
by | Apr 2, 2017 | a slice of life | 112 comments

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There is a season for everything.

And we’ve been through a lot of seasons together over the eight years I’ve written this blog.  When I first hit the publish button, my kids were in diapers, my husband was a full-time youth pastor, and I was a stay-at-home mom, taking a stab at starting a business to help buy groceries.

God blessed this business beyond anything we could’ve imagined.  It enabled Jeff to transition into a part-time associate pastor position a couple of years ago, allowing him time to work towards his Masters degree as a full-time student.  And now, that season is coming to an end.

Jeff only has a few more classes to finish in order to complete his degree, so he has started applying for full-time pastor positions.  We don’t know exactly where or when, but we will be moving to whatever church we feel God is calling him to.  We hope that will be this summer, but God’s timing is good and perfect, so we’re going to trust that the timing of everything will work out just as it should.

I don’t feel the need to share updates on every season of our personal lives, but I wanted to share this, because this personal change will affect my blog and business.

First of all, we will be putting our house on the market within a few weeks.  Again, we don’t know the timing of everything, but we would rather have the house sold, so we’re ready to move whenever.  I’ll also be closing the Mustard Seed Studio, most likely in June, in order to get ready for a move.

And, a move means that I am going to sell a lot of stuff from our home and the studio to make our load a lot lighter!

I’ll be bringing the special antique pieces to sell at the Lucketts Spring Market and then we’ll have a yard sale/final studio sale sometime in June to unload everything else.  I will start posting some larger pieces on my blog soon, since they’ll be too big to haul to Lucketts and I really want to start letting go of things now to make packing easier down the road.

It’s a little overwhelming knowing that big changes are coming and not knowing exactly what those changes will be, but it’s also an exciting time, filled with anticipation.  Jeff has worked hard for this degree so he would qualify for more pastoral jobs, and now those doors are open.  We’ve pulled together as a family to make this time work financially, and, I’m proud to say, we saved up and have paid for each semester of Jeff’s school upfront.  The degree will have his name on it, but we’ve earned it as a family.  And we’re looking forward to seeing where we’ll end up and the community and church we’ll be a part of.

And, as a person who loves decorating, I’m practically salivating at the idea of having a new home to work on!

As I’ve been thinking about how to share this on the blog, words like “transition” and “change” are what immediately came to mind.  This past week, though, the word “onward” popped in my head and it’s perfect.  We’re moving onward.  We set this plan in motion a couple of years ago and we’ve been pressing towards a goal that is close to being met.

So, onward we go!

I’ll keep you posted on what pieces I will be selling and, of course, I’ll let you know when we know where we’re going to end up…

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    1. Dorothy

      Congratulations to your family. I’ve recently retired and still have my student loan for my masters to pay, so I recognize what an accomplishment it is for your family.
      Initially I felt sad reading of your new chapter, but hey I started following you “back in the day” so your blog will be a new start.
      God bless. Romans 8:28.

    2. Brenda Hodges

      Exciting times ahead! Bless you for supporting the dream of your man – I’ll join you in praying that you land right where He’s been preparing your place. I can’t wait to watch!

    3. Sue

      Yes!! Onward and upward to your family! My hubby got his masters in Theological studies last yr. at the age of 60 and is now starting his Doctorate…So much work but so satisfying….I so do enjoy your blog and wish we lived a little closer than Washington, so I could go to your sales although I love painting and sewing…..now to find a rug for my living room …I just love your family room rug….I’m not having much success even w/ a Homegoods just 3 miles away….and would love to find the “finds” you have in the east …I’m still looking for a French chair for my guest room that I decorated w/ toile…..not so easy here is the PNW…..Oh well, C’est la vie.. I will anxiously awaiting hereing about your “new” life…Thanks

    4. Sue

      What a wonderful accomplishment. I could really feel your heart in this post. It took me ten years to get just an associate degree as an adult working full-time and taking care of a family and I know how much I leaned on my family so yes – you ALL made this possible. I heard a sermon this morning that said do not try to get in between God and his plan for another – so I will refrain from asking HIM to send you to Missouri 🙂

      Seriously, very exciting and you have my prayers for a happy, long-awaited new beginning. Onward, indeed!

