As some may already know, our cofounder Tara lost her daughter Maia last year to a rare form of childhood cancer. During this difficult time they received tremendous help at the Princess Maxima Hospital where they really did everything they could to save her life. To help with the research into a cure for this terrible disease, we are participating in the Kika Triathlon with Spotr. It would be great if you could also give us financial support; every euro helps! Lots of love, Team Spotr
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Over ons
Inspecteer 100% van je vastgoedportefeuille tegen een fractie van de kosten om onderverzekering te detecteren, risico's in kaart te brengen of leads te generen voor nieuwe producten.
- Website
Externe link voor Spotr
- Branche
- Softwareontwikkeling
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 11 - 50 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- The Hague, Zuid-Holland
- Type
- Naamloze vennootschap
- Opgericht
- 2021
- Specialismen
- Software-ontwikkeling, data analysis, Proptech, Image Recognition, Smart Building, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data en insurtech
Saturnusstraat 95
The Hague, Zuid-Holland 2516 AG, NL
Medewerkers van Spotr
🏢🔍 Innovatie voor woningcorporaties: data-analyse die werkt 🔍🏢 Spotr en Barbon bundelen hun expertise om woningcorporaties te helpen hun vastgoed veiliger te maken door risico’s nauwkeurig in kaart te brengen. Het enige dat hiervoor nodig is, is een Excel-bestand met adressen en complexnummers; de Spotr-Barbon applicatie doet de rest. Wat levert het op? 🎯Binnen één week een volledig risicorapport op basis van meer dan 100 datapunten 🎯Een verzekeringsoplossing die past bij het risicoprofiel van uw portefeuille 🚀Speciale actie voor woningcorporaties: een kosteloze risicoscan tot 1 november 2024 👉Benieuwd naar de Spotr-Barbon aanpak? Lees het hele artikel en vraag nog vóór 1 november 2024 kosteloos uw risicorapport aan! Vraag een demo aan via
If you're curious to know why EDF has invested in Spotr and want to learn more about our shared vision. Make sure to watch the interview Julien Villeret (Chief Innovation Officer at EDF) and Dirk Huibers (CEO at Spotr) gave yesterday at the #Vivatech conference in Paris.
🚀 Laatste nieuws van het NVGA Congres! Spotr wint de Prestigieuze NVGA AM Innovatieprijs 2024! 🌟 🎉 Het was een spannende avond die tot het laatste moment een nek-aan-nekrace bleek te zijn. Maar Spotr’s applicatie was niet alleen het meest innovatief; het draagt ook bij aan een overgang van een reactieve naar een proactieve houding binnen het volmachtenkanaal. Iets wat volgens de NVGA goed is voor het imago van de branche. 🏢 Als nieuwkomer in het volmachtenkanaal maakt Spotr gebruik van AI, gecombineerd met lucht- en gevelbeeldherkenning, om waardevolle datasets te creëren. Deze datasets maken niet alleen gebouwinspecties op afstand mogelijk, maar maken ook risico's zoals over- en onderverzekering in de verzekeringsportefeuille zichtbaar. Dit leidt tot een win-winsituatie waarbij de klant beter verzekerd is en de volmacht de juiste premie kan berekenen. ✅ Een mooi voordeel is dat je zonder reistijd toch de hele portefeuille kunt inspecteren, wat commercieel aantrekkelijk is en de branche helpt verduurzamen.🌍 💡 Wil je ontdekken hoe Spotr volmachten en verzekeraars helpt met het identificeren van risico's of het berekenen van nauwkeurige herbouwwaardes? Vraag een demo aan via de website ( 🔗 Of lees het artikel van de NVGA hier: #NVGA2024 #Innovatie #Volmachten #AI #Duurzaamheid #Technologie #Spotr
❓What causes underinsurance in commercial buildings?❓ Underinsurance in commercial buildings has several causes. 1️⃣ One of which is that they simply don’t get surveyed enough. Better yet; on average only 4% of buildings is yearly inspected. 2️⃣ Rising inflation also plays a significant role in causing underinsurance in commercial property insurance portfolios. 3️⃣ Last but not least there’s the problem of outdated reinstatement costs. Outdated reinstatement costs are a big problem in commercial property insurance because they don’t always reflect the real rebuilding expenses. Here’s why: 👉 If buildings get bigger because of additions or extensions, the cost to rebuild them goes up, but the estimate might not catch up. 👉 Changes in activity, like turning a warehouse into offices, can also affect the rebuilding cost. 👉 If buildings get upgraded with things like solar panels, it makes them more valuable, which means it costs more to rebuild. 👉 Sometimes, the initial estimate for reinstatement costs is just wrong, to begin with, which sets the stage for the whole insurance plan to be off. So, when these factors aren’t kept up to date, it’s like trying to budget for a project without knowing all the costs – meaning business owners might end up seriously underinsured when something goes wrong. #underinsurance #insuranceindustry #ai #commercialbuilding #propertyinsurance
