̹ ٰ?



ڵ Դϴ.
ü ϱ ؼ ü Ȯϴ ϴ.

AIê м Դϴ. ø ٷּ.
[۹ȣ Ǵ] 60. ƾ ƴ϶ ̴
ϴ ̳ ӽźδ ö     ִ. [=ŬƮڸ]
"̿ ƾ ö ϰ Ͽ ϱ⿡ ִ" ִ. ׷, ̴ ϳ ˰ 𸣴 Ҹ.

ö ʼ ̴. ӿ Ҹ ϴ ۷κ ϴ ̴ּ. ö ϸ ö ̼ . ö پ ǰ ӿ ־ Ͼ , ϴ ̳ ӽźο Ͼ ִ [1].

öп ִ. ǰ ö(heme iron) ְ, (ު)ö(non-heme iron) ִ. Ĺ ǰ (ު)ö ִ.

Ϲ ö ö ߵǰ, Ĺ ö ö DZ⿡ ä ö ̼ ٰ ˷ ִ. , ׷ ʴ´. ֳϸ, Ĺ ǰ ö ʰ ԵǾ ְ, ö ִ ŸC Ĺ ǰ ǰ ξ ֱ ̴ [2].

̱ȸ ϸ ä ö (ު)äκ Ҵ(Ʒ ǥ) [3].

*B Farmer, et al. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2011

ǰ ö 14~18%̰, Ĺ ǰ ö 5~12% [4]. ä ö 差 ο ִ. ΰ űϰԵ ö ڵ ö ö ʵ Ѵ.

ä ߿ äο ö ġ ణ (low-normal) ġ ִ 찡 ִ. ̰ ̴.

ö ǰ Ų. Ư ǰ ϴ ö ׷. ö ȭ(߫) ϴ(pro-oxidant) ־ LDL ݷ׷ ȭ ưȭ Ű, 庴 Ų [5].

Ϸ 1mg ö ϸ 庴 27% Ѵ [6]. ö 밡 16% ϰ [7], 索 33% þ [8]. Ϸ 1mg ö ϸ 12%, 8%, 3%, 12% [9].

ƯϰԵ , Ĺ ö ö ǰ ط ʴٴ ̴. ǰ Ĺ ö ϴ .

Ұ ׷ öе ƴ϶, طο 'ұ'(Φ)̴.

׷ٸ,  ǰ ö ? ڵ ظ Դ ǰ 100g Ե ö Է ãƺҴ [10].

ǰ: Ұ() 2.24mg, () 0.49mg, ߰ 0.28mg, ġ 1.98mg, 1.6mg, (Ƣ õ) 1.5mg, 1.9mg, 0.03mg.

Ĺ ǰ: 6.66mg, 6.19mg, Ƹ 5.54mg, ȣھ 8.6mg, 5.8mg, Ƹ 4.76mg, 3mg, ǥ 3.36mg, 5.4mg, 縮 6.4mg, 8.14mg, ñġ 2.49mg, 1.9mg, 1.7mg, κ 1.54mg, 3.25mg, 2.17mg, 1.05mg, &ݸ 0.8mg, ̿( ) 6.1mg, ũݸ 11.9mg.

Ĺ ǰ ö Է ǰ ξ . Ư , ߰, ѷ, äҿ ִ.

ö Ϸ 差(RDA) ѱ 8mg, 11mg, 6mg̴ [11]. ö Ϸ翡 輳Ǵ 1.2mg, 1.6mg, 1mg̴ [12].

ϴ ƴ϶, ̳ ߰ Ǵ ũݸ Ա Ѵ. ƾ öп ۿ ƴ϶ ̴.

۹ȣ йڻ硤ܰ

1. NIH https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Iron-HealthProfessional/

2. AV Saunders, W Craig, SK Baines, JS Posen. Iron and vegetarian diets. Medical Journal of Australia 2013;199:S13.

3. B Farmer, BT Larson, VL Fulgoni III. A vegetarian dietary pattern as a nutrient-dense approach to weight management: an analysis of the national health and nutrition examination survey 1999-2004. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2011;111(6):819-827.

4. R Hurrell, I Egli. Iron bioavailability and dietary reference values. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91(5):1461S-1467S.

5. J Hunnicutt, K He, P Xun. Dietary iron intake and body iron stores are associated with risk of coronary heart disease in a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. The Journal of nutrition 2014;144(3):359-366.

6. W Yang, B Li, X Dong, et al. Is heme iron intake associated with risk of coronary heart disease? A meta-analysis of prospective studies. Eur J Nutr. 2014;53(2):395-400.

7. J Kaluza, A Wolk, SC Larsson. Heme iron intake and risk of stroke: a prospective study of men. Stroke. 2013 Feb;44(2):334-9.

8. W Bao, Y Rong, S Rong, L Liu. Dietary iron intake, body iron stores, and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Med. 2012 Oct 10;10:119.

9. A Fonseca-Nunes, P Jakszyn, A Agudo. Iron and cancer risk a systematic review and meta-analysis of the epidemiological evidence. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention 2014;23(1):12-31.

10. п, ǥؽǰǥ. https://koreanfood.rda.go.kr/main

11. ѿȸ, 2020 ѱ https://www.kns.or.kr/FileRoom/FileRoom_view.asp?idx=108&BoardID=Kdr

12. JR Hunt, CA Zito, LK Johnson. Body iron excretion by healthy men and women. The American journal of clinical nutrition 2009;89(6):1792-1798.

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ѹα No1. ǰ ; ǰ
ڸ޵ ! ̸ ǰ

۹ȣ ǹ (mhsong21@hanmail.net)

۱Ǩ 'ǰ ' ڸ޵ / -



