BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development

BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services


Over ons

SUMMARY BA2C Zero Emission Molecules provides advice to clients and develops its own zero CO2 emission plants based on H2 produced with electrolysis as well as methane pyrolysis, bio-CH4, bio-carbon, biogenic CO2 and iron ore. BA2C is focused on developing projects and assisting third parties in Latin America, Africa & Europe. THIRD PARTY SUPPORT BA2C is strong in technical due diligence supporting investors that want to invest in green hydrogen (derivatives), biomass and municipal waste conversion projects. Also supports other developers and engineering companies like MadoquaPower2X, McDermott, Port of Amsterdam, Envision Energy/Vive Energía with creating ideas, feasibility studies, master planning and EPC contracting support. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT BA2C originally started with the development of billion-dollar fertilizer plants. Nowadays focus is on green H2 (derivatives), biogenic-C & iron-ore projects. Example molecules and processes we are dealing with are electrolysis, methane & biomass torrefaction, municipal waste and biomass gasification combined with NH3/fertilizers, MeOH, SAF, DME and DRI. TECHNOLOGY DRIVEN FOCUSED ON LOCATIONS WITH BEST CONDITIONS At BA2C we believe of the impact of introducing innovative technologies (like SOEC, AEM and next generation alkaline & PEM) in new projects combined with the development of projects in locations where conditions are best. and where H2 production can be integrated with downstream processes like DRI, SAF, MeOH or fertilizer, to produce products that are easier, safer and cheaper to use locally or to be transported compared to H2 or NH3. For this reason, BA2C is focused on African and Latin-America countries, as well as Scandinavia, Baltics, Nordics, and some areas in Spain and Portugal. For contact:

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services
2-10 medewerkers
The Hague
Project Management, Project Structuring, Organizational Development, Feasibility studies, innovation, chemicals, oil, gas, hydrogen, renewable energy, circular chemicals, financial structuring, project development, fertilizer, latin america, mexico, netherlands, colombia, guatemala, el salvador, Europe en Research


Medewerkers van BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development


  • Great!

    Profiel weergeven voor Eelco Vogt, afbeelding

    Professor of Refinery Catalysis at Utrecht University

    I am very proud to announce a paper in Nature, in which Bert Weckhuysen and myself examine the viability of a completely fossil-free future refinery. The paper appears on the cover of Nature of May 9, 2024, and is accompanied by an editorial. Present refineries convert crude oil to transportation fuels and various chemicals as well as raw materials, such as the starting materials (monomers) for polymers, such as coatings and plastics. Both the processing of the fossil fuels as well in their eventual burning in internal combustion engines leads to CO2-emissions. We examine a refinery concept in which the transportation fuels of the future are made from CO2, whereas the chemicals and monomers are made from biomass and plastic waste. We conclude such a refinery is technically feasible, but will require tremendous amounts of green energy to produce the hydrogen required in the conversion processes. Depending on the efficiency and overall integration of all the conversion processes for biomass and plastic waste, the refinery could become carbon-neutral. A lot of science and technology will be required to build the new refineries, and significant investments will need to be made consistently over the next 25+ years. Building the wind turbines and solar panels to generate the required electricity will place a heavy burden on critical raw materials. In order to support these transitions, we will need to educate a new generation of chemists, who can combine deep knowledge of chemistry and technology with a skill set that will allow them to operate in a trans-disciplinary environment. Links: Nature cover: Nature paper: Nature editorial: Press release Utrecht University:

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  • With BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development we work together with parties realizing these kinds of projects in developing countries. Congratulations to our friends and colleagues of HyIron and Climate Fund Managers (CFM) realizing this important milestone. And now, let's go to scale-up the project and system even further!

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor HyIron, afbeelding

    2.910 volgers

    Nam-H2 Fund Managers and HyIron Sign Development Funding Agreement for Africa’s First-Ever Green Iron Plant in Namibia Please find endlosed the reference press release

  • BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Joseph Lenox, afbeelding

    Strategic Business Development Director @ Ceres | Driving APAC Growth

    Exciting news today from #Japan: DENSO has signed a Manufacturing License Agreement for SOEC Cell Stacks with Ceres This collaboration marks a significant milestone in advancing industrial #hydrogen for #Asia / #Globally. The time is now!