      • Karen

        Congratulations, Jeff! And I am secretly (not so secret!) hoping you will end up in Missouri as well!

    5. Sandy

      I feel so happy for your family -what an accomplishment! We just got a new pastor at our church, after our pastor of many years retired – I can relate to “onward” – while scary it holds many new blessings I’ve found; wish the same for your family 🙂 wherever you end up they will be lucky to have you!

    6. Sandy Basham

      I feel so happy for your family -what an accomplishment! We just got a new pastor at our church, after our pastor of many years retired – I can relate to “onward” – while scary it holds many new blessings I’ve found; wish the same for your family 🙂 wherever you end up they will be lucky to have you!

    7. Deanna Rabe

      This is awesome! Congratulations to you all! Your business has been undergoing some changes too, and I can see how God has been at work in this, too!

      A new house to decorate! What a dream! God is good!

    8. nancy w.

      With that “this is an exciting time for our family” attitude you will find many happy opportunities. applauding Jeff for his fortitude and you for your loyal support of your husbands efforts. Blessings to you and your loved ones.

    9. Lorna

      Sad for you to be leaving your studio and Christy and the team, but happy for your family, and all of the progress you’ve made. Always wishing you the best in all things!

    10. Teresa

      Congratulations to Jeff and your entire family. This took a look of hard work and sacrifice from your family to make this work. Its always bittersweet to leave behind a home that has been such a part of your life as well as your friends and church family. I know they are sad to see you go. However, this is such an exciting time as you move on to a new chapter of your lives and what the Lord has planned for each of you.

      Best of luck in selling your home and ONWARD!

    11. Barbara F.

      So happy for your family! You all have worked so hard to get to this point. Any chance your hubby is looking for a job in Northern CA? We’d love to have you guys out here. ?

    12. Pat McRee

      May God bless you and help you to remember that He will take care of the details. You just have to do today. Thank you for all the lovely posts and the inspiration, Marian. You and your family will land on your feet in the perfect place and I look forward to cheering you on.

    13. Jean

      You will flourish wherever you land; and your blog followers will follow you whererever. Congrats on everything and life’s blessings as you move forward.

    14. Jenny B.

      Wow, big changes! I hope it all works out perfectly, as I know it will… in His time. 🙂

    15. Mary-the boondocks blog

      Congratulations! I love how you put it, “The degree will have his name on it, but we’ve earned it as a family.” Looking forward to what the future has in store for you.

    16. jacqueline pankuck

      Congratulations Marian,
      I am so impressed with your ability to move forward and adapt. It’s what I have always admired about your business and now see it in your family. What a wonderful example to set for you children.
      Best, Jackie

    17. Pam from Maryland

      Big tears for joy for you Marian !!!! I have always been blessed by your faith and God has honored your humility,, So super happy and overjoyed for you,, Blessings for your “onward” season,,

    18. Sarah Gouin

      What an exciting time for your family. The unknown can be stressful but I am so impressed by your positive attitude and you are right, God will guide you.

    19. Donna

      I know this is a very happy time for you, plus a sad time as well, but you have the best traveling companion with the Lord, so I am sure it will all be a glorious adventure. Know that we will all be here supporting you. This is going to make Luckett’s even more special! Blessings to you and your family. You are all in my prayers!

    20. Tori

      Congratulations to your family! As a pastor’s wife I know how exciting it can be to start a new adventure for the Lord. I will secretly pray that He leads you to my neck of the woods in northeast Georgia so I can be your new Kriste. ? ?

    21. Eileen

      We’ll all be there with you on this journey. God will send you where you need to be! Prayers.

    22. Marsha Kern

      So excited for your next chapter!! Can’t wait to hear what you guys will do!

    23. Debra

      Congratulations, you and your family are truly blessed and deservingly so. Looking forward to your new season!

    24. Judy

      If I remember correctly your parents moved to be close to help you out with your business. Will they relocate with you or stay where they are?

