What I did & learned over my break…

by | Jan 16, 2024 | a slice of life, Balance | 28 comments

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I’m ba-ack!  The funny thing is that the boys had a snow day today, so everyone is home when I’m trying to buckle down and get back to work!  While I’m enjoying the snow, it’s hard not to get pulled into the snow day spirit and take just one more day off, but it’s time to hop back in.  I have to say, I feel a little bit like a kid having to return to school after a long break.  I feel slightly reluctant, and a little rusty, but I also know breaks are sweeter when sandwiched between good work.

So, what did I do over the break?  The first week was spent celebrating Christmas followed by days that were completely free of obligation (short of feeding the animals and taking Sebastian on walks.)  We ate leftovers and spent all day in our jammies.  I worked on a puzzle, read books, and occasionally just got back in bed and watched a movie.  It’s so rare for me to be completely unproductive and it felt nice to be a loaf for a little while.

knitted selbu norwegian mittens | miss mustard seed

Once New Year’s Day rolled around, I felt like I needed to pin myself down and start focused brainstorming and planning sessions for the new year.  It was time to be hyper-productive and intensely driven towards getting my calendar filled and my way set.  But, I found myself dragging my feet, and having slow mornings that led to slow afternoons and slow evenings.  I talked to Jeff about my lack of motivation and he suggested that what I planned might not be what I needed.  Maybe I needed more rest, more space, more permission to truly step away from work, more days without an agenda, and more time to fill my energy reserves.  And, he was right.  I am not someone who struggles to get things done.  Work is my default.  I struggle to stop and rest.  So, my stay-treat turned into more of a stay-cation.

christmas tree through doorway | miss mustard seed

Even though I let myself off the hook for being intentional and productive during my time off, I did get a lot accomplished.  I made a huge dent in getting the basement organized and cleaned up. It was a mess after the construction of moving the staircase during the kitchen renovation and many things were still where we put them “for now” right when we moved in.  My mom and I worked together to create a gallery wall in our long stretch of hallway.  I started cleaning out my closet and wardrobe and purchased a few clothes that will be good to wear for morning walks in the winter (warmer leggings, a white coat that will make it easier for drivers to see me, wool-blend socks, etc.)  I organized closets in the foyer, sorted a few cabinets in the kitchen, tidied files on my computer, and moved into a new iPhone I bought at the end of the year.  I dropped off several loads at the thrift store and hauled extra bags to the curb on trash day.  I also put away the Christmas stuff a little bit each day.

And I did do some planning.  I added to my running list of blog post ideas and started honing a specific idea for a potential future book.  I put together a few thoughts for how it would be most beneficial to structure my days and gave some consideration to where I want to focus my attention and energy in 2024.

creative work space desk | miss mustard seed

I did a bit of creative work, too, but only when I felt like it.  I sketched, finished a couple of paintings for clients, studied some art books, took a few online art lessons, and learned how to make cables in knitting (I’m still working on that!)

I know it sounds like a lot when it’s all put on one list, but most of what I accomplished was done in 30 to 60-minute spurts here and there.  It was a good reminder to me of how much I can accomplish by focusing on one task a little bit each day.  The basement, for example, has felt overwhelming to me for a long time, but breaking it into smaller tasks has made it manageable and I’ve seen some pretty impressive progress.

My biggest takeaway from this break and how I spent it was that I really needed the break.  I have spent some time examining what I needed a break from because I adore my work.  I truly love what I do and I recognize the blessing of being able to turn my hobbies into a business.  There are a couple of conclusions I came to.  Number one – everyone needs a break, even from work they thoroughly enjoy.  We all need time to be dormant before we can bloom again.  Number two – It’s not the work itself that burns me out, it’s the ever-changing online world of social media, algorithms, and SEO and how I have to adapt to it that is draining.  There are times when I’m scrolling through Instagram and I think, “I just don’t know if we were made for this.”  But, it is the craft fairs, showcases, and galleries of today.  It’s how you get your work seen and how you connect with your people.  But, this break was a reminder that I need to do work that I’m proud of and not worry too much about “creating content” and everything that encompasses. It’s so easy to start looking at all of the moments in your life as sharable content and I just don’t want to live that way!  I actually decided to not take pictures over the break of things I did or made so that I would just enjoy them and not view them as future blog post and social media content.  (I’m sort of regretting that now!)

