Change happens at all levels, but bridges are needed🌉 Who drives change? Who shapes the transition from a linear to a circular economy? Is it politicians, industry leaders, or individuals? The reality is that it requires collective effort from all of us 🤝 . Co-hosting the CIRCO Offshore Wind program was an incredible experience, as participants not only developed new circular business models for their own organizations but also collaborated at the sector level—exploring how decommissioning could be integrated with manufacturing to create a more circular system. Building this bridge between decommissioned wind farm components and new manufacturing processes presents a significant opportunity. It ensures that valuable raw materials are effectively reused rather than lost as scrap, unlocking new business potential while promoting sustainability. Many companies are already engaged in reuse, refurbishment, and similar circular strategies. However, establishing a coordinated system—one supported by both industry and government—would further enhance these efforts, creating additional business opportunities and increasing circularity. Such a system would also improve transparency and traceability, ensuring that materials remain “on the radar” and are readily available as recycled content for new wind farms. ♻️ With these goals in mind, ECHT is actively exploring the creation of a “Bridge of Europe”—a framework connecting decommissioned wind farms with manufacturing processes. At the same time, we continue to support organizations in refining their circular business models. This dual transition offers clear benefits, not just for individual companies but for the entire sector and society as a whole. Want to learn more about “Bridge of Europe? Contact At the same time, I continue to be super impressed by the participants and their ideas for improved circularity: AYOP (Offshore Energy Association) Barge Master GBM Works Iver - Experts in wind NKT Osbit Shell TKF (BV Twentsche Kabelfabriek) Tree Composites Trelleborg Group Van Oord Vattenfall And very much looking forward to their final pitches on 10th of March at BlueCity (010)! Nina Vielen-Kallio Head of Circularity ECHT regie in transitie Ministerie van Economische Zaken, NedZero - Branchevereniging voor windenergie, TKI Offshore Energy and special thanks for Alexander Forrest 🌲 for overview image of the participant logos.
ECHT regie in transitie
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We fast track the transition to a sustainable blue and green economy.
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Met onze mensen versnellen wij de energietransitie richting een groene en duurzame blauwe economie Ons (energie)systeem moet volledig om. Het overmatige gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen en grondstoffen eist zijn tol van het klimaat, onze aarde en voor het leven van toekomstige generaties. De balans tussen wat wij consumeren van de aarde en wat zij ons kan bieden is scheefgegroeid. Wij nemen meer van de aarde dan zij ons jaarlijks kan geven. In 2022 viel dit moment, internationaal bekend als ‘Earth Overshoot Day’ op 28 juli en voor Nederland zelfs al op 12 april. Voor een gezonde aarde moet deze datum zover opschuiven dat deze verdwijnt van de kalender. Tegelijkertijd moet ons energiesysteem naar complete klimaatneutraliteit (conform de Klimaatwet). De energietransitie laat daarom niet op zich wachten: liever gisteren dan vandaag de nodige veranderingen. Deze transitie vraagt om een bewustwordingsproces binnen maatschappij, bedrijfsleven en politiek. Het vergt een verandering van denken en een verandering van doen. Het vraagt om het maken van keuzes en daarmee creëren van kansen. De transitie ECHT voor elkaar krijgen vraagt om visie, lef en leiderschap, kortom, regie.
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- 2018
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- lobby, innovation en implementation
2e Daalsedijk 14-6
Utrecht, 3551 EJ, NL
Medewerkers van ECHT regie in transitie
Erwin Coolen MBA
Seasoned Professional | Initiator | Interim Management | Project management | Energy Transition | Circularity | Security | Stakeholder management and…
Hans Timmers MBA
Managing Director ECHT and born at carbon dioxide (CO₂) level 320 ppm, ECHT Estate, ECHT Family Office, WindChain, Board TKI Offshore, CvA NAVINGO…
Joost Pellis
Head of Human Capital - Samenwerkingstechnoloog - Project Manager HR - ESG/CSRD - Lobbyist
David Molenaar
Dare to have some serious fun!
