weekend art studio shuffle | organizing

by | Feb 14, 2022 | Uncategorized | 31 comments

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A few people have suggested it for the past few months, but I have resisted moving my knitting/embroidery crochet stuff out of the studio.  I like to have all of my creative things together and handy!  But, my recent book-buying-bender forced the issue.  After sitting in the studio for a while, staring at a stack of books without a home and then at all of the yarn taking up shelf space, I knew it had to be done.  It was time to do some organizing in the art studio and give myself just a little bit more room for my library and supplies.

Now, Jeff told me an easy solution to this “problem,” would be to not buy any more books and supplies, but as I opened my packages from Thriftbooks and Blick shortly after he said that, I ignored that absurd, ill-informed, and completely impractical suggestion.  I mean…honestly, Jeff. I thought you knew me.

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

Okay, of course, he does have a point, but I’d rather do some art studio organizing than acknowledge that.

art studio organizing | books on impressionism | miss mustard seed

And, the truth is, it’s not that we don’t have room.  We have lots of empty cabinets, drawers, and storage space throughout the house, but I want all of my art books together in the studio.  So, it’s more a problem of my own making.  Not only do I buy the books and supplies, but then I want to keep them all in a room that seemed plenty big five years ago, but it’s starting to be a little snug.  Sometime in the not-too-distant future, I’m going to have to rethink some lesser-used rooms in the house.

And, in case you were wondering, I’m fully aware that my collector nature and my tidiness nature are often at war with one another.

For a while, though a little smart organizing will keep the art studio good to go and neither nature needs to surrender.  So, I scooped all of the yarn off the shelves, which thoroughly entertained the cats.

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

I was sort of surprised how much I was able to fit on those shelves and I was doubtful that it would create enough room for all of the books.

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

All of the yarn, needles, zipper pouches, etc. will get moved into the sewing room and I’ll work on that this week.

I reorganized my largest section of shelving above the hardware cabinet, the books in the rolling cart, and the built-in shelf under the window and I was able to fit all of the books with room to spare.  I even moved many of the supplies that sit out on my work table to the shelf so I have more surface room to work.

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

Of course, I would’ve designed the shelves differently, so they could accommodate more books vertically!  While stacks of books aren’t ideal, it works.  And, I sort of love having all of those books right next to my work table.

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

I decided to assign general books on impressionism to this shelf as well as a few stragglers that aren’t a part of an obvious group.  The rolling cart and shelves house individual artists and instruction/reference books.  I mean…Monet, Degas, and Pissarro take up an entire shelf together!  Sargent is pretty greedy when it comes to shelf space, too.

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

I’m still playing around with the configuration of the books and supplies, but I’ve learned I just need to put things in place and then start working.  I’ll know if something is working or needs to be adjusted.

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

I’m using a basket to contain a jumble of supplies and make it easy to move them around where I need them.  It also prevents the cats from knocking everything over when they tiptoe along the windowsill.

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

You can find a complete list of my art books HERE.

art studio organizing | miss mustard seed

Once I was done with organizing, I was inspired to use the art studio for its intended purpose…creating art.  I played around with some mini oil landscapes, painting with a painting knife, sketching with a brush pen, using watercolor on entirely the wrong kind of sketchbook paper, line drawings, scribbled compositions, and a tonal bird sketch on linen.  It was one of those magical creative sessions when my hands couldn’t keep up with everything I wanted to do.

oil and watercolor painting | creative play | miss mustard seed

landscape line study | creative play | miss mustard seed

brush pen and composition studies | watercolor | creative play | miss mustard seed

I had such a wonderful time and look forward to more creative play.

graphite sketch and watercolor painting | creative play | miss mustard seed

oil on linen tonal bird painting | miss mustard seed
watercolor sketchbook studies | creative play | miss mustard seed

Now that the art studio is organized (mostly), it’s time to give some attention to the sewing room

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    1. Carswell

      I have long wondered how you managed to store your yarn on an open shelf like that without it attracting the attention of curious kitties. LOL

      • Marian Parsons

        You know, they messed with it a little bit when I first put the yarn in the shelf, but they have left it alone since. They are only interested when I’m messing with the yarn!

    2. Carol

      Marian, do you actually read all your books from beginning to end?
      I love collecting flower books, not how to plant and care for flowers but the kind of books that show you a beautiful bunch of flowers in the basket of a vintage bicycle standing outside a French cafe type book. I flip through them occasionally but mostly I just like knowing I have them on a bookshelf and I can see the beautiful covers as I walk in and out of the room. They warm my heart and make me happy!

      • Marian Parsons

        That is a great question and the answer is it depends on the book! If I buy a book for the text, like books on business, novels, etc., then I’ll read them (or listen to them on audiobook) from cover to cover. If it’s a book on art or decorating, I’m more likely to look through it for inspiration and read parts when I’m studying a specific artist, style, or if there is something I’m particularly interested in. I also tend to read more text in instruction books than the books on individual artists, exhibitions, or styles, but again, it depends! I set aside time almost every day to read and all of those pockets of time do add up.

