MOB, Law firm

MOB, Law firm

Legal Services

Empowering legal excellence at MOB, Law firm. Advocates for your success in business and beyond.

About us

Established in March 2008 by Mauritanian lawyers, MOB Law Firm is the country's first of its kind, specializing in a broad range of legal areas with a focus on business law. Our goal is to offer companies comprehensive legal support, assisting in their expansion. Aspiring to be a leader, we provide high-quality services, embodying the image of a modern law firm.

Legal Services
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2-10 employees
Privately Held



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    Commercial Director at TCN Mauritanie

    Dans quelques mois, la Mauritanie ouvrira une nouvelle page de son histoire grâce à l'exploitation du gaz naturel. Ce créneau représente une opportunité unique de stimuler la croissance économique, d'améliorer les infrastructures et d'élever le niveau de vie des populations. Cependant, de nombreux défis doivent être relevés : gestion durable des ressources, protection de l'environnement, développement des compétences locales, création d'un tissu industriel fort, etc.. Il est essentiel de mettre en place une gouvernance transparente et de garantir une répartition équitable des bénéfices pour assurer un développement durable et inclusif. Pour maximiser le potentiel de cette ressource, il est crucial de : - Développer un tissu industriel local robuste : Encourager les investissements dans des industries connexes à la filière gazière pour créer de la valeur ajoutée et générer des emplois durables. - Favoriser le transfert de technologie : Mettre en place des partenariats avec des acteurs internationaux pour acquérir les compétences nécessaires et développer un écosystème d'innovation. - Promouvoir les PME et les startups : Soutenir les entreprises locales pour qu'elles puissent saisir les opportunités offertes par le secteur gazier. En relevant ces défis et en saisissant ces opportunités, la Mauritanie pourra construire un avenir prometteur pour ses générations futures.

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    Ce matin, le ministre mauritanien des Pétroles et de l’Énergie, M. Nani Ould Chrougha, en compagnie de son homologue sénégalais, M. Birame Souleye Diop, a effectué une visite significative des installations du champ de gaz Tortue Ahmeyim, situé à 40 kilomètres au large de la côte atlantique. Cette visite marque un jalon important dans le suivi du développement du champ de gaz, qui est un projet commun entre la Mauritanie et le Sénégal, en collaboration avec les entreprises BP et Kosmos Energy. Le ministre Ould Chrougha a annoncé lors de cette visite que l’avancement du projet avait atteint 95 %, signalant ainsi la proximité de la première production de gaz. Selon ses déclarations, l’objectif est désormais de produire 2,3 millions de tonnes de gaz naturel liquéfié par an pendant plus de 20 ans, ce qui représente une étape clé dans la réalisation des ambitions énergétiques des deux pays. L’arrivée de la plateforme FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) au site est considérée comme une avancée majeure pour le projet. Cette unité flottante, qui est la quatrième et dernière composante nécessaire à la phase initiale du développement, sera en mesure de traiter et de produire 500 millions de pieds cubes de gaz par jour, soulignant ainsi l’importance stratégique de cette installation. Les infrastructures du champ GTA comprennent quatre éléments principaux : les systèmes de puits et les pipelines sous-marins, la plateforme FPSO, la station de liquéfaction FLNG, ainsi que les installations de soutien telles que les logements et les infrastructures de protection contre les vagues. Cette visite a permis aux délégations mauritanienne et sénégalaise de vérifier le bon état de ces installations et de confirmer leur préparation pour le début imminent des opérations. Le champ de gaz GTA, situé à la frontière maritime entre la Mauritanie et le Sénégal, représente une opportunité significative pour la région, précise un communiqué publié par le ministère. Ce projet, qui marque la première initiative de développement de gaz en mer dans la région, devrait non seulement générer des revenus substantiels pour les deux pays, mais aussi fournir une source d’énergie locale à faible coût, tout en favorisant l’expansion du secteur énergétique et minier en Mauritanie.

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    In a significant step towards completing the setting up of gas production facilities of Greater Tortue project, the Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading Platform left yesterday, Sunday, May 5th, at 11:00 AM, the port of Tenerife in the Canary Islands.  The vessel embarked on its journey towards the project site off the coasts of Mauritania and Senegal, upon completion of a series of sea trials and technical checks, proving its readiness for operations. The platform, which is final major component of the project, will reach the Mauritania-Senegal border area on the eleventh of this month.  It is worth noting that this step represents a significant milestone in the development process of the field, whose implementation rate has reached more than 95%. About the Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Platform (FPSO) The vessel will process natural gas – removing condensate, water, and other impurities – before exporting it by pipeline to the project’s floating liquefied natural gas facilities.  The FPSO, which will sit in about 120 meters of deep water, will have up to 140 people on board during normal operation and serves as a home for the project production team. With the completion of the major components of the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim, it is expected that the Project’s first phase will produce around 2.3 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas per year.

