the new horse

by | Jan 11, 2014 | Antiques, Favorite Finds, Living Room, My House | 78 comments

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The new horse actually arrived yesterday, but I was so busy listing things in my online shop that I didn’t even open the box.  That’s unusual for me, because most of the time the arrival of a box causes me to drop everything as I get distracted with new, fun things.  But it had to wait.  Jeff and I spent hours today packing up almost 40 orders that were placed yesterday.  We’re still figuring out a good system, but we learned a lot today.  I am going to switch to a different kind of online shop that will work much better for the kind of shopping frenzy that ensued yesterday after I posted a bunch of stuff.  I’m holding off on listing more until we get the technical stuff figured out in order to minimize frustration for shoppers.  I also am aware that my site has been down some over the last few days, so we’re upgrading to a different server and host soon.  Just hang in there as we sort it all out.  (It’s all your fault, you know!  And I mean that in the very best possible way.  Thanks for always overwhelming me.)

Anyway, back to the horse.  So, once we were done packing and I ate some lunch, I unpacked the box, which led to moving things around, of course!  I knew I wanted it in the living room in three possible places, so I scooted furniture and accessories around for a few minutes.

I moved the MMSMP Grain Sack dresser around, but I really like it under the window, so I put it back there and put the horse on top.

I moved the basket that was on the white dresser to the dining room table…

…and some of the ironstone to the bench/coffee table.

I also added some more pillows to the sofa…

…and brought the dress form in from my bedroom.  It is fitting there, but she’s shoved in a corner with an exercise ball at her feet.  She’s much better here.

And you may have noticed I swapped out the chairs as well.  I know.  It’s never ending.  My parents should have seen this coming when I neglected the dolls and chose to play with the furniture in my dollhouse instead.  I also sketched house plans on graph paper when I was a teenager, but that’s another story.

A few rooms in the house are just in flux right now, but things will settle.  It’s almost there.

The chair on the left is painted in Shutter Gray and the chair on the right still needs to be painted.  And I’m about 95% sure I’m going to paint the horse.  It’s the right shape, but I want it to look older, chippy and worn.  I’m looking forward to playing with some finishes on it.

This week was mostly about getting back in the groove and I’m hoping to get back into some painting, projects, videos, tutorials and photo shoots next week.  I’m also meeting someone who has a bunch of ironstone to sell to me…  We’d better get that online shop up and running quickly!

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    1. Tara

      Yes and I will have to just keep my facebook page up and be ready to buy!!!!

    2. Tina

      You just have a bigger dollhouse with larger furniture now to play with! Lol those years of dollhouse rearranging really paid off you really have a great eye for placement! I have some friends who haven’t rearranged in years, I just don’t know how they can stand it ! I rearrange something at least once a week, I love how different a room can feel with just a few changes.

    3. Peggy

      Oh Marian,

      The horse is spectacular! I had to laugh as our house is in a bit of an uproar right now. First I got rid of my husband’s recliner, then I bought a replacement which I just did not like, so I sold it. (our 14 year old was completely and totally indignant about selling Chris’ recliner… it was the only chair he can remember his dad sitting in. Yep it was that old! Add to the fact that is was very inexpensive when we purchased it, I would have to say it had served us well!) Then I got rid of our sofa because of the whole peeling leather issues. We are in the process of having new carpet installed, I’m changing artwork, painting furniture, rearranging, selling, etc. The poor boy! I used to change things around a lot when he was tiny but he doesn’t remember that. Instead of moving it breathes new life in a house!

      Your room is going to look spectacular once its done!!

      • Sharon Rexroad's Bringing Creativity to Life

        Peggy — in the future, if there is an inexpensive yet sentimental item like the recliner, can you save the fabric from it before you get rid of it and turn that into a pillow for your son? I know it’s too late for the recliner, but I’ve turned my late father’s Christmas vest into a pillow and it means so much to me.

    4. Michelle

      i had to laugh, I’m the same way. I move one thing and then I have to move something else. Your husband must be a very patient man. Mine is except when I decide I need to paint a room. Then he’s not so patient and tells me I’m on my own. I’m getting ready to redo our kitchen. I promised it would only be the wall color that I would change but I have a feeling other things will be changed in the process.
      I was the same way as a child. I loved rearranging my doll house, my bedroom, friends rooms….my mom had an Ethan Allen catalog that had graph paper and little models of furniture. I would spend hours arranging the furniture.
      Can’t wait to see how you paint the horse. Love how the room is coming together.