    DENSO Signs Manufacturing License Agreement for SOEC Cell Stacks with Ceres Power Holdings of the UK | Newsroom | News | DENSO Global Website

    DENSO Signs Manufacturing License Agreement for SOEC Cell Stacks with Ceres Power Holdings of the UK | Newsroom | News | DENSO Global Website

  • BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Willem Frens, afbeelding

    Power-2-X project development, technologies and financing

    Carrefour topman Herve Mantoux van Carrefour slaat de "spijker op zijn kop" met zijn statement hieronder en waarom H2 mobiliteit niet zomaar aan de kant gezet moet worden: Bij de tankstations van Carrefour wordt honderdduizenden keren per week getankt. Dat kan emissievrij via meer dan 1000 elektrische laadpalen. “In totaal wordt in Frankrijk jaarlijks ongeveer 500 terawatt aan energie gedistribueerd via de fossiele pompen bij de tankstations. Dat is van dezelfde orde van grootte als de totale elektriciteitsproductie uit de gezamenlijke kerncentrales”, stelt Hervé Mantoux , directeur van de brandstofdivisie van Carrefour. Het bedrijf denkt dat deze hoeveelheid stroom in de toekomst nooit richting alle ev-laadpalen kan worden getransporteerd en ziet waterstof als prima alternatief. De toekomst zal een combinatie van elektrisch vervoer met batterijen en elektrisch vervoer door H2 met brandstofcellen zijn. Simpelweg omdat: 1) het is niet mogelijk om de ontiegelijke grote hoeveelheden hernieuwbare energie met behulp van kabels van bron naar afname plek te brengen (bijvoorbeeld, in Nederland zullen we nooit Limburg van voldoende hernieuwbare elektriciteit kunne voorzien); 2) In landen waar seizoensopslag van elektriciteit nodig is (zoals Nederland waar de grote hoeveelheden hernieuwbare energie slechts in enkele maanden wordt opgewekt) is er een uitdaging met betrekking tot energieopslag (dat voor seizoensopslag met batterijen hartstikke duur is). Bovenstaande twee punten (vervoer en opslag) zijn met moleculen (LOHC, H2, MeOH, NH3) veel goedkoper. Voor korte termijn opslag en kleine hoeveelheden transport als ook de efficiëntie door direct gebruik is hernieuwbare elektriciteit het gunstigste. Oftewel we moeten streven naar een combinatie van elektriciteit en waterstof. Als ook investeren in de technologieën om vervoer als ook opslag goedkoper te maken.

    Frankrijk: retailgigant Carrefour investeert in serie nieuwe waterstoftankstations in Parijs

    Frankrijk: retailgigant Carrefour investeert in serie nieuwe waterstoftankstations in Parijs

  • BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Willem Frens, afbeelding

    Power-2-X project development, technologies and financing

    While in many country Governments are producing power-points to define what to do (without action), companies are taking the initiative at the same moment. And I like this. This is an example of CF Industries and ExxonMobil, integrating activities in such a way that waste gases (in this case CO2 produced by CFI) are used by another company (ExxonMobil which is valorizing the CO2 by storing it -making use of subsidies which I actually don't like, but okay- or using it for EOR to create value with the CO2 producing oil while permanently storing the CO2 in the oil field where it will stay as long as we want). Many people probably will react "CCS is not good". I never understand why because the CO2 is removed from atmosphere. Also, people will probably react that EOR is not good because it keeps oil production alive. I understand this, therefore we should define processes for using oil in such a way that while using the oil it doesn't emit CO2 (and in such a situation no harm is done). And this is possible although many might think "WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT, OIL (AND NATURAL GAS) IS BAD". To be short, hydrocarbons aren't bad, as long as no waste gases are emitted. Technologies that can be used using oil/natural gas without CO2 emission already exist. For instance (also good for CFI and ExxonMobil to read), in case the associated gases and oil is converted into electricity through an oxy-fuel combustion plant, you get a system which generates electricity and pure CO2 (CO2 that can directly be returned to the oil field where it comes from). Another technology that already exists is methane (or hydrocarbon gas) pyrolysis plants where the hydrocarbon is converted in zero CO2 emission H2 and solid carbon (which is a material used to make paint black, soil enhancement etc. etc.). By using these kinds of modern technologies you can process oil without CO2 emission! What I want to say, "let's start thinking outside the box" and "don't forget new technologies"

