tiny sugar jar I bought and was surprised to find a linen towel with red stripes. my favorite! Hope you get some much needed rest and take good care of your back! I am a nurse, and have had to learn this the hard way.

    40. Donna Doble-Brown

      Oh my gosh Marian! The space looked INCREDIBLE! I’m so sorry about your back! Did that antique desk sell? I bet it did along with everything else …… can’t wait for the rest of the story!?

    41. Sue at Blu

      Marian your space is lovely as always! I am hoping to do Luckett’s next year! We had a graduation this year. I am enjoying resuming shows! Hope to see you soon…at Haven!

    42. Debra

      Your booth looked so lovely wish i could of come, long ways from Minnesota. I noticed you have so many wooden brushes and the bar soap. How can i get some? I’ve been looking but can’t find any like yours. Good luck on your move and new home. God bless Debbie

    43. Judy

      Beautiful, Marian! All the flowers were such a lovely touch!

    44. pamela

      Love your space it was stunning. Pray fully all went well. I so wish I would have been able to attend,maybe next one.

    45. Jennifer Rogers

      I too am a regular reader and look forward to checking in with you often. Lucketts is on my bucket list.
      P.S. Just started reading Born to Crave…immediate impact!

    46. Heidi

      Beautiful! WUNDERSCHÖN. Otherwise, speechless!

    47. Karin

      I was there first thing Friday morning with my friend from NJ. I did not let her stop after the gates opened to even peek at another booth on our way to yours. I saw your little PAINTING and COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES! I LOVE IT and feel so fortunate to have had the chance to bring home your first painting! I am an interior designer and a collector of original art. Your booth was so pleasing to the eye and it is the sole reason I come to Lucketts. Congratulations on a successful weekend!

      • Marian Parsons


        Oh, that made me so happy!! I put it in the sale as a whim. I’ve been hoarding most of my originals, but I think a part of me seeing myself as an “artist” is to make them available for people to buy. I did sign is as “# 1” and it was, indeed, my very first oil painting. I hope they just get better from there. 🙂 Thanks so much for purchasing it.

    48. anne

      The Lord continues to bless your hands!
      The flowers and vine wreaths
      The little dress billowing in the breeze just in time for a pic
      The way the interior of your pavilion complimented your color palettes ?
      The dream that one day I’ll be able to come volunteer to help at Luckett’s with you!
      Blessings xo

      • Marian Parsons

        I loved how the breeze caught that little dress and I didn’t notice it until I developed the pictures. 🙂

    49. Deb

      Next Year I am coming for sure! Just Beautiful!

    50. Tanya

      Wow!!! Gorgeous furniture, the dishes stacked up are wonderful, and I love that gingham chair soooo much 🙂

    51. Jeanie

      Wow..the way you display everything is just awesome!! I cannot imagine the amount of work it takes to get this all up and going for you but it sure does look inviting!!

    52. Linda Greiss

      Congratulations on a great show with gorgeous merchandise! It sounds like you did more than well this year. Take care of your back and give yourself special treatment this week. Thanks for taking the time to share photos and writing about everything!

    53. Sherry Nerreau

      Absolutely wonderful Marian! You and your team did a beautiful job! (as usual!) 🙂

    54. Martha

      So many awesome pieces all in one place! I just loved seeing these pictures-I wish I could have been there.
      Do you happen to have any blue and white quilts for sale?

      • Marian Parsons

        I don’t right now! We sold all of the blue & white quilts that were for sale at Lucketts.

    55. Bernadette Rowe

      It looks absolutely amazing! Wish we had something like this in Australia. I am drooling over the ironstone and grainsack fabric.
      You have such an amazing eye, I so love your style <3

    56. Lynn Fowler

      You and your team are amazing! Beautiful! Love, Love, Love!


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    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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