    25. Debbie Johnson

      I love the word “Onward”. Transition and change can often feel like bad words! Our daughter (one of triplets) is moving “Onward” to begin her Doctorate studies. I love your watercolor of the flying birds and wondered if you would consider selling a print to me? I know The Lord has great things in store for you and your family.

    26. Jessica | Petal + Ply

      Congratulations to Jeff (and the rest of the family)!!! What a big and exciting accomplishment. Prayers for clarity and smooth transitions with your housing, job hunt, and everything else this season holds.

    27. B. Folk

      Wow, we knew this was coming someday- but, “someday” is here! God’s timing is always perfect. He has Jeff’s new job and your new home already picked out. Whether just in the next town, or across the world; new friends, new church, new home, new school, new climate, new business opportunities, new life season- same God. Looking forward to you sharing your “onward” with us. Congratulations and blessings.

    28. Colleen Day

      Congratulations on your families accomplishment! I hope that you find a new place to call home that is still drivable from your current place so I can still visit. Excited for you to get to decorate a new home!

    29. Patricia

      When we were younger my husband earned (and yes, I was a part of that!) his Masters in Theology. So, congratulations to all and prayers to cover all the changes that have yet to be revealed. I for one will love to see what is in store and where you will land.
      I’m going to miss your little tribe where you are and your friends have become our acquaintances. So, God bless to all.

    30. katerina stepovikov

      Congratulations dear heart. I have been with you for years now. Rarely do i comment as i am far far away in Sydney , Australia. Everytime i see you going to Lucketts , i cry a little. We don’t have as much to work with here. Much younger country so not many wonderful old “junk” pieces. So looking forward to going onward with you . God Bless .

    31. April

      Exciting!!! and Colorado is SO beautiful as you know. 😉

    32. FIL

      And from Jeff’s Dad, no one can be more proud of him than I am.

    33. Lee

      God is the author of perfect plans… hang in there!

    34. Carolyn

      Congrats to the Parson family!!! As a pastor’s wife I understand the excitement of moving onward with God at the lead, although I’ll also confess it can be scary at times. Many blessings for your journey in the days (and years) ahead.

    35. Charmaine

      I pray that God leads your family straight to South Orange County in Southern California! If not, I still wish you all the best as you move forward in this next phase of your lives. Please keep blogging! I’ve learned so much from you, not just about decorating, but also about life. Thank you and God bless you and your family❤️

    36. beverlee

      So much to be proud of, so much accomplished, and I know each one of us wish you the best of times ahead. I know you have had some fun and learned a lot along the way, so you have been doubly blessed. We are all praying for an rooting you on.
      And, who knows, maybe you will wind up in the south!
      Wherever you go, you will be a blessing as a family!

    37. Penny

      Congratulations to Jeff on his achievement.
      I wish you, and your family all the best as you move “onward” Marion….

    38. Mary Ann

      How very exciting!!
      Congratulations to all of you !! May the Lord bring you to the best place !!

    39. Linda

      What truly wonderful news. I have followed you on Facebook and will love reading the updates on your journey. God Bless you and your family as you follow God “onward” into the future.


      Marian, such wonderful news! We are so happy for Jeff! You have all worked so hard and supported your dear husband. We know that God will continue to bless you both — and your boys. God knows right where you are needed! Just keep trusting Him!

      We continue to keep you in our prayers. Have a blessed day!

    41. Patricia Unger

      Marian, thank you for sharing this special news on your blog. I am very excited and happy for you and Jeff and your boys. God has a perfect plan for this next phase of your life. You will be in my prayers. Wherever this next step takes you, you will be a wonderful blessing. Of that I am certain. Proverbs 3:5-6

    42. Mary T

      Congratulations to all of you!! I know you worked hard, Marian. I hope to meet you at Luckettes this spring! We live in Ashburn, VA and are contemplating a move to the Georgia or Florida area. I hope you stay on the East Coast!! Perhaps move a bit south!!

      What will you do when you move? Will you still carry on the MMS line, antiquing and blog? I sure hope so! I bet Kristi isn’t so happy about this move! Or Perhaps she can take over your workshop?

      Thanks for all you do!!

