Celebrating a decade of dedication! We are marking our 10th anniversary in the gambling awareness and support industry, and we couldn't be prouder of the journey we've been on. Over the past ten years, we've worked tirelessly to raise awareness, provide support, and promote responsible gambling practices. We've been privileged to stand alongside countless individuals, families, and communities, offering a supporting hand and a listening ear to those affected by problem gambling. Together, we've made strides in breaking down stigma, fostering understanding, and empowering individuals to seek help when needed. As we reflect on the past decade, we're filled with gratitude for the unwavering support of our team, partners, and the incredible individuals who have shared their stories and entrusted us with their journeys to recovery. Your courage and resilience inspire us every day. Here's to the next chapter. With your continued support, we're committed to making an even greater impact in the years ahead, ensuring everyone affected by problem gambling knows they're not alone and that support is always available. Thank you for being part of our journey. #gamblingawareness #supportyourlocal #10yearsstrong www.rgf.org.mt
Responsible Gaming Foundation
Gambling Facilities and Casinos
The Foundation supports good governance and awareness initiatives to protect vulnerable people in the gambling sector.
About us
The Foundation is a non-profit making organisation established for the following purposes and objectives: a) To administer funds collected for the support of individuals who are affected by gambling-related problems; b) to foster awareness about responsible gaming; c) to organise projects, which are aimed at the rehabilitation of gamblers; d) to apply for European Union funding with regard to related projects; e) to encourage activities alternative to gambling; f) to undergo further research into problem gambling.
- Website
External link for Responsible Gaming Foundation
- Industry
- Gambling Facilities and Casinos
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Birkirkara
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2014
- Specialties
- Gambling Research, Educational Awareness, Administration of funds, Project Organisation, and Alternatives to gambling
90/91, Psaila Street
Second Floor
Birkirkara, BKR 9073, MT
Employees at Responsible Gaming Foundation
🇲🇹 Fuq il-programm popolari Niskata, il-Maniġer għal Komunikazzjoni Kayne Said jitkellem dwar waħda mill-agħar riperkussjonijiet marbutin mal-logħob tal-azzard. Ir-riperkussjoni tal-użura. 🇬🇧 On the popular program Niskata, Communications Manager Kayne Said talks about one of the worst gambling repercussions. The repercussion of usury. #PlayResponsibly #call1777 www.rgf.org.mt
Responsible Gaming Foundation: Usury (Maltese Language)
🇲🇹 Il-General Manager tagħna, vuċi ewlenija fl-industrija tal-logħob tal-azzard responsabbli, iddiskuta l-progress u l-isfidi tal-industrija u enfasizza l-bidla lejn protezzjoni proattiva mmirata lejn il-ġukaturi. 🇬🇧Our General Manager, a leading voice in the gambling industry regarding RG, discussed the industry's progress and challenges and emphasised the shift towards proactive player protection. Kevin O'Neill Casino Guru News Casino Guru www.rgf.org.mt
🇲🇹 Waqt il-programm ferm popolari Vi Jew Va, immexxi mill-ġurnalist Albert Gauci Cunningham, il-Maniġer għal Komunikazzjoni Kayne Said jitkellem fost oħrajn dwar it-tendenza aktar għolja biex tiġi prattikata l-attività tal-logħob tal-azzard waqt dawn iż-żminijet ta' festi, l-istadji tal-attività, il-bżonn tal-kontroll, għaliex responsabbiltà u dwar il-kilba għal dik il-famuża rebħa li qisha ma tillaxka qatt. 🇬🇧 During the popular program Vi Jew Va, led by the journalist Albert Gauci Cunningham, Communications Manager Kayne Said speaks, among others, about the higher tendency to practice gambling activity during these festive times, the stages of activity, the need for control, why responsibility and the race for that famous victory that never seems to stop. www.rgf.org.mt
Responsible Gaming Foundation: The dream for the big popular win (Maltese language)
🇲🇹 L-għodda l-ġdida ta’ awtovalutazzjoni għandha l-għan li tgħin lill-ġukaturi jidentifikaw aħjar jekk il-logħob tal-azzard ikollux impatt negattiv fuq ħajjithom. 🇬🇧 The new self-assessment tool aims to help players better identify whether gambling negatively impacts their lives. Malta Gaming Authority
MGA and European safer gambling week
🇲🇹 Waqt l-aħħar intervista għal din is-sena, fuq il-programm popolari Illum ma' Steph, il-Maniġer għal Komunikazzjoni Kayne Said jitkellem dwar x'għandna nagħmlu biex nevitaw ir-riperkussjonijiet ta' screen time eċċessiv fit-tfal tagħna, speċjalment waqt dawn iż-żminijiet ta' festi. 🇬🇧 During the last interview for this year on the popular program Illum ma' Steph, Communications Manager Kayne Said talks about how we should avoid the repercussions of excessive screen time in our children, especially during these festive times. #PlayResponsibly #call1777 www.rgf.org.mt
"The success of this initiative underscores an important truth: collaboration is a powerful force for change". Kevin O'Neill BetBlocker EveryMatrix Times of Malta www.rgf.org.mt
Self-exclusion in Malta
🇲🇹 "Issa, b'kollaborazzjoni ġdida bejn il-Fondazzjoni, Everymatrix u BetBlocker, din l-għodda għall-imblokkar tal-logħob tal-azzard laħqet tragward ġdid: l-introduzzjoni ta' verżjoni bil-lingwa Maltija. Din il-kisba tenfasizza mhux biss l-importanza dejjem tikber tal-esklużjoni, iżda wkoll il-potenzjal inkredibbli tal-kollaborazzjoni biex tmexxi l-innovazzjoni u l-bidla pożittiva." Segwi l-artiklu tal-General Manager tagħna fuq is-Sunday Times of Malta. Nisperaw li lkoll ikollkom staġun tal-festi responsabbli 🎄 🇬🇧 "Now, with a new collaboration between the Foundation, Everymatrix and BetBlocker, this gambling blocking tool has reached a new milestone: introducing a Maltese language version. This achievement highlights not just the growing importance of self-exclusion but also the incredible potential of collaboration to drive innovation and positive change." Follow our General Manager's piece on the Sunday Times of Malta. Hope you all have a responsible festive season 🎄 Kevin O'Neill Times of Malta BetBlocker EveryMatrix www.rgf.org.mt