repaired ottoman slipcover

by | Jun 3, 2020 | All Things Home, Decorating, Sewing, Tutorials | 49 comments

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Oh, my lovely followers…  I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed reading through your comments of gratitude on Monday’s giveaway post.  If you just need some encouragement, go read some of them.  Readers are sharing gratitude for simple things like gardening and enjoying a good book to big things like a successful kidney transplant decades ago and the love and health of their family.  Gratitude is a cure for so many things.  Thank you for taking the time to share pieces of your story with me and my readers.

Moving forward, I wasn’t sure if I should continue posting on the blog this week.  There are many difficult things happening in the world and I am not an expert on the best way to deal with it all.  Social media, especially, has become a landmine and there is just no way to do or say the right thing that’s going to be understood the way it’s intended by everyone who sees it.  Here on my blog, I’ll just say that I hurt with those who are hurting.

I hope my blog will be a place of encouragement and inspiration to those who read it and I will continue to post here as long as it feels appropriate to do so.

Soooo, do you remember this sweet ottoman I slipcovered a few years ago?  I intended to sell it, but I just fell in love with it and kept it in my house.

You can find the tutorial for how I made it HERE.

And it has been well used and loved since I brought it home!  The antique fabric just couldn’t hold up to regular use.  The antique quilt block and homespun fabric started to deteriorate until the holes and fraying could no longer be ignored.  When it first started wearing, I sort of liked the texture and frays…like a well-loved blanket that’s been dragged around behind a toddler for a few years.  It started to go a little too far, though.

The sides and skirt of the ottoman slipcover were fine, so I wanted to replace the top without having to sew the entire thing again.

When I removed the ottoman slipcover, I had forgotten there was a pretty sweet needlepoint cover underneath!  I considered just keeping it uncovered for a while, but I like it better in the room with the cover on.  I always have that option in the future, though!

I started by carefully using a seam ripper to remove the top from the sides.

Repaired Ottoman Slipcover Miss Mustard Seed

If you’ve never used a seam ripper before, you insert the point into a stitch and push it up to cut the stitch.  It’s then easy to pull open the seam and continue using the seam ripper ever few stitches…

Repaired Ottoman Slipcover Miss Mustard Seed

With the top of the ottoman slipcover removed, I put the side piece around the stool inside-out and pinned the new cover in place.  I used a piece of antique toweling that matched the homespun fabric pretty well and is a sturdier fabric, so it should hold up much better to daily use.  It’s not as pretty as the quilt block, but it’s hard to beat an antique, hand-made, tree-of-life quilt block with indigo-dyed fabric.  Hard to beat.

Repaired Ottoman Slipcover Miss Mustard Seed

I trimmed off the excess fabric before I sewed the top on and removed the pins.  It only took me about 30 minutes and it’s one more little sewing project checked off my list.

Repaired Ottoman Slipcover Miss Mustard Seed

While I was working on it, I was reminded about a pale pink K that was stitched on the homespun fabric.  It’s so pale that I hadn’t noticed it for years.  I loved it when I first made the ottoman slipcover and glad I rediscovered it.

Repaired Ottoman Slipcover Miss Mustard Seed

Over the past few days, I’ve been working on other projects…  putting up the trim and chair rail in the sewing room, planting new bushes and flowers in the yard, putting down landscape fabric, working on pieces of a linen slipcover for the chaise in the master bedroom, hooking up new hoses to make watering easier, cleaning up the area under the deck, and more.  I have been getting 12,000-14,000 steps on my Fitbit and have been sweaty and sore at the end of each day, but it’s felt so good to see some clear progress being made on large and small projects.

Jeff has taken this week off for a “stay-cation” since we weren’t able to take any of the trips we had planned this summer, so he’s going to help me get a few more projects finished this week.  We’ll be working on trim in the master bedroom as well as some landscaping projects.

Because we’re making a push to get projects done while he has time off and because of everything else going on in the world this week, I’m going to bump our painting class back one more week.  That just seems like the best thing to do.

Take care, everyone…

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    1. Judith

      You are a sea of calmness in our stress filled times. Thank you for being you.

      • Michele M / Finch Rest

        Couldn’t have put it any better, Judith. I concur!

        I pray for world peace for all mankind.

      • jean

        Absolutely right. There are so many confused, angry, distressed voices out there. Those of us who are overly sensitive don’t know where to look anymore. Certainly don’t know what to do. You, Marian, are a calm voice in the storm. Generous in your spirit and creativity. A place of refuge. Thank you.

