Ultimate Scallop Wicker Tray

by | May 29, 2024 | All Things Home, Decorating, Kitchen, My House, spring, summer | 24 comments

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Last week, I decided to play around a bit inside the house.  I’ve been spending a lot of time outside pulling weeds, hauling mulch, and planting and I haven’t been paying much attention to the interior.  Dust bunnies may have been involved.  Okay, they were.  They were involved.  But, I took a few hours to take care of the dust bunnies and things that needed to be addressed but I have learned that chores often lead to creative play.  In addition to running the vacuum, tidying up, and wiping down surfaces, I started fluffing, styling, and moving things around.  I had a few new goodies I purchased at Lucketts to play around with and I had a few photo shoots I needed to work on for clients, so it was a good time to make some small changes.

One of the fun bits of styling I did was relocate this amazing wicker basket tray I bought from Heather Strommen a few months ago.  I have admired Heather’s woven trays in her home for years and I finally decided to splurge on one.  You can find one style of basket HERE, but she has carried other styles in the past.  The thing I love about nice trays and baskets is they are so versatile and they can corral smaller items to minimize the clutter.  I’ve been using it on our ottoman and then the side table in the living room, but I moved it to the kitchen counter to hold some of my plants under the large window that gets great morning sun…

I also like that I can lift up and move the basket to clean the countertop easily.  I put rubber feet under the corners of the basket to lift it up so the basket doesn’t sit in water that may splash from the faucet.

I put a couple of myrtle topiaries in it that I purchased at Lucketts along with some ironstone, a small potted sedum, and a copper mister.

I absolutely fell in love with the tight weave on this basket and the scalloped detail on the top.  It’s even better in person.

Sometimes it’s hard to splurge on a piece, especially something like a basket, but I’ve learned over the years that some of my favorite pieces are the ones I save for and splurge on.  Of course, it’s even better if you get the piece on sale or at a crazy low price, but sometimes that doesn’t happen.

I did get the myrtle topiaries on sale, though, and they came in these terracotta pots.  I put a piece of ironstone under each one to hold an overflow of water.  So many people told me the secret to taking care of myrtle topiaries is to not let them dry out.  They like to be moist and need watering daily or every other day.  I also bought some 20-20-20 fertilizer to use on them each week.  I’ve always lost myrtle topiaries in the past, but I am determined to learn how to take care of these because I love the way they look!

To balance out the basket of plants on the left side of the sink, I added a lemon cypress topiary in a vintage terracotta pot and I’m enjoying my little kitchen window garden.  I probably should move these outside sometime, though, so they can get some sunshine and fresh air.

Sometimes decorating projects are big room makeovers that involve paint, furniture projects, and sewing.  Other times, it’s just making one little change that ushers a room into a new season or gives it a fresh look.

edwardian inspired kitchen | miss mustard seed

If you missed it, you can read all about our 1970 kitchen renovation HERE.

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    1. beverlee

      Beautiful room. That basket!!

      • Marianne Ingersoll


        • Marian Parsons

          That is the current one with glass. When she restocks the ones without glass, those are less, but they are a still a splurge as I said.

    2. Kim

      You need to check out the master of topiaries, Ken Selody, and his Atlock Farm garden center! He’s in New Jersey, perhaps not too far of a drive for you to go.

      I would also highly recommend the book The Potted Herb by Abbie Zabar, which will teach you all you need to know how to make your own topiaries! It is a beautiful book and a wonderful book from the ’80s.

      I created many topiaries from a variety of different plants over the decades thanks to those two!

      • Marian Parsons

        Oh, thank you so much! I actually had that book at one point and got rid of it in a purge (probably about 15 years ago!) I’ll have to check it out again.

      • Paulette sukuskas

        Paulette sukuskasp

    3. Kim P

      They are doing so well there ,right by the wi down and the sink. If my plants aren’t by the sink, they don’t make it, I forget to water them!

