{my turn}

by | Nov 8, 2011 | My House, Painted Signs | 39 comments

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I’ve been working like crazy getting ready for the holiday open house and working on other projects, so my home has been a bit of a wreck.  Now it’s time to focus some attention on things I get to keep and things that will make my home more enjoyable for me and my family.  (Well, mostly me.  My boys don’t care about curtains and pillows and painted furniture and accessories.)  I don’t have a huge window to do this, but I’m going to take a few days and get some things done around here.  I already started by moving an old ceder chest into my living room.  I already painted it, of course, but I snapped this picture before I did.  I’m not sure if I LOVE it there, yet, but it’s giving me an idea for scale.  I’d like to find something really interesting, though.  I have an idea for putting my grandmother’s camp trunk on casters, but I’m not sure if the color will work.  It’s just fun to be playing.


I also made a hand painted sign just for me.  It’s not for sale, it’s hanging in my kitchen and there it will stay until I’m sick of it.  I painted an old board that had great texture and nail holes in it and I love how it turned out and how it looks over my window.  (Sorry about the poor picture.  The day was getting away from me and I had to snap a picture in poor lighting.  I’ll get some better pictures of the sign later.)



I have a huge list of things I want to accomplish, but my husband is taking a few days off work and my mom is flying in on Thursday, so we’re hoping to get a lot done.  I’m going to start on my family room curtains tomorrow…a eight panels, ugh…and there’s going to be a lot of mundane painting, but lots of fun things, too.

And work is easy when it’s work you love, right?  Amen to that.


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    1. Pam

      It IS easy when you love it! I was just showing my sister the 2 truckloads of furniture I nabbed at an amazing auction last weekend, and she said it looked like a lot of work….and I said, It’ll be fun! the hardest part is picking out the colors! I m BRAND new to this “business”, and learning SO much from all of your posts! I too have done this for years for myself and am embarking on a new venture with a “Barn sale ” this spring! Just love your blog, have tried the ASCP, milk paint and mixing my own. What an education! Thank you so much for sharing all your tips and tricks! You inspire me!

    2. Beth Marohn

      We need to do lots of painting in our home that’s not getting done. I’m so into signs right now and remember a local person here called the green grocer, which makes your sign a bit reminiscent to me. I’m sure all your updates & improvements will ooooh & ahhhh us when it’s all said & done! 😀

    3. gertie @ The Old Block House

      I love the old Lane cedar chest that we use for a coffee table. It has yet to receive the TLC that it needs, but one day after the rush of the holiday season, it will be given tons and tons of the love it’s begging for.

    4. Candylei

      Fun! Fun! Fun! There isn’t any stopping someone who loves what they are doing! I rearranged our livingroom today, too. Nothing new to my husband and he knows to turn on the light switches in the middle of the night if he is down there just in case I changed things around during the middle of the night!
      Sounds like you and your Mom will have a ball together!

    5. JoAnne

      Can’t wait to see your finished projects! I love your home and you have such a talent for transforming old things so I know it will be amazing!!

    6. Eliesa

      Love your blog! I am so inspired by the way you change something old and ugly to something beautiful and special! Can’t wait to see your updates 🙂

    7. Catherine

      I get it! I just spent the weekend catching up on chores around the house that had been totally neglected due to the demands of my job and having a sick kid (tonsillectomy :(). Our boy is feeling much better three weeks later, but the house was in a state of disarray. I filed bills, cleaned, vacuumed, and did the Mt. Everest of laundry.

      Now I can look around my home and feel relaxed! It is always good to have those days once in a while.

    8. Jeannie-JB

      Your sign looks so great. I found a nice piece of wood (on the side of the road – best place to shop!), and began trying to make my sign using the computer. I used photoshop so I could flip it easily, but the largest font I found was 72 pt. and then when I tried to print, it just chopped letters off both ends of the page instead of printing on two sheets so I could tape it together. I’ve found tutorials, but they don’t get down to the specifics. sad. 🙁

      Thanks for listening and always inspiring me with your amazing talents!

