Today, Nele Albers defends her doctoral dissertation on using AI coaches to help smokers quit smoking and vaping. She developed an AI coach that uses psychologically informed Reinforcement Learning (RL), a form of machine learning in which a model learns through rewards, similar to how humans learn behaviors. Albers based her research on insights from behavior change theories and data from three large-scale studies with more than 500 participants each. A key finding from her research is that support is more effective when it is adapted to an individual's situation, such as when suggesting different activities. For example, the AI coach can encourage someone to think about stimuli that trigger the desire to smoke or the person they want to be in the future. Consider a motivation such as, “I want to be a better parent to my child by setting a good example.” In addition, context plays a role in the effectiveness of messages. Depending on the situation, wording such as “Other smokers find...” works better than “Doctors recommend.” Based on her analysis and findings, she developed models that increase smoker engagement and provide better support in building skills to quit. 🔗 Read more here: Willem-Paul Brinkman TU Delft | Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science #university #research #science #innovation #technology #engineering #AI #smoking #health #humanbehavior
TU Delft Health
Delft, South Holland 1.339 volgers
TU Delft and healthcare: your well-being, our innovation
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In the dynamic world of healthcare, one truth is crystal clear: technology is indispensable for the necessary healthcare transition. TU Delft offers a unique and broad spectrum of expertise, ranging from fundamental to design and applied research. At all levels, together with our partners, we consider innovations throughout the healthcare system, resulting in improved well-being for all.
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Van der Burghweg 1
Delft, South Holland 2628 CS, NL
Medewerkers van TU Delft Health
Scientists Angelo Accardo George Flamourakis TU Delft have developed a 3D-printed ‘brain-like environment’ where neurons grow similarly to a real brain. 🧠 🔍Using tiny nanopillars, they mimic the soft neural tissue and the brain extracellular matrix fibers. 🔍 This model provides new insights into how neurons form networks, as well as a novel tool to understand in future how this process may change in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and autism spectrum disorders. Read more 👉 The cover of Advanced Functional Materials (see below) shows a neurosphere (made of several neural cells) from which dendritic/axonal processes develop following the mechanical and topographic cues provided by nanostructured arrays. The far ends of these cell protrusions feature neuronal growth cones scouting the surrounding environment. Roderick Tas Carlas Smith Daan Brinks Dimitri Kromm Selina Teurlings Erasmus MC Jeffrey Van Haren Tim Allertz Hilde Smeenk Femke de Vrij #mechanicalengineering #technology #health #nano #technology #healthcare
Hand and wrist complaints, often caused by conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or RSI, affect 1 in 3 people in the Netherlands. To address these challenges, TU Delft, Reinier de Graaf ziekenhuis, and Reinier Haga Orthopedisch Centrum have established a new chair titled: “From Helping Hand to Working Hand – Patient-Specific, Patient-Centered Transition in Orthopedics.” Led by orthopedic surgeon and professor Gerald Kraan TU Delft | Industrial Design Engineering the chair aims to improve the care pathway and develop innovations to enhance hand and wrist care. "I am grateful to Reinier de Graaf, RHOC, and TU Delft for giving me the opportunity to connect healthcare and innovation, inspired by the challenges patients face daily. My focus is on bridging the gap between medical care and the problems patients encounter in their working lives. I always say, ‘Listen to the patient – they not only provide the diagnosis but are often also the key to the solution." 🔗 Read more here: #university #campus #innovation #technology #engineering #science #research #health #healthcare #zorg
TU Delft Health heeft dit gerepost
🫀 Heart disease affects approximately 1.7 million people in the Netherlands. Despite tremendous therapy improvements made over the past decades, finding the most optimal patient specific treatment plan remains challenging. A digital twin for the heart, a computer model that analyses the heart’s structure and responses to various conditions like medication, surgery and activities, could virtually test new treatments for thousands of patients in a single day. 🎙 Join us for an in-depth online #TechTalk on Thursday August 29th, 16:00-17:00, with Dr. Mathias Peirlinck as he explores the topic of personalised heart treatment and the role of digital twin technology in predicting patient responses. Register here: #TechforImpact #TUDelft #TUDelftforLife #TUDelftAlumni #DelftEngineering #DelftUniversityFund #ImpactforSociety #HeartDisease Delft University of Technology | TU Delft Campus
Revealing DNA behaviour in record time. It is now possible to measure millions of DNA molecules within a week instead of years to decades, thanks to a new technique from TU Delft and Universiteit Leiden 👉 Until now, examining DNA molecules one-by-one was a slow process. Biophysicists Ivo Severins, @Carolien Bastiaanssen, Sung Hyun Kim, Chirlmin Joo and John van Noort developed a technique that speeds up screening of individual DNA molecules at least a thousand times. Studying how single DNA molecules behave helps us to better understand genetic disorders and design better drugs. TU Delft | Applied Sciences #DNA #singlemolecule #sequencing #genetherapy #medicine #innovation #science #technology
