🌍🎧 Have you tuned into the first episode of the Speak Up podcast yet? Get inspired by this discussion on climate change and citizen engagement! In "Lost in transition? - Participation as a key for climate engagement," host Otto Thors is joined by keynote speaker Teun Gautier and Speak Up partners from Malmö stad, Skive Kommune, and Stad Mechelen. Together, they explore the vital connection between climate transition and active citizen participation. Listen to the podcast on soundcloud for free: https://lnkd.in/eWk39Pqg 🌱 Curious about how participation can play a role in governments and climate action? Or want to learn more about the speakers and their insights? Check out the full episode and discover more on our website: https://lnkd.in/dkRqugUS 💬 Don’t forget to share with your friends, colleagues, and anyone passionate about creating a sustainable future! #SpeakUp #ClimateEngagement #CitizenParticipation #interregnorthsea #podcast Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project Interreg North Sea Programme
Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project
The Speak Up project will help develop better ways of working between citizens and governments
Over ons
Speak Up is an EU funded project on citizen participation and engagement and falls under the North Sea Region programme (Interreg). The project runs from 2023 to 2026.
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Externe link voor Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project
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- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 1.001 - 5.000 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Groningen
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- Partnerschap
- Opgericht
- 2023
Groningen, 9700 RM, NL
⚡ Speak Up’s first podcast is now online! During the Speak Up conference in Mechelen, we held a talkshow around ‘‘The relation between participation and the climate transition''. This talkshow was recorded as a podcast and is now available online! 🎧 Check it out here: https://lnkd.in/gF9uD7dW The talkshow was hosted by Otto Thors and his guests were keynote speaker Teun Gautier, co-author of 'Een Wereld van Gemeenschappen' ('A World of Communities'), and Speak Up partners Monika Månsson from Malmö stad (Sweden), Signe Bak Jørgensen from Skive Kommune (Denmark) and Mark Van der Veken from Stad Mechelen (Belgium). The latter three all shared their experiences with their own climate pilots. Listen to their stories on Souncloud to gain new inspiration if you are interested in participation and climate engagement. If you want to know more about the speakers and the projects they are working on, please visit our website: https://lnkd.in/gCZD_Kcw ❕ Moreover, don't forget to share the podcast with your colleagues and friends who might be interested in the subject! Interreg North Sea Programme
‘Lost in Transition? - Participation as key for climate engagement’ On the 11th of December, Speak Up hosted its first participation conference in Stad Mechelen! The central theme of the day was the relation between participation and climate engagement. We look back on successful day with 70 participants and filled with interesting stories and experiences! Our keynote speaker Teun Gautier inspired us by sharing many examples of successful citizen-initiatives and by pointing out how much fun it is to work from what is already there, in cities, villages and neighbourhoods. Otto Thors hosted a talkshow with partners from Malmö stad (Sweden), Skive Kommune (Denmark) and Stad Mechelen (Belgium), all sharing their climate pilots. 🎧 This talkshow was also recorded as a podcast, so stay tuned as we will share it soon… Monika Månsson talked about the citizen assembly she organized in Malmö. The question she addressed in her workshop was: who gets a voice in climate councils and citizen dialogues? This climate assembly resulted in 26 recommendations for the city, over a very wide range of topics! Signe Bak Jørgensen discussed the role of public sector professionals in the green transition. She organizes climate villages in Skive where citizens meet and get involved in local initiatives supporting the green transition. It us up to the citizens to decide how they will spend their local climate budget, an interesting combination between participation and climate engagement! How to give non-humans, such as plants and animals, a voice? Mark Van der Veken dealt with this question in Mechelen. His solution? Mark incorporated the voice of non-humans in the transformation a the area around the river Dijle by giving them a seat at the table in a citizen panel! This way, people could speak out in the name of certain plants and animals. These pilots show why it is so important to connect with citizens an communities in order to deal with local or even bigger challenges! 