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    Deutsch-Angolanische Wirtschafts-Initiative (DAWI) / Iniciativa Económica Alemanha-Angola

    Conjuncta GmbH CEO and Partner Dr. Stefan Liebing will speak on Africa’s emerging green hydrogen markets at Invest in African Energy (IAE) 2024, as the German developer seeks to establish a green hydrogen value chain delivering exports from Africa to Europe. Specialized in developing and financing investment projects in emerging markets, Conjuncta is leading the development of a $34-billion green hydrogen project in Mauritania, in partnership with Infinity Power. Last March, the two companies signed an agreement with Mauritania’s Ministry of Petroleum, Mines and Energy for green hydrogen production, in which the project’s first phase will have an electrolysis capacity of 400 MW and be operational in 2028. Capable of converting 10 GW of clean energy into green hydrogen, ammonia and other fuels, the plant is set to produce 8 million tons of green hydrogen per year for the international market and transform Mauritania into a major hydrogen exporter.

    Germany’s Conjuncta to Unlock Africa’s Green Hydrogen Potential at IAE 2024

    Germany’s Conjuncta to Unlock Africa’s Green Hydrogen Potential at IAE 2024

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    Fantastic Reuters Events Renewables #Hydrogen 2024 in Amsterdam this week. Excellent group of speakers, delegates and sponsors. I enjoyed participating in the panel ‘Executing #hydrogen projects in turbulent times” moderated by Alexandru Floristean of FiveT Hydrogen AG and including Gabriel de Laval from Crédit Agricole CIB and Satu Sipola of Fortum. It was an engaging conversation covering: ➡️ Access to capital of all kinds including equity, debt, mezzanine, ECAs, and halal finance. ➡️ The increasing average LCOH and what factors are real and permanent, which are specific to a project or region, and what might be temporary supply chain obstacles. ➡️ Many projects announced only 10% FID. This is a factoid bandied about often but it disregards the time consuming requirements to make a financial decision. What is the logical time frame for projects to hit FID given the amount of data that needs to be collected, permitting, environmental and socioeconomic impact studies, pre-FEED, FEED, negotiating offtake and project finance? ➡️ Using terms like the “green premium” can hurt rather than help. We need to get the cost of low GHG emission products down for the smoothest #energytransition, but dirty alternatives only appear cheaper because most of the negative externalities are not covered by the producer OR the consumer. These expenses are socialized and funded by ordinary taxpayers and governments and difficult to calculate costs like poor health outcomes or increasingly violent impacts of climate change are borne by everyone. Overall, it was a positive discussion about solutions and a way forward despite a generally timid investment environment, which is hopefully temporary. Thank you Reuters and specifically Elijah Cho and Vlad Ionete for herding all the cats and producing a fantastic event! #Reuters #HydrogenNow

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    General Manager | International | Country Manager | Regional Manager | Business Development | Commercial | Logistics | Supply Chain | Interim Manager | Seeking New Project

    WHY ARE COMPANIES AFRAID OF AFRICA ? - EXCUSES AND REASONS Many companies worldwide are looking to expand its business to Africa, especially sub-Saharan countries but the majority of them fail to start or cannot get business opportunities and projects. Sub-Saharan Africa is a challenging region with its fair share of failures along with the success stories. Local insight helps. EXCUSES INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES ARE RELUCTANT TO ENTER AFRICAN MARKETS -         FIRST EXCUSE: Africa is risky and hard to understand Being successful in Africa, like anywhere else, requires a thorough understanding of the local culture and business practices. This knowledge can only be gained by being on the ground. African investments tend to be micromanaged from headquarters elsewhere abroad, resulting in slow and often biased (wrong) decisions. -         SECOND EXCUSE: Corruption Corruption is regrettable, but it is perfectly possible to run a highly profitable business while steering clear of it. And note that in Transparency International’s Global Corruption Index, 14 African countries rank better than India, for example. -         THIRD EXCUSE: Poverty You hear “poor people cannot afford our products.” This excuse doesn’t hold water, especially with respect to consumer products. The real challenge is to adapt your business model after gaining a deep understanding of the local business realities. REASONS INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES FAIL TO ENTER AFRICAN MARKETS 1.    Lack of information 2.    Wrong products' specifications 3.    Wrong communication channels 4.    Wrong people to handle the business 5.    Short term plans and fast profit expectations 6.    Use standard approaches not customized to fit each African market Africa is a continent of many opportunities. The key to success is to understand and appreciate its differences – and to create the right business models to exploit the opportunities. Contextual understanding will boost your business and protect you from later entrants – those who are still watching Africa’s potential from afar.

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