sewing room walls & a cabinet

by | Jul 7, 2020 | All Things Home, Decorating, Guest Room, My House, Room Makeovers | 61 comments

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I finished hanging the fabric in the sewing room late last week.  I have enjoyed taking a more relaxed approach to projects…bouncing from one to the other, working on each in small pieces, but that did mean that it felt like I’ve been working on this sewing room for an eternity!  I made a final push and hung the remaining panels, so I could be done with it!

blue toile starch fabric walls miss mustard seed sewing room

A few panels in, there was a part of me that was a little nervous that the toile would be too dowdy and old fashioned, but that is not the case at all.  It looks sharp against the bright white trim and picture frame molding and it’s just perfect for a sewing room.  I have slowly started putting the room back together again and that included hanging this antique medicine cabinet above the sewing desk.  I had a Chippendale-style mirror hanging there, but I wanted to test out a few other options.  I tried a simple wood-framed arch-topped mirror, but it was too wide.  I then remembered this medicine cabinet that’s been sitting on my bathroom floor for months.  I intended to hang it over the toilet once we paint in there, but I tried it in this room and it’s perfect.  The size, finish, and even the handles work nicely with the desk, like they were made for each other.

blue toile starch fabric walls miss mustard seed sewing room

It’s also a nice place to have some storage for little things like spools of thread and extra feet for the sewing machine…

blue toile starch fabric walls miss mustard seed sewing room

I topped it off with some pretty ribbon…

blue toile starch fabric walls miss mustard seed sewing room

antique medicine cabinet miss mustard seed

I might try to add another shelf or two, in order to make the most of the space inside.

blue toile starch fabric walls miss mustard seed sewing room

I also took some time to straighten out the bolts of fabric and tie them with ribbons, twine, or fabric scraps.

blue toile starch fabric walls miss mustard seed sewing room

blue toile starch fabric walls miss mustard seed sewing room

The last bit of the wall that needs to be finished is behind the door.  Plumbers had to cut a hole in the drywall to install a new fixture in the boy’s tub, so I had to do some patching.  I finished it yesterday, installed the picture frame molding, and put a coat of primer on.  It just needs a couple of coats of paint and then the walls are completely finished!  Whew!

blue toile starch fabric walls miss mustard seed sewing room drywall repair

The next project on the list is to make a bed crown for the daybed.  I have some dark blue linen to line the rest of the toile and I’ll make it to drape over the sides of the bed.  I think it’ll make the daybed a real feature and focal point in the space.

blue toile antique french daybed miss mustard seed sewing room

I have also ordered plantation shutters for the windows.  This room has needed wall coverings since we moved it, but since it’s just a sewing room and rarely-used guest room, it just wasn’t a priority.  The shutters will add privacy, of course, but they will also match the other shutters installed in the front of the house (my office, master bathroom, and dining room), so the windows will all match from the outside.  I also ordered a shutter for the huge window in the basement family room and I am so excited about getting rid of the last dark wood blinds in the house!

PS – You can find a tutorial for hanging fabric with starch HERE.  I am working on a new tutorial and video, but it’s for a special project and won’t be available for a while.

You can find more posts on the sewing room makeover below…

Blue & White Toile Daybed Makeover

Making Progress in the Sewing Room

Tidying the Sewing Room

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    1. Mary Anne Saunders

      Love this cabinet! What about leaving the lower shelf and installing a wooden dowel thread holder in the cabinet? Lovely and functional.

      • Marian Parsons

        Oh yes! That’s brilliant. I should see if I can find one that fits.

      • Janice

        I was going to suggest another shelf but a dowel would good, too!

        • Janis Ladam

          I always love everything you create, and fabric combinations. I really enjoy mixed patterns. I have a question about cutting fabric for drapes on the straight of the grain and getting perfectly square. I can’t always pull a thread, especially on fabrics that have a somewhat loose weave, sort of like bark cloth. The selvage is kind of frayed. Some tips please. Thank you so much.
          Janis Ladam

    2. Linda DuBay

      So, so pretty. I believe you have posted a hanging fabric on a wall tutorial previously? If so, is it possible to post it atain please? Been thinking about doing that in my dining room for awhile but am pretty intimidated.

    3. Emma

      How on earth did that rose colored sewing machine find its way into your house?!? Just kidding. Everything looks great.