        • Suzi

          Love the bird sketch.

    3. Deborah Raney

      I really love the change and can’t wait to see the yarns in their new home. To me, this makes more sense, even though I understand having tools and materials from several creative outlets in the same room as inspiration. Still, since you have the sewing room, that makes more sense to me…and I bet it looks just as beautiful in there. Always inspiring!

    4. Rhonda

      Could you please show a picture of the cart and how it looks after your reorg?

    5. Molly Allen

      This looks wonderful! I recently discovered your blog and ended up ordering your book, which I LOVE! Thanks for taking the time to share what your creative spaces look like and how they function, that’s one of my favorite things to learn about other creative people.

    6. Rita

      You have beautiful workspaces and it is inspiring to see all your different creative outlets. I have put myself on a craft/fabric buying hiatus until I weed through what I have and get rid of what I know I won’t use. I have two 24-drawer brochure cabinets that I’m reorganizing. Hopefully they will hold what I want to keep. It’s hard to let go. But I have enjoyed revisiting some things I’ve forgotten about.

    7. Addie

      I think this was a great move. I can understand wanting to see it all at once but a good divide works.
      I think it is better for the yarn not to be exposed to the paint, cleaners, fumes, paper dust and sunshine in that room. I have often wondered about the plentiful sunshine you have in that room effecting the yarn.
      You could leave ONE rolled up ball of yarn that just happens to sit on one shelf!!!
      AND as for Jeff……”Come on man!!! You’ve been married long enough, to know better!!!” HA!!!

    8. Irene Kelly

      Well Marian looks like you don’t have too much more room on that bookcase for more books ! HaHa. Now patiently waiting for you to show us where to will keep your yarn ! You give me inspiration everytime I read your blog so please keep up the good work.

    9. Judy Karlson

      ‘A place for everything and everything in it’s place.’ You have demonstrated this mantra beautifully!

    10. Cheri

      Hahaha ?. Jeff and Kirk so alike in their comments!
      Great decision moving yarns to seeing room!

    11. Karen K from Buffalo

      I love your Bird painting today! Please do more.

    12. Mary S

      I laughed out loud when I read Jeff’s comments about that room. He could have a second job as a stand up comedian… 🙂

      I love it when I’ve done a little rearranging. Gives me a sense of freedom. The room looks great.

      And like another reader, I really loved the bird painting you did.

    13. Tracy

      That bird painting tho, I love it!

    14. Gwen Goodin

      I imagine you have business books in your office and sewing books in your sewing room. Having your art books in your studio makes perfect sense. I hope there is space for your yarns, needles, etc. in the sewing room.

      • Marian Parsons

        Yes, exactly! My business, design, and decorating books are in my office, sewing & embroidery books in the sewing room, and art books (mostly) in the studio.

    15. Jenn Anderson

      I love the little bird sketches and painting!

    16. jeanne carmack

      I have never met an artistic person that has had the same challenge that you and I do. I believe I inherited it from my dad (who is an artist) but I have multiple rooms of art supplies and I need to have them organized….and preferably in white containers. It’s an interesting combination ( of art and organization) . I also have never met someone who covers more craft categories and that has the same interests and style….. I am half Norwegian. Your mittens sent you over the top. Wish we were neighbors….thank you for all the inspiration!

      • Marian Parsons

        Oh, I wish we were neighbors, too. That would be fun. 🙂 It sounds like we have a lot in common. We could help each other get organized and then shop each other’s piles of things to get rid of. We could certainly enable each other!

    17. Arlene

      Love your bird painting!

    18. PJ

      Baskets, books, and wooden boxes fill my shelves so I was delighted to see how you have arranged yours. I will miss that beautiful display of yarn, but look forward to seeing where it lives next.

      • Marian Parsons

        Yes, I miss the yarn, too. It was just so pretty to look at and enjoy!

    19. Kay

      Love your bird painting!

    20. Jo

      Have you thought about adding on a room. A library maybe?

      • Marian Parsons

        We have more than enough space in this house, so we definitely don’t need an addition, but I am thinking about turning a room we don’t use very often into a library. 🙂

        • Jo

          That is a great idea!!!

    21. Leslie Polatty

      Love how you organize. Keep sharing and offering ideas for us. ? Thank you

      • CeCe

        My book buddy! Books will always be my medicine. The picture of your books next to your desk made me feel like someone wrapped me in a warm blanket and gave me a cup of chamomile tea on a snowy day… (The blanket is hand knitted, of course)

    22. Travel

      1 star
      What a material of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precious knowledge concerning unexpected emotions.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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