    5. Teresa

      I have been rearranging furniture this week as well. My husband purchased a new piano and we had to make room. One thing leads to another – four pieces of furniture had to be moved around – two pieces had to find a new room to live in. I still have a few misplaced chairs. That is part of the fun though – it’s always an adventure and you never know exactly where you’ll end up. I thought I knew where the piano was going to go, but a five minute walk around my house, thinking out loud, totally changed the location. Sometimes you have to let the house speak to you and tell you where things belong. I used to draw house plans too! And, when we cut paper dolls out of catalogs, we always had to furnish their house from the home goods section of the catalog. Also, growing up , I used to rearrange my bedroom – by myself and then call my mom to come see. Some things are just in your blood. 🙂

    6. kimberly kuehneman

      I LOVE everything you did. It looks great. Question though…what did you use on the chair at the top of your blog? I think it’s french enamel, but I don’t know what’s under it?

    7. Yuko @ northfield gate

      I love your new horse! Are you going to give it a wash of paint for an antiquing effect or leave it as is?

    8. Vicki Daugherty

      I like your horse but please, please, fix your online shop. It was so frustrating yesterday when it crashed. I realize you would not have done that on purpose to save your life, but it’s terribly unfair to those of us who wanted to purchase something and never even got to look! There MUST be a better way! So delighted for all your growth and opportunities and for keeping your faith first and foremost. Hugs, Vicki in Louisville KY.

    9. Paola Norman

      I love your new horse, its beautiful…wow your going to paint it? Your so brave and have such vision. It’s looking really good in there. I’m interesting in seeing if your going to add more pillows to your new leather sofa. I have a dark brownish/burgundy one and I’ve been looking on ideas on how to make it look lighter/fresher?
      It must to rewarding to do what you do.

    10. Anne Boykin

      Dear MMS, I’m so glad you’re going to paint the horse to give it your signature look. I can’t wait to see it! Love the changes. Hugs, Anne Boykin

    11. Christy

      I really like the color of the horse it compliments the mirror and dining table. maybe you can age it with a light gray wash but leave it the same wood tone. I am sure whatever you do will be lovely! I think we need to start a sorority of ladies who are perpetual rearrangers of their homes

    12. Ann

      Marian–I aways enjoy your blog. I would like to ask if you have any special tips/techniques in painting cane furniture? I have a sofa and two cane chairs I want to paint for re-sale but don’t want to mess them up!

    13. Missy yanchuck

      Love the dressform! I have been looking for one for so long, and would love yours if you ever consider selling it… I live in Lancaster, so I would love the day trip to Gettysburg! Keep up the great progress, and I am sure you will get the online shop back up and running smoothly.

    14. bev

      I do the same thing and I’m in the midst of it now. One change has brought on a chain reaction that is affecting almost every room in my house. I discovered online garage sales as a great way to get rid of the things that no longer have a place in my home.

      Where is your new sofa? I thought it was replacing the one I see in the pictures today?

    15. Jennifer

      I have a question about your boxwood wreathe hanging on your mirror. I bought one yesterday from Tuesday Mornings and I love it but I’m afraid it will turn brown soon. How long have yours lasted? How long do yours usually last?


    16. Jill Hilbrich

      I love how your living room is coming together! The mirror was a good switch! And, being a girlnwho grewnup with horses, I was sad when you said you were gettingbridnof the rocking horse, but I love the new guy! Can’t wait to see how he turns out!

    17. Helen

      Good Morning,
      Love the new horse! Looks very nice on the dresser!!
      I bought the porter cable upholstery stapler and was wondering what brand name of staples and the size used to do your upholstery projects? I really don’t want to buy a box of 10,000 Crown staples but will if I need to and I was thinking 3/8″ would be long enough. I plan to upholster my dining room chairs soon. Thank you for your time. Sincerely Helen

      • Becky

        I have the same stapler as well. When I took upholstery classes, my teacher recommended the 3/8″ 22 guage staples, so it’s what I’ve been using ever since. I have the box of 10,000. 🙂

    18. Teresa

      Love the new horse! He looks so regal sitting on that dresser in the dining room. He is definitely the new man of the house! I thought about you yesterday as we came through Gettysburg on our way back home to VA. We went to the Longwood Gardens Christmas which runs until the 12th. It was so beautiful. From there we drove over to Lancaster and spend the night. I found some good deals at the PB outlet in Lancaster as well as the Home Goods so it was a great trip all around.

    19. Dru

      For listing/selling items, we use square. Processes credit cards from a smartphone, takes listings on line in a snap, easy add photo, description, freight costs. A transaction fee but no additional monthly fees. Easy and fast to upload and remove items.

    20. Kim

      I like the last chairs better. You must show off those beautiful backs.

      • Miss Mustard Seed

        Those moved to the home office and my master bedroom, so you can still see the backs and the wood frames work better in those rooms. They felt a little out of place once I started working on it.

    21. colleen

      personally i prefer the new horse to the old one, he just has a better look . but maybe he needs a saddle ha ha. probably made out of grain sack material 😉 I wouldn’t paint him but you have a much better eye than me!

