one of my secrets to a productive day & Brooklinen Labor Day sale

by | Aug 31, 2023 | a slice of life, Favorite Things, Master Bedroom, My House | 4 comments

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Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Brooklinen, who is currently running a 20% Labor Day sale now through September 6, 2023.  As always, all words and opinions are honest and my own.

I’m often asked about my daily schedule and how I get so much accomplished.  A part of it is that I am a person who is driven by productivity, which can be a good thing and a bad thing.  A part of it is the snapshot shared here on the blog and social media sort of compress the things I get done in a week and it can collectively look like more than it is.  But one thing I’ve come to value more over the years is protecting time to rest and getting a good night’s sleep, which can sound counterproductive to productivity.

In the early years of my business, I really bought into the hustle culture and I always felt like if I could do more, then I should do more.  Since I had two young kids and often ran out of daylight hours, I squeezed a lot of my work in at night.  I viewed sleep as something that could be sacrificed for the sake of getting more done in a day.  It goes without saying that this approach inevitably leads to burnout and I had to make a change.  I paid attention to the conditions I needed to not only be productive but to feel good while being productive.  It’s no surprise that a huge factor in that equation is getting a good night’s sleep.

And, a large part of getting a good night’s sleep is having a comfortable bed.  When we were newlyweds, we took the hand-me-down mattresses, then finally picked out our own, and then, when we could afford it, we got serious about getting a nice mattress.  Not only a nice mattress but high-quality bedding that causes an involuntary sigh each night when getting into bed.

Brooklinen bedding | miss mustard seed

I have shared about Brooklinen and my love of their quality bedding and towels for years, but today, I want to highlight two more of their products.  The first one is their down and down alternative pillows.  (As a side note, the Marlow Pillow is a brand affiliated with Brooklinen, and their pillows are comparable in quality but offer different benefits.)   Since I am a huge fan of down pillows, that’s what I ordered.  I love down because it can be molded and shaped as I want it yet it still offers support for my head and neck.

 Brooklinen bedding | miss mustard seed

Brooklinen pillows offer three different support options – plush, mid-plush, and firm.  Firm is just as it sounds.  It provides the most support and is recommended for side sleepers.  Mid-plush is the most versatile option for the Goldilocks sleepers.  They don’t want their pillows too firm or too soft.  They want them just right.  Just right = mid-plush.  Plush is the softest, fluffiest option and is best for stomach sleepers.  I am a plush-person all the way.  I like to sink into my pillow, to fashion a little nest out of it for my head.  I squish it to be flat when I want it to be and fluff it up when I want a bit more support.

 Brooklinen bedding | miss mustard seed

The thing I also like about down is you can always fluff it back up into shape.  There is a reason why it’s been used in bedding for centuries.  Down really is a perfect choice for pillows, mattresses, cushions, and comforters.  If you haven’t tried a down pillow, I would strongly suggest it.  It’s just heavenly.

 Brooklinen bedding | miss mustard seed

The second Brooklinen product I want to highlight is their ethically sourced down and down alternative comforters.

 Brooklinen bedding | miss mustard seed

I have been using their lightweight down comforter for years, but I recently swapped in Brooklinen’s all-season down comforter.  As with their pillows, they offer three different comforters depending on your preferences or the season.  Lightweight, which is perfect for summer, or if you like to pair a comforter with a heavier quilt.  All-season is the most versatile and, as it sounds, can transition between warm and cool seasons.  The ultra-warn is best for those who sleep cold and/or want a super snuggly comforter.

For years, I have been layering the lightweight down comforter with a quilt, but since I started using Brooklinens Linen Quilt, which is lightweight, I found I was layering on one more lightweight throw blanket most nights.  The all-season comforter adds just a bit more warmth, which makes the warmth factor perfect.  It’s cozy, snuggly, and comfortable, but I’m not throwing off the blankets in the middle of the night because I’m too hot!

 Brooklinen bedding | miss mustard seed

I like to layer the comforter between the flat sheet and a top quilt.  At times, I have put a cover on the comforter and kept it folded at the end of the bed, but I find this set-up is a bit easier when it comes time to make the bed.

 Brooklinen bedding | miss mustard seed

No matter your preferences – whether you sleep cool or hot, prefer super plush or super firm, I hope you put together a bed that feels like a treat.  I think it can be difficult to splurge in an area that most guests will never see.  There is a tendency to put decorating dollars in the splashy renovations and the public spaces. But, there are few things you can do the better your home than to give yourself and your family supremely comfortable beds.  When you sleep better, you work better, you “mom” better, you serve better, you create better, you think better, and you’re just better.

 Brooklinen bedding | miss mustard seed

If you’re ready to upgrade your bedding, Brooklinen is running their Labor Day sale, offering 20% off your entire purchase through September 6, 2023.  You can click HERE to shop the sale.

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    1. Jeni

      Required to give email address AND phone number to get 20% off. Unfortunate

    2. Irene Kelly

      Yes Jeni know what you mean
      Shopping on line especially at new sites is becoming much more difficult. Anymore you cannot even “windows shop” without giving your email address. So as soon as an online retailer asks for my info I imm get off the site. There are many more retailers that want my business. Very frustrating. Plus they have so many pop ups that prevent me from seeing their products. Not Good !

    3. Faithe

      Marion, Did you get your ring from Lady Forge?? It is just beautiful!!!!!!

    4. Lyn

      I’m glad they offer down alternatives. I can’t support the intentional harm to birds.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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