As an official market maker in several exchanges around the world, Barak strives to be the best liquidity provider and to improve the efficiency of the financial markets by providing continuous two-sided market quotes of the tightest spread possible, using low latency technologies and co-located servers in key data centers.
Barak’s teams all collaborate to achieve these goals: the SW team develops the trading applications and algorithms; the research team invents the complex mathematic and ML algorithms; the trading desks look for market opportunities; the IT team sets-up and maintains the required network infrastructure; and the compliance team monitors and guides, according to the regulatory requirements.
We believe that algorithmic trading merged with advanced technology tools and infrastructure, together with Barak’s greatest assets, our human resources, is the way to make markets more productive and transparent.
Our market making activities emerged from the group’s ability to bring together automated trading and cutting-edge technology. Barak designed and developed an in-house latency sensitive proprietary trading system. This system was used initially in 2010 when Barak first became an official Market Maker of options on TASE. Thereafter, followed market making of hundreds of financial instruments in dozens of exchanges worldwide. Our complex strategies, which are very low risk driven and designed to be free of directional opinion, were quickly deployed into major exchanges in Europe, APAC and the Americas, providing liquidity in various instruments.
As market makers, we rely on technology and infrastructure to transfer information while trading various financial instruments. We use different approaches in developing algorithmic strategies, from statistical trading via artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques.
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trading, quant research, compliance, market maker en liquidity