      • Marian Parsons

        We’re not sure where we’ll end up, yet! Yes, I will still continue blogging and will still have the milk paint line, etc. I might do antique fairs, but it will depend on my space and the area. I’m just waiting to see how it all shakes out, but I’m not shutting down my business. 🙂

        Oh, and the timing is perfect. She’s expecting her first baby this May, so her availability is going to change. She’s moving onward as well!

    43. Monica

      I have to admit I felt sad for all of us when I read this post, but I know it’s an exciting time for you and your family and better things are yet to come. It’s probably safe to say we all hope you’ll continue your blog and MMSMP products, no matter where you end up. Please keep painting and sharing your art!

      • Marian Parsons

        Yes, I plan to continue the blog, MMSMP line, and other aspects of my business, and I will have a studio, but we’re hoping it will be in our house or on our property. I’m ready to simplify a little. 🙂

    44. PJ

      Congratulations to your husband on attaining his graduate degree and to you who had a big part in making it happen. I am selfishly hoping that you might find your way to the Northeast, as in upstate New York or New England. Blessings to you all…

      • Meggan VanNess

        I am with you on the Upstate NY idea 🙂 I am sure Marian would love our beautiful scenery, old creaky houses, and barns with natural chippy goodness:)

    45. Chris Moore

      Ooooo-wheee Marian!

    46. Natalie

      Hi Marian,
      I am new to your blog. I’ve only followed your writing for 6 months and your images on Pinterest for over a year.
      I love how you love pretty things but are not attached to them. This attitude toward worldly things has really ministered to me.
      Thank you for your posts, and am praying for God’s perfect will in your family’s future!

    47. Gilda

      good luck….when you get settled and into a schedule.we can reconnect concerning the quilts and ironstone and other antiques that interest you at the moment

    48. Lynn

      How exciting this moving onward stage is! My husband just transitioned into being a senior pastor a couple years ago. Welcome to the pastor’s wife sisterhood! I look forward to reading all about your transitions.

    49. Brenda

      Marian, what a beautiful model of faith and family are you and Jeff! Congratulations and onward! Last month my husband asked what I’d like to do for my birthday this year and right away I said “Go to the Lucketts Spring Market!” and so we are! I hope to meet you. Best wishes – I know you will bloom where you are planted.

    50. Teresa

      I commented earlier to congratulate and wish your family well but would also like to congratulate Kristie as well on her upcoming baby! Exciting news all around!!

    51. Frances Cox

      God’s richest blessings as you and your family move “onward”!

    52. Laurie

      Congratulations, Marian! To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose….Good luck to you and your family as you move onward. I’ll be rooting for you.

    53. Georgann Vohsen

      Congratulations to the entire Parson family, as Jeff fulfills his ordination, and Marian is living her calling. It is truly a blessing to know what you were born to do while you still have the energy and the youth to pursue it!
      The treasure within can thrive anywhere, and I know He will continue to guide you.
      I ,too, am wondering how your parents will fit into this new journey?Follow along and move close? Officially retire?
      Will continue to wait and wonder, for the next big thing from the Parson clan.

    54. Barbara H.

      Congratulations to you all. May that bright light that leads you light up the path with little stress and much joy. When things are meant to be, obstacles that normally would be huge just seem to melt away. So, stay steady and clear as you move onward. I’m excited for you.

    55. Shirley

      Congrats to your hubby on his achievements. Good luck on the sale of your house and your new adventure. Looking forward to your updates

    56. amy joanne mogish

      Congrats to your family! Love watching it unfold! I am in Northeast PA….Our Church is looking for a Pastor and we have lots of farm houses! 🙂 Smile, Wink!

    57. Cindy

      Oh wow Marian… That sounds really exciting, and overwhelming and wonderful and all of that stuff! Dang…. For a minute i thought you were going to say you weren’t going to blog anymore. So glad to know you will still be keeping your business and blog. Since you have family in North Carolina, maybe you’ll end up here!!!
      I am in a position where i have been forced to move “Onward” too. My job of 23 years ended abruptly last month. I want to pursue more with my painting, but for some reason i can’t seem to form a picture in my head of what that will be. It is really a weird feeling…
      Anyway, so cool that ya’ll accomplished what you set out for, and really exciting thinking of you getting a new home to transform!