    2. Sarah Walker

      I am thankful you are continuing to post. It is a balm and “a sea of calmness” as Judith said. It’s nice to have a peaceful place to go for a minute. Thank you

      • Terry

        Totally agree. Thank you

    3. amy Joanne Mogish

      Enjoy your time with family….and your time for us with your beautiful blog. A happy place for sure.

    4. Patty

      I love seeing the progress you make on all of your projects and, grateful that you are willing to share with all of us who love to follow you. It’s good you and Jeff are so talented and can do so many of these projects yourselves. A great example to your boys!

    5. Linda Charlton

      You are so talented that I am a little envious.I love the blog and am sorry you moved from PA. I always wanted to take one of your classes. You do such beautiful work,

    6. Patricia Kasparian

      Very nice! Thanks for sharing, Marian.

    7. Anita

      I am amazed at all you do!

    8. Leslie Collison

      Yes, I for one am grateful you are posting still. It helps to have what has been a normal we looked forward to in our lives during these difficult days. It does comfort in a way that is welcome and soothes our day.

    9. Susan

      With our country in turmoil, your posts are a welcome escape. Thank you, and please don’t stop.

    10. Pamela

      I totally agree with All the post, thank you

    11. Anna Price

      I love when you share projects like this with us. It always inspires me to tackle something similar. A project that isn’t so overwhelming. Something you can do in a couple of hours. Thank you for continuing to provide inspiration to us – at time when we need it more than ever.
      Also loved your post about gratitude. Something so easy to forget or neglect.
      Thanks Marian. Shine on.

    12. Dolores Pap

      Love can move mountains! Thank you for your heartfelt post..

    13. Rebecca

      Thank you for inspiring me to step up to the plate and live my own life! So often I have projects I want to do but don’t think I have the time, ability, etc. You continue to remind me I can do them one small step at a time. Thanks again.

    14. Chris

      Thank you for your calming posts. I’m sure that I’m not alone in realizing how much I don’t know; and though many accounts I follow are well-intentioned, too much information can be as bad as not enough. You have stricken the perfect balance for me by gently expressing your feelings of hurt, while respectfully continuing to do what you do so well…inspire, encourage, calm. Thank you. ?

    15. Sandy

      Keep on, keeping on. I am with you on everything going on this week. I have turned off social media right now. Doing alot of praying.

    16. Sue

      Thank you Marian! I feel we need a quiet place to go to right now. I have backed off from social media also. I’m afraid to comment on some site because it’s taken wrong so I don’t. I have learned so much from you. Please keep posting.
      Watching your progress in your art has been a real joy. I painted for years, husbands
      Health issues has put it on hold. My hope is I can get my brushes out soon.
      I bought the crochet thread to make the dish towels, haven’t done that either.
      Motivation is hard right now, be that ray of sunshine we all need. Thanks again!

    17. Mary

      Please keep posting…we need hope, love and encouragement in these dark days. You are the bright spot for many people.

    18. PJ

      Thank you, Marian. It is hard to find the right words at this time, so I am choosing to take time to listen and reflect. Gardening especially is healing for me and gives me time to meditate and process all that is going on in the world. Thank you for being a calm influence in our lives. All best wishes to you and your family….

    19. Ruth

      I read your blog yesterday and saw how some people reacted to your sweet prayer. I held my breath for you and hoped it didn’t discourage you from posting on your blog.
      I love your painting class and painting has helped me get through this difficult time when we’re all hurting. So thank you Marian.

    20. Stacey A

      I agree, please keep posting! Your posts are a place of rest and refuge from the chaos of the world. We need to rest our minds and hearts with creativity and art of all kinds. You help us do that….I’d call it your ministry, in a way.

    21. Susan

      Oh Marian,
      I love your blog and the prayer you shared! Thank you for all your wonderful stories of home and travel and food, we all need a break from the insanity that’s harming so many! Even though I don’t paint, I am fascinated with your student’s canvases.
      Blessings to all……….

    22. Anemone

      I’m one of those who unfollowed your Instagram yesterday. I removed everyone who posted what I felt was a political stance on my carefully curated non-political Instagram feed. Yours has always been one of my favorites, so I didn’t do it casually. I am making a conscious decision to craft an Instagram oasis in these times by eliminating all current event references, so unfortunately some pruning was necessary. I’ll continue to visit your blog, though, as I’ve not seen any post like that here. Anyway, as you say, many will deliberately misconstrue the intention behind the action. But for what it’s worth, that was my intention with the unfollow.

      • Marian Parsons

        I completely understand! Your instagram feed should serve you and what you are hoping to gain by scrolling through…inspiration, ideas, entertainment, encouragement, etc. If that’s not happening, then unfollow the accounts that are detracting from that, including mine!