🌍 How Well is Your Organization Performing on ESG? 🌱 Sustainability, social impact, and governance (ESG) are no longer just buzzwords—they are essential for long-term success. But how do you truly measure where your organization stands? We’ve developed a free ESG Performance Tracker to help industry partners assess their current ESG practices, identify areas for improvement, and gain actionable insights. This quick, easy-to-complete survey provides a tailored overview of your performance across key ESG aspects—helping you stay ahead in an evolving landscape. It also offers a first indication of how prepared your organization is for CSRD reporting. 🚀 Why Take the Survey? ✅ Get an objective picture of your ESG strengths and opportunities ✅ Receive practical insights to enhance sustainability efforts ✅ Understand your CSRD readiness and potential gaps ✅ Lay the groundwork for ESG-driven business growth 💡 Take the survey here: We believe that ESG is not just about compliance—it’s about impact, innovation, and long-term resilience. Let's build a more sustainable future, together. 📩 If you’d like to discuss your results or explore ways to improve, feel free to reach out! #ESG #Sustainability #CorporateResponsibility #Impact #CSRD #Sustainable
🌍 How Well is Your Organization Performing on ESG? 🌱 Sustainability, social impact, and governance (ESG) are no longer just buzzwords—they are essential for long-term success. But how do you truly measure where your organization stands? We’ve developed a free ESG Performance Tracker to help industry partners assess their current ESG practices, identify areas for improvement, and gain actionable insights. This quick, easy-to-complete survey provides a tailored overview of your performance across key ESG aspects—helping you stay ahead in an evolving landscape. It also offers a first indication of how prepared your organization is for CSRD reporting. 🚀 Why Take the Survey? ✅ Get an objective picture of your ESG strengths and opportunities ✅ Receive practical insights to enhance sustainability efforts ✅ Understand your CSRD readiness and potential gaps ✅ Lay the groundwork for ESG-driven business growth 💡 Take the survey here: We believe that ESG is not just about compliance—it’s about impact, innovation, and long-term resilience. Let's build a more sustainable future, together. 📩 If you’d like to discuss your results or explore ways to improve, feel free to reach out! #ESG #Sustainability #CorporateResponsibility #Impact #CSRD #Sustainable
ECHT regie in transitie heeft dit gerepost
Meet ECHT Quality, a brand-new business line within the ECHT Community that specialises in Quality Management services & consultancy for renewables projects, ranging from fully integrated solutions to scope specific operational tasks. Headed by Gerwin de Vries and Peter Hamerpagt, in close cooperation with partners Hans Timmers MBA and Erwin Coolen MBA, ECHT Quality works with project developers, installation contractors and suppliers seeking strategic and pragmatic solutions to Quality challenges in the energy transition – both onshore and offshore. Our three pillars to drive your project success? Read more on our approach regarding People, Practises and Accountability on our website or send us a message to get in touch #qualitymanagement #quality #renewables #onshore #offshore #energytransition ECHT regie in transitie ECHT Estate ECHT Family Office
Vandaag, op Valentijnsdag, verklaart ons team bij ECHT regie in transitie haar onvoorwaardelijke liefde❤️ aan Femke Perlot-Hoogeveen, auteur van het boek "Wat een Energie!" met illustraties van Roos Fu Ning van der Zandt. Dit mooie zoekboek laat kinderen spelenderwijs kennismaken met alle aspecten rondom het ontwikkelen en in stand houden van een betrouwbaar, veerkrachtig en duurzaam energiesysteem. Je kan er niet vroeg genoeg mee beginnen! Femke😍 bedankt voor jouw ambassadeurschap voor de energiesector en de boost die je hiermee geeft aan de aandacht voor Educatie en Human Capital (zoals je ook liet zien tijdens de Q meeting afgelopen woensdag, waar Hans je nog even op de gevoelige plaat vastlegde). Intussen zijn al onze ECHT kids, nichtjes, neefjes, buurkinderen en aanverwante loslopende kinderen :-) voorzien van dit prachtige boek! They 💚 it!