    4. Pam

      Absolutely love the basket and oh the topiaries. It all looks clean and refreshed!

    5. DWF

      Not sure if you are using a new font or what, but this entry looks really off. Just a heads up.

      • Marian Parsons

        Yes, we have made a change to the font to make it larger for accessibility, but it looks a little wonky now! We’re going to get it fixed in the next couple of weeks.

    6. Andrea

      Wonderfully satisfying to have all the hard work done! Now you can enjoy your delightful, custom kitchen every day from top to bottom.

    7. Leila

      Be careful of the lemon cypress. They dry out and die real quick.

      • Marian Parsons

        Yes, I have learned that in the past! I had one that was completely crispy like an old Christmas tree. 😂

    8. Michele M.

      I love fresh real topiaries and hope these last for you. They sure brighten up your beautiful kitchen!
      Funny because I was having trouble with a little indoor tree of mine and read up on it’s keep and I was keeping it too moist. It likes to be completely dried out between fully soaking/watering. Life never cease to amaze me with all it’s differences. Then there’s the ever weird orchids……..one I received as a house warming present 23 years ago that I thought needed to be repotted……and I didn’t know until it died that I suffocated it putting it in rich damp soil and put all those roots in the dirt. To this day I feel awful. I don’t lose plants. I inherited my mother’s green thumb. But I killed that one with kindness, or at least I thought it was kindness at the time.

      Good luck. They look so nice in that awesome basket.

    9. MYA

      Seriously…$245 for a basket??

      • Marian Parsons

        I appreciate that it’s a lot more expensive than the average basket, but this is a piece that is so well made and it is sold in a small shop. It’s hard to find products at a price-point that is also manufactured in a way that everyone who reads my blog is happy with. When I partner with a large chain known for budget-friendly products, some people think the products are cheap or they don’t like that the bulk of manufacturing is done in China. When I partner with a small shop that sells handmade items or fine antiques, the prices are too high. For me, I would spend $15-20 on most antique baskets that I find at antique stores and thrift shops and maybe more if they are really special. $245 is a splurge on a basket, but it’s the kind of piece you think about, save for, and buy when/if you feel it’s worth the splurge. In the case of this basket, it is for me but it won’t be for everyone. And that’s okay. 🙂 We can all appreciate beautiful things, shop-owners with great taste, finding cool stuff for a bargain, artists who make one of a kind pieces, and all of the good things out there in the world.


      Marian, I love that wicker basket! It’s beautiful! I would love to have one but, at the moment, our Canadian dollar is absolutely horrible — one US dollar is $1.42 Canadian. So, if and when our dollar improves, I will order this gorgeous wicker basket! You enjoy yours! It looks so pretty sitting on your counter with the topiaries.

    11. Deanna

      I love the basket. I totally understand saving up for a splurge item that is so versatile and well made. One thing…elevate the copper watering can on an inverted bowl or something. It sounds like a beautiful piece to have on display. Just my opinion….lol

    12. Sharon LAWHORNE

      Where do you order topiaries from?

    13. Monica

      Your basket is lovely, but that is more than a splurge for me! I’m going to look for a pretty basket at yard sales this summer and use a clear acrylic cutting board inside.

    14. Lisa E.

      Love your gorgeous kitchen and its evolution too. Not sure though why the two pretty myrtle topiary are not sitting at the same height?

    15. Teri L Offield

      Boy, can I understand, some things I want so bad, I will pay the price and save for it. I currently am saving for one of those floor lamps with all the feathers coming out of it. I have to have it so if it’s important to you, then save for it and get it. Life is too short.

    16. Kim H.

      Hi Marian, came across your blog when I searched the cabinets I chose for my kitchen renovation – Waypoint Vanilla cabinets. Absolutely LOVE your blog and kitchen. Can you please share with me the paint you used on your walls in your kitchen? I’m struggling to find the right white to compliment the cabinets.

      • Marian Parsons

        Thank you! I used Pure White by Sherwin Williams.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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