more studio bookcases

by | Jan 22, 2024 | Art Supplies, Artistic Endeavors, Home Studio, My House | 10 comments

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Almost a year ago, I decided I really needed to address the stacks of books that had been moved from room to room since our move.  I had dreams of built-in library shelves in the dining room, but it became clear that project wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.  Even if we were ready to tackle it, I needed more time to live in the rooms to decide if that was even what I wanted.  So, I ended up buying four Billy bookcases from Ikea to use in the studio.  You can read about that HERE.  I was able to fit two on either side of the antique hardware counter and they were the perfect, inexpensive solution.

home studio | art book library | miss mustard seed

I went with the thinner bookcases since I have a lot of heavy books and I knew wider shelves would likely sag over time.  So far, that has been a good choice.

I haven’t bought a lot of books this year, but I have added to my art book library and it was becoming evident that I was going to run out of room.  I still had a few places I could squeeze books, but if books are too tightly packed and stacked too high, they become difficult to use.  If I’m going to have the books, I need to be able to see what I have and to access one when I want it.  I also like my books to be somewhat organized and it’s easy to start sticking books in open slots instead of where they make sense as room becomes scarce.  So, I started looking around the studio to see where I could add more shelving.

I finally identified some wall and floor space that wasn’t being well-utilized and, over the Christmas break, I ordered some more bookcases.  I actually ordered five, so I could put two in the studio and three in the basement.  There is a built-in bookcase (and I use that term loosely) in the basement and I used that for my home decor books and Jeff’s books.  I’m hoping to give the basement some attention this year and getting those books organized will be a part of that.

home studio | art book library | miss mustard seed

I set up the bookcases over the weekend and moved some books into them.  Even though it’s more furniture I’m fitting into a space that’s already pretty full, it does feel like it created more space.  I now have more room to grow.  It’s still limited room, but it is room.

home studio | art book library | miss mustard seed

When I’ve looked at the studios and creative workspaces of my peers, most of them, especially spaces in a home, seem to be packed to the brim.  As I’ve worked and reworked my creative spaces over the past few years, I’ve decided to embrace that.  It’s like setting up a buffet of books, materials, supplies, and creative goodies that can keep me busy and inspired for as long as I need them.

home studio | art book library | miss mustard seed

home studio | art book library | miss mustard seed

I know it looks like I didn’t take much time to fill these shelves, but I relocated books from other shelves so they were organized a bit better.

The antique bamboo shelf I found at a bargain was able to stay where it was.  It really needed to because of the air return, but I like how it breaks up the space between two taller pieces.

home studio | art book library | miss mustard seed

If you’re interested in seeing the books in my art book collection, you can find them HERE.

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    1. julia mason

      I would love to see the art books in your collection but can’t open the link! Thank you!

      • beverlee

        I can’t open it, either.

        • Marian Parsons

          Sorry! I have added the link. 🙂

    2. Cassandra e

      It’s a great solution. Maybe transitional. Must feel good to move forward even if not hitting the finish line. (I’m assuming you’re still living w your spaces and making decisions).
      I have to ask where the ribbon holder landed?

    3. Vanessa

      I always admire your previous house art studio. When I moved to my new built I took some of your ideas. I have a lot of books and materials too; they just make me a happy artist.
      Today I decided that my beloved craft room table (a refurbished dining table) was too low for its new purpose. It was hurting my lower back and my recent knee surgery. I ordered a 6 cubes shelf from target and I’ll be removing the table legs and replacing it with 2 of the 36″ tall shelf.
      Have a blessed day.

    4. cate smart

      The Bamboo bookcase adds a lovely contrast to the more modern Billy Bookcases. Where did you find it?

    5. Antonella

      You can also add the topper to Billy bookcases in need arises…

    6. Jean

      When you get around to building the built-ins, you can use the Billy’s as a base since there are plenty of Billy hacks on the interweb!

    7. Maureen

      I had a very similar (if I remember…)bamboo bookcase/shelf from years ago when I lived in Bangkok. When I finally moved back to the US, I was tired of it and it went off to an unknown home/charity. I wonder if yours was mine!! One never knows.

    8. Cheri

      As you know, I like “full rooms” too! Your studio doesn’t look overcrowded at all, it is inspiring as well as a “work horse” for you!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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