STU Garden is designed to be an OUTDOOR LIVING ROOM not only for the STU campus but also for the citizens of Irpin. Gently sloping flowering lawns, like a 'green carpet', invite you to linger and relax. The garden is filled with several new characteristic trees, contrasting with the existing red pines that soar high into the sky, providing subtle layers of shade. In particular, a group of Japanese Yoshino Cheery trees provide an annual 'Hanami' area for the community. Furniture made from local boulders adds a special touch and tranquil atmosphere to the garden.
In the midst of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, in the midst of the Battle of Irpin, the STU (State Tax University) suffered a devastating attack. Particularly hard hit was its iconic main building, which sits prominently on the main streets of Irpin, as we witnessed during our visit in June 2022. Rather than simply rebuilding what was lost, the STU is aiming for a transformation that meets its current needs and functions.
MASA architects and MADMA urbanism+landscape decided to donate the preliminary design of this building and the surrounding landscape, in collaboration with our local partners: Druid Project Bureau, Beloded Landscaping and IRS (Irpin Reconstruction Summit). Despite the ongoing war, we strongly wanted to be proactive in the reconstruction of Irpin.
More about the project:
2022年に始まったロシア侵攻中にイルピンに位置するSTU (State Tax University) は攻撃の対象になり、我々は開戦3か月後の2022年6月に現地入りし、イルピンの幹線道路に面したこの大学の「顔」ともいえるメインの建物の悲惨な損傷を目の当たりにすることに。大学の望みははこの建物をもとの状態に建て直すのではなくアップデートしたものを建て替えることでした。
MASA architectsとMADMA urbanism+landscapeはウクライナのパートナー (Druid Project Bureau, Beloded Landscaping and IRS (Irpin Reconstruction Summit)) と共にこの新しい建物と周辺のランドスケープデザインの基本設計をSTUに寄付しました。いまだ戦時中とはいえ、目に見える形でイルピンの再建に積極的な一石を投じるためです。