    58. Vicki

      Congratulations to Jeff and the entire Parsons family! My first thought when I saw the title of today’s post was ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ and I was right. Mariam you remain a bright light in my day. I know God has a plan for you, Jeff and the boys and I can’t wait to watch it unfold. Blessings from Texas.

    59. Janet H in Kansas City

      Okay I’m praying for Missouri too. Kansas City would be GREAT. : )

    60. Heather

      I’ll be praying for God’s direction and for a smooth transition for your whole family!

    61. Carol

      Congratulations Marian! I look forward to hearing all the details of where your onward life will land. I hope you are comforted to know that you have friends in very community, I hope you land in the Chicago Northwest Suburbs! Wishing you all God’s best!

    62. Olive

      How exciting to start another adventure. So happy for you and your family.
      Would you consider the West Coast?? So many bloggers are in the East or South that I can find.
      Need more like you out here. Hope some one will snap up your home this time. It is so charming.
      So looking forward to seeing new ideas in your new home.

    63. Maureen

      What a great post! I am so happy for your family while appreciating the feeling of everything being up in the air in the midst of trying to sell the house and find a church and go wherever God leads. You’re in my prayers. Looking forward to seeing where you land.

    64. Marla

      Marian! So very excited for you and your family! Congrats to you all! Go team Parsons! May God richly bless you and yours as you move forward, knowing that He has gone before you! Thank you for sharing your life with us!
      ~ Proverbs 24 3-4

    65. Susan

      Happy for you and your family! Change is scary and exciting!

    66. Elizabeth G

      Marion, such exciting news! I am so glad to hear how God is working in your family’s lives! I’ve been following along with your blog for some time now & I think what I was most glad to hear was that you will have a new house to decorate! 😉 Those were my favorite posts!
      I am so encouraged that although your business has had such wonderful growth you have not left God out of the equation. I know He will bless your family as y’all move onward!

    67. Laura

      So happy for you all! I’m selfishly hoping the Lord brings you to Jersey!

    68. Pat Miller

      What an exciting time for you and the fam! I think you understand that change is good…..and everything will work out perfectly to HIS plan and your plan!
      Gosh! You already have a lot going on, and all this new stuff will add to your plate. So, I’m sure you will remember to take one day at a time, and everything will fall into place as it should!
      I pray that all goes well for you and your sweet family…looking forward to hearing about EVERYTHING!!!
      Prayers for strength, endurance, and patience coming your way! And, oh! Texas would LOVE
      to have you!
      God bless you!

    69. Sharon Hankins

      Wonderful news Marian. Onward it is! Congrats to Jeff and the entire family for working so hard to earn that degree. I look forward to hearing where you’ll be posted and following the Mustard Seed “new beginnings” in a new town! You’ll be a sensational hit wherever your feet land!

    70. Jane

      Congratulations to all of you! Such a positive way of looking at this big change. Because it’s true it is onwards… Can’t wait to hear of how God works everything out for you guys! He is faithful!

    71. Fotini Roman

      Sounds like a very exciting time ahead of your family! Seeking God’s will, will lead you right where you need to be! Bless you and your family in this transition onward! I can’t wait to follow along with your journey!

    72. Jen

      Congratulations to Jeff on this amazing accomplishment. It would be kind of awesome if there was a perfect pastoral position somewhere in Upstate New York??!! :o) Good Luck & God Bless.

    73. Laura

      Here’s another Missourian keeping you and your family in her prayers. I’ve been following your blog for years, and appreciate your hard work and artful talent(s). All the best to you.

    74. Lori

      Congratulations! Will be praying for you during the decision and transition time! We are a ministray family, 35 years overseas as missionaries and I know what it is like to scale down and fit everything in a 20 foot container! Keep us posted! Blessings!

    75. jenny K

      Finding the perfect new fit is never as easy and fun as it seems. Be prayerful and lean on Him for guidance. As a pastor’s wife and children of 4 we have experienced many “onwards.” We once left what we knew with a 4ft uhaul for a ‘wonderful’ opportunity. The Lord taught us a lot in that one as we returned right back home 6months later and never want want to leave the south since! Blessings for a new start and ease in transition.