    ExxonMobil and CF Industries announce blue ammonia retrofit of US fertiliser site

    ExxonMobil and CF Industries announce blue ammonia retrofit of US fertiliser site

  • In case you are interested to learn more about green hydrogen, new technologies (hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives) and what you should use green hydrogen for and where you can best develop your project, please feel free to contact Willem Frens through a direct message!

    Profiel weergeven voor Willem Frens, afbeelding

    Power-2-X project development, technologies and financing

    Yesterday I presented at Hydrogen Tech World conference in Essen. Some of my messages: - Value is created downstream green hydrogen and not with hydrogen itself; - Therefore, try focus on intermediary or end-products like MeOH/DME, SAF, DRI/green steel, iron fuel, fertilizer or electricity in case RE isn't available during longer periods. Additional advantage of these products is that these are easier and cheaper to transport than H2 or H2-carrier (electricity is exception, it should be used locally); - If no biogenic-C or iron ore (or phosphate, sulphate etc.) is available to produce the added value products, try to use green H2 produced in plants that already exist nearby (like an existing refinery, a cement plant or an ammonia plant - replacing grey fuels or feedstock with green H2), or... - Produce products with added value using H2 and air like ammonia nitrates (preferably to be used locally in the agricultural sector to create even more value locally) or.... - When DAC is commercially available think of MeOH or SAF; - H2 export is obviously possible (especially when it is difficult to produce the products with more value locally due to lack of biogenic-C or iron-ore). But... 1) You need to produce H2 (carrier) in massive amounts and only when conditions are great (sufficient good quality low cost RE available). To be able to compete you need economy of scale, and....; 2) Only do this when it isn't possible to produce downstream added value products (for instance due to lack of biogenic-C or iron-ore). In regions where you can produce the added value products (like in Latin America) business case wise it is always more interesting to produce MeOH, SAF, DRI/Green Steel/iron fuel, fertilizer etc. And be aware, export H2 or H2 carriers in due time will be characterized by a race to the bottom. Reason: large offtakers such as EU refineries and steel plants -in due time- will only buy from suppliers of green H2 that can supply at lowest cost and not from the more expensive projects that produce under conditions that are not optimal. Finally, my most important messsage: - invest in new technologies (not only for H2 but definitely also for the downstream processes); - dare to embrace these new technologies (like SOEC or AEM as well as innovative PEM and alkaline systems, or new e-NH3, e-MeOH, e-SAF technologies); - try out innovative out of the box thinking solutions like methane pyrolysis processes, new H2 fueled oxy-fuel combustion and iron fuel. My presentation as well as the presentation of the other speakers will soon be available on the website of Hydrogen Tech World. And interview with the Hydrogen Tech World magazine from last month you can find here:

    Hydrogen Tech World June 2024 | Page 38

    Hydrogen Tech World June 2024 | Page 38

  • BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Juliana Monteiro, afbeelding

    Senior scientist at TNO - capturing CO2 for a better world

    YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!! 💧🌱 Are you active in water management or sustainable agriculture? 🇧🇷🇳🇱Do you want to help Rio Grande do Sul rebuild? (Brazilian state that was devastated by floods). Then join this seminar at the Wageningen University & Research, organised by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency It's time for engineering and architecture heroes to show their superpowers! 👷♂️👷♀️🫂 🗣 Let's spread the word!! #watermanagement #sustainableagriculture #waterbeheer

    Profiel weergeven voor Felipe Galoro, afbeelding

    Senior Trade and Economics Advisor at the Consulate-general of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in São Paulo

    The state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil is experiencing disastrous flooding due to heavy rainfall. We are now building links to connect Dutch companies that could help Brazil with their water management expertise. Are you active in irrigation or drainage within the water sector or agriculture? Then register for this seminar taking place on June 14th at the Wageningen University & Research (WUR) You can find further information about the event and market report in the link below.

