Coverfoto van ShoreTension



Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland 1.627 volgers

Dynamic Mooring System for a safe and green berthing. Improving safety and terminal performance at the same time.

Over ons

The ShoreTension is a system for safer mooring of sea-going ships that is as convenient as it is revolutionary. The ShoreTension, a cylindrical stand-alone device, can be flexibly used in any port at terminals where containers, general cargo and/or bulk are handled. With the ShoreTension, ships of any size can be firmly anchored to the quay. The ShoreTension significantly reduces movement caused by strong winds, currents, swell or passing ships. In the traditional mooring method using mooring lines on bollards, this movement is always present. In extreme conditions, the tremendous pressure this exerts on the ship can cause the mooring lines to snap with potentially serious consequences. As other ports have experienced in the past, this is definitely a realistic risk. The ShoreTension mitigates this risk significantly. Ships are moored to the quay much sturdier and therefore much safer. In addition, the flexibly deployable ShoreTension aims to allow terminals to operate more efficiently. Because ships are moored alongside the quay with greater stability, the ShoreTension promotes unhindered quay crane operations and significantly re- duces the risk of damage during unloading and loading. Furthermore, operations can continue for much longer in bad weather. Visiting ships can be handled more quickly.

11 - 50 medewerkers
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland
Particuliere onderneming
Dynamic mooring, Mooring solutions, Vessel motion reduction en Safer mooring


Medewerkers van ShoreTension


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