The biggest surprise of the break was how little I painted!  I thought I would be painting every day, but as I said, sometimes we even need breaks from things we enjoy and I allowed myself that.

As I’m sitting down at my desk, looking out over our front yard blanketed with snow, I feel excited about this year.  I don’t have the focused list or populated calendar I thought I would have, but I feel like I’m starting the year with a full tank.  It sort of makes me smile, though.  In all of the articles you read about starting the new year off right, most of them are focused on organizing, planning, committing to new habits, and pushing into positive change.  Most of them are about buying clear plastic bins, planners, and a treadmill.  I haven’t read one that says to take a break and make sure you’re starting the year recharged and rested.

cats snuggling on a slipcovered chair | miss mustard seed

So, if no one else is going to give that advice, I will.  If your life and schedule allow, take a step back and permit yourself to rest.  The new habits, exercise routines, and goal setting can wait a few more days.  All of the demands and expectations on your shoulders might not be as urgent as they seem and they will certainly be easier to face when you’re fresh and rested.  Watch a good show with two cats curled up on your lap and get a good night’s sleep.  Linger in bed, eat a late breakfast, read a book, bake banana bread, and allow the house to get a little messier than usual.  Take a slow, meandering walk, take care of your nails, and take a long bath…

Do whatever you need to do to recharge your batteries so you’re ready to do work you’re proud of in 2024.

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    1. Susan

      You are so right! After almost two years of remodeling two bathrooms and putting on a new metal roof (after reframing it from a 2/12 pitch to a 6/12) all by ourselves, my husband and I have spent the last two weeks doing almost nothing “productive” and thoroughly enjoying it! We are freezing in Texas right now and so glad for our fireplace that we repaired a few years ago with the help of our kids. We are blessed to be very active at 78 and 82 and blessed to have work we enjoy, but as you said, we just need time to rest and refresh! so we can continue to live our lives fully and happily!
      I’ve enjoyed following you for years (since dropcloth days and before your milk paint business) but never have commented. Yours is my very favorite of many blogs I follow and I never miss a one of yours. I love your style, your writing, and your personality. We share faith in Jesus, so you are my sister even though we have never met and probably won’t until we meet in heaven. What we have to look forward to!! May you and your family be healthy and blessed this year with all good things.

      • Bethany Young

        What she said! You both inspire me.♥️

      • Mike Parsons

        Where in Texas, Susan. I’m Jeff’s dad, grew up in Dallas. Great group on Facebook called The BRT, Backroads of Texas.

        • Sandra Vigil

          All too often do I see vloggers and bloggers post that they absolutely need time to refresh. I can’t imagine how demanding it is to keep up. I think you need to just do nothing at times and not feel guilty about it.

        • Susan

          We are in Boerne, about 20 miles north of San Antonio. I’m following BRT too.

      • Kay Grogg

        Susan, you said it! Hats off to you for all you are doing! I’m just a few years behind you and really get inspired by Marian’s posts. I just wish I could get the hubs on board with all my ideas. But taking a much-needed break is definitely needed!

    2. Ramona

      Happy New Year! I missed your posts but am glad you got some much needed time away from your blog. Stay warm and enjoy the snow day!

    3. Susan

      Wise words! I agree with them wholeheartedly…but I must say, I missed your posts while you were off. I took time looking through your previous posts and pictures for inspiration. I love home decor and am very much enjoying the changes you are making to your home.

    4. FIL

      Great to see my two grandgirls!!

      • Connie

        Ha – “grand girls”; the kitties I’m guessing? Sweet kitties!

    5. Monica

      Welcome back! It sounds like you had a wonderful break. Do you and Shaunna have plans to start the podcast again? I miss it and have been listening to old episodes.

      P.S. – Is your kitty’s nose ok? (I’m not sure if it’s Esme or Violet)

      • Miss mustard seed

        Yeah, that is her tongue sticking out! And the tabby is Esmé, the calico is Violet.