    Kansenseminar: behoefte aan Nederlandse hulp bij waterbeheer Brazilië

    Kansenseminar: behoefte aan Nederlandse hulp bij waterbeheer Brazilië

  • BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Willem Frens, afbeelding

    Power-2-X project development, technologies and financing

    June 26th and 27th I will participate in Hydrogen Tech World Expo and Conference in Essen. During the conference I will give the opening speech on the 26th: "What to do with hydrogen, industry follows energy and not the other way around". During this presentation, among other things I will give insight and discuss with you why technology, the international angle and especially hydrogen derivatives are key for successful green H2 deployment. It is a view which I developed during my activities with and for (zero emission) technology developers & licensors, applied science institutes, EPC's, future green H2 producers, asset investors in green H2 (derivatives) and my experiences with grey, blue and green projects in developing countries in Africa and Latin America as well as in the European Union. Also, if you want to know why to produce green H2, what to use (green) H2 for, where you can best produce it, why you always should look for the best proposition on location and the importance of new or improved H2 (derivative) technologies you can also read my views published in the June issue of Hydrogen Tech World. BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development

    Hydrogen Tech World June 2024 | Page 38

    Hydrogen Tech World June 2024 | Page 38

  • Indeed, and at BA2C Zero Emission Molecules Project Development we are ready to work with interested parties to create and develop sustainable ideas in Latin America and the Caribbean. For info contact Willem Frens

    Profiel weergeven voor Adnan Hassan (ex-World Bank Group Board of Directors), afbeelding

    Investor | Entrepreneur | Advisor | Author | Philanthropist |

    Can we "De-Carbonize the Caribbean"? Can a 'big idea' around energy transition and the climate crisis unify the region? Can the Caribbean be the “Sustainable Technologies and Education 'Campus'" for the world? Can the Caribbean be seen as a microcosm of the planet? Can big ideas come from small places? Leaders in the Caribbean are ready for change. They know that the climate crisis affects them dramatically - affecting coral populations; fish stock; ocean temperatures; hurricane strength; etc. There is political consensus around change that has lasting impact. Some innovators are already focused on various aspects of sustainability, including investing in the "Hydrogen Transition."  Besides wind, solar, wave and geothermal resources, the Caribbean has some unique history, and advantages for the world. For a moment think of the Caribbean, not as a broad region with important and diverse island-sized countries -- which it is -- but as a complex single large ‘country’ of 44 million, with 33 ‘cities.' This 'country' would be the same population as Poland, Canada, Morocco, etc. or 2x the population of Romania; Netherlands; Cambodia; etc. This Caribbean ‘country’ is a pioneer. It was the first region in the world to globalize (over 500 years ago); has faced all the grand policy issues of our time (e.g. wealth, poverty, race, migration, identity, etc.); has dynamic creativity in many fields (e.g. music, sports, arts, etc.); has all the great civilizations present for the longest time (e.g. Indigenous, European, African, Asian, etc.); and is the first real melting pot and “stoba” of cultures. The Caribbean is geopolitically and economically significant. It borders some powerful economies (e.g. the U.S., specially the large states of Texas and Florida, in particular, but also large countries, such as Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela); has investments and historical presence from all the major OECD / European Union countries (e.g. US, UK, France, Netherlands, Spain, Canada, etc), and increasingly from China, Saudi Arabia, etc. The Caribbean is also known to the world, as the travel destination for the general public, and ‘playground’ for private sector millionaires and billionaires, and hosts many global family offices. They come there because they love the Caribbean. It’s their home too. In short, the Caribbean is the world in a microcosm. It represents the hopes and, sadly, the failures of humanity. It has a sense of urgency about the climate crisis; has investable public and private sector capital; and untapped opportunities. The Caribbean may be the most interesting and easiest region to 'de-carbonize.' In the process, it would lead the energy transition, and be the “Sustainable Technologies and Education 'Campus'" for the world. The Caribbean is large enough to be relevant, and small enough to create impact. Solutions developed in the region can be scaled elsewhere. BIG Ideas can come from small places!

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