Responsible Gaming Foundation’s Post

🇲🇹 Waqt il-programm ferm popolari Vi Jew Va, immexxi mill-ġurnalist Albert Gauci Cunningham, il-Maniġer għal Komunikazzjoni Kayne Said jitkellem fost oħrajn dwar it-tendenza aktar għolja biex tiġi prattikata l-attività tal-logħob tal-azzard waqt dawn iż-żminijet ta' festi, l-istadji tal-attività, il-bżonn tal-kontroll, għaliex responsabbiltà u dwar il-kilba għal dik il-famuża rebħa li qisha ma tillaxka qatt. 🇬🇧 During the popular program Vi Jew Va, led by the journalist Albert Gauci Cunningham, Communications Manager Kayne Said speaks, among others, about the higher tendency to practice gambling activity during these festive times, the stages of activity, the need for control, why responsibility and the race for that famous victory that never seems to stop.

Responsible Gaming Foundation: The dream for the big popular win (Maltese language)

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