SDN has trained and inaugurated 6 Peace and Conflict Resolution Committees (PCRC) across Bayelsa (Imiringi & Otuasega), Delta (Gana & Owevwe), and Rivers (Kom-Kom & Afam Ukwu). These committees will foster dialogue and collaboration between host communities and oil companies, aiming to prevent, mitigate, transform conflicts and Develop Early Warning and Response Mechanisms in their respective communities. This is part of the project “ A Community Centered Approach to Transforming Criminality and Violence in the Niger Delta Funded by European Union and Implemented by a consortium led by Search For Common Ground Nigeria and partners PIND Foundation and Stakeholder Democracy Network. Together, we are building peaceful and resilient communities in the Niger Delta #BetterNigerDelta #EUinNigeria #SDNNigerDelta.