put a rabbit painting on it

by | Jan 31, 2024 | All Things Home, Decorating, Kitchen, My House | 35 comments

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I have learned over working on many rooms in the homes we’ve lived in through the years that there are always little loose ends that languish until you get sick of looking at them.  For me, it’s often installing shoe molding or touching up trim for some reason.  I was pretty good at keeping a list of the final touches on our kitchen renovation so I could complete them and check them off the list.  I wanted to be able to call the kitchen completely done instead of having to add an asterisk every time I shared the room.  It’s done except for this, this, and this.  That just gets annoying and I wanted it to be done period.  But, there was one lingering thing that I’ve been simply ignoring and removing from photos – the doorbell.  See it above the doorway to the hall?

rabbit painting doorbell cover | miss mustard seed

The doorbell is hardwired, so that is where it will stay unless we want to set up a wireless system.  Honestly, we have had issues with doorbells in both of our previous homes.  In PA, we replaced the doorbell three times and it still didn’t work!  In MN, we replaced the doorbell shortly after we moved in (since it didn’t work) and it wouldn’t complete the full “ding-dong” unless the ringer held the button down intentionally.  Most of the time, people would press it quickly and it would just “ding.”  In this house, the doorbell not only works great, but it works at two doors (the front and side door), so we don’t want to mess with something that works given our track record.

Now that we’ve covered A History of our Doorbells by Marian Parsons, here is how that corner looked prior to the renovation.  As you can see, the doorbell had a little plastic covering on it.  It was a bit dated, though, so I pitched it and planned on finding a solution that was more my style.

rabbit painting doorbell cover | miss mustard seed

I considered some more creative options like using the housing for an old cuckoo clock, but I struggled to find a vintage or antique piece that would house the doorbell and fit in the available space about the doorway.  I decided the best option was to build our own custom cover.  I drew up a simple box with some trim and a metal grate to allow the sound to pass through.  That plan and the materials have been sitting in the garage since the fall and I kept walking by the naked doorbell, ignoring the fact that it’s the asterisk of the kitchen renovation.

One day, I walked passed and had a thought.  I had a few paintings in my studio that were already in antique frames and I wondered if one of them might work to cover the doorbell until I had time to build the box.  The rabbit painting was just about the right size, I thought.

rabbit painting doorbell cover | miss mustard seed

I hung the picture wire over the doorbell and what do you know…it was a pretty good fit!  Initially, I thought it was a bit too weird.  It is not centered, it hangs over the trim of the doorway, and it hangs much higher than a typical painting.  But, I’ve learned that when I try something a little off-the-wall, I need to give it time.  I need to live with it and get used to it before I can fairly judge the idea.  After all, it’s just picture wire hung over the doorbell, so I don’t even have a nail hole to contend with.  This is a no-risk trial period and, at the very least, the doorbell is hidden.


rabbit painting doorbell cover | miss mustard seed

Here’s a closer look at how it looks from a more direct view…

rabbit painting doorbell cover | miss mustard seed

My mom and I hung some pictures and paintings in the hallway and foyer including the one you can see through the doorway.  I am planning on removing the glass and replacing the old, wrinkled print with one of my original paintings, but it’s a placeholder for now.

The lack of symmetry and the odd placement bothered me for a bit, but then I started looking in the background of the period movies and shows I enjoy so much.  Paintings were and still are often hung in odd places in old English homes.   They are hung off-centered, over bookcases, over trim, too high, and they often tilt out into the room.  After paying attention to that, my little rabbit painting doorbell cover didn’t seem all that odd.

rabbit painting doorbell cover | miss mustard seed

In the end, I think I will opt for a custom doorbell cover painted the color of the wall, but until then, I’m pretty happy with my whimsical solution.

When in doubt, just put a rabbit painting on it.

rabbit painting doorbell cover | miss mustard seed

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    1. Mary Norem

      You are so clever! I think it looks charming. I love your decorating and paintings that you have done.

      • Maryann

        I just had to smile when I read your post. The phrase A History of Our Doorbells by Marion Parsons was so clever. I think hanging a rabbit over it is so you!!!

    2. beverlee

      I love it. I also hang things in odd places, always have. Suits you.

    3. Christina

      “Now that we’ve covered A History of our Doorbells by Marian Parsons”

      Hilarious! 🙂

    4. Karen

      It looks good! You could leave it there and maybe just add 2 tiny paintings one on top of the other next to it. It doesn’t matter because people will only notice the very cute bunny!

      • Jo

        I was literally thinking the same thing!!! Lol! 😂

        • Patricia

          Me too !

          • Mary Beeke

            I totally agree! Leave it, it’s just right!

      • Deborah

        I was thinking it needed something on the side of it. A couple small artifacts of some type?

    5. Rebecca

      I was thinking along the same lines as Karen. Maybe hang a small plate beside it. Now I’m tempted to hang a picture over my plastic doorbell cover as well!

    6. Beth Ferrari

      Balance it with another painting to the right and forget about it.

    7. Betsy

      Oh my goodness! My husband and I feel like we’ve never had a doorbell that worked in our previous homes. This is a brilliant idea. Never touch a doorbell that works is our motto!

