slipcover series part 4 & reveal

by | Dec 12, 2015 | All Things Home, Before and Afters, Furniture Makeovers, Sewing, Tutorials | 13 comments

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Well, I finally finished the slipcover for my mom’s room makeover!  Slipcovers aren’t my favorite and catching every step on film slows my progress to a crawl, so it’s taken me much longer than usual to get this thing finished.  I gave myself a pep-talk and threw some air-punches in the studio and I made it happen.

If you’re overwhelmed by your slipcover project, just take it one step at a time and you’ll get it done.

And here is the finished slipcover…

The burgundy fabric is all still there, but it has a new slipcover in antique hemp sheets…

…with a flirty skirt…

…and ribbon ties on the back, as a little surprise…

I love how the ribbon looks like upholstery webbing.  I think I bought it at World Market, but I’m not 100% on that.

The slipcover makes this traditional wing chair feel a bit more relaxed and in keeping with the look we want.

In part one of this updated slipcover tutorial series, I covered how to make custom piping, in part two, I show how I cut my fabric pieces to get ready for pinning and sewing and, in part three, I showed how to pin the back and sides of the wings.

Now, we’re at part four, which is the longest and meatiest video in the series.  I was going to split this into two videos, but it seemed to work better as one.

In this tutorial, I share how I pin the wings, arms, seat (decking), front (apron) and piping that we’ll attached the skirt to in the next video.  It’s a lot, but I think these are some of the trickiest parts, so I didn’t want to gloss over them…

In the last video in the series, I’ll show how to make the skirt, attach the ribbon ties and make the cushion cover.

You can find part 5 HERE.

And, did you notice the pillow?  Kriste and I made a pair today and I absolutely love how they turned out.  They were really simple to make, so I’ll put together a tutorial when I made another one.

And, if you’d like to do some of your own sewing projects with antique textiles, I just listed some in the online shop.  Kriste and I had a fun time styling each one, just so you would have pretty pictures to enjoy while you’re shopping.

I also listed some white glass glitter (it looks amazing as “snow”) and “Happy New Years” banner kits

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    1. Debra


      If you’d offer those exact throw pillows for sale, I’d be first in line to place an order! Seriously.

    2. Alicia

      Marian-thank you so much for showing the up close pics of your slipcover! I needed to see those more than you know? You’ve done an outstanding job on the new videos(your enthusiasm is so catchy!) & I can’t wait for the final step. I love the throw pillow-will be checking back often for the tutorial. I’m also hoping we get another sneak peek at your mom’s room soon!

    3. Monique

      I could watch the videos on how to make the slipcover for my ugly green chair that belonged to my husband’s grandmother, but I would much rather that YOU made it for me and then I can love that chair properly!! 🙂 Pretty please?? hahaha

    4. Jess

      Would using one of your paints on the legs give it a more coastal vibe?
      At some point I may use your tutorial to cover two simple chairs- it’s getting started that is the difficult part. Happy Holidays

    5. Carla


      If you weren’t video and teaching how long would it take you to make this slipcover? Great tutorial.


      • marian

        Maybe around 8-10 hours, but I’ve never actually clocked myself! 🙂

    6. Diana

      Great tutorial. I love the calm and relaxed manner of how you instruct. Enjoyed the bloopers at the end. Very cute.

    7. the uncommon pearl

      This is so helpful. Thank you! I have been busy sewing piping for a chair pad among oodles of other sewing projects.

      It’s amazing the motivation that sets in when you know company is coming in two weeks!

      I was wondering if you have ever done a slipcover for a recliner…one that has legs and a similar look to this winged back chair, but the bottom piece kicks out…if that makes sense.

      I would love to cover the two chairs in my living room at some point in the future.

      Blessings to your weekend!

      • marian

        I haven’t, but you definitely could. It’s a little more complicated, but you would have to make the slipcover in pieces and probably use velcro to make it stay put in certain places. I’ve seen it done before, so it’s definitely doable.

    8. Melinda

      The videos are so helpful, Marian! I am encouraged by watching your calm, steady hands work on this task that seems overwhelming to me. I have a little sofa that I hope to transform with a slipcover, and the videos will make a huge difference in my work on that project.

    9. Lauren Baxter

      The slip cover looks great! You definitely would need a lot of patience for that 🙂

      Lauren Baxter | Lovely Décor

    10. Pat Walcott

      I have sofa bed that I have been planning to recover with hemp sheets. I just occurred to me is it even possible to slip cover a sofa with a pull to bed? Your thoughts, please.

    11. Denise. Gravel

      This is very beautiful. Great taste. Wish you were near me to make it for me as I have no talent in sowing. Yours truly, Denise


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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