Latest Release

- 30 AUG 2024
- 1 Song
- Zero to Infinity · 2000
- Zero to Infinity · 2000
- Zero to Infinity · 2000
- Zero to Infinity · 2000
- Zero to Infinity · 2000
- Zero to Infinity · 2000
- Zero to Infinity · 2000
- Camembert Electrique (Remastered Edition) · 1971
- Unending Ascending · 2023
- Unending Ascending · 2023
Music Videos
Artist Playlists
- The merry pranksters of the prog rock scene.
Singles & EPs
- 2004
About Gong
Mixing psychedelia, space rock and fusion, Gong became a countercultural institution in Europe in the ’70s. After cofounding Soft Machine, Australian singer/guitarist Daevid Allen started Gong in Paris in 1968 with his girlfriend, singer Gilli Smyth. Their 1970 debut, with French saxophonist/flautist Didier Malherbe, is a gently goofy psych/folk blend, but by 1971’s Camembert Electrique they had solidified their sound, onboarding drummer Pip Pyle for a more rocked-out feel. Their 1973-’74 Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy (Flying Teapot, Angel’s Egg and You) is their defining work, with lyrics informed by a complex, humorous sci-fi/stoner mythology, Steve Hillage’s mind-bending guitar and Tim Blake’s spacey synth. Allen then departed, and the band continued as a mostly instrumental outfit, amping up the prog/fusion elements. Multiple offshoots bearing variations on the name followed until Allen returned to the fold in the ’90s. He would sporadically restart Gong for tours and recording up until his 2015 passing. Honouring his wishes, the remaining members continued working, carrying the legacy forward.
- Paris, France
- 2003
- Rock