a quilt, petite typewriter, ironstone & more

by | Jul 16, 2014 | Favorite Finds, Ironstone | 41 comments

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I have a few more finds from my shopping trip last week to share.  I told you…when I go shopping, I don’t mess around.  I want to come home with a van full of stuff, so it’s really worth my time away from “the office.”  Here are a few more things I found…

I love this blue & white quilt.  It spoke to me, so I had to pick it up. I’ve learned to listen to that gut instinct that says, “this is a great piece.”

I love how the small squares of blue graduate from indigo to a paler shade.  This quilt was ombre before it was cool.

French chairs always speak to me loud and clear. This one has a pretty wood frame and was a good price.  I know I’m in for a battle, but I am going to remove the nailhead trim and reupholster it.  It’s not in bad shape, but the seat is pretty saggy and could use some reinforcement.  (I’m resisting a saggy seat joke here.)  I’d like to use this as a desk chair, so it needs to be comfy.

I found that sweet little stool as well.

And some really great ironstone pieces including this rectangular casserole…

…an ornate, wheat-patterned covered vegetable dish…

…a beautiful 1800’s tea pot…

I also snapped up this English child’s typewriter…

…and a blue & white scale.

Some of this (and more) will be going in the online shop soon!

While we were out, we also picked up some more flowers for my front garden.  I’m not a gardener at all, but I’m trying and I’m really enjoying it this year.  I love the lavender by the front steps that I planted last fall.  It looks wild in a pretty way and smells amazing.

So, I looked for flowers in shades of purple that would coordinate.  I filled the concrete planters and window boxes, trying to give them a full look, but allowing them space to grow.

I seem to never plant enough to really fill the boxes, so hopefully I did this time!

Miss Mustard Seed-8737

After taking these pictures, I realized they weren’t as full as I wanted, so I bought a few dark purple petunia baskets from Walmart and split them up to fill out the boxes.  They look so pretty now and make me happy when I see them.  Hopefully someone will come along who feels the same way and they’ll want to buy our house!

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    1. Sally

      Looks like you had a great shopping trip, beautiful treasures! Love, love the quilt and vegetable dish! My daughter broke the top to my favorite vegetable dish while playing fetch with Paisley, just last night. I guess I have a day of shopping in the near future too.
      Sally @cottagefix

    2. Collette

      Oh my gosh can i PLEASE have first dibs on the quilt?! Please email me the price you’d ask plus shipping! I want it! Beautiful!

    3. Suzi

      I would say you had an amazing day of shopping. The ironstone pieces are beautiful and the quilt is over the top. Hope you keep the quilt.

    4. Tammy

      Love the finds!

    5. Paula

      Purple petunias sound perfect for your window boxes with vinca vine and vinca flowers! As pretty as your chair-finds are, you always manage to make them look so much better!

    6. Judy Pimperl

      Wow! You found some amazing things! The rectangular casserole dish is unusual- at least to me, and the quilt is great, but, so is the child’s typewriter…I love it all!

    7. Sian

      Really nice finds. You did good!

    8. Kate

      Heck! I never see ironstone here in CA. Is it only an east coast thing?

      • Deann

        Kate- I live in western NY (not NYC!!) and I very, very rarely find any ironstone…. so for me, it’s not an east coast thing. BUT, it is ridiculously gratifying when I do find some 🙂

        • Andrea

          I’m with you….I also live in NY and I could never find ironstone! Definitely not an East Coast thing.

    9. Chrissy

      Wow, these are some great finds. I love that chair and can’t wait to see what you do with it. I love lavender too, it looks untamed yet beautiful and smells good too.
      Also does ironstone have a stamp on the bottom, when shopping for it?

    10. Julie @ follow your heart woodworking

      Is it possible to add more “filling” to the chair seat from underneath, thus leaving the fabric and nails intact?

    11. Camille @ Chez Moi

      Oh, that tiny little typewriter! I die!!!!

    12. Marianne

      Marian, I love your new quilt. Just beautiful. You always find such great pieces.

    13. Diane P.

      I’m new to your blog and have enjoyed reading it. I love the quilt as well, I’m a sucker for anything blue. I’m curious, when you see items, do you see always see a purpose for them or just like the piece and buy it? Best of luck in selling your home!

      • marian

        Yep, I should write a post on that! Since I sell pieces as well, just buy what I like and then keep it if I can use it or have a perfect place for it and sell it if I don’t. I sometimes use pieces for props and then sell them when I’m done.

    14. Dorth

      I love that. Little foot stool. Next time could you show us one small piece of ironstone you pick up somewhere and tell us how much you paid for it? I think those of us who read your blog regularly would like to pick up a piece ourselves but aren’t familiar with prices. Thanks!

    15. Cindy Brown

      Have you buried a St. Joseph statue in your yard yet. I am pretty sure it is St. Joseph but look it up on line to be sure you bury the correct saint! It is supposed to help your house sell. Just a thought!