👉 Want to know more about one of these pilots? You can find the presentations and a recap of our partner meeting here: https://lnkd.in/eCm2UKnn #Participation #ClimateEngagement #CitizenEngagement #Greentransition #Positivechange #Impact #Citizens #Democracy Interreg North Sea Programme Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project Mark Van der Veken Landry Mawungu Jasmien Wellens Signe Bak Jørgensen Monika Månsson Christiaan Teule Emma Jasperse Anne de Zeeuw Katrijn Goossens Fred Stol Marjon de Bie-Weidgraaf Renske Stumpel Rik Roosjen Namkje Koudenburg Lise Jans Anne Eichholtzer, PhD Holger Højlund Serena Rivaroli Jens Ulrich Matthias Defour
Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project heeft dit gerepost
Vi er netop vendt tilbage fra et inspirerende partnermøde i Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project, som denne gang fandt sted i den smukke belgiske by Mechelen. Fokus var på borgerinddragelse i den grønne omstilling, og vi kom hjem med masser af inspiration og nye perspektiver.🙏 Vores belgiske partner præsenterede projektet 'The Voice of Nature', som handler om at integrere naturen i byudviklingsprojekter. Et punkt på dagens program var en bådtur, hvor vi så, hvordan 'grønne vægge' kan styrke biodiversiteten i floden – et konkret eksempel på, hvordan naturen kan spille en aktiv rolle i udviklingen af byområder. Christophe Busch fra Hannah Arendt Instituut Instituttet gav os et tankevækkende oplæg om polarisering og Collective Impact-modellen. Hans indsigter inspirerede til refleksion over, hvordan vi kan samle kræfter på tværs af aktører for at skabe fælles løsninger. Vi deltog også i en podcast og faciliterede en workshop, hvor vi delte erfaringer om klimalandsbyerne i Skive Kommune. Diskussionerne i workshoppen handlede om, hvordan organisationer og medarbejdere kan arbejde med borgerinddragelse. Teun Gautier gav et inspirerende indlæg om, hvordan fællesskaber og kommuner kan samarbejde om at tackle nogle af de store udfordringer, vi står overfor. Dagene i Mechelen var både lærerige og engagerende, og vi ser frem til at bruge erfaringerne i det videre arbejde med Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project. Tak til alle partnere for deres værdifulde bidrag! 👏 Næste partnermøde finder sted i Skive d. 3. – 4. juni, hvor vi som en del af programmet afholder et større event, der er åbent for alle. Hvilke temaer inden for borgerinddragelse og deltagelse vil du gerne se på programmet? Del dine tanker i kommentarfeltet eller send en mail til Signe Bak Jørgensen på sibj@skivekommune.dk – vi glæder os til at høre fra dig! 🙏 Interreg North Sea Programme
Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project heeft dit gerepost
Er lige vendt hjem fra Belgien efter et godt seminar i Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project (et EU-projekt, som jeg bidrager til). Der var fokus på, hvordan der kan laves mere værdifulde grønne løsninger gennem samskabelse og borgerinddragelse. Jeg tager en masse praksiseksempler med hjem – om bl.a. borgerhøringer, borgerpaneler, samskabelsesprocesser, facilitering og meget mere. Vi debatterede også, hvordan man som kommune sikrer, at man har de rette kompetencer til at håndtere et stigende ønske om samskabelse og borgerinddragelse. Er løsningen at uddanne nogle nøglepersoner, som kan håndtere de borgerinddragende og samskabende processer? Eller skal man tænke disse kompetencer ind som et element, der skal indarbejdes mere generelt i det fagprofessionelle virke? Jeg tænker både-og. Men det er her tydeligt, at vi i de nordiske lande har en anden tilgang til inddragelseskultur, end den vi finder i Mellem- og Sydeuropa. Spændende. Vi var et stærkt hold fra Danmark. Tak for nogle gode dage til Signe Bak Jørgensen, Alexander Lauring Knudsen, og Holger Højlund fra Skive Kommune og VIA University College.
Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project heeft dit gerepost
Hoe gaan Europese #gemeenten in gesprek met stakeholders over #klimaatmaatregelen? En wie moeten hierover meepraten? #Overheden, bedrijven en inwoners…. OK! Maar hoe geef je ook dieren en planten een stem aan tafel? Voor Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project maakte ik een live #podcast opname tijdens het event ‘Lost in Transition’ in Mechelen, waar ik in gesprek ging met: Signe Bak Jørgensen die in Skive Kommune “Klimaatdorpen” mogelijk maakt waar inwoners elkaar betrekken bij kleine en grote initiatieven op het gebied van #biodiversiteit, CO2 emissie en #voedselverspilling, zoals repair cafés, swapshops en oogstfestivals. Teun Gautier, co-auteur van het boek “Wereld van Gemeenschappen’ dat hij samen met Floor Ziegler schreef o.a. over inspirerende lokale initiatieven waar inwoners #energiecoöperaties oprichten en met de opbrengsten daarvan sociale huurwoningen bouwen zodat mensen in hun dorp kunnen blijven wonen. Monika Månsson die in Malmö stad een #Klimaatberaad organiseerde waar 26 voorstellen samen met inwoners tot stand zijn gekomen o.a. over de inrichting van de stad, #verkeer, #consumptie en #energievoorziening. Mark Van der Veken die in Stad Mechelen de stem van #dieren en #planten een plaats aan de tafel heeft gegeven bij #stadspanels over de herinrichting van de groen-blauwe #corridor van rivier de Dijle. Uiteenlopende voorbeelden van #lokale initiatieven om #gemeenschappen beter te betrekken bij de ontwikkeling van hun gemeenten. Binnenkort te beluisteren via de kanalen van Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project (zie ook https://lnkd.in/eiqcSu5r) Veel dank aan de organisatie en deelnemers! Renske Stumpel Rik Roosjen Landry Mawungu Jasmien Wellens Gemeente Groningen Hannah Arendt Instituut Stad Roeselare Interreg North Sea Programme Christiaan Teule Emma Jasperse Anne de Zeeuw Katrijn Goossens Fred Stol Marjon de Bie-Weidgraaf Namkje Koudenburg Lise Jans Anne Eichholtzer, PhD Holger Højlund Serena Rivaroli #Participation #CitizenEngagement #Greentransition #Positivechange #Impact #Citizens #Democracy
👉Yesterday, the Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project had its first day in Stad Mechelen as part of our partner meeting! 🗣️We had interesting dialogues during 'Talking Tables' about, among others, how to measure the impact of participation and how to deal with capacity building within your organization. Furthermore, Otto Thors gave a workshop on Speak Up's communication strategy. 🛶Mark Van der Veken organized a tour on the river Dijle, where he showed us the project 'Voice of Nature'. This project aims to give non-humans a voice in projects. 🗯️ Christophe Busch introduced us to the Hannah Arendt Instituut and explained how the institute operates. Besides, he gave a fascinating talk about polarization. #foodforthought 👏Today, we will have our conference ‘Lost in Transition - participation as key for Climate engagement’ in the beautiful Lamot Congres- en Erfgoedcentrum! There are a few tickets left, so you can still join the event! Sign-up here: https://lnkd.in/enmYBkUJ For more information about the speakers and the program, check out our website: https://lnkd.in/eZ5bejUt We hope to see you today! 👋 #Participation #CitizenEngagement #Greentransition #Positivechange #Impact #Citizens #Democracy Interreg North Sea Programme Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project Mark Van der Veken Landry Mawungu Jasmien Wellens Signe Bak Jørgensen Monika Månsson Christiaan Teule Emma Jasperse Anne de Zeeuw Katrijn Goossens Fred Stol Marjon de Bie-Weidgraaf Renske Stumpel Rik Roosjen Namkje Koudenburg Lise Jans Anne Eichholtzer, PhD Holger Højlund Serena Rivaroli
👋 Will we see you there? Get your free ticket now and join Speak Up’s first Participation Conference! Sign-up here: https://lnkd.in/enmYBkUJ
🔔 Only one week to go: don't hesitate and join Speak Up’s first Participation Conference! On the 11th of December, the Speak Up project hosts its first conference in Mechelen, called ‘Lost in Transition? Participation as key for climate engagement’. As many cities and regions are currently involved in participation pilots around the climate transition – this is the central theme for this free event. What can you expect? - An inspiring keynote by Teun Gautier - A talkshow hosted by Otto Thors with international partners - Several break-out rooms where partners from Malmö stad (Sweden), Skive Kommune (Denmark) and Stad Mechelen (Belgium) share their climate pilots - Ample room for discussion, practical experiences and meetings with! Don't hesitate and sign-up here: https://lnkd.in/enmYBkUJ The challenges that will be addressed during the break-out sessions Break-out 1 - Mechelen: Voice of nature: a unique experiment on how to engage non-humans in public debate Break-out 2 - Malmö: Recruiting of participants; who gets a voice in climate councils and citizen assemblies? Break-out 3 - Skive: Our role as public sector professionals and competencies for citizen engagement in the green transition For more information about the speakers and the program, check out our website: https://lnkd.in/eZ5bejUt When: The 11th of December 2024, from 13:00-17:00 Where: Mechelen (Lamot, van Beethovenstraat 8) Sign-up here: https://lnkd.in/enmYBkUJ Who: Professionals working with participation and/or the climate transition We hope to see you there! 