Secure Your Product Scan! Is your innovation truly unique? Discover it with our product scan! Do you know for sure if your innovation product is truly distinctive in the market? Our product scan helps you determine the market value of your innovation and identify concrete improvement points. Take advantage of our summer special: heavily discounted product scan for the first 20 registrations! Call to Action: Grab your discounted product scan before spots run out! Sign up now via and unleash the true potential of your innovation.
Team Tastemakers
Voedsel en dranken
Rotterdam, South Holland 433 volgers
Uw partner in Food Development, Waste management en QA operation
Over ons
Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in Ontwikkeling en Technische Operaties bij nieuwe product ontwikkeling. Met onze bewezen methodologie en jarenlange ervaring zijn wij de goede keus bij NPD projecten voor productiebedrijven, start-ups en bedrijven die hun productie willen uitbesteden.
- Website
Externe link voor Team Tastemakers
- Branche
- Voedsel en dranken
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 2-10 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Rotterdam, South Holland
- Type
- Partnerschap
- Opgericht
- 2012
- Specialismen
- Innovation Strategy, Customer Insights, Creative Design, Product Development, Product Design, Formulation Science, Technical Design, Portfolio Management, Meat Replacement, Fermentation, Vegan/Vegetarian, Waste Management, Concept Development, Recipe Development, Production Setup, Shelf Life Design, Nutritional Calculations en Quality Assurance
Veldkersweg 27
Rotterdam, South Holland 3053JR, NL
Medewerkers van Team Tastemakers
Secure Your Product Scan! 5 Innovation Pitfalls to Avoid This Summer ❌ In this blog post, we discuss 5 common pitfalls that often derail innovation projects. Can you spot them coming? Read on and download our free checklist! Download the checklist now and make sure your innovation plan is a success! Plus, discover how our discounted product scan can further optimize your innovation strategy.
🚀Our Position Paper “Upcycled Food and Ingredients” is out now! This publication is a collaborative effort to strengthen the upcycling ecosystem further. The Position Paper, driven by Foodvalley and around 50 stakeholders, unites our collective visions and ambitions to create a significant impact on the upcycled food and ingredients market. This is a crucial step in raising awareness about the relevance of side streams as valuable ingredients rather than food losses. We have developed clear strategies on how cross-sector collaboration, building upon the existing collaboration within the Upcycling Community and other initiatives and programs, can be implemented to further unlock the full potential of upcycling in the agri-food sector. 🖥️ More than just a document, our Position Paper is an interactive web-based application on our website, designed to inspire you with the latest insights on current technological solutions, products, and the market for upcycled food. It also provides relevant reflections on economic growth and feasibility, consumer preferences, and laws related to this field. You can opt for a complete reading experience or choose a customized tour to guide you through topics of interest. Also, a smartly designed Executive Summary is available as a PDF document for a quick overview. Enjoy the reading! #upcycling #circularagrifood #halvingfoodwaste #inspiration #futurefood Caroline Duivenvoorden, Emmanuel Anom, Jolijn Zwart-van Kessel, Miriam Burnand, Pauline Biard, Vivian van Bruggen - Raeven
Is the summer slump hitting your innovations too? The summer months are often a quiet period for innovation. But now is the perfect time to reflect and check if you're on the right track. Is your innovation plan still rock solid? Find out with our heavily discounted product scan! Don't miss out on this limited-time offer! Secure your discounted product scan today and optimize your innovation for success in September. Sign up via #productdevelopment #TeamTastemakers #productinnovation
Why Upcycling Matters: Foodvalley NL position paper "Upcycled Food and Ingredients" sheds light on the opportunity to turn "side streams" – what was once considered waste – into valuable resources. This innovative approach has the potential to significantly reduce food waste while creating exciting new food products. Learn More, Be Inspired: While Team Tastemakers wasn't directly involved in the paper's creation, we strongly support its goals and believe it's a valuable resource for anyone interested in the future of food. Explore the Future of Food Today! Head over to the Foodvalley website ( to access the Upcycled Food and Ingredients Position Paper and dive into the world of upcycled food. Let's work together to create a more sustainable and innovative food system! #upcycling #circularagrifood #halvingfoodwaste #inspiration #futurefood #TeamTastemakers
🚀Our Position Paper “Upcycled Food and Ingredients” is out now! This publication is a collaborative effort to strengthen the upcycling ecosystem further. The Position Paper, driven by Foodvalley and around 50 stakeholders, unites our collective visions and ambitions to create a significant impact on the upcycled food and ingredients market. This is a crucial step in raising awareness about the relevance of side streams as valuable ingredients rather than food losses. We have developed clear strategies on how cross-sector collaboration, building upon the existing collaboration within the Upcycling Community and other initiatives and programs, can be implemented to further unlock the full potential of upcycling in the agri-food sector. 🖥️ More than just a document, our Position Paper is an interactive web-based application on our website, designed to inspire you with the latest insights on current technological solutions, products, and the market for upcycled food. It also provides relevant reflections on economic growth and feasibility, consumer preferences, and laws related to this field. You can opt for a complete reading experience or choose a customized tour to guide you through topics of interest. Also, a smartly designed Executive Summary is available as a PDF document for a quick overview. Enjoy the reading! #upcycling #circularagrifood #halvingfoodwaste #inspiration #futurefood Caroline Duivenvoorden, Emmanuel Anom, Jolijn Zwart-van Kessel, Miriam Burnand, Pauline Biard, Vivian van Bruggen - Raeven
