Innovatie Attaché Netwerk / IAN (Netherlands Innovation Network) heeft dit gerepost
Innovatie Attaché Netwerk Brazilië / Netherlands Innovation Attaché Network Brazil has gathered, in collaboration with the CWTS | Leiden University, data on academic collaboration between the Netherlands and Brazil. Through a so-called #bibliometric #analysis, we looked at #joint #scientific #publications of Brazilian and Dutch researchers in the period 2013-2022. Key findings: 📈 The average annual growth rate of joint Dutch-Brazilian publications is 10% and well above the overall growth rate of Dutch international publications; 🔬 Joint research significantly enhances the scientific impact for both countries; 📚 In terms of volume and impact of the scientific collaboration, Brazil is a key partner among Latin American and BRICS+ countries. Curious to know more? Read the 2-page summary below. Robert Thijssen Ernst-Jan Bakker Jens K. Daniël Burgers Anna-Maria Janssen André Brasil Clara Calero Medina Dhallys Mota Nunes NWO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) CNPq CAPES (Perfil) Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação FAPESP