      • Marian Parsons

        Oh, I know! That’s the only color it came in! 🙂 It’s a great machine, but the color is not what I would pick. Maybe I need to paint it…

    4. Teresa

      Dowdy and old fashioned….Not at all! It looks so lovely and your decor and white wood work just blend in beautifully and makes the wall covering POP.

    5. Terri

      Absolutely adorable! You are so talented!

    6. Arli

      I think the crisp white paint, rather than an ivory or blue, help keep it from looking dowdy. In fact, it looks incredibly beautiful and fresh.

    7. Diane Orciuoli

      Love everything about this room. That cabinet is perfect for a sewing room!
      Can’t wait to see the final reveal.

    8. Sharon Rexroad

      the wooden needle cases!!!!!! (trust me to see the tiniest sewing details)

    9. Terry A.

      It looks fabulous!

      Have you shared the source of that mossy green fabric that is on the bolt? It looks like it could be exactly what I’ve been looking for.

      • Mary

        Beautiful! I, too, noticed the mossy green fabric…❤️

    10. Mildred

      The old medicine cabinet is perfect! I have one that was my grandfather’s. It has two open shelves, under the mirror, with the top shelf being a space to put a shaving mug and other shaving sundries.
      It has to be 60-70 years old.

      The toile looks great, up to date and fresh.

    11. Judeth

      The room looks great. Love the fabric. I have a little cabinet similar in size & shape hanging in my dining room holding all my little ironstone butter pats.

    12. Linda

      I just love this room. I understand that you had concerns that the toile may be too dowdy. I have been so drawn to toile over the past forty years, that I was afraid I was stuck in the past. However, during that forty years I have decorated five homes and toile has found it’s way in each home. I never tire of it. I guess the secret to it not looking dated is how you use it. I can tell you found that secret.

      • Karen

        Marian, it is beautiful! I love the cabinet. It fits beautifully in the room. You are so talented in all you do. I look forward everyday to your posts.

    13. Jo Ann

      It’s lovely. Saw post about rose machine, no problem, make a checked cover.
      Question: how much extra length do you usually add and how do you trim the top and the bottom?

    14. Bea

      It’s turning into a beautiful room! I’m enjoying your descriptions and photos so very much!

    15. MaryLisa

      Looks amazing! What a great space for sewing!

    16. Julia

      Is anyone else having problems with the link to the tutorial, or is it because I’m based in the UK?

    17. Heather Braun

      Where did you get your adorable smock? I love it!
      The room looks beautiful as well and I love the cabinet over the sewing machine.

    18. Peggy B Wilson

      Beautiful. Toile is my obsession and blue is my Kryptonite. I don’t believe it will ever be out dated. And the rose sewing machine to perfect.

    19. Kim

      I knew before I saw the photo of the open cabinet door what colors the thread would be?I would have fallen over if I had seen red! I’m a blue and green fan too.

    20. Maria Luisa

      Me too, Julia, and I’m in UK as well.
      I love toile and the room looks fantastic!

    21. Connie

      Just as lovely as it could be!

    22. Bex Hudson

      I LOVE that everything is cohesive with blues and neutrals! We just bought a house and I for the life of me could not figure out why I’ve been living in the doldrums of taupe and beige. We painted all the main walls downstairs a silvery gray and then I did a cerulean blue in the formal dining room, it makes a statement and is oh so elegant! Blue is my happy color and toile is, well toile! I have some toile I bought in Paris and am looking for just the right place to put it. Anyway, I would love to know if you have a pattern for that adorable apron I see you wearing!

    23. Mary S

      I too love Toile !!! Have it in several rooms and never tire of it. I have one thing to say and that is this:

      YOU are so AMAZING – and a force to be RECKONED WITH! I can’t wait every day to see what you have posted. This room is just so …. FABULOUS!!!

    24. Deb Bayne

      I love your wall treatment and the way the room has come together so beautifully but, I am obsessed with your apron. Where did you find it?

      • Marian Parsons

        The apron is from Linen Bee on Etsy. I’m not sure if it’s available for sale, yet, but it will be soon!

        • Deb Bayne

          I’ll start watching for it !

        • Pam Gaspard

          I am looking for a smock like that
          as well!!! Where can I find one?? Thanks!!! Just saw it was from linen Bee!

    25. Donna

      Is there a reason you used a fabric covering rather than wallpaper??

      • Marian Parsons

        It was much less expensive and it can be easily removed without damaging the walls.

