Malaysia-China Business Council

Malaysia-China Business Council

Perkhidmatan Perhubungan Kerajaan

KUALA LUMPUR, Kuala Lumpur 631 pengikut

International Business Council for Malaysian entrepreneurs in China and Chinese entrepreneurs in Malaysia.

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Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC). Officially registered in April 2012, MCBC plays a vital role to provide business information and advisory services to Malaysian entrepreneurs in China and Chinese entrepreneurs in Malaysia. While helping to identify issues and problems that the business community faces, finding acceptable solutions for all parties, MCBC also helps to explore opportunities for our members and at the same time assists Chinese investors towards a better understanding on Malaysia’s conducive business environment and investment potential.

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Perkhidmatan Perhubungan Kerajaan
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    KUALA LUMPUR, Kuala Lumpur 50250, MY

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Pekerja di Malaysia-China Business Council

Kemas Kini

  • Courtesy visit by the Shanghai Anhui Chamber of Commerce Tan Sri T.C. Goh, MCBC EXCO Chairman, received the delegation from Anhui Chamber of Commerce Shanghai led by Mr Hong Qinghua, President of Shanghai Anhui Chamber of Commerce (SABC). Tan Sri introduced on the history, culture, and trade & investment background of Malaysia, to provide a better understanding and comprehensive economic landscape to the delegation. SABC boasts as a home for more than 4 million Anhui enterpreneurs and 110,000 Anhui enterprieses in Shanghai, which include a number of Forbes 500 companies. 

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  • Courtesy Visit by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation Datuk Alvin Tee, MCBC Acting Executive Director, received the delegation led by Mr Pang Guanglian, Executive Board member and Vice Secretary General of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation. MCBC and the delegation delved into discussion on investment opportunities in Malaysia’s petrochemical industry, particularly on the development and industrial policy of the industry throughout the country.    

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  • 2024 marks the golden jubilee of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China. Today, we commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between our two nations, celebrating our strengthened bilateral ties and embarking on a continued journey of cooperation and friendship. On May 31, 1974, our Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak led a historic visit to China, where he signed a joint communiqué with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. This momentous event not only formally established diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China but also marked a proud milestone as Malaysia became the first ASEAN nation to do so. Over the past five decades, Malaysia-China bilateral ties have grown more resilient and dynamic. Through mutual understanding and respect, both nations have overcome obstacles through dialogue and consultations, fostering cooperation that benefits both sides. Looking ahead, with the leaders of both countries committed to building a Malaysia-China community with a shared future, our bilateral relations are poised to create a brighter and more prosperous future for our region and the world in the next 50 years. 2024年是马来西亚与中华人民共和国建交 50 周年金禧纪念。今天,我们纪念两国建交50周年,庆祝我们加强双边关系,并踏上继续合作和友谊的征程。 1974 年 5 月 31 日,我国第二任首相敦阿都拉萨率团对中国进行了历史性的访问,并与中国时任总理周恩来签署了联合公报。这一重大事件不仅正式确立了马来西亚与中国之间的外交关系,而且还标志着马来西亚成为第一个与中国建立外交关系的东盟国家,这是一个值得自豪的里程碑。 在过去的五十年里,马中双边关系变得更加坚韧和活跃。在相互理解和尊重的基础上,两国通过对话和协商克服了各种障碍,促进了有利于双方的合作。展望未来,在两国领导人共同致力于构建马中命运共同体的背景下,马中双边关系有望在未来五十年迈上新台阶,为东南亚和世界创造一个更加光明和繁荣的未来。

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  • Courtesy Visit by Huaqiao University Dato Sri Mike Loh, Deputy Chairman of MCBC Education Committee, represented Datuk Dr Yong Teck Shing, to receive the Huaqiao University (HQU) delegation. Mr He Chunzheng, Vice Chairman of the University Council of HQU led a delegation team to renew a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MCBC on education cooperation to provide sponsorships to Malaysian youths to further study in HQU. MCBC and HQU will continue to explore more opportunities to all Malaysians across the country such as short-term courses, language training, student exchange and more. 华侨大学拜会马中商务理事会 马中教育委员会副主席拿督斯里罗珉錞代表拿督杨德胜博士接待华侨大学代表团。 华侨大学校务委员会副主席何纯正率领代表团,与马中商务理事会续签“丝绸之路”中国政府奖学金项目合作协议书,为马来西亚青年到华侨大学深造提供资助。 马中商务理事会和华侨大学将继续为全国各地的马来西亚人民提供更多的进修机会,如短期课程、语言培训、学生交换等。

