CCMO launches Research Portal
On 3 February 2025 CCMO launched the Research Portal. This new portal, which replaces ToetsingOnline, is designed to make life easier for both researchers and assessors.
In the new internetportal clinical studies may be registered, submitted and managed. For more information, please consult the CCMO-website: Instructions for using the portal have been adjusted on the Dutch website. The English version will be fully updated in the course of this week.
With the launch of this new portal, it is possible to create accounts in the new system. Those who already had an account in ToetsingOnline are advised to consult the instructions on the CCMO-website ( prior to making an account. You will learn how to link existing files to your new account.
If more explanation and support is needed, you may choose to participate in one of the webinars on the Research Portal to be held on 6 and 7 February next. During these online meetings the procedures will be explained. Also, the first steps in the process such as creating an account and linking files, will be demonstrated.
You may enroll for one of these webinars by filling in this registration form (
The picture shows project leader Annet Rozema, PMP cutting the cake.