        For what it’s worth, that’s the only “political” post I’ve put up in over 10 years of sharing online. And I know that many people were posting the black squares to make a political point, but I was not. I was posting it out of love and support for those who are hurting right now. It was acknowledgment.

    23. Kristyn

      You’re posts bring a sweet relief and anchor of normalcy in my days. So much sadness and pain and so many questions we are all trying to work through. But a little diversion from it, I feel is a blessing. As long as you feel up to posting, I will appreciate it. Thank you for being so thoughtful.

    24. Diane

      I look forward to your posts everyday. I think we need the positive energy you have even more now!
      Thank you.

    25. Gloria

      I loved your post on the recover project. My husband and I have a saying for projects lke that. We say “It only took me 30 minutes and 3 years to finish.” We are always amazed at how simple some projects are but we put them off for so long. That is one thing I have enjoyed about the Covid Pause: all the projects I have been able to finish.. Keep inspiring all of us. Thank you so much can hardly wait to see your yard.

    26. Bea

      Marian, I look forward to your posts and I do enjoy them so much. Please don’t discontinue them. Im always interested in your many and varied projects and you inspire me to try new things. I sew and I’ve also made slip covers. I am more involved than ever in painting furniture for my small business and I enjoy cooking and gardening so we have interests in common. My children are now in their fifties and I have grandchildren. Even though I’m now 80 years of age and live alone I still enjoy many aspects of homemaking. I’m amazed at your energy and productivity!

    27. Cynthia Johnson

      Thank you for sharing Marian. The needlepoint reminds me of my mom who left us 11 years ago. Mom did beautiful work and it will be enjoyed by many generations of our family.

      Peace to the world ?

    28. Mary

      I enjoy your blog and am always amazed at all your talent!! I am disappointed when you skip a day!

    29. Shirley Graham

      The footstool looks lovely. I really like the cover & enjoy your blog!!! Thanks so much!

    30. Vicki

      I love you posts! I so admire your talent. My daughter and her husband are both very talented and will tackle anything. I, on the other hand, am not ! So I love to see what you are doing. Happy summer!

    31. jennifer

      I know many have said this already, but I thank you for being a calming influence during this difficult time. I love your blog and look forward to your posts. You inspire me to pursue my passions and for that I am grateful. I’ve never painted before in my life but still I bought the supplies to take your class on oil painting. I can’t wait to get started. Please keep doing what you do so well!

    32. Judeth

      Please keep posting your blog. With all the uncertainty in this world this is one thing other than my hubby, dogs, children & grandchildren I totally look forward to. If only for alittle while your mind can stray from the chaos. As long as you keep posting I will keep visiting, wishing I had an ounce of your talent. Thank you

    33. mary m

      always look forward to your daily message. I hae covered a few foot stools and they are not as easy as they look. So toy got lucky with just replacing the top.
      Just a tip that I learned recently about using a seam ripper. On one side of what you want to rip lay it flat and nip every half inch or so, When you end the row just pull the thread stitch from the other side and it will pull apart just like that


    34. Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm

      When I see things on social media like a seam ripper and the comment, “Know what this is?”, I have to chuckle. They are useful tools and your ottoman is lovely. Various ones are stationed all over my house as I’m on the short side and using one helps with back pressure/pain.
      Thank you for your kind, simple comment; it spoke volumes, more so than a diatribe.

    35. Leslie

      Thank you for all you do and for the joy you bring to so many! Quick tip on the seam ripper: when you have the seam open, the crotch of the seam ripper should be up against the threads to be ripped (with the pointy part on the top). That way you just continue to push it through the threads, no stopping necessary! Seam rippers eventually get dull, and then can be used for other purposes (like getting dog hair out of the roller in a vacuum cleaner!). Next time you need to buy one I highly recommend the Clover brand. The ripper part is much sharper than most and the handle fatter and easier to grip.

      • Laura K

        This made me chuckle, cuz it’s MY Hair in the vacuum cleaner roller!! hahahahaha What a great idea to use my seam rippers!!! Thank you!!

    36. Nancy

      Marilyn – thank you for so many years of wonderful content. I had hoped that you, as an influencer and as a Christian, would feel compelled to use your platform to acknowledge what’s happening in our country during this historically tumultuous time. Even a post as simple as sharing the voices of black artists, bloggers or craftspeople would have been welcomed. Your choice to stay silent on this blog, and the racist comments of so many of your followers on your instagram post yesterday, leave me feeling unwelcome in this community. Best of luck to you moving forward.

