Nomad at Home | a new collaborative course

by | Aug 15, 2023 | a slice of life | 2 comments

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One of the best things about the online community is having the opportunity to find your people no matter where in the country or the world they live.  One of those people I found was Daune of Cottage in the Oaks.  We connected years ago over our love of paint and had the chance to meet in person at the very first Haven Conference (a home blogger’s conference.)  It’s hard to believe that was over ten years ago!

For those who are familiar with the conference and weren’t aware, I was one of the founding members of the conference and helped with planning that very first one.  I also taught a couple of painting classes and gave a preview of the Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint line, which was about to launch.  It was such an exciting time in my business and in the world of home/DIY blogging.  I decided to have a little fun with the painting class and announced that we would have a contest for the best/worse painting clothes.  I even donned my own paint-splatter sweats and sweatshirt with holes in the sleeves.  Daune won the contest, though.  She showed up in a tie-dyed jumpsuit that was so threadbare it was amazing it could still be worn.  It was splattered with paint and filled with holes.  It was hysterical and I knew from that moment that Daune was not just my kind of person but she was a true kindred spirit.

So, when a kindred spirit asks you to join her in a collaborative online creative course, it’s really hard to not say yes.  That course is Nomad at Home and I said yes.

nomad at home online course | miss mustard seed

Nomad at Home is a collaboration between Daune Pitman, Stephanie Lee, Marian Parsons, Kate Poole, and Jennifer Rizzo.  I just met Kate recently through Instagram, but I have known Jen Rizzo for years and Stephanie Lee and I are in a mastermind group together and I just adore her.  That’s a long way to say this is an awesome group.

Here is the synopsis of the course…

“Do you tend to speak with ands more than either ors? Do you love to step into adventure and also love to come home? Are you a bowerbird, collecting special treasures even after a simple walk along a path? Or, would you like to? Then YOU are a nomad at home.
We step into adventures each time we crack open a book, walk through a garden, visit a friend, or travel the globe—and, in each adventure, there are things that delight us. When we are intentional about recognizing those delights we can capture the essence of our adventures and infuse them into our art, home, and daily rituals. We learn to value those delights and the impact they can have on our creativity, capturing small details and special, fleeting moments that are wonderful inspiration.
Let the world be your canvas and your creative expressions be a celebration of the incredible experiences that have shaped and delighted you.”
nomad at home online course | miss mustard seed
When Daune talked to me about her ideas for this class, my ears perked up.  I am definitely a homebody who also loves to travel and experience new places and cultures.  What came to mind immediately to me is how much I miss traveling overseas (I haven’t been since the fall of 2019) and how I enjoy revisiting my past trips through things I’ve collected, sketches I made, pages of journal entries, and a treasure trove of pictures I took.
shells collected at isle of palms | miss mustard seed
In my first Nomad at Home video, I share my thought process behind shopping for memorable souvenirs and creating experiences during those shopping trips in addition to collecting things that are free – from nature, from your observations, and bits of paper acquired along the way.  In my second video, I share a tutorial on creating a tonal watercolor sketch from a photo I took while traveling.
But, you’re not just getting videos from me.  In the Nomad at Home course, you’re getting over 6 hours of inspirational content including fabric dying with flowers, collecting pigments and making your own watercolors, weaving with yarn and found natural objects, photo transfers, encaustics, and more.  It was fun to be just a small piece of the course and then to see what the other talented ladies were sharing.  I can’t wait to take the course!!
Here are the details.  First of all, the early bird registration price ($48)  is open now and the class goes live on September 8, 2023.  You can get more information and sign up HERE.  You will have lifetime access to the class, the videos can be downloaded, supply lists are included, and a private Facebook community with instructor interaction is available when the course launches through October 6, 2023.

If you’d like to get a better feel for the course to see if Nomad at Home is something that would be enriching for you, here is a video…

I expect to find more kindred spirits in this Nomad at Home course community and I hope to see you there!


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    1. Irene Kelly

      Hi Marian, For over forty years I owned my own sales company traveling all over the world sourcing products for most of the major retail companies. And many people would ask me what I would do when I retired I would say no travel on any planes even cars. But of course the car thing is not realistic. I have been extremely fortunate to have had a very successful career in a man’s world. No children my career was my life. Now that I am retired I enjoy making my home more comfortable and sharing my creativity with others in many ways. So Marian you and your friends have a great time with your blogs and sharing with others while I sit back on the sideline and enjoy your thoughts on line ! Thank You for all you do for others ! ❤️

    2. Jo

      I am very interested in what you bring to the course, so with that said, will you be offering art courses to purchase on your website?


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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