Op vrijdag 21 februari was Peter van de Crommert te gast bij de CPTED Inspiratiemiddag, een waardevolle bijeenkomst georganiseerd door de Stichting Veilig Ontwerp en Beheer SVOB in samenwerking met Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid en Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. Deze inspiratiemiddag bood uitstekende mogelijkheden om kennis te delen en nieuwe inzichten op te doen over de toepassing van Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. Zo werden er onder andere interactieve workshops aangeboden, is de onderzoeksgroep Veilig Ontwerp en Beheer gelanceerd en werd het Nieuw Handboek Veilig Ontwerp en Beheer gepresenteerd. Op de foto Paul Van Soomeren, voorzitter van de Stichting Veilig Ontwerp en Beheer (SVOB) aan het woord. Hartelijk dank aan de organisatie en andere aanwezigen voor de mooie en nuttige samenkomst! #CPTED #VeiligeOmgeving #Criminaliteitspreventie #PubliekeRuimte
Dutch Institute for Safe and Secure Spaces (DISSS)
The Dutch Institute for Safe and Secure Space (DISSS) is a non-profit organisation focusing on ‘Safe and Secure Spaces’.
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The Dutch Institute for Safe and Secure Spaces (DISSS) is committed to creating a more safe, secure and resilient society. As a non-profit and non-governmental organisation, DISSS operates as an active networker, creator and partner in multiple-helix and multi-disciplinary projects and collaborations across Europe and in the Netherlands. Within these security and safety related projects and collaborations, DISSS invites positive change by placing human beings and their natural behaviours at the heart of its activities and innovations. DISSS provides training, living labs and knowledge transfer across Europe. By involving various stakeholders, including (local) governments, researchers, large industry and SMEs as well as citizens in our efforts, we make the outcome of publicly funded projects visible and tangible. Visit our website for more information on our projects.
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Externe link voor Dutch Institute for Safe and Secure Spaces (DISSS)
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- 11 - 50 medewerkers
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- 's-Hertogenbosch
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- Non-profit
Walpoort 10
's-Hertogenbosch, 5211 DK, NL
Medewerkers van Dutch Institute for Safe and Secure Spaces (DISSS)
Peter van de Crommert
Afi de Haan - Oubaibra
Subsidie-expertise op het gebied van (complexe en beleidsrijke) nationale en Europese subsidies bij subsidieverstrekkers, -toezichthouders en…
Tinus Kanters
Inventor Living Lab, Stratumseind 2.0, crowdmanagementspecialist, sensoring, smart and safe society
Marc Schuilenburg
Hoogleraar Digital Surveillance / Auteur: Making Surveillance Public - Why You Should Be More Woke About AI and Algorithms (2nd edition, 2025)
From Non-Profit Organisation to Research & Tech Organisation DISSS has now officially been designated as a Research & Technology Organisation (RTO) for EU purposes, expanding our capacity to contribute to security research and innovation across Europe. Working alongside partners in law enforcement, academia, civic society, the government and technology and innovation, we conduct research that directly addresses real-world security challenges. Our not-for-profit status remains unchanged, as our mission continues to focus on creating more safe and secure spaces for everyone. This transition strengthens our ability to bridge the gap between academic research and practical implementation whilst maintaining our commitment to public benefit. Learn more about our research initiatives and partnership opportunities on our website: www.disss.eu #SecurityResearch #Innovation #PublicSecurity #ResearchAndTechnology #EuropeanCollaboration
Expert insights: Approaching a nightlife district as a festival site DISSS works together with a team of experts that have years, and in many cases even decades, of experience in the field of safety and security. In our work we introduce and apply thoroughly researched approaches. These approaches often include the use of CPTED and a positive outlook on security. This also applies to the idea of approaching a nightlife district as a festival site. Nightlife districts often face unique safety and security challenges. Noise pollution, public use of alcohol and/or drugs, littering, public urination, violence… All these issues can lead to frustration among local residents, law enforcement, business owners and the nightlife public. The “old approach”, to deploy more police and law enforcement in these areas, more often than not only leads to more trouble, violence and frustration. So, how can we manage this? By using a festival approach! Nightlife districts can be managed like festival sites, with a focus on positive behaviour reinforcement through strategic design, planning and management. The goal is to create a safe and healthy