      • Marian Parsons

        Nancy, I am so, so sorry that you feel that way. I will be honest in saying that I feel like there is nothing I can do or say that will be right for everyone. I did acknowledge what was happening in the world on this blog (in the beginning of this post and my post on Monday) and on my Instagram by posting a black square on Tuesday. I know there were some ugly comments, but there were far more comments that were supportive and loving. I also responded to almost all of the negative comments in love and kindness, making it clear that I support those who are hurting right now, those who feel unheard and unseen, those who are mourning over the loss of life. I am hurting with all of them, too.

        I can’t ever speak for anyone else, Nancy, but I can say that I welcome you here. I wish I could give you a hug and we could sit down and chat, so I could listen to you and share my heart in return.

    37. Brenda

      I remember when you first made the ottoman cover. I loved the needlepoint that was on it. I admit I’m a roses lady. I love them on fabric, painted on tole trays, in needlepoint, in crosstich, on plates, etc…… You get the idea. If you ever decide you want to remove the tapestry just drop me an e-mail. I’m your gal ! 😉 Have a blessed day!

    38. Louise

      I love your new slip cover. You amaze me as to how much you can do. I forget how much energy I had at your age. I’m 76 years old now and all the things go through my mind to do but I’m slower at getting them done now. When I was your age I had 2 children, worked full time and made dolls to sell I wonder now how I did it all ha. Love all your things you do ?

    39. Cassandra E

      Thank you for your gentle spirit.
      Before I say anything else, I have to say, I remember the pink letter! I remember when you covered this the first time, and having the revelation that a quilt can be repurposed for something like this! How clever. And then other doors begin opening in the creative mind. Thank you for unlocking locks.
      Thank you also for your simple acknowledgment of what is going on. In general, I think it is our duty to speak out for the marginalized. But, it’s not that simple. This is your blog and we come here for things of home. More than you being right about not pleasing everyone, I am also glad that your blog does not become a platform for others. I’m not sure if that makes sense. I’ve followed you for years, and while I don’t know you personally, I respect you and I see a person seeking goodness. I don’t have that same relationship with your readers, so to come across politically charged posts can be unsettling. I remember reading comments in a blog years ago that caused me to unfollow the blog. It just should not be a given we all see things the same way outside of the fact that we must love blue and ironstone and marble. (But if you did go in a different direction, I would follow, because as I said above, I respect you.)
      I applaud you for making a stand on Instagram, though I’m sorry I missed the post. Not there often. And, I don’t comment too often. I can’t imagine the tightrope you must sometimes feel you walk.
      And I trust that though you open a door wide open to your readers, there is still so much Marion we don’t know and so much you do in your community you may do quietly. It is not my place to judge how and when you speak out.
      But I so appreciate that when you do, you are measured and kind and patient.
      Sending you lots of love.

    40. Kim-Pacific Northwest

      I check in on your blog often but never post. I wanted to take time today to say thank you for continuing to post.
      Your ottoman slip cover reminded me that the first time you showed it, you inspired me to try for myself and I made a white cotton slipcover for a garage sale ottoman we keep at our little beach cabin.
      I visited the little cabin for the first time in months a couple weekends ago and my eye went to the ottoman slipcover that I sewed several years ago now. I still love it and would never have had the courage to try had it not been for you so thank you very much!!

    41. Lissy Chi

      Hi, I used to live in Kansas City, MO, but I am originally from Panamá, Central América, I have followed your blogs for years with a dear friend that loves like me and you, to make our homes pretty, cozy and peaceful with little money. With your blogs I learned to reupholster chairs and paint old furniture and when my life became upside down, real busy when we return to Panamá to care for parents, with no much time to paint or decorate, your blog is a place to just to relax, and marvel now how you are turning a normal subdivision house into that charming place that you with your “magic wand” can do.
      I am sorry for what you are experiencing, it is sad, but emotions are high. I have been away from FB because it affects me. I will pray for you, but please continue to create and inspire.

    42. Sarah

      I am really disappointed that you left all of the racist comments up on your Instagram post. That isn’t “hurting with people who hurt.” That is giving racists a platform. Allowing those racist comments to remain was truly shocking to me. I run a large instagram non-political account (100k) and I still am able to delete racist comments when I bring up racial justice. It is the reason I unfollowed you on Instagram and now on Feedly. Those racist comments make it very clear that your audience includes quite a few racist women, and you leaving them up – well, I’ll let you decide what that says. Take a stand. Use your platform. Be on the right side of history. Your children are watching you.

      • Marian Parsons

        Sarah, all I can say is that I’m sorry. I have just turned off commenting on that post. Any comments that were racist absolutely do not reflect my views or my heart.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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