Job alert!⏰ We're looking for a Full Funnel Account Executive to join our commercial team. Are you passionate about harnessing the power of AI to transform industries? Are you excited about joining a vibrant team on a mission to build the world’s most reliable and extensive real estate database? Great, then look no further. We are looking for a trailblazing and results-driven Full Funnel Account Executive with extensive experience in the SaaS sector, preferably specializing in solutions for the insurance industry. What's in it for you? ✅ Agile working environment with flexible working hours and location, career advancement, and competitive compensation package. ✅ The opportunity to be at the basis of a fast growing high-tech AI computer vision solution ✅ Have a real impact, on both our platform, the real-estate & insurance industries and the living conditions of thousands of people. And more... Interested? View the job below or DM our CCO Bart-Jan Hin directly. #jobalert #saassales #enterprisesales #ai #insurtech #job
"Using Spotr, we managed to gather the necessary building data to assess physical climate risks far more quickly and automatically." Over the next few years, every building in the Netherlands needs to meet "Paris-proof" guidelines. This means looking at how buildings can be affected by problems like heat stress, floods and drought. More property owners are starting to figure out what they need to do to handle these issues. We interviewed Jeroen van Eekelen and Jelmer van de Ridder from Sweco to understand more about how they used Spotr to map climate change risks in real estate portfolios. #throwback #casestudy #sustainability #ai #realestatedata
It might seem like an unsurmountable task, but brokers and insurers can take steps to tackle underinsurance effectively. Firstly, they need to inspect more of the buildings they cover to understand the risks better. A way to do this is using advanced technology, like AI, to gather up-to-date data on buildings instead of relying on rough estimates. Remote inspections powered by AI can be a big help here, allowing insurers and brokers to assess properties without needing to be physically present. Read more in this interview from Insurtech Insights with Spotr CEO Dirk Huibers👇 #underinsurance #insurtech #ai #insuranceinnovation #commercialinsurance #propertyinsurance
Are you visiting Insurtech Insights today? Make sure to pay us a visit! 📍 Find Our Stand: We're excited to welcome you at Stand K2, where Bart-Jan Hin and Dirk Huibers are ready to share the latest insights into the Spotr platform. Looking for more info on our data points or a quick demo? Our team has you covered. 🎤 Special Highlight: Don't miss out on the chance to hear from our very own CEO, Dirk Huibers, as he takes the Tech Stage at 11:00 AM. Dirk will be talking about how to inspect any property in the world to map risks and accelerate underwriting. Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
If you're an insurance broker, chances are that around 43% of the commercial properties in your portfolio are currently underinsured. This leads to: ❌ Exposed policy holders, risking having to pay a large sum out-of-pocket in case of a claim ❌ Missed revenue opportunities, since premiums should be higher than they are now Indexing alone on rebuild valuations from the past is not enough. This doesn't take into account: 👉 Building extensions 👉 Building renovations 👉 Changes in activity 👉 Changes in regulation On average only 4% of commercial properties is inspected every year, leading to huge blind spots in property insurance portfolios. This needs to change. How? Read more about it here👇 #insurancebrokers #commercialinsurance #propertyinsurance #ai #insurtech