    76. Deb

      Thanks for sharing this most wonderful personal news and congratulations to your husband, Jeff, and you and the boys also, because as you said, it was a team effort. Our Lord always takes care of us just as the loving Father He is. No matter where Jeff finds his calling and you locate, there will be many new friends to make and exciting adventures to experience. You are so blessed, and I’m sure you will be in many of our prayers as you look onward to what God has in store for you and your family. (You will be missed in south central PA, but will still only be a blog away!)

    77. Deborah Delosreyes

      So exciting! Very happy for you and your family. Your faith is inspiring too. God Bless..

    78. Teresa

      Oh, I’m so happy for you and your family. I will be praying that the timing is perfect for you and I can tell you that you’d love Texas and Texas would love to have you!!! (Just saying!) Best of luck.

    79. Emily

      How exciting! I have loved being a part of your blog family… keeping up with your family over the years. Our church in Oklahoma is searchingly for a pastor. Wouldn’t that be fun if you came here! Praying for this transition to be smooth and that your home sells quickly! xox, Emily

    80. Terri Lackey

      Exciting news for your family! When my husband was in the ministry, the word “adventure ” would come to mind every time we moved to a new church. Our kids would be nervous about the new church/town/school/friends etc, but when we focused on the adventures God would provide, they would get excited. Blessings for your family as you start on this new adventure God has set before you!

    81. Anna-ruth T. Murphy

      Congrats to all! What an accomplishment! Onward and growth …I love all that that implies …enjoy your journey! Peace & Love to you

    82. Teresa

      Congrats to Jeff! What an exciting time for your family! I know you’ll find your way and thrive and grow wherever you end up. And I, for one, can’t wait to watch you transform a new house! I’m also interested in your painting of the birds. It’s so beautiful and I love the flight of the birds with the “onward” title. Would love to see it made available to purchase. Good luck and I hope all goes smoothly.

    83. Linda

      Congratulations! I pray God continues to bless your husband’s ministry as well as yours. You have a ministry of bringing beauty and joy into the lives of those who learn from you. Thank you for sharing your talents. And please have your husband look for a job down South. I live in Alabama. 😉

    84. Charlotte

      Congratulations on a positive accomplishment for your family. The capacity for friends and family who become friends is everywhere and God has y’all in his hand…so excited to follow your family and your inspiring blog/business on this upward journey!

    85. Wendy York

      How exciting! It has been so fun to follow your story, and also pray for you in some of the changes you’ve been through. I’ll be praying for you as you make this transition, knowing the Lord has just the right place for all of you. Congratulations to Jeff! We will all be looking forward to hearing the next chapter. ?

    86. Wendy

      I’m so happy for you and Jeff and the boys, this is such a big accomplishment for you all, and terribly exciting!

      As we are in transition to simply as well I understand the feeling of excitement, lightness, and trepidation you are going through, like you, I am just trusting God’s plan for us as well.

      Nothing but amazing things are ahead for you! Onward…I love that!

    87. Dolores

      I’m not a believer- but I’m always happy to support whatever direction good people see fit to plan for their lives.
      Wishing you and your lovely family the best of luck, and much continued happiness for the future.

    88. Kate

      The words my yoga instructor closes every class with seem. appropriate here:
      May you be happy and healthy.
      May you be peaceful and at ease.
      May your heart be filled always with loving kindness.
      May you love…and may you be loved.

    89. Farmmom Karen

      So happy for your family! The very middle verse of the Bible (Ps. 118:8) says “It’s better to trust in the Lord than to trust in man.” So, onward with Him!!

    90. Gavin From across the pond

      I don’t do the god stuff I Feel spiritual …….

      Congratulations of having such a good family team such a positive role model you are! Would you consider moving over seas ? to a grand world tour ???

      Wish you well on the new and exciting ventures

    91. Patty

      Crown Point, IN is lovely and we’d love to have you and your family settle here. 🙂 As a former Youth Minister/Christian Ed Director, I am praying for your husband and family to go where needed most. Best wishes!