Human capital wordt in de Nederlandse energie(transitie)markt vaak te weinig en te laat gewaardeerd. Bij ECHT zijn we daarom benieuwd hoe jouw bedrijf of onderwijsinstelling in de praktijk samenwerkt met industriële en onderwijspartners. We hebben een korte enquête (3-5 minuten) opgesteld om jouw inzichten te verzamelen. Hoe vaak werk je samen met industrie- of onderwijspartners? Welke uitdagingen kom je tegen? En wat zou helpen om deze samenwerking te verbeteren? De enquête is volledig anoniem. Wil je de resultaten ontvangen? Dan kun je aan het einde je e-mailadres achterlaten. Met deze inzichten willen we het bewustzijn vergroten over het tekort aan human capital en de skill-gap, én bijdragen aan verbeteringen in het Nederlandse onderwijssysteem. Vul hier de enquête in: Alvast bedankt voor je tijd en waardevolle input! Heb je vragen of wil je meer achtergrondinformatie? Neem gerust contact op met Annika via #HumanCapital #Energietransitie #Talentontwikkeling
🌍 How Well is Your Organization Performing on ESG? 🌱 Sustainability, social impact, and governance (ESG) are no longer just buzzwords—they are essential for long-term success. But how do you truly measure where your organization stands? We’ve developed a free ESG Performance Tracker to help industry partners assess their current ESG practices, identify areas for improvement, and gain actionable insights. This quick, easy-to-complete survey provides a tailored overview of your performance across key ESG aspects—helping you stay ahead in an evolving landscape. It also offers a first indication of how prepared your organization is for CSRD reporting. 🚀 Why Take the Survey? ✅ Get an objective picture of your ESG strengths and opportunities ✅ Receive practical insights to enhance sustainability efforts ✅ Understand your CSRD readiness and potential gaps ✅ Lay the groundwork for ESG-driven business growth 💡 Take the survey here: We believe that ESG is not just about compliance—it’s about impact, innovation, and long-term resilience. Let's build a more sustainable future, together. 📩 If you’d like to discuss your results or explore ways to improve, feel free to reach out! #ESG #Sustainability #CorporateResponsibility #Impact #CSRD #SustainableBusiness
De Noordzee in Beweging 🌊🎙️ Als Ambassadeur van SDG Nederland 14 (leven onder water) en diverse functies waar hij zich inzet voor een gezonde en toekomstbestendige Noordzee en Blauwe Economie, was het afgelopen woensdag de beurt aan Erwin Coolen MBA van ECHT regie in transitie om plaats te nemen achter de microfoon voor de gloednieuwe podcastserie van CoP Noordzee! 🎤✨ Op ons kantoor werd een leuke en interessante aflevering opgenomen met het opname-team van CoP Noordzee, waar (zoals bij de hele serie podcasts) werd afgetrapt met de vraag: Wat betekent de Noordzee voor jou? 🌊 Benieuwd naar het antwoord van Erwin Coolen MBA? Houd onze LinkedIn-pagina in de gaten, de podcast komt binnenkort online! 🎧🔜 #Noordzee #Podcast #CoPNoordzee Henny Voet-Schepers Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) René Bruijns René Schellekens
The Power of Policy and Market Engagement in Offshore Wind The Dutch government has been a pioneer in integrating non-price criteria into offshore wind tenders, driving innovation, sustainability, social responsibility, and long-term workforce development in the sector. These criteria have been actively embedded in tender processes, ensuring a holistic approach to industry advancement. A key success factor has been direct engagement with industry stakeholders, including developers and OEMs. In the context of circularity, this collaborative approach has extended even further, involving all stakeholders—as demonstrated in the Moonshot and Circular Wind Hub projects, which were recognized as best practices for communication and engagement by Renewables Grid Initiative Since 2023, circularity has been formally included in Dutch offshore wind tenders, beginning with the IJmuiden Ver Alpha and Beta projects (4 GW total) and continuing with IJmuiden Ver Gamma A/B and Nederwiek 1-A (3 GW total). However, the sector is now facing a challenging market environment, characterized by: - Rising material and component costs, - Geopolitical uncertainties, - Ambiguity around global climate commitments, and - Broader financial pressures on wind farm profitability. In response, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) is reassessing its approach to tender processes for Nederwiek II/III and has invited wind farm developers