Enkhuizer Zeevaartschool / Enkhuizen Nautical College

Enkhuizer Zeevaartschool / Enkhuizen Nautical College


Enkhuizen, North Holland 422 volgers

Maritime education for sailors on sailing vessels

Over ons

ABOUT THE SCHOOL The ‘Enkhuizer Zeevaartschool’ (EZS) is located in the city of Enkhuizen, the Netherlands. The school was founded in 1978 as a result of increased interest in sailing and maintaining traditional sailing vessels, which had been renovated and adapted for commercial use. Lessons take place on Fridays and/or Saturdays for 24 weeks from October to March. Written or e-learning courses are not available. English KZV is ONLY on fridays! Exams in KZV (limited sailing zone) and GZV (unlimited sailing zone) are held at our school and are supervised by the LEB (National bureau of professional sailing exams) which has DNV (Det Norske Veritas) accreditation. VISION The EZS is a non-profit organization which specializes in adult education. Our goal is to be able to educate anyone, without requiring preparatory training, although some commercial sailing experience is highly recommended!

2-10 medewerkers
Enkhuizen, North Holland
Erkende instelling
sailing vessels, nautical college en zeevaartschool


Medewerkers van Enkhuizer Zeevaartschool / Enkhuizen Nautical College


  • Profiel weergeven voor Cosmo Wassenaar, afbeelding

    Directeur Enkhuizer Zeevaartschool /director Enkhuizen Nautical College

    De EZS zoekt een part-time docent "Laden en stuwen voor schepen gebruikmakend van voortstuwing door de wind" Het afgelopen schooljaar zijn we begonnen met een pilot, in het komende schooljaar bouwen we de module verder uit. De module bedraagt 10 lesuren in de periode februari/maart op een aantal vrijdagen en zaterdagen. Heb je ervaring met ladingbehandeling in de handelsvaart en affiniteit met transport onder zeil? Dan ga ik graag met je in gesprek! Graag contact via cosmo@ezs.nl The Enkhuizen Nautical College is looking for a part-time Teacher "Cargo Handling for ships making use of wind propulsion". The module was introduced last school year; this year we want to continue to build on the basis of this approach. The module consists of 10 classical hours in the period February/March on a couple of Fridays and Saturdays. Do you have experience with cargo handling for Merchant vessels and do you have interest in cargo handling on sailing vessels? I would like to come in contact. Please mail cosmo@ezs.nl

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