nightlife for party-goers, but also for residents and night-workers. Some of the measures can include: 💡 Replacing police by hosts 💡 Using visually attractive lighting, indicating a clean and clear centre as well as routing and way finding 💡 Organising the logistics of arrival and departure, including a welcome sign with “house rules” on arrival 💡 Reinforcing positive behaviour through design, planning and management To see this approach in action, the following case studies are worth a read: 🔹 Rembrandtplein, Amsterdam (in Dutch) via https://lnkd.in/entCRnNF 🔹 Living lab Stratumseind, Eindhoven (in English) via https://lnkd.in/e2nddU9C Would you like to learn more about implementing festival-style management in urban nightlife? Visit our website or get in touch with us for more information. #NightlifeManagement #UrbanSecurity #SmartCities #PublicSpace #SecurityByDesign #CPTED
Een middag leren, gedachten uitwisselen en netwerken over Veilig Ontwerp en Beheer? Inschrijven voor de CPTED Inspiratiemiddag op vrijdag 21 februari kan nog! Deze middag wordt georganiseerd door de nieuwe onderzoeksgroep Veilig Ontwerp en Beheer van Inholland University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam, het Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid, het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties en de Stichting Veilig Ontwerp en Beheer SVOB. Zie onderstaande post voor meer informatie. ⤵️
🏗️ Geïnteresseerd in het creëren van veilige en leefbare omgevingen door slim ontwerp? Op vrijdag 21 februari Hogeschool Inholland Rotterdam samen met het Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid, het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties en de SVOB Stichting Veilig Ontwerp en Beheer een inspirerende CPTED middag! 📍 Wat kun je verwachten? - Een keynote over de impact van CPTED in Nederland - Lancering onderzoeksgroep Veilig Ontwerp en Beheer - Interactieve workshops - Netwerken met vakgenoten 🗓️ Wanneer? Vrijdag 21 februari ⏰ Tijd: 12:30 - 17:30 uur 📍 Locatie: Inholland Rotterdam Ben jij erbij? Schrijf je in via onderstaande link. https://lnkd.in/d35yWqxi #CPTED #VeiligOntwerp #StadsOntwikkeling #Veiligheid #Leefbaarheid #Inholland
Thanks team MARIT-D! We had an incredibly productive week in Portugal last week. Anna van der Stok, Brian Inostroza, Peter van de Crommert and Vivian Gravenberch represented DISSS during the fifth MARIT-D General Assembly, contributed to the pilot tests for the MARIT-D tool, and supported the EuCB Core Group meeting on maritime trafficking which was held in the same week. We look forward to diving even deeper into the topic of maritime trafficking in the coming months, as we prepare more activities on this issue as part of the MARIT-D project. Follow the project page below to stay up to date!
After a period of remote team work, our consortium had the opportunity to gather in person again last week. During the fifth General Assembly the current pilot version of the MARIT-D tool was reviewed and the next steps to further develop the tool were discussed. All contributions, both in-person and virtual, were invaluable to advancing our shared goals in maritime security. We are particularly grateful to our Portuguese partner and authorities for their hospitality and for facilitating productive discussions on our progress in developing data-driven solutions for maritime security, the enhancement of cross-border information sharing and the implementation of innovative analytical tools. The collaborative spirit demonstrated during the General Assembly reinforces the strength of our international partnership in creating safer maritime environments across Europe. Special thanks to PJ | Polícia Judiciária for hosting us and for organising the pilot. Thank you all 🤝 Politie Nederland, PJ | Polícia Judiciária, TNO, DNGCD - Direction Nationale Garde-Côtes des Douanes/ Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects (DGDDI), Guardia Civil / Ministerio del Interior, Dutch Institute for Safe and Secure Spaces (DISSS), Tilburg University / Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, Belgische politie - Police belge, Kustwacht Nederland Are you interested in contributing to the future of maritime security? Follow our page for updates on upcoming opportunities to engage with the MARIT-D community. #MaritimeSecurity #InternationalCollaboration #Innovation #EUFunded #DataDriven #LawEnforcement #DataDriven
Wanted: students who are ready to innovate the future of urban safety and security. For their E2i Student Design Challenge, EU initiative Engage2innovate Project is inviting students to develop innovative ideas that enhance people’s real and perceived safety in public spaces and urban mobility services. More info through their website: https://lnkd.in/djJF3phi Engage2innovate is an initiative by The University of Salford, Greater Manchester Police, German Prevention Congress, Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design and LOBA. This project is funded by the EU.