    22. Michelle Clark

      What’s going on with the new leather sofa, and how much did it cost? Thanks!!

    23. julie

      Ahhh, glad to hear you are going to be painting the horse. Because I looked at it and thought, “okay, it’s nice…but doesn’t it bother her that 100’s or 1000’s of other people could have the same exact horse in their house?!” But if you paint it you are then making it your own. (I still think I liked the other one a bit more, just because I love the stories that old pieces carry with them, but am looking forward to seeing what you do to this one!)

    24. Kristi

      The rocking horse is lovely! I love the style. And the old/new couch is to die for!!! The added pillows are great. I too played with the doll house furniture more intently than the actual dolls when I was little. In fact, my boys play at a great toy library here in Pittsburgh and on a rare occasion my oldest will sit down at the oversized doll house. I love to sit with him and arrange the furniture. I can’t handle it when it’s an explosion I simply must arrange it !

    25. Casey Devine

      I was so relieved to read that you are going to paint the horse. It just didn’t look like “you” at all and I wondered how long it would be before you attacked it with your paints and sandpaper. It sticks out like a sore thumb….so new looking, but I know you’ll fix that and it will be perfectly imperfect!!

    26. Lin

      Love the horse! I think this time of year we all get in that mood to rearrange and clean.

    27. Jessica @ Dear Emmeline

      aww! He’s so cute! I think he’ll look good painted too!

    28. Barb

      boo hoo, I must have tried at all the times the site was down :>( and missed the sale! Oh well I’m sure I didn’t HAVE to have anything but that never stops me!Looking good in there!

    29. Gloria @ glutenfreepoodlehome

      I bring one little thing home from the antique mall and have to move 40 things to get it in the right spot. Oh well, it’s a fun way to get the dusting done!

    30. Linda Leyble

      Looking good Marian…love the new horse! I have eerily similar chairs that I painted and antiqued and re-upholstered (the seats). One is just slightly different than the other – but they work well. One I got from Ethan Allen a million years ago (and my dog chewed a little bit of it’s leg – but painting and antiquing made it “go away!” The other chair (which looks pretty much the same as yours), I bought at an estate sale for $35. I am still Facebook friends with the daughter of the owners of the estate. If my husband had not been with me – I would have bought a whole lot more from this lovely home. The deceased owner was an antiques dealer/interior designer. Oh well…learned my lesson. He stays home now when I shop!


    31. Becky

      I like this rearrangement best of all. And I love, love, love the horse how it is, but it’s not what I love that matters for your house. 🙂

    32. Jill

      It’s a very French look now, and the mirror is lovely with it. Painting the other chair gray will help to make it seem more substantial.

    33. Elaine

      Please don’t paint the horse. It is so beautiful as it is! I don’t think the detail on the horse would stand out as well painted. Just my opinion. Love the set up of the room.

    34. Kathleen

      I love the idea of you painting the horse. It needs a white or gray look to make it fit into your decor.
      I am still looking for boxwood wreaths which you show , but are nit available on your website,
      Will you please get some more soon !
      Thank you for sharing your great ideas!

    35. Joy Schumann

      Miss Marian: I thought I’d die when I saw “the horse!” Can you share where you got it??? I have been looking for just that same horse for YEARS! I read you every day and love your talent…wish I had a teeny part of that. My favorite blog, for sure!
      I just moved across the country and am having a ball trying new arrangements and accessorizing. All boxes aren’t open yet so it is rather frustrating.
      I hope you share or you can email me…that is a new email for me so I hope it works.
      Thank you forever!

      • beverly schneider

        Hi – I think she wrote in an earlier blog that she got the horse at Restoration Hardware!

    36. Kathy Fleming

      Hi Marian, in anticipation of you posting some ironstone in your shop in the future, I would like to request that you please write a post about ironstone, ie what it is, where it is made, how old it is, whether dishes have to be made by a certain company to be called ironstone, and whether it can still be used for direct contact with food despite the typical crazing on the surface. I know there must be more to ironstone than just “vintage looking white dishes!” I really enjoy your blog and am also a fan of your book. All the best , Kathy

    37. Jelena

      Yes, you are right about your online shop, Marian. 🙂
      I tried getting there yesterday, but the page was not loading, and when it finally loaded, there was nothing in there except a couple of items marked as “out of stock.”

    38. kathryn

      leaning more toward Gustavian! Love it so much

    39. Sherry

      I didn’t know about the sale as I found out your Facebook posts are not showing up in my news feed. I don’t know why. Anyway, how do you dust your boxwoods? I have several and they are dusty and sorta turning brown. What do I need to do? I love your blog and look forward to it everyday! You are an inspiration.

      • Sharon Rexroad's Bringing Creativity to Life

        On FB, go to Miss Mustard Seed page, and then hover on the Like button. When options open up, click on Get Notifications and click on Add to Interest Lists…

        Both of these increase the likelihood that FB will decide to show you her posts.