    92. Krista

      Congratulations to all of you! An exciting time, I’m sure. Change can be daunting, but I do believe it can bring new and exciting things and growth. I admire your faith and ability to let go and move on. I’ll continue to follow along with your future journeys. Blessings to you and your family. And best wishes to Kriste and her growing family.

    93. Kristyn Baker

      I’m so happy for you! God Bless you and your family!

    94. Sharyl Murphy

      Many warm wishes and congratulations Marian! How exciting and rewarding for you. If you end up in the northeast you’ll have to join us at the Sage Farm Antiques show again. Best to you and the family ♡♡

    95. JeanFB

      Congratulations and best of luck to all of you!

    96. Marlene Meyer

      You have answered my questions, commented on my items I had finished. And, always kind from when your boys were in diapers. Through the diabetic stage as well. Thanks and good luck. I am trying to get myself back at it after a 4 yr illness – Please whisper a prayer for me. I am sure you are headed in the right direction. God Bless and good luck.

    97. Karen Little

      So happy for you and for your family. We have moved a lot and I realize the work and stress involved but also appreciate His hand in it all. Also His joy in the Onward Adventure of life! Exciting for you all! He always leads and gives His strength to do it all. “When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2. Thank you for sharing this and for all you teach us on your fine blog. Blessings to all of you! Please keep us posted!

    98. Ruth in NZ

      Praying for you all as a family as you work towards personal uncertainty, but with the certainty that God knows it all and His plans will always be good. May He give you grace in those times where becoming more like Him requires faith, patience, and grace. I know from the experience of leaving church communities and moving into new pastorates that it all of these are needed. Do remember to give each other grace as you set aside security, routines and the familiarity of all you have around you now and step out into His “known”. He is faithful! All my very best for the packing up!

    99. Kathleen

      So excited for what God and the future have in store for you and your family! Best wishes to you!



    100. Sarah

      Congratulations!! How very exciting for you and your family! We, too, are embarking on a new journey… having lived in Illinois our entire lives, we are packing up and moving to Florida this summer. I can relate to the excitement of decorating a new home! Cheers to new adventures…

    101. Lisa Mothersead

      Good job on moving forward! I love how you wrote about the degree being for the family. I can relate as I supported our family through my husband’s Ph.D. program (1980’s) and that investment came back in big returns. Sometimes it feels like you’re parachuting out of a plane to land who knows where and it can be unsettling. But, woman are tough and we have a way of making things ok. And having a good education combined with a good work ethic is a winning combination. Enjoy your new journey!

    102. Lisa Mothersead

      women are tough

    103. Cheryl

      Congratulations… Wonderful news… A new beginning… Hope you start a new shop wherever you may go… Enjoy all your posts… I’m a great animal lover and animal advocate, praying your precious new pup goes along with yiu to your new home ???

    104. MaryLisa Noyes

      I found this email which I had missed and I can only say I wish you and your family all the best! It will be a wonderful adventure. I look forward meeting you at Luckett’s this year which will be my adventure !

    105. Deborah

      Oh, but HE does the “Gavin stuff.” And your post has prompted me to pray for you, dear one. I am Jewish by heritage and Christian by choice. The best decision I’ve ever made.

    106. mary m young

      A year ago we went away and came back a month later. I cancelled my subscription to MMS. When we came back I tried to sign up again and just couldn’t get back on line with you for whatever reason. Today I decided to “look you
      up” and was so delighted to see your news! Best of luck to you and your family wherever go. Knowing you I am sure you will bring sunshine and light to a new church congregation! And I noticed that you have let your hair grow.
      Looks wonderful. Best to you. Mary Young in Ctr. Tuftonboro, NH……

    107. Jennifer

      I hope you will be closer to me in Missouri so I can buy some of your stuff!

    108. Gail

      I am somehow just stumbling upon your Instagram and your blog, and so I am certain you have a plan at this point… but I felt compelled to share that my church is searching for a senior pastor, and there are many gorgeous and historic homes in our area of Louisa, VA. Should you want more information about the ministry position, you can contact Louisa Baptist Church. Blessings to you and your family in your journey!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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