Beyond Space heeft dit gerepost
Hear hear! Boring Collection continues.
Beyond Space firmly believes architectural thinking applies well beyond matters of space. Drawing from a range of interests, disciplines, and experiences, we seek to forge new connections to allow for the unexpected. We combine creative entrepreneurship with a solid grounding in our discipline of origin, and couple our unconventional ideas with intuitive design. We sit comfortably where art, architecture and product development meet, and mix buildings and spaces and objects. Partners Remi Versteeg & Stijn de Weerd Remi Versteeg is equal parts architect and entrepreneur. He founded his first company back in 2002 (many were to follow) and obtained his degree in architecture from Delft University. In 2016, he co-founded office for architecture Space Encounters. In 2021, he co-founded Beyond Space together with Stijn de Weerd. Remi is driven to innovate and always seeks to combine diverse perspectives to forge new connections and lead him down roads less traveled. Stijn de Weerd obtained his degree from the Amsterdam Academy for Architecture, after which he joined Anne Holtrop for two years. In 2016, he co-founded office for architecture Space Encounters. In 2021, he co-founded Beyond Space together with Remi Versteeg. Stijn is an intuitive designer that combines his knack for the the unfamiliar and the unexpected with a desire to share his knowledge and discoveries alike, which he often does in lectures and teaching engagements both nationally and internationally. Vacancies We are always looking for talented people to join our multidisciplinary team. Beyond Space is about fostering bright and driven minds. Our works are solid and challenge the status quo of architecture. Creativity is at the heart of it all, from what we do to how we do it. The office is a dynamic and nurturing environment: a place to grow and to become a part of something bigger. Do you think that you would make a great addition to our team? Apply now.
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Rigakade 10 (1013 BC)
Amsterdam, Noord Holland 1013 BC, NL
Beyond Space heeft dit gerepost
Hear hear! Boring Collection continues.
Blurring Zone published in Parool! Check out the full (Dutch) article:
The Pulse of amsterdam, vandaag in het Parool, is opnieuw een in de overtreffende trap: 9 filmzalen, een riante lobby en zowaar een dakbos tussen de twee torens.
In the heart of Amsterdam West, in the Bos en Lommer district, a remarkable transformation has taken place: two separate apartments have been merged into a spacious and contemporary family home. The new layout of EVRU House creates a harmonious balance between living spaces, practicality, and a connection to the surrounding outdoor areas. With this thoughtfully designed and modern home, the transformation in Amsterdam West offers a unique urban living experience where aesthetics, sustainability, and comfort come together. Design: Beyond Space + i29 interior architects Projectteam: Chris Collaris, Stijn de Weerd, Mahla Ebrahimpour Contractor: hagoort bouw Interior builder: Houtwaard Structural advisor: De Ingenieursgroep BV Landscape design: Peter Maat Facade finishing: Foreco Waxedwood Windows: Timmerfabriek Herman van den Brink Natural stone: Weerstand Natuursteen Upholstery: Siersema Stoffeerders Floor finishings: Motion Gietvloeren Photography: Max Hart Nibbrig
Today was the official opening of the Blurring Zone, the multifunctional public space at the base of Amsterdam Zuid's new icon: the Pulse. The Blurring Zone aims to blend the boundaries between public and private spaces. We interpreted ‘the Blurring Zone’ as a space where things come together, overlap, and interact without clear borders between. Although it’s an interior space, we approached it as if it were an urban plan - creating different neighborhoods and programmatic blocks. This concept, inspired by Amsterdam’s Plan Zuid, is reflected in the space’s sculptural stairs, use of brick, and integration of plant life, which has a large contribution to the overall atmosphere. EDGE | VORM Holding | Union Investment | VMX Architects | MVSA Architects | Het Groenlab
Read the full article here:
Discover the vision behind The Pulse’s interior! Beyond Space takes us behind the scenes of designing The Pulse’s dynamic interior, revealing how their flexible “Blurring Zone” brings versatility and seamless function to this unique space. The result? A visually captivating environment that unlocks The Pulse’s full potential. VORM Holding | MVSA Architects | VMX Architects | DELVA Landscape Architecture / Urbanism | Union Investment Real Estate GmbH | Amsterdam Zuidas | CBRE | CBRE Nederland | Cushman & Wakefield | Van Gool Elburg Vastgoedspecialisten - A Dils company | Beyond Space | Het Groenlab #TheWorldsNeedsBetterBuildings #Amsterdam #ThePulseofAmsterdam #CRE #Sustainability #Interior #Design
Beyond Space heeft dit gerepost
We’re nearing the finish line on The Pulse! Last couple of weeks VORM Holding, Bosman Bedrijven and all the subcontractors made a lot of progress and it already looks amazing. The way the office tower (MVSA Architects) and the residential tower (VMX Architects) work together, the insane forrest (DELVA Landscape Architecture / Urbanism) on the low-rise and the materialization in the blurring zone (Beyond Space): it all comes together. The last inspections are performed with Union Investment Real Estate GmbH and Savills Nederland, before we handover the spaces to the tenants and the project enters the next phase.