    16. Angie @ Knick of Time

      That pretty quilt and the scale wouldn’t just “speak” to me – they’d scream their heads off from the other side of the store, “You need me!” Love all your picks though.

    17. Diane | An Extraordinary Day

      I LOVE all your picks Marian and the wheat embellished ironstone is gorgeous.

      Have you ever shared the business part of buying? I’d really like to know more about that in an upcoming post if you haven’t already written about that.

      Best wishes for a quick sale and an extraordinary day! 🙂

      • marian

        I have written a bunch of posts on buying. Check out my “starting & running a creative business” section and you’ll find a lot on that.

    18. Toni ehle

      We’ve moved 14 times and I learned awhile back to put a pretty vessel out in the kitchen filled with nice green limes. Don’t know why , but people always noticed and pointed it out and remembered my house. You have so many beautiful things in your home, they will surely remember it all

    19. Katy

      Love everything you got, especially the stool. There is something about those little one-of-a-kind pieces.
      I picked 2 French armchairs with caned backs out of my work dumpster last week, I am going to “Miss Mustard Seed” them….wish me luck!

    20. Fox and Finch

      Oh, my gosh, Marian, that is a true antique quilt. The blue is indigo-dyed calico! What a find.

    21. Ann

      That quilt would have come home with me too!

    22. Rondell

      I love everything you found such a wonderful shopping trip! I love the blue scale and can’t wait to see the chair that you will do. Good luck when you start!

    23. Patty

      I do garden and my lavender died so consider yourself a gardener. I’m not sure of the vine you put in your window box but I did that many years ago. It grew over the box down to the ground and now comes back every year on the ground but NEVER in the window box. I love your treasures especially the quilt. I was told to buy a statue of St. Joseph an bury him in the front yard with his head facing your home. They tell me your house will sell quickly. I will try when our house is finished so it will sell quickly and we can move down south.

    24. Margie

      Oh, how I love your finds! I am so envious! Here in California, we rarely see ironstone, and your quilt, or one similar at an antique fair here was $375! I know, people say, but you have that glorious weather- along with it comes droughts, earthquakes and ridiculous prices for everything.
      Another thought on selling your house is to bake an apple pie right before an open house. The yummy fragrance works every time say some realtors!

    25. Beth

      I LOVE that chair! Does it have springs? I’m reupholstering 2 chairs like that and I’m intimidated! If it has springs, and needs new foam/padding…would you consider making a tutorial? Thank you thank you!!!

    26. Barb Tilton

      I read your description of the quilt and smiled… I have a quilt that was my grandmother’s. It too could be called ombre, but only because she kept it folded at the foot of her bed, in front of the window, in the Texas sun. I’ll have to take a fresh look at it and think “ombre” instead of “faded”!

    27. Michelle

      I have a flower business and would like to make a suggestion to you for low maintenance “cottage-y” look that you like. They are annuals for your pots and boxes…Angelonia, bacopa, and creeping jenny! Your gonna love the soft colorful easy maintenance look! Keep it in mind for next spring (hopefully at your new house)!

    28. Mimi -247 Mulberry Lane

      How cute is that little typewriter! Oh.my.goodness! I love all of your wonderful finds, but I would have to say that my absolute FAVORITE picture is the one of the chair and stool by the piano. There is just something about the contrast of the dark wood of the floor and the piano with the blue in the curtains that has me captivated. It just is the epitome of “home” to me. 🙂

    29. Adrienne

      I can’t believe no one has snapped up your house yet! It would be kind of funny if a blogger moved in and then blogged about their beautiful home that you created 😉

    30. michelle

      I inherited two antique chairs that are different but about the same age. Last year I reupholstered one to find it was stuffed with hay. Haven’t gotten up the nerve to tackle the other one yet. Have a little stool like that I was going to paint, but now I may upholster it as well. Great finds!

    31. Erin Kaven

      Some butes! Question, have you done a tute on strengthening the seats while reupholstering furniture? I’ve seen you cover but I didn’t know if you’d shown tightening or even applying new strapping (thought I have caught the rolls in bowls in pic!) Would love to know how YOU do it since you always have such great tips. Thanks

    32. Melissa

      Love the ironstone (and the typewriter too) When my husband and I were married I wanted ironstone instead of China and no one in the shops knew what it was. You found some beautiful pieces.

    33. Linda

      Michelle do you have suggestions to the readers about South zone 7 plants for pots on a cement patio. I am just getting into pots and really enjoying them. But they are work with the heat. Thanks

    34. Anne Boykin

      Dear MMS, You always find the sweetest things! Lucky us that you do because we always enjoy seeing what you’ve purchased. Thanks for sharing with us. You always bring a smile to my face. Hugs, Anne Boykin

    35. Teri

      Thanks, Marian, for sending me the link so I could get a closer look at your quilt. I have handmade quilts that people made but they are so colorful (you know what I mean!) that I don’t use them. Yours is so simple and beautiful. Nice find.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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