market sign & my pavilion

by | Apr 3, 2011 | buying & selling antiques, Painted Signs, Running a Business | 52 comments

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I finished this sign the morning I brought it to Lucketts, so we didn’t have a chance to do a proper photo shoot together.  Sorry!  I really love how this one turned out, though. 
The bead board door was already painted a cream color, so I simply painted over it with Antibes Green with lettering in Old White and shadow in Graphite (all chalk paint.)  Once dry, I used a palm sander to use and abuse the sign until it looked how I wanted it to.  The piece was finished with a mix of clear and brown wax.  Check out my Waxes 101 video if you’d like to see my technique.  
I just bought some huge barn doors today to paint some signs on.  They sell well and it’s fun to create my own “art” to sell in my space.  
Some of you were a little confused about the “pavilion” idea, so I thought I would show you exactly what it is.  The pavilion on the left with the blue and white shutters is the back of my pavilion. 

This is the main building of The Old Lucketts Store.  My furniture and signs are sold inside in Karen’s room. 

Outside, there is a little village of pavilions with different dealers in each one.  Mine is the last one on the left.

Yes, it is outside and open to the elements, but it’s pretty protected by the patchwork walls and metal ceiling.  It’s actually really nice.  Not climate controlled, but nice. 

My husband went down on Friday and added a couple more doors on each side of the entrance to further protect my things.  He also hung my sign up, but I don’t have a picture of that to share, yet.

 Here’s a look inside the booth…

I loved my caddy with clay pots so much that I bought another to sell in my space. 

 I had a great first week as a vendor at Lucketts.  The pantry below sold…

This French buffet sold…

…the mirror sold…

…and lots of other things.  Some things were bought less than 24 hours after my husband dropped them off!  I tell you, things move fast here. 

Which means I need to get to work on more stuff!  I went shopping this afternoon and found some cool things including a wooden theatre seat, a vintage fan, and a bunch of feed sacks. 
It’s going to be another late night. 

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    1. Erin

      Your stuff is always so beautiful! If I loved even remotely close, I would be buying up a bunch of your things! Great work! Very inspiring!

    2. Fiona

      hi Marian – I'm so glad things are going so well for you. I also opened a pavillion at my loval antiques centre on the weekend. It's so empty I'm working hard at filling it but sold 2 pieces in the first hour! ($600 each so I'm so chuffed!). I still need to make a sign as well as fill up my space.
      Yours looks amazing compared to mine (
      love to hear your thoughts.
      cheers Fiona

    3. Carolyn@SweetChaos

      Love the sign. Love the space. Just add a bed and some plumbing, and I'll pay rent 🙂

    4. Lilliedale

      You space looks so beautiful,just reading about it wears me out. You have some serious energy and ambition! I wish I could see it (and shop there) all in person. Great job! ~Merrilee

    5. Jaime

      Marian so glad to hear your pavilion is doing well, makes it all worth it. Make sure to take a little time for yourself so you don't wear to the ground. I find it really difficult to stop and relax (driving the kids to school is about the only downtime) because we're freight trains at max speed and love the feeling of creating something beautiful. Congrats.

    6. christina @ Rum*mage

      oh my i so wish we had these booths in the UK. Its really hard to find anything like that over here. There is a big warehouse kind of place near by but its mostly just antiques and the booths never come up for rent as the guys there have been doing it forever! I found you via Barb. Have been following you for a few weeks and am going to attempt my first slipcover this week. You are an inspiration. I hope you sell lots so you can have fun making more.

    7. Gail Peterson

      Darling place…
      I have two of those metal stools I see in your photos! One pink and one white!
      You should keep it!!!
      You can see mine on older posts on my blog.
      Lots of success to you..

    8. Megan

      I love that you have your own little space thats all yours. You can do anything you want to it. Its wonderful!!

    9. Restyled Vintage

      thanks for giving us more of an idea of your space, it looks so cool! One question though – how are your things secure overnight? Is there a big lockable gate and fence? Don't worry I am way too far across the world to come and burgle your treasures…it is just that if that was mine, I'd hope people weren't sneaking down at night and nicking stuff! 😉

      xx Karen

    10. Cath

      It's perfect!
      My bags are packed.