Expert insights: Four strategic principles of crowd management DISSS works together with a team of experts that have years, and in many cases even decades of experience in the field of safety and security. In our work we introduce and apply thoroughly researched approaches. For example the four strategic principles of crowd management from Otto Adang. These four principles are widely applied by law enforcement when maintaining public order during high-risk events. What are these simple, yet important principles? 1. Be informed: Know your crowd, know what moves them, and know what is important for this particular crowd. 2. Facilitate legitimate intentions: Most members of the crowd genuinely want to visit a (sports) event or express their opinion (for example during a demonstration). Successful crowd management involves facilitating these legitimate desires. 3. Communicate: Make it clear to the persons in the crowd why you are here and what your intentions are. Communicating also involves listening to the other person. 4. Differentiate: Hold someone responsible for their behaviour, not for the group they are part of. Not the entire crowd is a risk or potential offender. Modern public order management follows a preventative-proactive approach. Rather than focusing on unrest, this approach centers the public order and is more connective in nature. Curious about more expert insights and theory in safety and security? We will share more knowledge and insights like these in the coming weeks. Follow our page to stay in the loop! #CrowdManagement #LawEnforcement #PublicOrder #RiskEvents #Strategy
The MARIT-D consortium is working on innovative approaches to better address maritime trafficking. How? Have a look at the video below!
MARIT-D: Enhancing maritime security across Europe For those becoming newly acquainted with MARIT-D: Welcome to our community! The video below shows our core mission and objectives in enhancing maritime security across Europe. Our key objectives: 🌊 Creating and collecting intelligence collaboratively across EU Member States 🌊 Analysing modus operandi, transport patterns, and risk indicators 🌊 Investigating and utilising diverse data sources, including sensors and satellite imagery Through these initiatives, we are strengthening our capability to ensure safer maritime environments whilst fostering international cooperation. Our data-driven approach enables more effective maritime security measures through innovative technology and cross-border collaboration. Watch our video to learn more about how MARIT-D is contributing to maritime security through international partnership and technological innovation. We are curious to hear your thoughts on the role of data-driven solutions in enhancing maritime security below. How do you envision the future of international maritime cooperation? #MARITD #MaritimeSecurity #Innovation #EuropeanUnion #DataDriven #InternationalCollaboration #LawEnforcement #EUFunded
🎄 ...So DISSS is Christmas! 🌟 This is the third holiday season we are celebrating as the Dutch Institute for Safe & Secure Spaces. As we approach the end of 2024, we reflect on a year of meaningful contributions to public safety and security. We have focused on developing innovative solutions through collaborative partnerships, addressing critical challenges from maritime trafficking to terrorism resilience, labour exploitation, inclusivity in youth work and more safe mobility. Besides contributing to practical tools, we have organised and hosted workshops, presented webinars, delivered key note speeches, delivered a podcast series, and had multiple research articles published. We are happy to drive innovation and excellence through our dynamic partnerships, setting new inclusive safety and security standards together. In 2025, we will continue building a more resilient society. To learn more about our work and partnership opportunities, visit our website: www.disss.eu Wishing you peaceful and safe holidays! #PublicSafety #Innovation #ResearchImpact #SecuritySolutions #DISSS #ResilientSociety
DISSS is your update - December 2024! 🗞 Waar hebben wij ons de afgelopen tijd mee bezig gehouden? Hier een voorproefje: 🚲 Veilig op de fiets in de Utrechtse Heuvelrug 🎤 Experts van DISSS op internationale podia 📚 Publicaties over uiteenlopende onderwerpen zoals de beveiliging van religieuze ruimten, publieke ruimten, CPTED en maritieme smokkel 🚤 Pilotweek voor de MARIT-D tool Meer weten? Je leest het hieronder in onze nieuwsbrief!