    26. Manda

      This room is turning out beautiful! The medicine cabinet is so perfect with the sewing desk. I love how you think outside the box! ?

    27. Angela

      Love everything about this room. The fabric looks so amazing against the crisp white, the patina of that large wood cabinet is amazing, the bolts of fabric leaning against the wall and that charming little cabinet that you filled with thread…so beautiful.

    28. Toni

      Everything is beautiful! And I have been looking for a pattern for an apron just like yours. Did you make it?

    29. Rebecca F Miller

      It looks just gorgeous!

    30. Kimberly Carnegie Bruhn

      I’m wondering what you think about white mouldings/trim when you have a cream or ivory background on wallpaper and furniture? I really like how clean the white looks?

    31. Denise Wolfg

      The room looks lovely. You’ve inspired me to make plans for my powder room. One question- where do you get the bolts of fabric?

      • Julie | Home On The Hill

        Yes! Thankyou Denise.

        I have a powder room needing something extra on one wall, I even have the starch to hang fabric after reading Marian’s post on doing that some time ago, but hadn’t thought of doing a fabric wall in my powder room. Trickle down inspiration in action! 🙂

    32. Shirley Graham

      Love the cabinet – it looks just right!! Also the fabric on the walls. Looks so pretty with the white woodwork. !!!

    33. Jackie

      I would maybe try to make a thread holder that fits into the back of the cabinet – a piece of wood, a drill, some dowels cut into short lengths and you are all set! Then you still have the shelves for other things.

    34. Sabrina

      Marian, I love how you blog as you go instead of waiting for the full reveal. It’s what makes decorating alive. We see a need, get inspired, research, hunt and gather, jump in, doubt, make adjustments, amaze ourselves, and maybe even move on to something else. But, we can’t help smiling when we see it again. Thank you for sharing!

    35. Kathie B

      It’s coming along so nicely. I love the cabinet and the idea of a spool holder too and I also thought that some vintage tins or ironstone bowls could hold items in the cabinet. You could even replace the mirror with glass to see inside. When you said about painting your sewing machine I thought of the vintage machines beautifully painted with scrollwork. Enjoying seeing the progress.

    36. Lindy Powell

      I can’t add anything more than what the other ladies have commented ~ I’ve so enjoyed seeing the progress of your sewing room ~ So fresh, peaceful and inspiring ~ I would love to sew in this room ~ You’ve outdone yourself once again ~ thanks Marian

    37. Carole Prisk

      Coming together beautifully and glad you thought of the medicine cabinet. It is a perfect fit!

    38. Jackie

      I too want to say I appreciate the opportunity to watch your sewing room progress. It’s fun to feel like we are invited over for a visit and a chance to preview the room before it’s finished. I admire your energy and ability to get so much accomplished! Thank you for bringing us along.

    39. Gloria

      Love this room. My sewing room is in the basement with the washer and dryer. I try to make it cute but nothing like yours. I love the sewing machine (what is the brand) but I would suggest making a cute cover (maybe some grain sack) just to keep dust out. DO YOU even have dust? haha Thank you for sharing.

    40. Jennifer Anderson

      The medicine cabinet is perfect in there! The room is looking lovely!

    41. Sandra

      such calming, relaxing colors!

    42. Dee at the Carlton

      That is absolutely beautiful – the white sets off the toile perfectly. I love your sewing machine colour – it is such a pop of colour ….

    43. MBT

      Thank you for sharing it. The wall looks really lovely.

    44. Judy N.

      I am looking for a new sewing machine for mending and upholstery projects. Your projects make me want yo try more! What machine would you recommend?

      • Marian Parsons

        The machine in the post is a portable upholstery machine by Sailrite. It is awesome for upholstery, but I also have a machine that is for more basic stuff and it has more stitch options. That one is an inexpensive Singer that runs about $100-150 depending on sales.

    45. Ana

      What Toile is that ? I love it for my daughters room

    46. Shari

      Marian, I had great luck storing spools of thread on a peg spool organizer. If you type that into your search engine you will see all kinds of ideas, some just a click away to purchase. Mine was handmade by my uncle and took up most of a small wall next to a window. It was so nice. And, I love your pink sewing machine!

    47. Laura

      I know this is an old post but may I ask what the fabric you used is? I’ve been searching for a toile print to use in the dining room of our 1854 greek revival home and the pattern on that one is the prettiest I’ve seen by far.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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