    6. Mary Emerling/Young

      I thought that there was something wrong because I could not open your pages. Now I know you were busy behind those pages. Welcome back!

    7. Marilee

      Best advice I’ve seen for 2024.

    8. Betsy

      I have missed your postings but I agree with your summation of time off. Most people dislike January but I always seem to enjoy it the older I get. I read more, make lots of soup, bake a pound cake or two and thoroughly enjoy trying new dinner recipes. Our walking group still meets at 7:30 sharp so I get my steps in. I do morning stretches 3 days a week in my pajamas. I don’t feel the need to entertain after all the holiday gatherings. It’s truly a time to slow down.

    9. Sally

      I missed you Marion, but I am glad you had time to do whatever your heart desired! 💙

      Have you seen Matthew Mead’s Go Fund Me page? He is currently in kidney failure and is receiving dialysis. The wait for a kidney may be up to 2 years. He needs money to help while he is ill and during recovery after the transplant.
      Please consider posting his Go Fund Me on your account.
      Thank you!
      I have donated twice. I feel just awful for him!😢

    10. Betty M Bashaw

      Giving yourself (and others) the permission and encouragement to relax is a breath of fresh air! Glad you had a great rest, family time, alone time, and time with your Mom!

    11. Dianne

      You are so right! There seems to be so much pressure in life and we have to take time to rest, slow down for a bit. It is actually productive to have that quiet time because great ideas often come from it. We have all of the seasons where I live and they are all motivating in their own way. When it is stormy, I can guiltlessly allow myself to paint or read, or do puzzles, bake, and relax. It’s also a time to do that organizing you mentioned. A time to be grateful for all the good in our lives; even through the struggles. Happy you have had a good break. I look forward to going through the new year with you, as I have all these years. You are an inspiration. Thank You!

    12. Joan

      We can get caught up in the ToDo List cycle, the need to achieve, to be productive, to show that we really did do something with our day! When you look back at your past year and all the changes you went through, all the decisions you had to make, all the times you had to count on others to show up and do what you wanted/needed them to do, and to run a business and to take care of your family … well, you deserve more than a day or two off! Giving yourself permission to slow down, to enjoy our days instead of just rushing through them with the “be productive” devil on our back, to sit back and simply relish what you have done…. all so necessary for a peaceful and calm mind!

    13. Fonda

      Drivers won’t be able to see you in a white coat in the snow. Maybe you need something with reflectors on it. Be safe!

      • Marian Parsons

        It is sort of a silver/white that is reflective. Most of the time, we don’t have snow on the ground, so I don’t think it will be an issue. Also, I have dark coats I can wear if it is snowy out! most of my clothes are dark, so I felt like a light-colored coat would be much easier to see.

    14. Holly

      By organizing & decluttering, you were definitely preparing a clean slate for the year ahead. Sounds like the perfect way to start a new year!!

    15. Teresa

      Happy to see you are back but glad you took the time off to rest, regroup and just enjoy your time off.

    16. Kristine

      So glad you found respite and contentment during your break. Sometimes, even doing THAT takes discipline. Looking forward to all your 2024 activities and posts; there’ so much more of the Maryland house for us to discover with you!

    17. Barbara Cuevas

      You are right on the mark – taking needed downtime is as important as being productive. I don’t know about you – but it takes me a few days before I can finally unwind.

      Although you were missed – more importantly, you took care of yourself. We can wait. Make yourself happy first!!!

    18. Anne


    19. Kim

      So glad to see you back on the blog! It sounds like you had a pleasant, peaceful, and insightful time off. Slowing down, even though it goes against the grain of society, can lead to a richer and more rewarding life.

    20. Sylvia Gorton

      I am so delighted to have found you again, I thought you were lost forever. I am excited and blessed to be able to follow you on FB. Looking forward to a year of fun. I too had to take some time for me, I am in my 80’s, as well as my hubby. I am his full-time caregiver, that was running on fumes. I did step back, and slowed down, I’m still recharging, but has changed some things that are now God’s way ,not mine.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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