“What is life? How does a living cell emerge from lifeless molecules?” These profound questions drive a multidisciplinary team of Dutch scientists, led by TU Delft. Their ambitious goal? To construct a synthetic living cell from lifeless biomolecules, leveraging the power of laboratory evolution and artificial intelligence for the first time. This research program, named “Evolving life from non-life” or “EVOLF”, has been awarded €40 million by the Dutch Research Council (NWO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek)) under the prestigious Summit grants scheme. Read more: Main applicant Cees Dekker: “Our dream is to create a living cell from lifeless molecules. Using artificial intelligence, we can scan parameters much more effectively to optimise complex networks of biochemical reactions. Our goal is to integrate cellular functions into one unified synthetic cell that can autonomously replicate, communicate and evolve. In addition, we will intimately connect the scientific work with philosophical and ethical research.” The EVOLF-consortium consists of scientists of TU Delft, AMOLF, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Radboud University, Wageningen University & Research, Hubrecht Institute, Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research, and VU Amsterdam. Kristina Ganzinger Gijsje Koenderink Siewert-Jan Marrink, Marileen Dogterom Wilhelm Huck jeroen van den hoven TU Delft | Applied Sciences #biochemistry #biophysics #cell #nano #science #engineering #ai #biomaterials #health #healthcare
Leer meer over de kansen en uitdagingen van AI in de zorg Kom naar het TU Delft Health College: 'AI in de zorg: tussen Hype en Hoop'. Dit college is gratis en voor iedereen toegankelijk. Of je nu een zorgprofessional, ingenieur, geïnteresseerde of AI-liefhebber bent, dit college biedt essentiële kennis voor jong en oud! 📅 Datum: 3 juni, 19.00 uur 📍 Locatie: TU Delft, aula Meld je aan via: De gezondheidszorg staat voor immense uitdagingen: een toenemende zorgvraag, personeelstekorten, en een stijgende administratieve druk die de aandacht van zorgprofessionals van hun patiënten weghaalt. Kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) wordt gezien als dé oplossing, maar slechts 2% van de innovaties bereikt de kliniek. Hoe kunnen we dit verbeteren? Luister naar de experts Jacobien Oosterhoff (arts-onderzoeker TU Delft), Michel van Genderen (internist-intensivist Erasmus MC) en Ben Van der Burg (AI expert, IT-ondernemer en oud-schaatser) over allerlei aspecten rondom AI in de zorg. Oosterhoff ontwikkelde samen met haar onderzoeksteam een AI data-gedreven voorspellingsmodel specifiek voor de oudere patiënt met een gebroken heup. Dit model is veelbelovend en accuraat in het preoperatief inschatten van de overlevingskansen voor ouderen na een heupoperatie en het geven van een effectief persoonsgericht behandeladvies. Oosterhoff: “De vertaalslag van model naar kliniek heeft mijn focus. ” Daarvoor moeten alle belanghebbenden goed samenwerken: de zorgprofessional als gebruiker, de ingenieur en datawetenschapper als modelontwikkelaars, maar ook de jurist en de specialist in bestuur en beheer. Daarbij is natuurlijk ook heel belangrijk wat de patiënt ervan vindt dat een medische beslissing met ondersteuning van AI gemaakt wordt. De AI-techniek is ver gekomen. Nu is het aan de mens om dit tot een succes te maken - juist met de mens centraal.” Michel van Genderen richt zich op de ethische kwesties rondom AI: “Het laatste wat we willen is dat een AI model schade toebrengt aan een patiënt of bepaalde groepen benadeeld,” zegt hij. “Wat mij betreft moeten we de validatie van AI net zo inrichten als bij medicijnen. Vaste principes en vaste stappen, zodat we het allemaal op dezelfde uitlegbare manier ontwikkelen. En waarmee het schaalbaar en verantwoord in de kliniek kan worden geïmplementeerd.” Jochem van Laar Maud Kok Richard Goossens Martine van Diepenbrugge Emelie van Bentum TU Delft | AI Marc de Kool TU Delft | Technology, Policy and Management jeroen van den hoven #AI #kunstmatigeintelligentie #zorg #health #healthcare
Exciting Opportunity for Health Researchers! Join us for an engaging session during EIT Health Summit led by the Institute for Health Systems Science (IHSS) at TU Delft TU Delft | Technology, Policy and Management, focusing on taking action with a systems perspective on health and care. 📅 Date: 18 April 🕒 Time: 11:05 - 11:55 📍 Location: Postilion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC, Rotterdam During this session, we'll delve into the crucial balance between personalized care and sustainability within health systems, featuring insights from three remarkable showcase projects. Our speakers include: Saba Hinrichs-Krapels, Associate Professor, Policy Analysis, IHSS - TU Delft Kateřina Staňková, Associate Professor, Mathematical Oncology, IHSS - TU Delft Irene Grossmann, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Safety in Healthcare, IHSS - TU Delft Sam C., Assistant Professor, Ethics and Philosophy of Technology, IHSS - TU Delft IHSS is dedicated to applying systems science—an often-overlooked approach in the medical field—with untapped potential for research, education, and innovation in health and care. In this breakoutsession, participants will have the opportunity to explore actionable pathways for sustainable healthcare practices, guided by the expertise of active researchers. You can register just yet!