👋 #Participation #CitizenEngagement #Greentransition #Positivechange #Impact #Citizens #Democracy Interreg North Sea Programme Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project Mark Van der Veken Landry Mawungu Jasmien Wellens Signe Bak Jørgensen Monika Månsson Christiaan Teule Emma Jasperse Anne de Zeeuw Katrijn Goossens Fred Stol Marjon de Bie-Weidgraaf Renske Stumpel Rik Roosjen Namkje Koudenburg Lise Jans Anne Eichholtzer, PhD Holger Højlund Urban Strandberg Yacine Diallo Gaujot Serena Rivaroli
🔔 Only one week to go: don't hesitate and join Speak Up’s first Participation Conference! On the 11th of December, the Speak Up project hosts its first conference in Mechelen, called ‘Lost in Transition? Participation as key for climate engagement’. As many cities and regions are currently involved in participation pilots around the climate transition – this is the central theme for this free event. What can you expect? - An inspiring keynote by Teun Gautier - A talkshow hosted by Otto Thors with international partners - Several break-out rooms where partners from Malmö stad (Sweden), Skive Kommune (Denmark) and Stad Mechelen (Belgium) share their climate pilots - Ample room for discussion, practical experiences and meetings with! Don't hesitate and sign-up here: https://lnkd.in/enmYBkUJ The challenges that will be addressed during the break-out sessions Break-out 1 - Mechelen: Voice of nature: a unique experiment on how to engage non-humans in public debate Break-out 2 - Malmö: Recruiting of participants; who gets a voice in climate councils and citizen assemblies? Break-out 3 - Skive: Our role as public sector professionals and competencies for citizen engagement in the green transition For more information about the speakers and the program, check out our website: https://lnkd.in/eZ5bejUt When: The 11th of December 2024, from 13:00-17:00 Where: Mechelen (Lamot, van Beethovenstraat 8) Sign-up here: https://lnkd.in/enmYBkUJ Who: Professionals working with participation and/or the climate transition We hope to see you there! 👋 #Participation #CitizenEngagement #Greentransition #Positivechange #Impact #Citizens #Democracy Interreg North Sea Programme Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project Mark Van der Veken Landry Mawungu Jasmien Wellens Signe Bak Jørgensen Monika Månsson Christiaan Teule Emma Jasperse Anne de Zeeuw Katrijn Goossens Fred Stol Marjon de Bie-Weidgraaf Renske Stumpel Rik Roosjen Namkje Koudenburg Lise Jans Anne Eichholtzer, PhD Holger Højlund Urban Strandberg Yacine Diallo Gaujot Serena Rivaroli
👋 We would like to introduce you to our partners from Stad Mechelen! In this interview, we speak with Mark Van der Veken, project leader and participation advisor at the City of Mechelen. The City of Mechelen is committed to inclusivity, that is why the Speak Up project is a good way to ensure that Mechelen can further develop its citizen engagement initiatives. Furthermore, Mark highlights a unique experiment that he created as part of a project concerning nature restoration and water quality in the public domain. In this project, Mark and his team included ‘the voice of nature’ as a stakeholder. Want to know why and how Mark incorporates the perspective of nature in his projects? 📖 Read the article on our website 👉 https://lnkd.in/e-vwrD7d 🔔 Moreover, on the 11th of December, Mechelen will host a Speak Up congress called ‘Lost in Transition? Participation as key for climate engagement’. Speak Up partners Malmö stad, Skive Kommune and Stad Mechelen will demonstrate their climate pilots during interactive workshops. One of these workshops is given by Mark, where he will present his ‘voice of nature’ project. During this day, we discuss with public professionals how to improve our participation approaches and how to scale them up, as well as how to embed them in the future climate policies of our cities. You can sign-up to the event for free with this link: https://lnkd.in/e25DZdna For more information regarding the program and speakers, please visit the Speak Up website: https://lnkd.in/eZ5bejUt #Participation #CitizenEngagement #Climateaction #greentransition #Positivechange #Impact #Citizens #Democracy #Workingtogether Speak Up - Interreg North Sea Region project Interreg North Sea Programme Mark Van der Veken Signe Bak Jørgensen Christiaan Teule Emma Jasperse Anne de Zeeuw Landry Mawungu Katrijn Goossens Fred Stol Marjon de Bie-Weidgraaf Jasmien Wellens Renske Stumpel Rik Roosjen Monika Månsson Namkje Koudenburg Lise Jans Anne Eichholtzer, PhD Holger Højlund Urban Strandberg Yacine Diallo Gaujot Serena Rivaroli