    8. Jaclyn

      It has always been my “silent rule for myself”….but I think that utilitarian things that we HAVE to have… but are not pretty should just be ignored. I LOVE the rabbit but this placement does not do “him” justice. He deserves better …haha.
      I feel like drawing MORE attention to these things is not the best approach. I would cover the mechanism and paint it wall color and never think about it again !!

    9. JoAnn

      I like Karen’s suggestion! If you shortened the wire would it keep it above the door trim? Any way , I like the rabbit there.

    10. Lisa P

      This solution to the annoying doorbell thingy is darling! I like a room that doesn’t take itself too seriously—quirky bits like this add a smile to a room. One day when the custom cover rises to the top of your list you might find some other place for this cute rabbit painting or maybe you will end up liking it enough to make it a permanent feature.

    11. Laura

      I love, love, love your bunny painting, but not it’s location. It bothers me that the frame hangs over the casing moulding and that the painting is hung so high. Just a thing I have, like paintings that aren’t hung level. You’ve been busy with numerous other projects. I wouldn’t be hard on yourself over not getting around to making a new doorbell cover yet. I doubt other people even notice it.

    12. JC

      SO charming! The bunny painting ties in so nicely with your framed cows. Great solution. I love when things like this just pop into my head!

    13. Teddee Grace

      No. This would drive me crazy. How about painting a picture to size that doesn’t come down over the door molding and extends far enough over that it looks centered?

    14. Mary

      Help! Call the Game Warden! Call somebody to rescue that bunny! Get him down!


      Your idea for a custom cover sounds beautiful! And you always do great work. Hope you go with that option.

    15. Emma Ward

      Why not put a second painting (maybe slightly smaller) next to the rabbit painting? It would square up the symmetry and look like a little collection. Maybe another rabbit? Or a bunch of carrots perhaps! 🙂

    16. Jo

      Cute! I’d add a couple more small paintings and I think it will look intentional. Love your style!

    17. Kristine

      I ike it — it’s creative, quirky, and memorable! And I think there are other options as well (see above comments!). And I also truly enjoyed “A History of our Doorbells by Marian Parsons”! Made me laugh out loud!!

    18. Jeanne

      I have a wall of baskets and covered ours with a basket. In addition to that we covered our thermostat which is on the same wall with a very open weave basket. I hated those two eyesores for so long!

    19. Amanda

      The rabbit painting is super cute. We have the same type of door bell with a yellowed plastic cover, which I painted white as a temporary fix. It looked okay until it got knocked off the wall and broke in half. We looked online for “vintage door bell covers” and were happy to find a nice selection. But I know it’s special to make your own things too if you have the talent for it!

    20. Melissa

      I grew annoyed seeing the smoke alarm in my living room so I placed a basket over it and called it art. Perfect!

    21. Cheryl

      Looks darn cute to me, but anything with a bunny is tops in my book:)

    22. Sharon

      Less is MORE!!

    23. Kim

      I think you’re onto something here. Flesh out this idea with some of the other commenters’ ideas! As for the doorbell in our house, we had the builders install it inside the front hall closet so that we wouldn’t have to look at anything ugly or try to cover it! The only drawback is that it is a little quieter, but that works for us too.

    24. Kathryn T.

      So Cute! Looking at your photos, the view of the hall picture with the lovely gold frame does “speak” to the rabbit and the cow paintings quite well. Perhaps a vertical gold framed painting placed along side of the rack. It would connect the cow painting below it and the rabbit painting above the door. Creates a completed “gallery” look with the hall painting (obviously a little more dimensional than a traditional gallery wall) but most of all would help balance it out and lead the eye up? Might be too much though. I love everything you do anyway and so appreciate your sense of balance as well as whimsy.

    25. Peg

      The ringing rabbit

    26. Karen B.

      I love paintings over door openings. This bunny is perfect. You’re always so creative and it gives me inspiration and ideas. Thank you.
      Your new home is coming along, and I love all of the hard work you’ve done so far.
      Karen B.

    27. Carolyn Dietrich

      I suggest leaving the rabbit over the doorbell and hanging something to the right of it to balance it out. I love it but the off centeredness would drive me crazy.

    28. Melody

      Haha! I’ve hung a canvas pic of my boys over the doorbells in the past two houses! I hide all kinds of things. The house we are in now, I bought a decorative doorbell box off of Amazon and slid it over the old box. If I knew how to take a picture, I would! And btw, our doorbell does NOT work! 😝

    29. Pamela

      I’m all for putting a rabbit on it when it looks as cute as this! ❤️ my first thought was a cuckoo clock too but the door frame would be a problem. How about one those little German alpine chalet’s that tell the weather with a man and woman? Something along those lines would be cute.

    30. Loft Boarding

      Hi there,

      I really enjoyed your creative solution to the doorbell cover problem! The rabbit painting is definitely unique and adds a touch of whimsy to your entryway. I also like the suggestion from your readers to add more paintings or balance the rabbit painting with another object. That could be a fun way to create a more cohesive look.

      I’m curious to know what other creative solutions you’ve come up with for decorating your home. Have you ever used any other unexpected items in your decor?

      Thanks for sharing your post!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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