      • lori lucas

        Google your problem and you will find the answer. I did. I would explain it to you, but I had to read the tutorial. Also try You Tube. You can find a video for everything!!

    9. Gwen@theboldabode

      Too true! Work is easy when it’s work you love…except when it involves a high B flat. SCREEECH….

    10. Andie

      I’d like to see how the chest looks painted. The scale looks appropriate from here!
      It is always good to take time for yourself and really SEE your world…it passes so fast!


    11. Karen

      So good for you! Taking time to work on your own space is like giving a huge hug to yourself. You will feel so much better when you get your projects done in your home, then re-energized to go back the business of MMS!

    12. Kelli Huntsman

      I am in the process of recovering my first piece of furniture in burlap, and I was wondering if you could give me a bit of advice? Do you do a liner underneath the burlap or cover right over the batting stuff? Also, do you use a regular sewing machine or a heavy duty sorta thing?

    13. Kim

      Amen, amen

    14. wendy baker

      i was taken the other day when i read about your decision to scale your work back somehow. it gave me pause to consider my priorities, and yes permission too.
      my children are not really young anymore(14,18 &20), but anytime i can grab with them these days is a real treat for me. i have been feeling really overwhelmed with work related tasks. i want to stay up to date with the kids firstly, then work on my jewelry business… and sadly, maintaining or making my home a pleasure has taken a back seat to the other two priorities. i just do not have enough hours in any day to complete enough tasks.
      i felt so relieved with your announcement of switching out and downscaling your Luckett’s space, that i was able to start thinking about how to make my own full plate, more manageable.
      your teaching is not always all about renovating furniture and sparkling up your environment. thank you for this extension of clear thinking.

    15. Lara

      Love the wooden sign you made for your kitchen! Work definitely IS a lot easier and fun when you love what you’re doing!

    16. SueAnn

      It does sound fun! Can’t wait to see what you come up with! How blessed! Mom coming in and hubby taking some time off work!!?? Wowzers! A willing crew to help!! Perfect!

    17. Kelley

      Amen to that!

      And btw, the frogs are gone! Yay!

    18. Diane

      I am on the other end of the “work load” so to speak, my children are grown – where did the time go – and so I now have time to “have fun”. I don’t regret at all the time I didn’t have “for me” when they were growing up. My son wrote me the most beautiful note when I turned 50 – about how he really appreciated the time I gave him when he was growing up (along with two sisters). It is a fine balance and sometimes trying to balance everything interferes with sleep. But all of you are inspiring, I love to follow your projects and have now purchased tools and paint. I plan to “work” until I drop – but what fun these projects are. Wish me well. And thank you for all your tips. Let the fun begin……….

    19. Vanessa Bower

      I’ve been following your blog for about a year and have gleened many ideas from your posts but this one really hit home.
      I would appreciate many “after” pictures of your cedar chest. I have one that is similar to yours, which I inherited from my Grandmother. I too use it as a coffee table because of the proportions and convience of storage but the cedar just doesn’t look “right” with my decor.
      My husband and I have discussed my painting it but he’s not keen on the idea. He says if I put paint on that chest, Grandma will be “having a cow” in heaven. Oh No I don’t want that !!!!!
      Thank you for sharing your many designs and ideas with all of us in blog land.

      • Arleen Obrien

        Vanessa, Paint the chest. Grandma will say, I was thinking about that long ago, but didnt get to it! Arleen

    20. Renee

      Love your sign! Green Grocer used to be a segment on a local news program when I was young.

    21. Diane J.

      It’s good to know that I’m not the only one behind in doing things at my home. I’m a SAHM who volunteers heavily at my son’s schools, which I love to do very much. This first quarter of school has kept me VERY busy and I’m hoping to do a little catch up at home this week. Your blog is a true inspiration to me. Some day I hope to visit your shop. We were in Virginia in August and plan on going again next summer. Hopefully, I’ll be able to convince my husband to stop at Luckett’s. Have a wonderful time working on all of your projects this week.