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  • (吉隆坡4日讯)配合马来西亚和中国建交迈入50周年纪念,中国广西广播电视台在马中商务理事会协调下,制作了以“马中双园”为主题的《喜结莲荔》纪录片,为马中建交特别献礼。 5月31日同步放映 《喜结莲荔》纪录片(下称《喜》)总导演覃彤说,《喜》片的定于5月31日,也就是中马交纪念日,当天晚上9时20分同步于中国广西和大马电视台播映。 她今日在马中商务理事会会所举行的《喜》片初版小型放映会上,发表谈话。 彭盛产榴梿 钦州特产荔枝 马中商务理事会董事拿督马汉坤说,彭亭州盛产猫山王榴梿,而中国钦州的特产则是荔枝,这部片子便命名为“喜结莲荔”。 中国广西广播电视台国际频道副总监阳华说,片名《喜结莲荔》是取自于中国的成语喜结连理4字,原意即是结为夫妻,永不分离。 “我们用中国同音字,喜结连理的连化为榴梿的“莲’,理字则化作钦州的特产荔枝,意思就是中马之间的感情坚固,彼此间的交流不断。 马来西亚中总总秘书拿督陈镇明说,《喜》片拍得极好,能让大家明自两国双园的最新新展,及其所创造的就业机会。 马中商务理事会董事拿督郑源炳说,《喜》片分享的内容不只与企业挂钩,也有爱情、员工之间相互分享的工作文化、如何提升两国人民生活上的水平、访问重量级老板,属于很好的制作。 讲述榴裢出口东铁工程等 以大马关丹工业园和中国钦州市工业园区“马中双园”为主题的《喜》片,届时将分上下集各25分钟播映。 内容讲述马汉坤视角下隔海相望的两国双园;彭亨劳勿猫山王榴梿概况、园主张蔚舜如何将猫山王透过当地物流网外销广西;东海岸铁路云顶隧道工程;法伊斯讲述家乡关丹的点滴;安与艾的爱情故事等情节丰富。 马中友好协会会长拿督马吉德说,《喜》片陈述了关丹港的历史、两国企业的合作与互补、东铁等资讯,能使马中两国人民获益良多。 分享嘉宾邱锦强建议制作团队,可纳入一些像拥有榴梿味冰淇淋、榴梿味甜品等周边产品加以推广;此建议获得东盟连锁加盟企业协会会长拿督斯里罗珉錞认同。 覃彤补充说,配合《喜》片,他们也准备了周边产品如坭兴陶杯子推出市场。 出席者尚包括马中商务理事会执行董事拿督杨德胜、丝路商务理事会大马委员会主席拿督郭义民、马中商务理事会执委林艾妮、陈棋雄、高级经理陈瀞仪、中检科创马来西亚特约服务中心(CAIQ)庄赐怡、广西广播电视台合拍项目编导郭员子、卢雪梅、朱智明、叶汉强、星洲日报总经理(企业公关及业务促进)陈金泉、吉隆坡国内税执照委员会主席潘荣德。 (内容摘自星洲日报)

    “马中双园”主题纪录片   《喜结莲荔》献礼马中建交 - 国内 - 华社

    “马中双园”主题纪录片   《喜结莲荔》献礼马中建交 - 国内 - 华社

  • On 19 April 2024, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Goh Tian Chuan (Tan Sri T.C. Goh), Chairman of the Executive Committee of MCBC, received a delegation from the China Economic and Social Council CESC) led by Mr. Zhang Qingli, Vice Chairman of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at MCBC. Tan Sri T.C. Goh introduced the history and background of MCBC and its functions in enhancing the bilateral relations between the two countries. In addition, he highlighted that MCBC provides information and consultancy services to Malaysian businesses in China and Chinese businesses in Malaysia. MCBC is dedicated to identifying business problems and difficulties and working together to find solutions. It provides bilateral business information and investment opportunities to entrepreneurs from both countries and helps Chinese investors better understand Malaysia's favorable business environment and investment opportunities. Attendees on that day included Guo Jun, Assistant Commissioner of the National Committee of the CPPCC and Vice Chairman of the CESC; Huang Luqi, Member of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC and Director of the CESC; Long Yuxiang, Member of the 12th National Committee of the CPPCC and Director of the CESC; H.E. Ouyang Yujing , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Malaysia and Minister Counsellor Lin Shiguang; Dato Dr. Jennifer Low, Senior Director of MCBC ; MCBC Directors Tan Sri Datuk Seri Lau Kuan Kam and Datuk Andy Chuah Lim Leng; as well as Datuk Lee Teck Hua, a member of the Central Committee of The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia-Huazong.

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  • Courtesy Visit by the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province   Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Dr T.C. Goh, JP, MCBC EXCO Chairman received a delegation from the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province led by Vice Governor Chen Chunjiang.     Tan Sri T.C.Goh shared with the the Shaanxi delegation on the rich history, harmonoius culture, and attractive investment landscape of Malaysia, and encourage the delegation to visit Sabah and Sarawak to experience the multiculturalism and beautiful landscapes of East Malaysia.     Vice Governor Chen Chunjiang stated that Shaanxi Province looks forward to working closely with Malaysia and numerous companies have shown keen intention to trade and invest in Malaysia. One such company is LONGi, a world’s leading solar panel manufacturer, which has chosen Malaysia as its investment destination of choice.     MCBC Director Datuk Dr. Yong Teck Shing, MCBC COO Georgie Too, President of Malaysia International Exhibitors Association (MIEA), Jonathan Yew and President of Malaysia Shaanxi General Chamber of Commerce, Dr Zhang Tianhua also attended the courtesy visit.  

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  • Courtesy Visit by Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province Datuk Alvin Tee led MCBC team to receive the delegation from Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province. The delegation was led by Deputy Director General Shuang Dehui, along with representatives from Guangzhou Nansha District, Dongguan Bureau of Commerce, and GDeBA& RCEP Cross-border E-commerce Organization.  MCBC and the delegation engage in insightful discussion on e-commerce development in Malaysia and Guangdong Province, and how we could expand on closer collaboration and business opportunities between the two regions.  Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has great conducive business environment to foster e-commerce and related industries development meanwhile Malaysia is a great investment destination hub to access the Southeast Asia and global market. 

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