    11. Rachel Pallas

      Very cool~ But how are your items protected from theft once the pavillion is closed for the day? Your space looks wonderful!;) Hugs,Rachel

      French Farmhouse 425

    12. Sarah

      I have been enjoying watching the Lord bless you and your business. You have been given a gift! Thank you for sharing with others. Sarah

    13. April

      Congratulations on a great start! It's awesome & also flattering to see how quickly something you "rescued" will get someone else's attention. But it can also be a little frustrating, I don't know about you but I'm finding it hard enough to keep a constant inventory stocked in my little boutique space let alone have time for side jobs (or unheard of time for projects for my own home).It's nice to have that reassurance that you're producing great pieces ( not that you need it, speaking mostly for myself here) 😉

    14. Anji Johnston

      I ventured to Luckett's today to see your little pavillion and boy was I shocked Marion – it had been raided!! It was practically empty! I was so happy for you that you had sold lots of treasures but disapointed I didn't get dibs on them first!! Seriously, your space looked beautiful and well prtected from the eliments. And I also think you have a very busy week ahead making magic to the treasure you brought today! I'm so happy that you are realizing your dream and I wish you all the best that this venture has to offer. You go girl!

    15. Lottie

      Best of luck to you! Your space looks wonderful!

    16. Erika

      You are an inspiration. I have thoroughly enjoyed following your journey and I look forward to seeing what other Blessings you have to share with us.


    17. Jan Johnson

      Thanks for explaining how Lucketts worked, I was wondering. It looks like it would be a pretty fun place to shop at. Thanks for sharing the pics.

    18. ANNE

      Your pavillion is delightful! and congrats on business going so well! Not surprising when you have such cute things.

    19. White Ironstone Cottage

      Fabulous little shop Love that it is open almost like a garden house you have such a great eye

    20. bloominganne

      Love your space – wish I could shop there too. I love the green, gray, & black together in the picture of your MARKET sign. You did a great job on the sign. That ironstone piece in front of it is gorgeous too. You have a wonderful eye for putting things together. It obvious that your success is no accident; you've earned it.

    21. Kat

      WOW. The pavillion is amazing. Please consider moving down south. 🙂 I really enjoy all of the great information you provide in your blog. I believe the furniture you create is lovely, warm and filled with personality. A joy to experience. I am new to the refinishing world and still a little timid. Thanks for the inspiration.

    22. Blue Creek Home

      I love the look you have created in your Pavillion. The Market sign is awesome.

      I just rented another space so I would like for you to send me a tiny bit of your energy and creativity!!

      So glad things are going well!

    23. Melissa

      Wow, sounds like I just missed you today! We decided to go to Luckett's today, we got there around 1. Just before I left I saw your wooden shelf (the one in the pavillion) that is on casters go into someone's van! It was fun to visit your space, I can not believe how much you sold between Friday and Sunday! Oh, and folks, the Union Jack dresser is even more awesome in person!!! I'll be doing a post about my visit tomorrow, complete with pictures!

    24. COTTAG3

      Love the sign in green! It's different from most signs we see. What a great marketplace set up there. I wish I lived closer!

    25. Rustic and White

      It all looks fantastic…wish I could drive on over and purchase lots of stuff. I love your grocery sign. How about giving those of us far away a chance to purchase something by selling on Etsy???

    26. Alima

      Wow! It looks awesome! I almost freaked out though when I saw your little set of pots. I couldn't believe you would sell them! Then I kept scrolling and saw that you bought a second set! Whew! 🙂
      And here's what I need to know…how do you do it all? With two young children I can't even imagine how you have time to shop for new items and then paint and refinish them and run the shop. Do you have to be at the shop for people to buy something or someone else handles that? I stay at home with 1 child and I feel like I can hardly get my small-time crafts done. I am in awe of your superwoman abilities! 😉

    27. Corn in my Coffee-Pot

      I think your space at Luckett's looks absolutely dreamy. I like the banners hanging inside… and I just love the walls and doors you've added for shelter…reminds me of Donna' character building~ which I love, too~

      I think the picture that captures my eye most and I keep going back to– is the cupboard with the blue interior, the enamel ware bowl, and wicker basket and silver pieces— so much texture~ and something about that blue interior!

      I love that!

    28. Funky Junk Antique Show

      I want to go back in time and go shop in your pavillion!! Love, love it!
      Thanks for the pics!

    29. Restoration House Interiors

      Okay, so I love this idea of the pavillions. We are in HI and they have NOTHING like this here but I would love to visit Luckett's! A girl can dream…maybe we can trade places for a week or so-you can come to HI and I can come man your space at Luckett's??? Sound like a deal?? LOL. Also wondering what the prices are on your signs (small and "door" size???)