R&D-traject, Team Tastemakers ontzorgt. Ervaar de kracht van Team Tastemakers en optimaliseer je R&D-projecten voor succes! Met onze bewezen aanpak en expertise helpen we je met: 1. Het bepalen van de succesfactoren: • We gebruiken een gestructureerde vragenlijst om de sterke en zwakke punten van je project te identificeren. • We analyseren je R&D-processen en bepalen de gebieden waar verbetering mogelijk is. • We berekenen de succeskans van je project op basis van onze data-gedreven inzichten. 2. Gepersonaliseerde adviezen en ondersteuning: • Je ontvangt een gedetailleerd rapport met concrete aanbevelingen voor jouw project. • Onze experts staan voor je klaar om je te begeleiden bij de implementatie van onze adviezen. • We bieden continue ondersteuning om je te helpen je doelen te bereiken. 3. Stroomlijnen van R&D-processen: • We helpen je met het optimaliseren van je workflow en het elimineren van inefficiënties. • We introduceren tools en methoden om je R&D-processen te stroomlijnen en te versnellen. • We zorgen voor een betere samenwerking en communicatie binnen je team. Neem contact met ons op voor een vrijblijvend kennismakingsgesprek en ervaar hoe TTM je kan ontzorgen! #TeamTastemakers #ontzorgen #R&D #innovatie #processen
Building an innovative culture: The breeding ground for success. A successful innovation culture is not just about having great ideas. It's about creating an environment where people feel empowered to take risks, experiment, and learn from their mistakes. Here are some key elements of an innovative culture: • Encourage continuous learning and development: Provide opportunities for employees to learn new skills and stay up-to-date on the latest trends. • Embrace a growth mindset: Foster a belief that people can learn and grow from challenges. • Create a safe space for failure: Mistakes are inevitable, but they should be seen as learning opportunities, not reasons for punishment. • Reward creativity and risk-taking: Recognize and appreciate employees who are willing to think outside the box and take calculated risks. • Encourage open communication and collaboration: Break down silos and encourage employees to share ideas and collaborate across teams. By cultivating an innovative culture, you can increase your chances of success and create a company that is constantly evolving and thriving. #innovation #culture #R&D #development #TeamTastemakers
**De Sleutel tot Succesvolle Innovatie: Focus, Voorbereiding, Samenwerking en Expertise** In de snel veranderende wereld van vandaag is innovatie cruciaal voor het voortbestaan en de groei van bedrijven. Maar wat maakt een innovatieproject echt succesvol? Het antwoord ligt in vier essentiële factoren: 1. **Focus:** - Stel duidelijke en meetbare doelen voor je innovatieproject. - Begrijp de behoeften van je klanten en de markt grondig. - Kies projecten die aansluiten bij je strategische doelen en blijf gefocust op de uitvoering. 2. **Voorbereiding:** - Zorg voor een heldere en beknopte briefing voor alle betrokkenen. - Definieer de doelstellingen, randvoorwaarden en succescriteria van het project in detail. - Communiceer effectief met alle stakeholders om misverstanden te voorkomen. 3. **Samenwerking:** - Benut de sterke punten van je team en de diversiteit aan kennis en ervaring. - Werk samen met externe partners om je expertise te verbreden en nieuwe inzichten te verkrijgen. - Stimuleer open communicatie en samenwerking om synergie te creëren. 4. **Expertise:** - Doe waar je goed in bent en bouw voort op de sterke punten van je organisatie. - Wees bereid om nieuwe technologieën en vaardigheden te leren. - Benader uitdagingen met een frisse blik en durf creatief te denken. Door je te richten op deze vier kernpunten, vergroot je de kans op succes van je innovatieprojecten aanzienlijk. Laten we samen de toekomst vormgeven! #Innovatie #R&D #Ontwikkeling #Succes #TeamTastemakers --- Voeg je gedachten toe in de reacties! Wat zijn jouw ervaringen met succesvolle innovatieprojecten?
The pitfalls of failed innovation projects: Learn from others' mistakes! Do you know the most common reasons why innovation projects fail? Here are some of the most frequent pitfalls: • Lack of focus and clear objectives: Projects without a clear direction wander off course and never reach the finish line. • Poor preparation and communication: Misunderstandings and a lack of alignment lead to delays, frustration, and failure. • Not enough attention to collaboration: Innovation requires teamwork and diversity of expertise. Silo thinking and a lack of collaboration are deadly. • Insufficient expertise and innovation capabilities: Don't get stuck in old routines. Invest in knowledge development and dare to embrace new technologies. Team Tastemakers helps you avoid these pitfalls and guide your projects on the path to success. Read more about our approach on our website! #innovation #R&D #failure #pitfalls #teamtastemakers
What a great opportunity, thanks for the energy and invite. Let's bring it to life!
☀ Exciting Times at Wurzener! ☀ Last week, Team Tastemakers had the incredible opportunity to lead a Product Innovation Workshop at Wurzener. The energy in the room was electric as we brainstormed, collaborated, and explored new ideas together. Key highlights included: 🔹 Interactive brainstorming sessions. 🔹 Hands-on exercises that demonstrated innovative thinking. 🔹 Engaging discussions on the latest trends in product development. A huge thank you to everyone at Wurzener for the warm welcome and enthusiastic participation. It was inspiring to see such creative solutions emerge! If you or your organization are looking to ignite innovation and drive forward-thinking solutions, let’s connect. We’d love to help your team push the boundaries of what’s possible. #Innovation #ProductDevelopment #Teamwork #Creativity #Workshop #TeamTastemakers #Wurzener