      • Shelly

        With the preserved boxwood you are supposed to mist it with water once a month. Do not display in an area near a heat vent, or directly in the sun. I hope this helps. 🙂

    40. Heather

      Marion, did I miss the post on your new blue bench/coffee table? I love it and it fits in your room perfectly (for now, I know you will be moving it soon). And where was your new couch, I’m getting very turned around in your newly revamped rooms – you continue to inspire me, thanks.

    41. Sandra

      I’m sorry….I liked the old horse better…..maybe when you paint it…Oh, well, you love it…..

    42. Kim

      Can’t wait to see what you do with the horse!

    43. L. Thompson

      I would also like knowing more about ironstone. I had never heard of it until it was talked about by Miss Mustard Seed. I do about milk glass and have some of this from the 60s

    44. Lynn Dumouchel

      Love the horse and coutch everything looks so great keep inspireing us!

    45. Terry

      Love the new horse, but you didn’t say where you purchased it from. And please turn it around so we don’t see the back of the horse first!

    46. Winnie

      Wow! That’s a very elegant horse – mind sharing your source? I’d appreciate it – he’s a beauty!!

    47. Marlene

      Perfect. I would agree, paint the horse!

    48. Mary Ann Mendell

      I’m so patiently waiting for your updated shop. Can’t wait to see the Ironstone you will be posting . I need some new peices for my collection . Your new Horse is so charming . I’m a bit peanut & jelly !!! Lol

    49. Jan

      You know all us horse people are dying a slow death here… with envy!

    50. sharon

      The other horse had soooooo much more character. on this new one.

    51. gloria wyssbrod

      Love the new look that is taking place in your home I love to read your blog each day. But I was to late to buy from your shop would love to have a chance at it, but I guess I have to be super fast. Ha Maybe I will get lucky soon.

    52. Ginger

      Wow, I am loving the room – I gotta say, about the two chairs, the shutter grey looks amazing! It really ties in with the room. Lookin good.

    53. Harriett

      I am sure that the horse will turn out fabulously. I guess it could become a dapple grey, but I am often partial to the wood you cover up, a chestnut mare?

    54. April

      As always I love your room and the ideas it inspires for my own home! Once you have the horse painted and back in the room, wouldn’t it look better with it turned around? The tail and head switched? Good luck with all the new ventures this year!

      • Miss Mustard Seed

        LOL…someone else mentioned that and I noticed it in the pictures. Now, why did I put her rear facing out?! I turned her around now. Much better. 🙂

    55. Gina

      Oh I totally drew out home plans on graph paper too and sketched out room designs on my sketchbok paper. That was fun for me!

    56. sandi m

      The pillows on the sofa, ironstone on the bench (maybe add some books?), the new/old chairs and THAT horse – what a difference a day makes!!! Looks great….

    57. Sarah Lahrman

      Love it all and can’t wait for a chance to buy from your shop…the ironstone is calling my name! 🙂

    58. Sarah Lahrman

      Wait a minute! Are you going to have a game challenge of naming your new horse? 🙂

    59. Ginger Marshall

      Ya know, if you paint it, he/she will be a horse of a different color! (reference to the Wizard of Oz!) Therefore, I would name it Dorothy or Toto. 🙂

    60. Sandy Henderson

      Hummm- I would have to live with the horse (which is beautiful) as is for a bit. Seems to add a nice warm contrast to your painted pieces. I love the “ring and the yang” of distressed vs sleek”. Makes your painted pieces even more important! Of course whatever you do it will look terrific!!! Love the new look of your living room. do you make house visits 🙂 it is a bit warmer here in SC!

    61. Marianne Davies

      The room looks great. ! I love the horse.

    62. Linda Smith

      Don’t paint the horse, just his bridle. The contrast of the dark wood against all of the white in his current home is necessary.

    63. Debbie

      I love, love, love the horse!! Where can I get one? Love it 🙂

    64. Jane

      Just a thought. But would the chairs look better painted a color that brings out the color of the rug? It would be less matchy matchy and look more accumulated over time? The room is lovely!!

    65. Lisa G

      I can so relate to this statement “I also sketched house plans on graph paper when I was a teenager, but that’s another story.” I was obsessed with finding large graph paper and drawing floor plans. With my meager allowance, I bought a couple of furniture/household template.

      Love the horse and your blog!

    66. Patti! But where is the new sofa? I’m confused!

    67. poussière d'Argence

      Good day,
      excuse moi je ne parle pas anglais.
      J’aime beaucoup tes décorations toutes douces.
      Je me suis abonnée à ta newsletter et je t’inscris sur mes liens.

    68. kate

      what happened to that really old horst you vascilated so long over buying??

    69. Erin

      I sketched house plans on graph paper when I was young too!! :0)


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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