    22. MARY EGUIA

      Well I thought of a great idea. I think you should have a contest.Ready: One lucky contestant will win a weekend with Miss Mustard Seed!!!!!!! Painting,shopping,cleaning,lugging furniture,gluing,sewing,……. Well, Ithought I’d give you a laugh.Thank you for your wonderful blog.

    23. Maybee's Mom

      I bet you sleep good at night…..I have sold and “redone” junk for 20 years…..I have repainted things I stripped in the 80’s…my kids have many of my treasures in there homes…which is a fun thing…..the only new furniture I have is my fabric pieces….one years we changed out my kitchen table 12 times…kids loved it…last weekend I made my own chalk paint by mixing 1-2T of unsanded grout with latex…I always sand between coats of paint …..it did get thick and I added water a few times….but it is lovely…give it a try….I layered white then a light meadow green then a light sea glass…..it is cheap and works great….this is my third piece I have paint and I do love it……just a thought.. Love your blog……K

      • Starla

        I have just painted a cupboard with ASCP and loved the out come, but the cost was over the top for my projects, would you mind sending me some pic of your work. I would love to see the results of your homemade paint.

        Thank for the idea


    24. Kirsten

      Your home looks so cozy and I love that sign! I hope you get everything done–I’m sure you will!

    25. lisa

      Marian! (did I butcher that?)

      Finally, I am getting this out! I wanted to tell you again what a PLEASURE it was to meet you at Luckett’s – you are a rock star! 🙂 You are suuuuch a delight! Can’t wait to see you again! Be sooo blessed!

      Everyone, this lady is the real deal – so real, gentle, warm, generous, and we know, GIFTED!!! I purchased only things from her room!

      I pray nothing but good, delightful things for you and your family – Miss Mustard Seed! You made my day! <3

    26. Jenn

      I am soon to attempt making the curtains that you have and put up a “how-to” for. Let me just say, I’m NOT a sew-er. I’ve never sewed anything. Ever. Maybe it is a bit ambitious to start with curtains that I would like in the living room of my new home, but I figure it’s as good a place to start as any!!!

    27. Britt

      I love the sign! Please tell me, where do you get your stencils? Or are these the trade secrets of MMS? 🙂

    28. Vicki K

      I love the new sign and your new profile photo – and I never thought you looked mean in the old one!

    29. Dara

      I also have an old cedar chest that my father gave me for my high school graduation in — hold on — 1969. I’ve often thought of painting it. I can’t seem to part with it, and it’s always held precious keepsake items from my family and especially my children. I can’t wait to see what you end up doing with it that I’m sure will inspire me! Dara

    30. jodi @ back40life

      good job taking some time for yourself and your family – the holiday season can be a killer when you’re working/selling retail. hope you’ll have a great time this weekend and get lots and lots and lots accomplished! all the while enjoying your mom and hubby too! 🙂

    31. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch)

      Marion, love your new profile pic! Congrats on your move to WP. I keep thinking about it….but I’m skeered. 😉 Glad your taking some time for yourself…you totally deserve it!

    32. cathy jones

      I love the sign! (yours and others) I know this is probably elementary but how do you hang them? They appear to hang flush to the wall. Just curious what you think is the best way.

      • Miss Mustard Seed

        I use a kind of hardware called a “D-Ring Hanger.” You can find them at hardware stores, generally with the picture hanging supplies. They screw into the back of the sign.

    33. Dana Thorn

      I have a cedar chest just like the one you pictured. Just bought it at a G sale any chance you could post a pic of the chest since you painted it! I have wanted to paint mine but would love to see the pic of how yours turned out. Dana

    34. Norma

      Yes please! I have a cedar chest exactly like that and would love to see what yours looks like painted so I can decide if I want to do the same with mine!!!

    35. Denise

      Isn’t it nice to be able to shop from our finds? My big holiday show is this weekend and I am so looking forward to working on some personal projects when it’s done! I love your sign- and I smiled at your comment, “or until I hate it”! Ha ha! I can so relate. I have a hard time keeping any of my stuff- I’ve looked at it too long by the time I’m done with it!! Can’t wait to see the makeover on the cedar chest!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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