to indicate their preferred procurement model from the following options: 1. Subsidy-based model 2. Comparative assessment with a financial bid 3. Comparative assessment without a financial bid 4. Auction-based system While this market consultation is directed at developers, it carries significant implications for the entire supply chain and market development—especially for companies that have invested in sustainability and circularity under the expectation of a continued shift toward a greener, more circular wind industry. At the same time European Commission is requesting feedback on Net-Zero Industry Act, which addresses the tender systems and aims to improve circularity and sustainability of supply chains. At least WindEurope has not been impressed by this draft. The Dutch wind sector now stands at a crossroads: Should policy adjustments prioritize short-term market pressures, or should they remain focused on long-term sustainability goals? As a stakeholder in the wind sector, how do you see the path forward? Feel free to leave comments below. Or does your team need sparring or support on how to respond to these changes? Contact us! Nina Vielen-Kallio Head of Circularity
😎 Look who's back: The CIRCO Offshore Wind program! And what a group of frontrunners is joining! ECHT regie in transitie is proud to co-host this edition and share our experience with development of ♻️Circular Strategies♻️ ! It's in our DNA to lift, push, pull, bridge and support different stakeholders to bravely step towards circular economy, which creates value in so many levels: 👉 diversification of revenue models for companies 👉 saving the resources of our planet for future generations 👉 de-risking supply chains through extended operational capabilities 👉 innovating with materials, processes and business models 👉 attracting new talent who want to support sustainable businesses In the Kick-off of the program our colleague Nina Vielen-Kallio will provide some inspirational examples from the offshore wind industry how ♻️Circular Strategies♻️ are implemented in practice but also highlight the upcoming Roadmap 2040 for Circular Offshore Wind, which she is coordinating for Ministerie van Klimaat en Groene Groei Looking forward to the new batch of frontrunners to innovate, pivot and implement the next wave of impact-makers! AYOP (Offshore Energy Association) Barge Master ECHT regie in transitie GBM Works Iver - Experts in wind NedZero - Branchevereniging voor windenergie NKT Osbit Shell TKF (BV Twentsche Kabelfabriek) Tree Composites Trelleborg Group Van Oord Vattenfall Alexander Forrest 🌲BlueCity (010)
Passionate about circularity, data/AI/blockchain & sustainable growth | Current projects: electrolysers, fuel cells, offshore wind & maritime
We’re Fully Booked! 🌬️♻️🌎 Right now, across the globe, thousands of offshore wind turbines are working hard to generate clean energy. But what happens when their lifecycle ends? Far too often, wind blades—symbols of renewable energy—end up as landfill, and the decommissioning costs of offshore wind farms soar beyond expectations. This cannot be the future of sustainability. That’s why I’m thrilled to announce that the CIRCO Offshore Wind program is officially fully booked with some of the most innovative and forward-thinking companies and branch organisations in the industry: AYOP (Offshore Energy Association) Barge Master ECHT regie in transitie GBM Works Iver - Experts in wind NedZero - Wind Energy Association NKT Osbit Shell TKF (BV Twentsche Kabelfabriek) Tree Composites Trelleborg Group Van Oord Vattenfall Together, we’ll tackle key questions like; How can offshore wind turbines be repurposed when being replaced with larger units? Is it possible to calculate the real cost of decommissioning an offshore wind farm? How can we work together to make it happen? This program is about finding practical, circular solutions that will reshape the future of offshore wind. We're beyond excited to collaborate with this incredible group of companies to lead the way in creating a truly sustainable offshore wind industry. Curious to learn more? Follow BlueCity (010) and get in contact if your interested in one of our upcoming tracks or maybe you have a cool theme for a CIRCO program. 💬 Let’s start a conversation! For upcoming themes check my LinkedIn tagline: Special thanks to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. BlueCity (010) acquisition team: Alexander Forrest 🌲, Daniël T. O. D., Nadia Koppenol, and Bas Hillerström.