Friday October 25th at 11.30, Remi Versteeg will give a talk on the ORGATEC Cologne about the Future Workplace, from Functionality to Identity-driven Design.
Our spatial interior design of the public plinth and all the stairs in The Pulse is nearing its finish. Really happy with the result.
Exciting progress to report at The Pulse in Amsterdam. The interior of the public plinth is surely taking shape, with each step bringing us closer to completion. The attention to detail makes the difference! We can't wait for this space to come to life. VORM Holding | MVSA Architects | VMX Architects | DELVA Landscape Architecture / Urbanism | Union Investment Real Estate GmbH | Amsterdam Zuidas | CBRE | CBRE Nederland | Cushman & Wakefield | Van Gool Elburg Vastgoedspecialisten - A Dils company | Beyond Space | Het Groenlab | Marcel Steinbach #TheWorldNeedsBetterBuildings #Amsterdam #Zuidas
Holliger is officially completed! On the former site of the Wasser Energie company, the city of Bern has planned a new neighborhood comprising approximately 350 dwelling units, intended to eventually house 500 to 600 residents: Holliger. For the new urban plan for the Holliger site, we proposed a building in two distinct volumes: a high-rise and a low-rise. This design includes 50 affordable family apartments, available in five types, for a non-profit housing cooperative. “Instead of the ususal repetitive floorplans, we created different types of family housing which fit together like a jigsaw puzzle that all have exciting double height spaces.” The building reflects both Swiss and Dutch perspectives on housing in an integrated whole: experimentation and fun in the dwelling plans is coupled with beautiful materialization, controlled aesthetics and great detailing. —— Op het voormalige terrein van het Wasser Energie bedrijf heeft de stad Bern een nieuwe wijk gepland met ongeveer 350 woningen, voor de huisvesting van 500 tot 600 bewoners: Holliger. Voor het nieuwe stedenbouwkundige plan voor het Holliger-terrein, hebben wij een gebouw voorgesteld in twee afzonderlijke volumes: een hoogbouw en een laagbouw. Dit ontwerp omvat 50 betaalbare gezinswoningen, beschikbaar in vijf types, voor een non-profit wooncoöperatie. Het gebouw integreert Zwitserse en Nederlandse perspectieven op wonen, door experimentele en aangename woonplattegronden te combineren met hoogwaardige materialen, gecontroleerde esthetiek en nauwkeurige detaillering. —— Location: Bern, Switzerland Status: Completed! Program: Housing Client: Baugenossenschaft Aare Bern Contractor: Metal construction: Huber Metallbau AG, Wood: Zaugg AG Rohrbach, Concrete: Wirz AG Bauunternehmung Engineering: Wood: Indermühle Bauingenieure htl/sia Ing, Weber + Brönnimann AG Landscape: Weber + Brönnimann Landschaftsarchitekten AG HLKSE Gilgien, Uhlmann und Partner GmbH General planner: Fritschi Beis AG Facade: Ediltecnica AG Windows: 4B AG Flooring: P+H Parquet + Holzbau AG Bern Painter: Gipser und Malergenossenschaft Bern Electro: Aerni Elektro AG Architecture: Fritschi Beis Architektur + Beyond Space Floor Area: 5900m2 Photography: Beat Schweizer Project Team FBA: Ursina Ziörjen (PL), Jan Kolp, Raphael Niklaus, Gianna Erb, Giulia Tomaselli , Claudia Waldvogel (CM), Christophe Kissling (CM), Jonas Fritsch, Sebastian Hurni (Beis) Project team Beyond Space: Rolf van der Leeuw, Stijn de Weerd, Remi Versteeg, Esther Bentvelsen, Tszho Char Chau