    30. Kim @ A Brush of Whimsy

      Sounds like you had a smokin' first week! We have a place just like that here in Boise called the "Shabby House." It's so fun to visit, as I'm sure is Luckets.

    31. Mariaelena

      It is all FABULOUS!!!…Congrats to you again…

    32. Erin

      Congrats Marian, sounds like things are going quite well! I love that Market sign! Love the green!

    33. Alice

      Hi! I just kind of stumbled into your blog and have had a little look (well have spent the last 3 hours!!! Time has flown!). I just have to say that if I lived any where near you I would offer my time for free just to work with you. I am in awe of people like you. You have the ability to see beyond what's right there in front of your eyes and the skills to bring that vision to everybody else. You are amazing I take my hat off to you. I love your pavilion too. I sincerely hope you do well…

    34. Paige @ Lucky Me Studios

      I dreamed about chalk paint last night. seriously, that is what my life has come too :-))
      The offer still stands, if your pavilion ever needs a babysitter – just holler! It would be my pleasure!

    35. Lesley Litrento

      I have a little place nearby called The Sugar Chest. I have dreamt of a day that I would have a booth there. Maybe, I will! Way to go, Marian. Your pavillon is yummy.

    36. Shaunna

      Gorgeous! I love your space soooo much.

    37. Lee Gamble

      Love how everything looks in your wonderful space! Thank you for describing more and showing pix of how your pavilion works – but I also am interested in how it is secured during the 'closed' times of the days… Congratulations on so quickly selling your beautiful pieces – though it must be hard to see many 'friends' leave.

    38. kpaints

      Your shop looks fantastic and I sure wish I could shop down there. Lovely pieces! Love that basket of pots!!

    39. Ann-Marie ~ Brambly

      I love your shop. You've just given me hope for the uber tiny shop I'm planning in a miniscule "Gold Rush" assay office.Very inspiring post. Take care.


    40. Erika

      Marian…I am afraid that when I come over to check out your booth at Lucketts, I will want to purchase everything you have!!!!! Keep up the awesome work and thanks for inspiring so many of us!

    41. ABreathOfFrenchAir

      Your booth looks like so much fun! Congrats on your sales!

    42. Tammigirl

      Every time you share something else I get more and more excited for you! You bring to life what the rest of us wish we could imagine.

    43. Nutbird

      Love the Union Jack sign! Ever thought about making a US Flag on a barn door? I saw that Fiona of Lilyfield in Australia sold her Union Jack dresser for $600 Australian. I hope that you are getting a good price for yours. If you sell your things within 24 hours of placing them in the booth, they might be underpriced. Hope to visit sometime this summer. You could set up a Barn Crawl for all of us out-of-staters. Followed with a demonstration or a class. Ann

    44. hometown girl

      your space is lovely! i see a few things i'd buy in a heartbeat! susan

    45. Anonymous

      Welcome to Lucketts! I have visited your blog a couple of times and admired your work, I live right down the road from the Lucketts store and can't wait to visit your space there. I love your work, and now I am almost sure that you had a grocery store sign that I drooled over at the Lucket's fair. I didn't realize you were there. Congrats and good luck! 🙂

    46. Nat's Nest

      Love the green "Market" sign! The color is so great!

    47. Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal

      I love the little pavilion! You have some great stuff in there too. How do you keep it all safe at night? I love that pantry that sold.

    48. Lori

      How charming to be able to display like this

    49. Jaimee in AK

      I found you two weeks ago and believe it was divine intervention. After reading your posts on starting your own business, I've taken my first steps and just today spoke with my first store owner about selling painted tables in her shop. She wants to do it! I will continue taking small steps and see where this path leads. Thank you for being part of my journey. Blessings!

    50. Inspired by you

      You inspire me everytime I see a new post. Your space is amazing! I just opened a little, little space. I hope I can be like you when I grow up! Thanks for being such a great inspiration!

    51. Full Circle Creations

      Congrats on the space! Everything looks great. I wish I lived closer so I could shop there. We have nothing like that where I live.


    52. Carey ~ Gypsy Thread

      WOW. That pavilion is wonderful. I wish there was something like that closer to my area. Jealous! And your set up is great. So welcoming and stylish.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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